Valentine´s Day Lesson Level: 3rd Grade* Objectives: ● Strengthen vocabulary and listening skills. ● Promote cultural awareness. ● Work collaboratively and communicate as a team in English** Materials: ● ● ● ● Valentine´s Video (show twice) Valentine´s Kahoot! Projector Scratch Paper / Post it Notes or English Notebook ● Tablets or Colored Items (red, blue, yellow, green)** Duration: 45 minutes Grouping: Individual, or teams of 4** Lesson: ● Intro: Ask students why the day is special and how they celebrate. Check what they already know and let them know they will be learning more about Valentine's Day and its history. ● Explain: Explain that the video will be shown twice, without subtitles, and give each student a sticky note. Instruct students to write down at least 1 word they don´t know on the sticky note. Create a brainstorm of words after watching once, making sure students understand the words. Watch the video a second time and have students write down at least 1 new word they learned. ● Kahoot!: Do a Kahoot! To check understanding, this can be done individually with tablets, or teams of 4**. If doing in teams, assign each group member a color and ask that they get out an item of that color such as a pen (red, blue, yellow, or green). As a team they will have to decide the correct answer and when the teacher says ¨show me”, one student from each group raises their item in the air. ● Wrap-Up: Ask what they learned and/or enjoyed about the activity.