洪都拉斯项目 CSG-100/5.29-T 型生物质循环流化床锅炉 安装 JSM 型脉冲吹灰系统 施 工 方 案 批准: 审核: 编制: 河北国网江山电力设备有限公司 Hebei GWJS Power Equipment Co.,Ltd 安装 JSM 型脉冲吹灰系统项目施工方案 Install JSM Pulse soot blower project construction programs 1、 编制说明 运行,锅炉点火后进行炉外工作,主要施工 为确保洪都拉斯项目 CSG-100/5.29-T 内容及工期安排如下: 型生物质循环流化床锅炉安装 JSM 型脉冲吹 3.1 炉内工作脉冲吹灰管的安装固定,计划 灰系统项目中余热锅炉所需脉冲吹灰器的安 3 天完成。 装工作,在既定的工期内保质保量的完成, 1、Preparation of the Notes To ensure that Honduras projects CSG - 100/5.29 - T-biomass fluidized bed boiler installation JSM pulse-blowing system the desired pulse blowing, the installation work, within the established deadlines, quality and quantity of the complete, this construction programs. 2、 Prepared on the basis 2.1 design programs and the associated drawing 2.2 DL5031 - 94 the Electricity construction and acceptance of the Technical Standards (pipe); 2.3 DL5007 - 92 the Electricity construction and acceptance of the Technical Standards (power plants welding); 2.4 SDJ279-90 the Electricity construction and acceptance of the Technical Standards (thermal instrumentation and control); 2.5 GBJ232 - 82 the electrical installation and acceptance of the technical standards. 2.6 TJ231 the mechanical equipment installation and acceptance of the technical standards. 3, scheduling and major construction 特制定本施工方案。 2、编制依据 2.1 设计方案及相关图纸部分 2.2 DL5031-94《电力建设施工及验收技术 规范》(管道篇); 2.3 DL5007-92《电力建设施工及验收技术 规范》(火力发电厂焊接篇); 2.4 SDJ279-90《电力建设施工及验收技术 规范》(热工仪表及控制装置篇); 2.5 GBJ232-82《电气装置安装工程施工及 验收技术规范》; 2.6 TJ231《机械设备安装工程施工及验收 技术规范》; 3、 工期及主要的施工内容 脉冲吹灰系统的安装总工期为 16 天,施 工内容主要有炉内和炉外两部分,进点施工 先进行炉内工作,保证不影响锅炉如期点火 1 河北国网江山电力设备有限公司 content Pulsed Blowing System for the total duration of 16 days, of the works mainly with oven and stove outside of the section, and the construction work is carried out before the heaters work to ensure that no impact on Boiler Ignition Run, as the Boiler Ignition for stoves, major construction and construction schedule is as follows: 3.1 Ovens work in pulsed blowing tube mounting, 3 days to complete. 4.5 施工人员用电用火、电气焊、无齿锯切 割、磨光机操作,避免触电、火灾或烧伤、 烫伤和机械伤。 4.6 氧气、可燃气瓶安全距离大于 8m,并且 远离工作面,不能放在作业面的下方,以防焊 渣落到氧气瓶、可燃气气带、可燃气瓶上引 起火灾。 3.2 On the pulse generator installation, plan 4 days to complete. 3.3 Boiler outside the flame tube and the public part of the air lines, gas lines, mixed air line installation, 6 days. 3.4 Cabling and wiring, 1 day. 3.5 pulse blowing system for cold and hot commissioning, the plan 2 days. 4、 Security considerations 4.1 Industrial production, safety first, the on-site construction must comply with the corporate security work procedures of the medium. 4.2 Blowing System construction electricity is involved in the fire, work-at-height flammable and explosive gas, risk factors, and on-site construction personnel must be vigilant in protecting their own and important device security. On-site construction personnel must wear a helmet, wear good clothing, work-at-height to wear the seat belt, and climb higher and live job to wear good non-slip insulating shoes, to prevent accidents. work-site smoking will be strictly prohibited. 4.3 On-site construction personnel must be familiar with the environment and learn about Power total gate, fire extinguishers, and platform ladder position. 4.4 Not allowed, not allowed to alter a device, such as electrical lines, pipelines, working platforms, ladders 3.2 脉冲发生器的安装,计划 4 天完成。 3.3 锅炉外围的火焰导管和公用部分的空气 管路、可燃气管路、混合气管路的安装,计 划 6 天时间。 3.4 电缆敷设及接线,计划 1 天。 3.5 脉冲吹灰系统的冷态和热态调试,计划 2 天。 4、安全注意事项 4.1 工业生产,安全第一,现场施工必须遵 守《企业安全工作规程》中等有关规定。 4.2 吹灰系统施工涉及用电用火、高空作业、 易燃易爆气体等危险因素,现场施工人员必 须注意保护自身及重要设备的安全。现场施 工人员必须戴安全帽、穿好工作服,高空作 业要系好安全带,爬高与带电作业要穿好防 滑绝缘鞋,以防意外发生。工作现场严禁吸 烟。 4.3 现场施工人员必须熟悉环境,了解电源 总闸、灭火器和平台爬梯位置。 4.4 未经允许,不得改动已有设备,如电气 线路、管线、工作平台、爬梯和钢梁等。 1 河北国网江山电力设备有限公司 and constructions, and so on. 4.5 Construction personnel with electric fire, electric welding, No tooth saw cut, polished, and avoid the possibility of electric shock, fire, or burns, burns and mechanical injuries. 4.6 oxygen, flammable gas cylinder safety distance is greater than 8 M, and away from work, should not be placed in the job the underside to prevent slag off the oxygen, fuel gas, the gas bottles on fire. 4.7 在整个工作过程当中,必要时按动火工 控装置顺序进行。 作管理制度办理动火工作票手续。在工作当 电气控部分主要包含:程控装置、点火 中使用电弧焊时,要求电焊线绝缘包裹良好, 器、电磁阀、电缆等。 不破损,并严禁在燃油管道上引弧打火。 4.7 In the course of its work, and if necessary, press the fire Work Management System for manual fire tickets. The work of the arc welding, welding wire insulation package good, not broken, and do not in the fuel pipe on an arc in a fire. 4.8 Work site, it is necessary to have the necessary fire fighting equipment. 4.9 In this work the use of the lifting tools, such as hand-hoist, the ring must be such as to load experiments, qualified label. 4.10 Prior to the commencement of the work the use of the apparatus for inspection, qualified before use. 4.11 Construction work at high altitudes properly places the work piece and tools to prevent falls, the site should be careful to observe, to prevent passive injury. 4.12 In an oven, there must be two or more persons, the outside must be monitored, and lighting and ventilation in good condition. 4.13 Construction site to be marked clearly, posting the construction site pilferage from the slogans such as. 4.14 Unresolved matters in accordance with the relevant national security laws and regulations. 5、 Installation procedures Pulsed Blowing System of the composition can be divided into pulsed 4.8 工作现场,要配备必要的消防器材。 4.9 进行此项工作所使用的起吊工具,如手 拉葫芦、卡环等必须做载荷实验,合格后贴 上标签,方可使用。 4.10 开工前,必须对该项工作所使用的工器 具进行检查,合格后方可使用。 4.11 高空施工妥善放置工件和工具,防止坠 落,进入现场应注意观察,防止被动伤害。 4.12 在炉内工作,必须有两人以上,外面必 须有人监护,而且照明、通风条件良好。 4.13 施工现场要有明显标记,张贴“施工现 场闲人免进”等标语。 4.14 未尽事宜按照国家有关安全法律法规执 行。 5、安装工作流程 脉冲吹灰系统的组成可分为脉冲吹灰器 本体、管道部分、公用部分、程控装置、乙 炔汇流排等部分组成。相应的安装工作流程 按以下的介绍顺序进行。 锅炉开孔、脉冲吹灰管、脉冲发生器、 火焰导管、配气测控装置、乙炔汇流排和程 2 河北国网江山电力设备有限公司 blowing, body, pipe sections, common parts, program, acetylene pol. The installation process is carried out according to the following presentation order. 可以在护板上做支撑,但必须在护板上焊接 用 8mm 厚的钢板制作的加强板,然后在加强 板上面焊接用#8 槽钢制作的支架,支架再和 Boiler hole, pulse blowing tubes, pulse generator, flame tube, air monitoring and control unit, acetylene bus bars and controlled devices. 发生器焊接。 支撑架可根据现场实际情况灵活增加拉 撑。 Electrical control part mainly includes: controlled devices, ignition, solenoid valve, cable, and so on. 热工仪表部分主要包含:热电偶、变送 Thermal contains transmitter 器。 6、脉冲吹灰器本体的安装 instrumentation section mainly: thermocouple, 6、Pulsed blowing, body of installation 6. 1blowing Tube Installation The pre-drilled holes of the wall outside in the same quality of the wall panel full welding and boiler seal. Through the pre-drilled holes of the end-of-pipe ends should be plug and allow a safe distance away, and does not affect the gray tube of thermal expansion. Because the tube is long, the blowing tube intermediate appropriate sites with support. The tube of the Intake Port in wall, with enhanced with pre-drilled holes filled with solder to ensure that boiler seal. 6.2 On the pulse generator installation On the pulse generator installation principles as far as possible are mounted in a vertical position. The space limit allows tilt mount, but the level of the generator installation, should, to the extent possible a consistent aesthetic. Generator at the time of install should take into account the area wall hot, expanding direction, generator support made as follows: The #8 slot steel production in the bracket welded to the boiler body constructions, the stand and welding generator. A cover of the constructions 6.1 吹灰管的安装 吹灰预留孔的炉墙外面用相同材质的堵板满 焊,保证锅炉的密封。穿入吹灰预留孔内的 吹灰管末端应与堵板之间留有安全距离,不 影响吹灰管的热膨胀。因为吹灰管较长,需 要在吹灰管中间适当部位加装支撑。吹灰管 的进气端在炉墙外采用加强版与预留孔满 焊,保证锅炉的密封。 6.2 脉冲发生器的安装 脉冲发生器的安装原则是尽量垂直安 装。在受到空间限制时允许倾斜安装,但同 一水平面的发生器安装时应尽可能方向一 致,保持美观。发生器在安装时考虑到该部 位炉墙热态时膨胀方向,发生器支撑做成如 下形式: 将#8 槽钢制作的支架焊接在锅炉的本体 钢梁上,支架再和发生器焊接。有护板钢梁 的地方在护板钢梁上直接焊接槽钢支架,也 1 河北国网江山电力设备有限公司 in the cover sheet on constructions directly solder bucket steel bracket, can also be the cover to the support, but it must be the cover welding on the 8mm thick steel sheet production of reinforcing plate, and then to strengthen board soldering with a #8 slot steel production in the bracket, Bracket and welding generator. The bracket can be based on actual field flexible increase support. 2 河北国网江山电力设备有限公司 脉冲发生器编号 Pulse Generator No. 安装部位 Install Site 安装位置 Installation location 吹灰器布置于该部位换热器上方,左右侧墙在同一标高各布置 2 台(套) ,吹灰孔中心(吹灰 #1、#2 (运行第一组) 管中心线)距离受热面最上层管束 250-400mm,在水平方向平均布置。 (一台 325 发生器配 中温过热器部位入口 (Run the 2 groups) 一根 310s 材质 1000mm 长度吹灰管,吹灰孔冲下,一个填料函)。 The route to the site heat exchanger at the top, left-hand and right-hand side wall at the same height with the 2 (a), the center of the hole (the center line) away from the heat the upper tube 250-400 mm, in the horizontal direction and average. (A 325 generator with a 310s material 1000mm length blowing, blowing hole punch, a stuffing box). #5、#6 吹灰器布置于该部位换热器上方,左右侧墙在同一标高各布置 2 台(套) ,吹灰孔中心(吹灰 (Run the first group) #3、#4 (运行第二组) The temperature superheated site entrance (运行第三组) 管中心线)距离受热面最上层管束 250-400mm,在水平方向平均布置。 (一台 325 发生器配 低温过热器部位高温段入口 (Run the 4 groups) 一根 310s 材质 1000mm 长度吹灰管,吹灰孔冲下,一个填料函)。 The route to the site heat exchanger at the top, left-hand and right-hand side wall at the same height with the 2 (a), the center of the hole (the center line) away from the heat the upper tube 250 - 400 mm, in the horizontal direction and average. (A 325 generator with a 304 material 1000mm length blowing, blowing hole punch, a stuffing box). #9、#10 吹灰器布置于该部位换热器上方,左右侧墙在同一标高各布置 2 台(套) ,吹灰孔中心(吹灰 (Run the 3 groups) #7、#8 (运行第四组) Low temperature superheated area of high temperature inlet (运行第五组) (Run the 5 groups) #11、#12 (运行第六组) 管中心线)距离受热面最上层管束 250-400mm,在水平方向平均布置。 (一台 325 发生器配 低温过热器部位低温段入口 Low-temperature superheated area of low entry (Run the 6 groups) #13 (运行第七组) (Run the 7 groups) 一级省煤器入口 Level economizer inlet 一根 304 材质 1000mm 长度吹灰管,吹灰孔冲下,一个填料函)。 The route to the site heat exchanger at the top, left-hand and right-hand side wall at the same height with the 2 (a), the center of the hole (the center line) away from the heat the upper tube 250 - 400 mm, in the horizontal direction and average. (A 325 generator with a 304 material 1000 mm length blowing, blowing hole punch, a stuffing box). 吹灰器布置于该部位换热器上方,在左侧墙在同一标高均匀布置 2 台(套) ,吹灰孔中心(吹 灰管中心线)距离受热面最上层管束 250-400mm。 (一台 426 发生器配一根 304 材质 7200mm 长度开 14 孔的吹灰管,吹灰孔冲下) 。 The route to the site heat exchanger, on the left wall at the same elevation are uniformly spaced 2 (a), the center of the hole (blowing the center line) away from the heat at the top tube 250 - 400 mm. (a 426 generator with a 304 material 7200 mm length 14 hole blowing, blowing hole punch and two 304 Stainless steel texture support). #14 (运行第八组) (Run the 8 groups) 吹灰器布置于该部位换热器上方,在后墙在同一标高均匀布置 3 台(套) ,吹灰孔中心(吹灰 管中心线)距离受热面最上层管束 250-400mm。(一台 377 发生器配一根 12Cr1MoVG 材质 #15、#16、#17 (运行第九组) (Run the 9 groups) 二级省煤器入口 Level 2 economizer inlet 4500mm 长度开 10 孔的吹灰管,吹灰孔冲下) 。 The route to the site heat exchanger, on the back wall at the same elevation are uniformly spaced 3 (a), the center of the hole (the Center) distance heating surface at the top tube 250 - 400 mm. (a 377 generator with a 12 1 Cr MoVG material 4500 mm length on 10 holes of the blowing, blowing hole punch and one 304 Stainless steel texture support). 吹灰器布置于该部位换热器上方,在后墙在同一标高均匀布置 3 台(套) ,吹灰孔中心(吹灰 管中心线)距离受热面最上层管束 250-400mm。(一台 377 发生器配一根 12Cr1MoVG 材质 #18、#19、#20 (运行第十组) (Run the 10 groups) 三级省煤器入口 Level 3 economizer inlet 4500mm 长度开 10 孔的吹灰管,吹灰孔冲下) 。 The route to the site heat exchanger, on the back wall at the same elevation are uniformly spaced 3 (a), the center of the hole (the Center) distance heating surface at the top tube 250 - 400 mm. (a 377 generator with a 12 1 Cr MoVG material 4500 mm length on 10 holes of the blowing, blowing hole punch and one 304 Stainless steel texture support). 吹灰器布置于该部位换热器上方,在后墙在同一标高均匀布置 3 台(套) ,吹灰孔中心(吹灰 管中心线)距离受热面最上层管束 250-400mm。(一台 377 发生器配一根 12Cr1MoVG 材质 #21、#22、#23 (运行第十一组) (Run the 11 groups) 四级省煤器入口 Level 4 economizer inlet 4500mm 长度开 10 孔的吹灰管,吹灰孔冲下) 。 The route to the site heat exchanger, on the back wall at the same elevation are uniformly spaced 3 (a), the center of the hole (the Center) distance heating surface at the top tube 250 - 400 mm. (a 377 generator with a 121Cr MoVG material 4500 mm length on 10 holes of the blowing, blowing hole punch and one 304 Stainless steel texture support). 1 河北国网江山电力设备有限公司 吹灰器布置于该部位换热器上方,在后墙在同一标高均匀布置 3 台(套) ,吹灰孔中心(吹灰 管中心线)距离受热面最上层管束 250-400mm。 (一台 377 发生器配一根 Q235A 材质 4500mm #24、#25、#26 (运行第十二组) (Run the 12 groups) 五级省煤器入口 Level 5 economizer inlet 长度开 10 孔的吹灰管,吹灰孔冲下) 。 The route to the site heat exchanger, on the back wall at the same elevation are uniformly spaced 3 (a), the center of the hole (the Center) distance heating surface at the top tube 250 - 400 mm. (a 377 generator with a root Q 235 material 4500 mm length 10 hole of the blowing, blowing hole punch and one Q235A texture support). 吹灰器布置于该部位换热器上方,在右侧墙在同一标高均匀布置 2 台(套) ,吹灰孔中心(吹 #27 (运行第十三组) 灰管中心线)距离受热面最上层管束 250-400mm。 (一台 426 发生器配一根 Q235 材质 7200mm 空预器上管箱入口 (Run the 14 groups) 长度开 14 孔的吹灰管,吹灰孔冲下) 。 The route to the site heat exchanger, on the left wall at the same elevation are uniformly spaced 2 (set), the center of the hole (blowing the center line) away from the heat at the top tube 250 - 400 mm. (a 426 generator with a root Q 235 material 7200mm length 14 hole of the blowing, blowing hole punch and two Q235A texture support). #29 吹灰器布置于该部位换热器上方,在右侧墙在同一标高均匀布置 2 台(套) ,吹灰孔中心(吹 (Run the 13 groups) #28 (运行第十四组) Empty the server The tube chassis entry (运行第十五组) 灰管中心线)距离受热面最上层管束 250-400mm。 (一台 426 发生器配一根 Q235 材质 7200mm 空预器中管箱入口 (Run the 16 groups) 长度开 14 孔的吹灰管,吹灰孔冲下) 。 The route to the site heat exchanger, on the left wall at the same elevation are uniformly spaced 2 (set), the center of the hole (blowing the center line) away from the heat at the top tube 250 - 400 mm. (a 426 generator with a root Q 235 material 7200mm length 14 hole of the blowing, blowing hole punch and two Q235A texture support). #31 吹灰器布置于该部位换热器上方,在右侧墙在同一标高均匀布置 2 台(套) ,吹灰孔中心(吹 (Run the 15 groups) #30 (运行第十六组) Empty the server The tube chassis entry (运行第十七组) (Run the 17 groups) #32 (运行第十八组) (Run the 18 groups) 灰管中心线)距离受热面最上层管束 250-400mm。 (一台 426 发生器配一根 Q235 材质 7200mm 空预器下管箱入口 Empty the server The tube chassis entry 长度开 14 孔的吹灰管,吹灰孔冲下) 。 The route to the site heat exchanger, on the left wall at the same elevation are uniformly spaced 2 (set), the center of the hole (blowing the center line) away from the heat at the top tube 250 - 400 mm. (a 426 generator with a root Q 235 material 7200mm length 14 hole of the blowing, blowing hole punch and two Q235A texture support). 2 河北国网江山电力设备有限公司 7、公用部分的安装 公用部分包括空气管路、可燃气管路和 混合气管路,点火部分包括高能点火器及就 地点火箱(就地柜),此部分主要设备包含有 防爆电磁阀、点火器、混合器、压力阻火器、 分配器、单向阀、流量调节阀、截止阀、减 压阀等。吹灰系统公共部分中配气柜安装在 余热锅炉运转平台,分配器和配气柜之间距 离大于 2.5 米。公共部分安装完毕,为防雨防 晒,需做防雨棚。 7.1 空气管路的安装 本系统的空气由用户的压缩空气提供, 空气用φ48×3 的无缝钢管引至混合器。 7.2 可燃气管路的安装 可燃气采用瓶装乙炔,从乙炔汇流房经 减压后引出,用φ32×3 的无缝钢管引至混 合器。 7.3 混合气管路的安装 在混合器后连接分配器,然后分成 18 组, 每一组再分别连接到各组脉冲发生器: 火焰导管采用Ф48×3 的无缝钢管。火焰 导管的安装应本着以下原则: ① 尽量减少拐弯,管道要有十度的疏水坡 度,避免有水平管段的连接; ② 排列布置应整齐美观; ③ 在最低点安装排污阀。排污阀出口距地 面距离为 300mm。 ④ 为了在吹灰系统运行时,保证发生器的 正常工作,使可燃气体能均匀的分配到各 7、 the common part of the installation Common parts including Air Lines, gas lines and mixed air supply lines, ignition parts including Energy Efficient ignition and in situ ignition box (on-site container), this part of the principal device contains an explosion proof Solenoid Valve, ignition, mixer, pressure resistance firearms, dispenser, check valve, flow control valve, shut-off valve, pressure relief valve, and so on. The system in the public section Air cabinet installation in HRSG operating platform, distributor and air container between the distances greater than 2.5m.Public portion of the installation is complete, the rain, need to do rain tent. 7.1 air line installation This system of air by the user of the compressed air, the air should be 48 X 3 the seamless steel tubes to the mixer. 7.2 can be gas lines for installation The gas in bottled acetylene from acetylene slip room the pressure coming out, use should beФ32X3 the seamless steel tubes to the mixer. 7.3 mixed air line installation The mixer after dispenser, and then divided into 18 groups, each group and then connect to the group pulse generator: Flame tubes with Ф48X3 the seamless steel tubes. Flame tube should be installed in accordance with the following principles: ① To minimize corner, pipe to a 10 degree drain slopes and to avoid a level of connectivity; ② Arrange placement should be clean and nice. ③ At the lowest point the drain. Drain valve outlet distance from ground to 300 mm. ④ In order for the blowing while the system is running, ensure that the generator is working to provide fuel gas can be evenly distributed to the generator, the generator set the flame tube connection diagram are as follows: 发生器内,同组发生器的火焰导管连接图如 下: 8 、 The meter section and electrical portion of the installation 8.1 Installation of a thermocouple Thermocouple base welding mixer, thermocouple installation should ensure sealing; after the installation you should make sure the thermocouple gauge Installation. Pressure gauge should be installed to facilitate observation, the position of the gauge the pressure point should be straight up. 8.2 Installation of Program fence Control cabinet installation, note the following: the control cabinet in handling should be installed to prevent vibration, moisture, prevent frame distortion and paint damage, such as measures, if necessary, the easy-to-damaged components removed, control cabinet installation in the base Sculpting Steel, based Sculpting Steel should be ground reliable, after installation, the top should be a smooth surface 80 - 100 mm; controlled cabinet position should be selected for observation, operation, ventilation, good local; controlled cabinet installation in factory control room, easy to focus on. In order to live and easy to operate, and can also be installed in the engineering field. In order to debug and easier access to, and the air cabinet installation, install the HRSG operating platform. 8、仪表部分及电器部分的安装 8.1 热电偶的安装 热电偶的底座焊接混合器上,热电偶安 装时应保证密封;安装后应确保热电偶压力 表的安装 压力表应安装于便于观察、操作的位置; 压力表的取压点应垂直向上。 8.2 程控装置的安装 控制柜安装时注意以下事项:控制柜在搬运 安装时应采取防震、防潮、防止框架变形和 漆面受损等措施,必要时可将易损元件拆下; 控制柜安装在基础型钢上,基础型钢应接地 可靠,安装后,其顶部应高出抹平地面 80-100 毫米;程控柜位置应选在便于观察、操作、 通风性良好的地方;程控柜安装在厂方控制 室内,便于集中操作。为了现场操作方便,也 可以安装在工程现场。为了调试及检修方便, 应和配气柜安装在一起,即安装在余热锅炉 运转平台。 1 河北国网江山电力设备有限公司 8.3 cable-laying Cable-specific laying the cable toward the, and the wiring issues see GBJ 232 - 82 the electrical installation and acceptance of the standards of the relevant provisions. Cabling the two ends should be provided with sufficient volume. power cable and signal cable is not allowed in the same pipe laid in. cable protection tube should be laid in nearby, beautiful principles. cable protection tube laying should ensure that its line of connectivity, security. The control system has been designed from the principle that the cable from a device with a protection tube for connectivity, but the power cable to the signal cable should be laid separately. Transmitter, thermocouple, and negative terminal cannot be reversed. 8.4 ignition box installation Ignition box is mounted on distributor nearby, the angles make a bracket, and the ignition and distributor of distances up must not be greater than 1m. 8.3 电缆部分的铺设 电缆的具体敷设见《电缆走向图》,接线 事宜参见 GBJ232-82《电气装置安装工程施 工及验收规范》之有关规定。电缆敷设后两 端应留有足够的余量。电源电缆与信号电缆 不允许同在一个管内敷设。 电缆保护管的敷设应本着就近、美观的 原则。电缆保护管敷设后应保证其管路的连 通性、严密性。 本控制系统设计的原则是一个设备的电 缆采用一路保护管进行连通,但电源电缆与 信号电缆应分开敷设。 变送器、热电偶的正、负端接线不能接 反。 8.4 点火箱的安装 点火箱安装于分配器附近,用角钢制作 支架,点火箱与分配器的距离最远不得大于 1 米。 9、乙炔汇流排的安装 9、 acetylene slip the installation Acetylene bus installed in the 0 meter easy to replace acetylene gas cylinders After the installation is complete, in order to guarantee security, wind and rain, and plant to acetylene Bus bars, and hanging lanterns in the fire. 10、 corrosion-protected Equipment and piping installation is complete, you should apply corrosion protection. Equipment and line painting twice, and the paint should be performed for rust. Air line color is blue, the gas lines for white and red. Mixed Air Supply and Generator devices, such as color is blue. Stand color should be and furnace structure color matches. 乙炔汇流排安装在 0 米,便于更换乙炔 气瓶。安装完毕后,为保证安全,防风防雨, 厂房需做乙炔汇流排间,并悬挂醒目的禁火 标志。 10、防腐处理 设备和管路安装完毕后,应进行防腐处 理。设备和管路进行刷漆两遍,在刷漆前应 进行除锈。空气管路颜色为天蓝色,可燃气 气管路为白色加红环。混合气管路和发生器 等设备颜色为蓝色。支架颜色应和炉体结构 颜色相符。 2 河北国网江山电力设备有限公司 11, the construction of the process requirements 11.1 construction tools and materials preparation 11.1 1 Construction workers must have the corresponding craft certificate of appointment. 11.1 2 Construction equipment such as electric welding machine, no tooth saws, such as oxygen, combustible gas cylinders, decorates should reasonably safe, convenient construction. 11.1.3 Equipment, materials on reasonable, convenient, and not affect the staff, vehicles on-site. 11.1 4 construction materials such as a pipe, valves, fittings, support tray material, instrument, and so on, must be a formal factory qualified certificate, and a check is delivered into the on-site backup. 11.1 .5 Piping, valves must be using the visual inspection, the surface cracks, holes, slag inclusion, fold up, the leather, rust and corrosion negative bias ≤1.0 mm. Before construction must check its specification, material, model The valve must be installed prior to strength and leakage test. 11.1 6 Pipe fittings, Elbow, reducer fittings, 3-Way, Flange, blind and fasteners must be examined in detail, the various sizes Deviation should be consistent with departmental standards. 11.1.7 Flange seal surface flat surface finish, and shall be free of burrs and radial grooves. Flange threads complete, free of damage, concave and convex side flange can be naturally embedded in, and the height must not be less than the panel depth. 11.1.8 Bolts, nuts, threaded complete, no injuries, free of burrs, bolts and nuts with good, loose, the Shibuya-key. 11.1.9 Welding electrode must be dried before use, in a electrode moisture proof tube keep dry, avoid covering loss. 11、安装施工的工艺要求 11.1.施工工具和材料准备 11.1.1 施工人员,必须持有相应工种的合 格证书上岗。 11.1.2 施工用设备如电焊机、无齿锯、氧 气、可燃气瓶等,布置要合理安全,方便施 工。 11.1.3 设备、材料放置合理、方便作用, 不能影响工作人员、车辆进出现场。 11.1.4 施工用料如管道、各种阀门、管件、 支托架材料、仪表等,必须具有正规厂家合 格证书,经过复检后方可运入现场备用。 11.1.5 管道、阀门在使用的必须经过外观 检查,其表面无裂纹、缩孔、夹渣、折迭、 重皮、锈蚀负偏差≤1.0mm。在施工前必须核 对其规格、材质、型号。阀门在安装前必须 做强度与严密性试验。 11.1.6 管件、弯头、异径管接头、三通、 法兰、盲板及紧固件必须详细检查,其各种 尺寸偏差应符合部颁标准。 11.1.7 法兰密封面平整光洁,不得有毛刺 及径向沟槽。法兰螺纹部分完整、无损伤、 凹凸 面法兰能自然嵌合、凸面高度不得 低于凹面深度。 11.1.8 螺栓、螺母、螺纹完整,无伤痕、 毛刺等缺陷,螺栓与螺母配合良好,无松动、 卡涩现象。 11.1.9 电焊条在使用前必须烘干,放于焊 条防潮筒内保持干燥,避免药皮脱落。 3 河北国网江山电力设备有限公司 11.1.10 Pipe support bracket slot Material Steel, angles the “U” bolts, springs, etc. There should be no injuries, various deviations. 11.2 pipes, support of the suspension Installation Requirements: 11.2 1 to gas applications mechanical law cutting, air tube available oxygen fuel cutting arrogance. Cut surface should be flat, and there shall be no cracks, the leather. Burrs, convex or concave, throat, slag, iron oxide, iron, etc. should be clear cut plane tilt deviation should not exceed 1 mm. And the "V" shaped groove. 11.2 2. Pipe, tube part of the wall should be flush to the wall or wrong side, is not less than 1 mm. 11.2 3 pipe support, suspension shall be welded securely and the weld bead shall not have leakage flux, solder, cracks, snap-meat. Welding deformations should be rectified. 11.2 4 Flange, weld and other connections, the settings should be easy to access, and not against wall, floor or the rack. Flange connections shall be kept parallel with flange connections should be maintained with shaft to ensure bolt free through. Flange connections using the same specifications bolts and install. Tighten the bolts that should be uniform, and an appropriate degree of regulation, tighten the rear exposed length is not greater than 2X pitch. 11.2 .5 pipe through the platform, should be in the platform on the platform, and in the hole to guard, pipe through the platform and ladder, 2M net empty. 11.2 6 Pipe installation interrupted for any reason, should be timely closed open pipe. 11.2 7 install valve, should be designed to verify the model number and the media stream to determine the direction of installation. 11.1.10 管道用支托架材料槽钢、角钢“U” 型螺栓、弹簧等应无各种损伤,各种偏差合 格。 11.2 管道、支吊架的安装要求: 11.2.1 可燃气管应用机械法切割,空气管可 用氧可燃气焰切割。切口表面应平整,不得 有裂纹、重皮。毛刺、凸凹、缩口、熔渣、 氧化铁、铁屑等应予以清除,切口平面倾斜 偏差不得超过 1 毫米。并做“V”形坡口。 11.2.2.管子、管件组对,其内壁应做到平齐, 内壁错边量不大于 1 毫米。 11.2.3 管道支、吊架应焊接牢固可靠,焊缝 不得有漏焊、欠焊、裂纹、咬肉等缺陷。焊 接变形应予矫正。 11.2.4 法兰、焊缝及其他连接件的设置应便 于检修,并不得紧贴墙壁、楼板或管架上。 法兰连接时应保持平行,法兰连接应保持同 轴,保证螺栓自由穿入。法兰连接使用同一 规格螺栓,安装方向一致。紧固螺栓应对称 均匀,松紧适度,紧固后外露长度不大于 2 倍螺距。 11.2.5 管道穿过平台,应在平台上割孔,并 在开孔周围做防护栏,管道穿过平台,扶梯 上方 时,应保持 2m 净空。 11.2.6 管道安装过程中因故中断,应及时封 闭敞开的管口。 11.2.7 安装阀门前,应按设计核对型号,并 按介质流向确定其安装方向。 4 河北国网江山电力设备有限公司 恢复,拆除临时盲板。 12、duct blowing System after the installation is complete you must blow out. 12.1 System blow-off, the hole is removed, the tube has been replaced; the lines of the root, the valve is closed to prevent debris from entering the pipe, blow-off, should be the thermocouple, blow-back in time to recover. 12.2 Blow-off pipe of the gas supply to the compressed air. 12.3 Blow-off front should check the electrical wiring for a variety of electrical components on, control is consistent with program design requirements. 12.4 Blow-off pipe must be debris, slag, iron filings, and blow off. 12.5 Blow-off is completed based on design drawings for the system to be restored. 13、 Air Leak Test 13.1 Line is complete, the weld bead, pipes, tubes, support bracket on a case-by-the checks, fully qualified and correct, to the strength and rigor of testing. 13.2 Before the test, remove cannot be suppressed for fitting, replace with straight pipe, the rest or blind, or opening and closing of the valve. 13.3 Strength test pressure of 1.5 times the design pressure, leakage test pressure for the design pressure of 1.25 times. 13.4 Strength test, use a solution of soap and water to the welding point Leak Test, visually free of air bubbles, weld bead appearance without distortion, hold 5 minutes. 13.5 Pilot qualified after the record of the system, and that the system is restored, remove the blanking plate. 14、吹灰系统的运行调试 14、 The system runs in debug 14.1 吹灰系统的联动调试 14 .1 The system of the manual debugging 12、管道吹扫 系统安装完成后必须进行吹扫。 12.1 系统吹扫前,应将孔板拆下,用直管段 代替;压管路的根部阀关闭,以放止杂物进 入测量管路;吹扫前应将热电偶拆下,吹扫 后及时恢复。 12.2 吹扫管道的气源尽量采用压缩空气; 12.3 吹扫前应检查电气线路对各种电动元件 的开启、控制是否符合程控设计的要求。 12.4 吹扫管道时必须将杂物、焊渣、铁屑等 吹扫干净。 12.5 吹扫完成后依据设计图纸对系统进行恢 复。 13、气密试验 13.1 管路完成后,对焊缝、管道、管件、支 托架进行逐项核对检查,完全合格和正确无 误后,进行系统强度、严密性试验。 13.2 试验前,去除不能进行打压为管件,用 直管段代替,其余部分或加盲板,或阀门启、 闭。 13.3 强度试验压力为设计压力的 1.5 倍,严 密性试验压力为设计压力的 1.25 倍。 13.4 强度试验时,用肥皂水对各个焊点进行 试漏,目测无气泡、焊缝外观无变形,保压 5 分钟。 13.5 试验合格后对系统记录,并对系统进行 5 河北国网江山电力设备有限公司 The system of debugging is the power, check each device in the system is normal, such as distributor of the pros and cons, and so on, after the alarm conditions, start the program check the system is working properly. The manual debugging is not available for the gas. In the manual before debugging should be aware of the following: - - On-site all of the line is complete, the 10,000 meter to check the device's resistance is normal. - - Control cabinet power should be made by the user units of the Professional staff. - -The power after a 10,000 meter, check the power supply is working properly, verify that normal before closing. - - Control cabinet live after a manual check; click the Check for normal system of manual debugging. The debugging by the Company's staff, and by the Company's staff to prepare for work, and not to invite users to participate in, and not to send the gas, a program to run correctly, the device is activated, the user application cold debugging to ensure acceptance to pass them on the first try. 14. 2 The System Cold debug The system of cold debugging is the boiler is not running, but on which the cases, the connection to gas in the blowing system of each group to the initial debug. first adjust the air and acetylene gas than with guaranteed to ignite ignition to determine each of the Group's air time, each group of the energy. The cold will each of the Group's energy debugging to the optimal state and record the following for each group inflation time as hot debug reference data Cold when you are debugging a user unit, boiler house cannot have any staff. 14 .3 the system of hot debug The system of hot debugging is the cold debugging on the basis, as the boiler is in the blowing system of each group to the energy, and the debug data records to the Debug report. 吹灰系统的联动调试是指通电后检查系 统中各设备的情况是否正常,如分配器的正 反向等,在解除报警的条件下启动程序检查 系统工作是否正常。联动调试不供可燃气。 在联动调试之前应注意以下事项: ----现场所有的线路铺设完毕,用万用表 检查各设备的阻值是否正常。 ----控制柜送电应由用户单位的专业人 员进行操作。 ----送电后用万用表检查送来的电源是 否正常,确认正常后方可合闸。 ----控制柜带电后先进行点动检查,点动 检查正常后再进行系统联动调试。 联动调试由公司人员进行,由公司人员 作好准备工作,不邀请用户参加,不送可燃 气,进行程序运行无误,相关执行设备正常 动作后,向用户方申请冷态调试,保证验收 工作能一次通过。 14.2 吹灰系统的冷态调试 吹灰系统的冷态调试是指在锅炉没有运 行,但开启引风机的情况下,连接可燃气对 吹灰系统的每一组进行的初步调试。首先调 整好空气和乙炔气配比,保证可点火点燃, 再确定每一组的充气时间,确定每一组的吹 灰能量。要求在冷态下将每一组的能量调试 到最佳状态。并记录下每一组的充气时间作 为热态调试的参考数据。 冷态调试时需有用户单位相关人员参 加,锅炉内部不能有任何人员。 14.3 吹灰系统的热态调试 吹灰系统的热态调试是指在冷态调试的 基础上,锅炉正常投运的情况下对吹灰系统 的每一组进行的能量最终确定,并将调试数 据记录到调试报告。 6 河北国网江山电力设备有限公司 Hot debug the ultimate basis for the turbine load, Boiler contribute to same conditions, blowing around the boiler steam, smoke the changes in temperature and pressure difference. Hot commissioning, to the system of the pilot work, the technician should be familiar with the Customer's personnel to learn boiler knowledge, communicate with each other and learn about boiler historical data. Technical transformation projects to statistics do not install pulse blowing, of the historical data, and blowing of comparison. The plant personnel training and track results not satisfied with simply put, if the energy small blow not the gray, if the energy is too large, it may damage the transmitter power consumption increases, so it is necessary to make clear to the after effects of gray, the regularity in the operation. For example, a trading interval, the frequency, the more than reasonable, and the minimum consumption and so on The above data and information to a log file. To prepare the report results, for the factory to develop procedures for reference. 热态调试的最终依据为在汽机负荷、锅 炉出力相同工况下,吹灰前后的锅炉主蒸汽 的变化、排烟温度的变化和各段压差变化。 热态调试完毕,要进行吹灰系统的试运 行工作,技术人员事先要熟悉顾客方的人事, 虚心学习锅炉知识,互相沟通,了解锅炉历 史数据。 技术改造项目要统计未安装脉冲吹灰器 前的历史数据,并和吹灰后的情况做对比。 对厂方人员培训的同时跟踪使用效果。 不能满足于只是放响,如果能量小吹不下灰, 如果能量太大,会损伤发射管耗气量增大, 所以要摸清达到吹灰效果后吹灰器的运行规 律。如投运间隔,吹灰频率,配比的合理, 最小的耗气量等。 以上数据资料要形成记录存档。便于编 写使用效果报告,为厂方制定操作规程提供 参考。 河北国网江山电力设备有限公司 Hebei GWJS Power Equipment Co.,Ltd In October 2013, 7 河北国网江山电力设备有限公司