Subido por Laura Bonete del Castillo

04AdvancedThinkAhead3 Mod6 TL1

Test Level 1
Vocabulary and Grammar
Mark: .
(50 points)
Circle the word that doesn’t belong. Then match the categories to the groups of words. (4 points)
1. button • wool • rubber • cotton
2. flip flops • outfit • size • top
3. casual • smart • comfortable • size
4. change • wood • cash • credit card
a. words related to types of clothes
b. items used for paying
c. clothes
d. materials
Match A to B to make phrases. (4 points)
1. hang out
a. your parents
2. realise
b. a goal
3. achieve
c. a product
4. get ahead
d. a T-shirt
5. behave
e. your mistake
6. respect
f. with your friends
7. develop
g. badly
8. decorate
h. in life
The words in bold are in the wrong sentences. Write them next to the correct sentences. (4 points)
1. Don’t buy those shoes now. Next week they’ll be a designer label.
2. A fee shows how much you paid for an item.
3. The girls exchange buying that jewellery. It was a mistake.
4. That top is only expensive because it’s on sale.
5. I’d like to afford this top for a smaller size, please.
6. That bag is the wrong colour. It doesn’t regret your outfit.
7. You have to pay a receipt to use this website.
8. I haven’t got enough money for that dress. I can’t match it.
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Burlington Books
MODULE 6: Test Level 1
Complete the sentences with the words below. There are more words than you need. (4 points)
high heels • good value • large • worth • tight • fit • add up
refund • give away • special offer • give in
1. I’m going to
my old bike. Do you want it?
2. One of these tops isn’t expensive, but two or three can really
clothes aren’t comfortable. I prefer loose clothes.
4. If you return that top, you’ll get a
5. How much is that ring
? It looks expensive.
6. Cathy doesn’t wear a
size. She’s quite small.
7. These socks don’t
me. They’re too big.
8. It’s difficult to walk in
Complete the text with the correct form of the words below. There are more words than you need. (4 points)
attract • try on • leather • top • charge • checkout counter
admire • inexpensive • advertisement • fancy • control
Do you 1.
an outfit from the 1900s? You can 2.
thousands of
old-fashioned clothes at Picknweight, a chain of second-hand clothes shops in Germany. The shop
people from all over the country who like vintage clothes. Like items at other
second-hand shops, the clothes at Picknweight are 4.
. But this shop is very different
from other second-hand shops. Picknweight doesn’t
people for each item that they
buy. Instead, people pay for the items by weight. The cashier weighs the clothes at the
and people pay per kilo. However, different materials aren’t sold at the same price. For example, cotton
weigh less than wool ones, and plastic bags weigh less than
Rita did a survey about teen shopping habits. Look at the results and complete the sentences in reported speech. (3 points)
I never make a shopping list.
I haven’t bought any clothes this week.
I can use my parents’ credit card.
I spent more than £30 last month.
I will replace my phone next year.
I’m planning to go shopping today.
Number of
1. More than 80 teens said that
2. Seven teens told Rita that
3. Only five teens said that
4. Nine teens said that
5. Only 12 teens told Rita that
6. Nearly 70 teens said that
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Burlington Books
MODULE 6: Test Level 1
Rewrite the questions in reported speech. (4 points)
1. “Can you pay in cash, Mrs Clark?” the hairdresser asked.
2. “When will the photographer arrive?” Mandy wanted to know.
3. “Why are the customers leaving?” the waiter wondered.
4. “Do the shops open on Sundays?” Mark asked.
Complete the sentences in reported speech with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (4 points)
1. I offered
(pay) for the trip.
2. Sue suggested that I
3. Zoe asked me
4. He told me
(make) dessert.
(lend) her my jacket.
(wash) it in cold water.
5. She suggested
6. She told Ben
(not take) her plate.
7. We asked her
(give) us a refund.
8. She offered
(meet) at the park.
(exchange) the top.
Write the sentences in reported speech. Use the words in brackets. (5 points)
1. “I must ask my parents,” said Tim. (that)
2. “Do you want to exchange this?” she asked me. (whether)
3. “I think we should wait here,” Bill said. (suggested)
4. “Don’t touch these drums!” Dan said to us. (told)
5. “Why are you looking at me?” Lynn asked her mum. (she)
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Burlington Books
MODULE 6: Test Level 1
Choose the correct answers in bold and write the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (14 points)
In the 1970s, experts 1. told / offered / said people 2.
(have) more wholemeal
foods to improve their health. They also said that people who reduced the amount of fat in their diet
(will be) healthier. They 4. offered / told / suggested 5.
(eat) less fried food. Now, researchers have reached a different conclusion: Low fat diets aren’t good for us.
Based on recent studies, the researchers explained that fats such as fish oil and olive oil were an important
part of our diet and 6.
(can help) people live longer. Today high fat, low
carbohydrate diets are becoming a trend. Also, people are eating healthier, more natural foods.
In 2015, researchers asked people 7. whether / what / which they 8.
(want) to
take part in an online health survey. About 30,000 people agreed to take part. The researchers asked them
what / if / whether they 10.
(do) at that time to improve their health. They also
if / which / whether food items people
people said that they
(prefer) to buy. Many
(start) eating
a low carbohydrate diet in order to lose weight. They also told the researchers that in future, they
(pay) more money for food with only natural ingredients. Now people are
wondering what the next food trend will be.
Advanced Think Ahead 3 Photocopiable ©
Burlington Books