Subido por Rodolfo Perez

trabajo de ingles

International Women's Day
International Women's
Day, formerly called
International Day of
March 8 the struggle of
participation in society
person, on an equal
footing with the man. The number "8-M" is also used to refer to this
commemoration for the day and month in which it happens.3
At the II International Conference of Socialist Women held in Copenhagen in
1910, Clara Zetkin proposed and approved the celebration of "Working
Women's Day", which began to be celebrated the following year:1 the first
commemoration was held on March 1911 in Germany, Austria, Denmark and
Switzerland. Since then it has spread to many countries.
In 1972, the General Assembly of the United Nations, in its resolution 3010,
declared 1975 "International Women's Year",2 and in 19774 invited States to
declare, in accordance with their historical traditions and national customs, a
day as International Day for Women's Rights and International Peace.5
This date is used to visualize gender inequality and to vindicate the fight for
effective equality of rights for women in various fields. It is usually celebrated
in almost all parts of the world (an example of this is Italy and its "Festa della
Donna"),6 and it is a holiday in some countries.5 Some feminist currents argue
that it is not a day that should be celebrated or be holiday due to its origin, but
should serve to claim rights.
International Earth Day
Earth Day, officially International Mother
Earth Day,1 is a day celebrated in many
countries on April 22 of each year. Its
promoter, US Senator Gaylord Nelson,
proclaimed this day to create a common
awareness of the problems of
overpopulation, pollution, biodiversity
conservation, global warming and other
environmental concerns to protect the
Earth. It is a day to pay tribute and recognize the Earth as our home, just as
different cultures have expressed it throughout history, demonstrating the
interdependence between its many ecosystems and the living beings that
inhabit it.
Mother Earth is clearly asking us to act. The oceans fill with plastics and
become more acidic. Extreme heat, wildfires, floods, and other weather
events have affected millions of people. Even today we are facing COVID -19,
a global health pandemic with a strong relationship with the health of our
Climate change, human-induced changes in nature, as well as crimes that
disturb biodiversity, such as deforestation, land-use change, intensive
agricultural and livestock production, or the growing illegal trade in wildlife,
may accelerate the rate of destruction of the planet.
This Mother Earth Day is the second to be celebrated within the UN Decade
for Ecosystem Restoration. Ecosystems support all forms of life on Earth. The
health of our planet and its inhabitants directly depends on the health of our
ecosystems. Restoring those that are damaged will help end poverty, combat
climate change, and prevent mass extinction. But we will only succeed if
everyone does their part.
international Water Day
March 22
World Water Day is a
opportunity to unite for
water and together
accelerate progress in
this area.
Problems along the
water cycle are
undermining progress
in major planetary
conflicts: from health to hunger, from gender equality to jobs, education,
industry, natural disasters and the lack of peace
In 2015, the world committed to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 as
part of the 2030 Agenda: the promise that everyone would have safely
managed water and sanitation by 2030.
Today, we are very far from achieving it.
Billions of people and countless schools, businesses, health centers, farms and
factories are restricted because their human rights to water and sanitation
have not yet been fulfilled.
There is an urgent need to accelerate change, to move beyond business as
The latest data shows that governments need to work an average of four
times faster to meet SDG 6 on time, but this is not a situation that can be
solved by just one actor or group.
Water affects everyone, so it takes all of us to take action.
Language day
Don Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra is the
most recognized Spanish writer in the
world and author of the first modern novel
in the Spanish language, “El ingenioso
hidalgo don Quixote de la Mancha”.
Engraving of 1877 by G. Gómez Terraza y
Every April 23 is celebrated, since 2010
(originally, it was planned to be celebrated every October 12),1the Spanish
Language Day, as approved by the Department of Public Information of the
United Nations, as well as to raise awareness among civil servants , of the
history, culture, development and use of Spanish as the official language of
the organization. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra was buried on April 23, 1616.
He is the most recognized Spanish writer, author of Don Quixote de la
Mancha, the first modern novel in the Spanish and universal language.
Initially, the United Nations Department of Public Information, in document
OBV/853-PI-192623 of February 19, 2010, approved the decision to celebrate
Spanish Language Day on October 12 in the United Nations. Later, the date
was changed4 in honor of the writer Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, a great
contributor to the growth of the language who, although he died on April 22
(1616), was buried the following day.567
That same day Gustavo Zapata died according to the Julian calendar
(equivalent to May 3 in the Gregorian calendar). On April 23 of that same
year, another renowned writer died: the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. In some
countries, Book Day is commemorated at the same time.8 On this date,
Teresa de la Parra, a great Venezuelan writer, also died.
Labor Day
Every May 1 most of the
countries in the world
commemorate the struggles
of workers and this is no
exception. Therefore, today
we want to tell you some
curious facts about Labor
International Labor Day is celebrated on May 1 in almost the entire world, in
commemoration of the struggles of the labor and labor movement, a
movement demanding different causes related to work.
The origin of this date dates from the year 1886, in the United States; country
in which the working masses began a process of struggle to reduce the
working day to 8 hours. The only limit that existed was not to make a person
work more than 18 hours without just cause and the consequence was a fine
of 25 dollars.
On that day, heavy clashes broke out between the police and the workers.
Subsequently, at the end of May 1886, various employer sectors agreed to
grant the 8-hour day to several hundred thousand workers.
Over the years, in the fight for their labor claims, workers have achieved
contractual rights and benefits that have been recognized by labor legislation,
contemplated in contracts and collective labor agreements such as: vacations,
minimum wage, payment of bonuses, among others.
black ethnic day
The celebration of the month of the black ethnic group is a commemorative
event to honor all those who for many years were subjected to psychological
and physical abuse. Human beings who were cruelly deprived of their liberty
and sentenced to do forced labor due to the cruelty of their peers, whose only
difference was the color of their skin. People victims of the highest cruelties
just for being born black, which at that time was a cardinal sin. People
enslaved to the point of disrespect for freedom and human life, deprived of all
rights, where women and men suffered all kinds of abuse. The payment for his
work was only chains, whippings, rapes and even death. This ethnic group
found a bit of freedom in their music and dances that expressed their
discontent together with the desire for freedom that stopped being a dream
to become a reality.
Thanks to their struggles they achieved a special space in humanity and in the
reason of those who believe in equality, tolerance, love and peace. Despite all
this, many of them in many parts of the world are still subject to humiliation
before the hearts of those who handle pure genetic theories in relation to
other ethnic groups, facts that according to scientific studies support that
there is no totally pure race. The human being needs to reinvent his own
history and be reborn with a new thought, because we are all equal before
our creator. But our selfishness does not let us see beyond our customs,
beliefs, wrong principles, we need to heal the soul and recognize that we are
all simply the same. Therefore, Happy Day to all the black ethnic group in the
country and to all those who in one way or another identify with them.
Legal Foundation of the Day of the Black Ethnicity
Official Gazette, Wednesday, May 31, 2000 No. 24,064, LEGISLATIVE
Article 1. May 30 of each year is declared Civic Day and Commemoration of
the National Black Ethnic Group, which will be celebrated throughout the
territory of the Republic with the purpose of highlighting its values and
contributions to the culture and development of the country. .
Article 2. The Ministry of Education, the National Institute of Culture and the
Panamanian Institute of Tourism, will guarantee compliance with the previous
provision and will organize events related to the date.
Article 3. Official and private educational centers, as well as public,
autonomous, semi-autonomous and municipal institutions, will develop
during those days cultural activities aimed at highlighting the scientific,
cultural, economic and labor contribution of the black ethnic group in
World Environment Day is celebrated
on June 5, with the aim of raising
awareness among the world
population about the importance of
caring for our ecosystems and
promoting respect for the
Origin of World Environment Day
World Environment Day was proclaimed by the United Nations General
Assembly in 1972, coinciding with the start of the Stockholm Conference,
whose main theme was precisely the environment.
Within the framework of the celebration of World Environment Day, efforts
should be focused on motivating people and communities, so that they
become active agents of sustainable development and environmental
protection. That is why people are invited to improve their consumption
habits. Companies to develop more ecological models. Governments to
protect wild areas. Teachers to educate in natural values. Young people to
raise their voices for the future of the planet. Protecting the environment
requires everyone's support. A central theme related to the environment is
chosen annually to commemorate this World Day. For the year 2022 the
central theme is "One Earth". With this, it is intended to make visible the
emergency that our planet is facing in terms of climate, evidencing the
accelerated global warming and the limited adaptability of people and
nature. On the other hand, the loss of habitat has impacted more than a
million species, which are in danger of extinction. Together with this,
environmental pollution has a negative and radical impact on the air, land
and water. This campaign is aimed at raising awareness about such problems,
promoting the protection and restoration of our planet through the execution
of various actions, which implies the transformation of global societies and
economies towards inclusion, justice and respect for nature.
Chocolate day
Our country produces around
28,000 tons of cocoa a year, so
within the framework of
International Chocolate Day, which
has been celebrated every
September 13 since 1995, it is
essential to celebrate and recognize
its value. Cocoa is a tropical plant
discovered by the Olmecs, who were
the first to cultivate it and prepare it
in a drink called xocolatl, which was consumed during ceremonies; It was also
considered the food of the gods and the gold of the Aztecs.
Chocolate is obtained from the mixture of sugar, paste and cocoa butter. The
process begins by opening and letting the cacao fruits ferment between two
and eight days to later separate the seeds that will dry in the sun for two or
three more days. The seeds are roasted, split and passed through rollers that
transform them into a thick liquid; It is at this point that the type of chocolate
is defined, which can be made with milk, natural, with sugar or nuts.
For chef Iván Millán, chocolate is a gift that Mexico gave to the world; It is a
key ingredient in gastronomy, so it is essential to know its history and the
preparation techniques, both for savory dishes and for drinks and desserts.
Pastry is the art and science that brings together all the techniques for the
preparation of a sweet cuisine, hence the existence of chocolatiers,
confectioners, bakers and pastry chefs. Iván Millán confesses that he is in love
with his profession, “I love being full of chocolate, dough, sugar. I am very
precise and exact”.