Subido por Candela Zalazar

Personality Change Over Time: An Essay

Does your personality change as you get older? Write an essay in
which you discuss this question and give your own opinion
In your life, you are going to have difficult times, or happy
moments that you will always remember, sometimes both, or
maybe none; it's part of living. Whatever those experiences you
know, all of these people that you are going to meet or the places
that you are going to visit, boyfriends or girlfriends who would
probably break your heart, as we age, do those factors affect our
Sometimes it is believed that we have an essence, something that
makes us unique and sets us apart from the others, and no matter
what happened in your life, that spirit would never change; it’s
part of you. However, these are just theories; speaking in a more
scientific way, research has shown that personality traits are
stable. Researchers have found that for most people, their big five
scores (conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness
to experience and extraversion) remain relatively stable
throughout their life.
Consequently, yes, personality traits are stable, but they are also
changeable, and this is because personality traits can be modified,
especially when we are confronted with events in our lives that
force us to adapt, we all have ways to deal with issues, such as
trauma, depression, anxiety, and that can shape our person.
"Personality is a developmental phenomenon. It's not just a static
thing that you're stuck with and can't get over," said Brent
Roberts, a psychologist at the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, because when you are struggling with a problem,
don’t you feel like you have to change something to be better?
As an adolescent, there were a lot of moments in my life where,
due to social pressure, my personality changed a lot, and it was
really difficult for me to find myself again. I had to cry, read, and
talk with my mom because I barely knew who I was; I had always
been changing my personality depending on who I met, and it
took me so many years to be myself. So yes, from my point of
view, personality is always changing. I mean, there are a lot of
influences out there, and they are really difficult to ignore.
Who inspired you when you were a child? I used to be
really naive when I was a kid in that age. At that time I
never saw myself as a good player because I never thought
about it. I just wanted to have fun, but it was my
grandmother who told me I was going to be the greatest
player of all time. She really believed in me I often
reminisce about the happier moments that we had together
because I wouldn’t be here without her.
What did you think is the best moment in your career as a
football player? I mean, I have a lot of nostalgic
memories, but I would say that the moment that changed
me as a person was in 2014 when we lost the World Cup.
That really affected me because, you know, it was a bad
streak, wasn’t it? And that football match in particular just
changed the way I used to see myself as a player. And in
that moment, I reminded myself that I couldn’t quite that
easy. But I think it's better to stay positive and blot out all
my past trauma. I'm happy now.