Subido por Laura Bonete del Castillo

02AdvancedThinkAhead3 Mod6 SecB

MODULE 6 Section B Test
Mark: .
Choose the correct answer.
1. She asked who usually … hoverboards.
a. sells
b. had sold
c. sold
2. Tony asked … help him that evening.
a. whether I would
b. if I will
c. whether I will
3. I … those blue shoes. They’ll match my outfit.
a. get ahead
b. attract
c. fancy
4. My aunt asked … my dress the week before the party.
a. if I made
b. if I had made
c. if I have made
5. We didn’t … that the shop closed early.
a. realise
b. respect
c. regret
6. He asked if they … the food yet.
a. have ordered
b. ordered
c. had ordered
7. Kate wanted to know … your birthday early.
a. why you are celebrating
b. why you were celebrating
c. why are you celebrating
8. I’m going to … my guitar. I don’t use it any more.
a. hang out
b. give away
c. give in
9. In the summer, my friends and I … at the beach.
a. hang out
b. decorate
c. fancy
10. Steve wanted to know … the TV.
a. where we had bought
b. where had we bought
c. where we bought
Advanced Think Ahead 3 Photocopiable ©
Burlington Books
MODULE 6: Section B Test
11. Ron is studying hard to … at school.
a. regret
b. get ahead
c. realise
12. I really … George. He’s very brave!
a. achieve
b. attract
c. admire
13. He asked if the boys … stay behind.
a. could
b. can
c. have to
14. Kim asked … to hang out.
a. where I preferred
b. where do I prefer
c. where did I prefer
15. I want some new pictures to … my room.
a. admire
b. control
c. decorate
16. The children really … badly at the park.
a. controlled
b. behaved
c. achieved
17. I asked if she … that day.
a. has worn the black outfit
b. is wearing the black outfit
c. was wearing the black outfit
18. Talk nicely to your grandparents. You should … them!
a. develop
b. respect
c. create
19. Joe kept asking for a new bike and finally, I … .
a. gave in
b. gave away
c. behaved
20. The shopper asked when … close the shop.
a. I must
b. I had to
c. must I
Advanced Think Ahead 3 Photocopiable ©
Burlington Books