Subido por Laura Bonete del Castillo

03AdvancedThinkAhead3 Mod6 SecC

MODULE 6 Section C Test
Mark: .
Choose the correct answer.
1. I can’t … those shoes. They’re too expensive.
a. afford
b. add up
c. off
2. Kim’s mother … her to wear a smart skirt.
a. suggested
b. told
c. offered
3. Rita suggested … a taxi.
a. taking
b. to take
c. take
4. I saw … for this necklace in a magazine.
a. a fee
b. change
c. an advertisement
5. I really recommend this amazing … .
a. receipt
b. product
c. refund
6. My friend offered … for the meal.
a. pay
b. paying
c. to pay
7. You can pay with a … .
a. credit card
b. fee
c. refund
8. The cashier … to refund my money.
a. offered
b. told
c. suggested
9. He told us … the shop window.
a. decorate
b. decorating
c. to decorate
10. Please, pay for your items at the … .
a. change
b. checkout counter
c. special offer
Advanced Think Ahead 3 Photocopiable ©
Burlington Books
MODULE 6: Section C Test
11. The salesperson … to work extra hours.
a. told
b. offered
c. suggested
12. You can … your shirt for a larger size.
a. take back
b. afford
c. exchange
13. I don’t carry much … in my purse.
a. checkout counter
b. advertisement
c. cash
14. I asked the salesperson … my money.
a. refunding
b. to refund
c. that she refund
15. The manager told him … the shop.
a. not to enter
b. don’t enter
c. don’t to enter
16. Pam is going on a … with her mum tomorrow.
a. shopping list
b. shopping trip
c. shopping trolley
17. I suggested … tight jeans.
a. that she trying on
b. that she try on
c. to try on
18. I really don’t think this dress is … £500!
a. good value
b. on sale
c. worth
19. She asked us … the following day.
a. to come back
b. coming back
c. that we come back
20. You can’t get your money back. They don’t give … .
a. refunds
b. credit cards
c. receipts
Advanced Think Ahead 3 Photocopiable ©
Burlington Books