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Candida auris vs. parapsilosis on CHROMagar™ Candida Plus

Medical Mycology, 2022, 60, myac062
Original Article
Advance access publication date: 0 2022
Candida auris and some Candida parapsilosis strains
exhibit similar characteristics on CHROMagarTM Candida
Natalia Sasoni1 , Melani Maidana1 , María Gabriela Latorre-Rapela1 , Soraya Morales-Lopez2 ,
Indira Berrio3 , Soledad Gamarra1 and Guillermo Garcia-Effron 1 ,4 ,∗
Laboratorio de Micología y Diagnóstico Molecular, Cátedra de Parasitología y Micología, Facultad de Bioquímica, Universidad Nacional del
Litoral, Ciudad Universitaria, CP 3000 Santa Fe, Argentina
Grupo CINBIOS, Programa de Microbiología, Universidad Popular del Cesar, 200002 Valledupar, Colombia.
Hospital general de Medellin ’Luz Castro de Gutiérrez’ ESE, 050015 Medellín, Colombia
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas (CONICET), CP 3000 Santa Fe, Argentina.
To whom correspondence should be addressed. Guillermo Garcia-Effron, PhD, Laboratorio de Micología y Diagnóstico Molecular, Facultad de Bioquímica y
Ciencias Biológicas, Ciudad Universitaria, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, CP 3000 Santa Fe, Argentina. Tel: +54-342-4575209 ext. 135 (laboratory);
E-mail: [email protected].
Candida auris is considered a public health problem because of its resistance and its tendency to cause nosocomial outbreaks. CHROMagarTM
Candida Plus has recently been marketed as capable of presumptively identifying C. auris. The objective of this work was to analyze the ability
of this new chromogenic medium to differentiate C. auris from other members of the C. haemulonii complex and from other yeasts commonly
isolated in clinical practice. A collection of 220 strains including species of the C. haemulonii (n = 83) and C. parapsilosis (n = 80) complexes
was studied. The strains were identified by molecular methods and cultured as individual or as mixed aqueous inoculum on CHROMagarTM
Candida Plus plates. Colony morphotypes were evaluated at five time points. CHROMagarTM Candida Plus was a helpful tool for presumptive
identification for C. auris. Better reading results were obtained after 48 h of incubation at 35°C. It is able to easily differentiate C. auris from
other closely related species of the C. haemulonii complex and other yeasts. This chromogenic medium would be also useful as screening and
surveillance tool for C. auris colonization. However, we demonstrated that it would be a possible misidentification of C. parapsilosis as C. auris
(44.3% showed similar morphotypes). To reduce false positives when it is used in a context of a C. auris outbreak, we propose to supplement
the chromogenic medium with 8 μg/ml fluconazole. This modified medium was tested, and it clearly differentiate C. parapsilosis from C. auris.
Lay summary
CHROMagarTM Candida Plus is able to differentiate Candida auris from other Candida spp., including other species of the C. haemulonii complex.
However, 44.3% of the tested C. parapsilosis strains would be misidentified as C. auris. We propose the addition of 8 μg/ml fluconazole to solve
this issue.
Keywords: CHROMagarTM Candida Plus, Candida auris, Candida parapsilosis sensu lato, phenotypic identification
Candida spp. are a common cause of hospital-acquired infections, and its prevalence is steadily increasing.1–3 Candida
albicans is considered the major cause of Candidemia. However, its prevalence is declining at the expense of Candida nonalbicans species, including multidrug-resistant species such as
C. auris and other species from C. haemulonii complex.4–8 The
identification of these emerging resistant species is challenging.9 All patients colonized or infected by C. auris should be
isolated due to the ease of propagation of these yeasts, while
the identification of other members of the C. haemulonii complex does not have this implication.10 ,11
To comply with these recommendations, a screening of
hospitalized patients and a correct identification of C. auris is mandatory.12 ,13 Phenotypic-based identification methods are not capable of accurately identifying C. auris14 ,15 and
rDNA sequencing, rDNA-based PCRs (classical, real-time,
isothermal, etc.) and MALDI-TOF MS are the only available
tools.14–17 Conversely, these methods are generally beyond the
expertise and budget ranges of most clinical laboratories. Recently, a chromogenic isolation medium able to presumptively
identify C. auris was developed (CHROMagarTM Candida
Plus) and reports of its performance were published by different European labs.18–20 In these reports, CHROMagarTM
Candida Plus was considered a good tool to differentiate
C. auris from several clinically relevant Candida spp. and
non-Candida species. However, in one of these reports no C.
haemulonii complex species beside C. auris were studied (no
C. haemulonii, C. duobushemulonii, C. vulturna or C. pseudohaemulonii strains were included)18 while in another no C.
vulturna or C. pseuduohaemulonii were included (19). Moreover, discrepancies on C. parapsilosis sensu lato morphotypes
Received: May 16, 2022. Revised: July 8, 2022
© The Author(s) 2022. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The International Society for Human and Animal Mycology.
All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: [email protected]
(some strains showed bluish color halo as C. auris) was reported in one of these works18 and in the others only one C.
parapsilosis strain19 or none20 were included.
Considering that C. parapsilosis sensu lato is highly prevalent in South America2 and that the identification of C. auris
implies the isolation of colonized and/or infected patients12 ,14 ,
we decided to evaluate the performance of CHROMagarTM
Candida Plus using a collection of 220 strains with a significant number of isolates of the C. haemulonii and C.
parapsilosis species complexes (n = 163) in order to establish
whether there is any possibility of misidentifications between
these yeast species.
Material and methods
Fungal strains and identification
The yeasts used through this work (n = 220) are conserved
in the strain collection of the Laboratorio de Micología y Diagnóstico Molecular (CONICET-UNL). It includes Candida
spp. and non-Candida (formerly named as Candida) species
usually isolated from clinical samples as etiological agents or
contaminants. Within the included strains there were control
strains (e.g., ATCC) and strains isolated from clinical samples
including (in alphabetic order): C. albicans (n = 10, including
ATCC 90028 and ATCC 36082); C. auris (n = 53, all clinical strains isolated in different Colombian cities, Clade IV); C.
dubliniensis (n = 5, including NCPF3949); C. duobushaemulonii (n = 5); C. haemulonii (n = 15); C. metapsilosis (n = 5);
C. orthopsilosis (n = 5); C. parapsilosis sensu stricto (n = 70,
including ATCC 22019); C. pseudohaemulonii (n = 5); C.
tropicalis (n = 10, including ATCC 750); C. vulturna (n = 5);
Clavispora (Candida) lusitaniae (n = 10, including ATCC
200950); Nakaseomyces (Candida) glabrata (n = 11, including ATCC 90 030); Nakaseomyces (Candida) bracarensis
(n = 2); Nakaseomyces (Candida) nivariensis (n = 4); Pichia
kudriavzevii (Candida krusei) (n = 5, including ATCC 6258).
Strains were identified by molecular-based procedures17
and confirmed by rDNA sequencing (ITS regions).21–23
CHROMagarTM Candida Plus performance was evaluated by
inoculating plates with aqueous suspensions of all the 220
strains as described before.18–20 Briefly, each strain was inoculated in YPD slants (1% yeast extract, 2% Bacto peptone, 2% dextrose, 1.5% agar) and incubated at 35°C for
24 h. Yeast cells were suspended in sterile physiological
saline to obtain a suspension corresponding to a 0.5 McFarland standard (1–5 × 106 cell/ml) that was subsequently diluted 1:100 (final concentration of ∼104 CFU/ml). Successively, CHROMagarTM Candida Plus and YPD agar plates
were spotted with 3 μl of the suspensions in parallel in a
grid fashion (16 strains per plate). Both plates were incubated for 72 h at 35°C. The chromogenic media was used
to record the colony´s morphotype, front and back color and
growth speed. YPD agar plates served as growth control.
The same aqueous inoculum was used to evaluate the capacity of the chromogenic media to differentiate C. auris from
other commonly found yeast in mixed cultures (in an attempt
to mimic a plate taken to assess colonization). Inoculum of
three Colombian C. auris clinical strains with different antifungal susceptibility profiles (LMDM-1162, LMDM-1205
and LMDM-1234)24 were mixed (50:50) with C. haemulonii, C. albicans, C. tropicalis and two different strains of
C. parapsilosis sensu stricto (ATCC 22019: white colonies
Sasoni et al.
no halo and LMDM-1222: white colonies with blue halo).
These mixed inocula were plated onto CHROMagarTM Candida Plus and CHROMagarTM Candida Plus supplemented
with 8 μg/ml of fluconazole (see below for a more detailed
explanation) and incubated for 72 h at 35°C. Colony morphotypes and color were recorded at 24, 36 (as recommended
by the manufacturer), 48, 60 and 72 h.
Modified CHROMagar TM Candida Plus
In order to better differentiate C. auris from others fluconazole susceptible Candida spp. with similar morphotypes
(specially strains identified as C. parapsilosis), we supplemented the commercially available CHROMagar TM Candida Plus with fluconazole (8 μg/ml). The plates with this
modified media were used to strike the described mixed
The morphotype of 220 unrelated isolates was examined at
five time points. At 24 h of inoculation, most strains showed
poor growth and were colorless, making it difficult to correctly differentiate among species. On the contrary, at 36 h
of incubation most species showed the characteristics described by the manufacturer in terms of color and/or morphology. Only 2 C. tropicalis (10%) and 10 C. auris (18.9%)
strains displayed the morphotypes describe by manufacturer
(metallic blue w/slight pink halo and white/pale with blue
halo, respectively) after 48 h of incubation. These observed
morphotypes did not vary at 48 h except by colony size. After
60 and 72 h of incubation, color and other colony characteristics start to vary. It was clearly seen that C. auris grew better (faster and as bigger colonies) than other species of the C.
haemulonii complex on CHROMagarTM Candida Plus. The
same happens with C. lusitaniae and C. krusei when compared
with others Candida spp.
All 53 studied C. auris strains grew on CHROMagarTM
Candida Plus as white to pale cream colonies with a blue
halo (diffusible color) in the adjacent agar (at 35°C for 36–
48 h). In contrast, all the tested members of the C. haemulonii complex (n = 30) grew as white to pale pink colonies
with no colored halo. The absence of the diffusible blue halo
in these species makes it easy to distinguish C. auris from
other species of the C. haemulonii complex. It should be noted
that 63.3% (19/30) of the non-auris Candida tested species of
the complex had difficulties growing in CHROMagarTM Candida Plus after 48 h of incubation (3/5 C. duobushaemulonii,
12/15 C. haemulonii, 3/5 C. pseudohaemulonii and 1/5 C. vulturna showed poor growth on the tested chromogenic media)
(Fig. 1).
Turning to other organisms, most prevalent tested species
showed the characteristics described by manufacturer (C. albicans/C. dubliniensis: turquoise blue/green, C. krusei: pink
to purple with white edges, C. glabrata: pink to purple, C.
tropicalis: metallic blue w/slight pink halo and C. lusitaniae:
pink to purple) (Table 1, Figs 1 and 2). Conversely, 44.3%
(31/70) of the tested C. parapsilosis species complex clinical strains grew on CHROMagarTM Candida Plus as white
colonies surrounded by a blue halo (incubated for 36 and
48 h) (Fig. 2). These characteristics make these colonies difficult to differentiate from C. auris. On the other hand, the
rest (n = 39) grew as white to light blue colonies with no
Medical Mycology, 2022, Vol. 60, No. 00
Figure 1. Representative morphotypes (obverse (A) and reverse (B) sides) of tested yeasts on CHROMagarTM Candida Plus incubated at 35°C for 48 h.
Plates were spotted with 3 μl of suspensions of each yeast. 1: C. albicans (ATCC 90028); 2: C. tropicalis (ATCC 750); 3: C. glabrata sensu stricto (ATCC
90 030); 4: C. krusei (ATCC 6258); 5: C. parapsilosis sensu stricto (ATCC 22019); 6–9 and 14: C. auris; 10 and 19: C. pseudohaemulonii; 11, 12, 15–17 and
20: C. haemulonii. 13: C. vulturna; 18: C. duobushaemulonii. The photographs on the backs of the plates are mirror images of the original photographs
(Digital Edition). This change was made to facilitate observation of the results.
Table 1. CHROMagarTM Candida Plus performance’s summary.
Organism (n)
Candida albicans (10)a
Candida tropicalis (10)b
Candida glabrata (11)c
Candida krusei (5)
Candida lusitaniae (10)d
Candida auris (53)b
Non-C. auris species of C. haemulonii complex (30)e , f
Candida parapsilosis (70)e , g
Turquoise blue/green
Metallic blue w/slight pink halo
Pink to purple
Pink to purple with white edges
Pink to purple
White/pale with blue halo
White/pink slow growth
White/light blue
Sensitivity (%)
Specificity (%)
Candida dubliniensis was excluded from the analysis. It was not possible to differentiate C. albicans from C. dubliniensis using this media.
Some strains displayed all the described morphotype only after 48 h of incubation.
This analysis corresponds to C. glabrata sensu stricto. The cryptic species of C. glabrata species complex were indistinguishable from each other.
Same color as C. glabrata but bigger colonies.
Non-blue halo and blue halo were the pondered characteristic to consider a result as true positive and true negative, respectively.
Candida haemulonii (n = 15), C. duobushaemulonii (n = 5), C. pseudohaemulonii (n = 5) and C. vulturna (n = 5) were included.
This analysis corresponds to C. parapsilosis sensu stricto. The cryptic species of C. parapsilosis species complex were indistinguishable from each other.
Blue halo in 31 strains (false positive).
halo. Similarly, 2/10 strains identified as C. orthopsilosis and
C. metapsilosis (cryptic species of the C. parapsilosis species
complex) showed morphotypes that may be confused with C.
auris (1 strain of each species showed white colonies with blue
When mixed inocula (C. auris plus another Candida
spp.) were plated onto CHROMagarTM Plus, the morphotypes were maintained. Candida auris was easily differentiated from C. haemulonii, C. albicans, C. tropicalis
and C. parapsilosis ATCC 22019. On the other hand,
C. parapsilosis LMDM-1234 (isolated from blood) grew as
small white colonies with blue halo that may be confused
with C. auris (although C. auris showed bigger colonies)
(Fig. 3). Knowing that most (>93%) C. auris strains show
high fluconazole MICs (≥16 μg/ml)25 we repeated the described experiments using CHROMagarTM Candida Plus
with 8 μg/ml fluconazole. We found that in this modified media, C. auris was easily isolated maintaining their
morphotypes and no C. parapsilosis colonies were obtained
(Fig. 3).
Chromogenic media are well established as a presumptive
identification tool in clinical laboratories. Moreover, mixed
infections can be uncovered by its use.18 In this work, we
evaluate CHROMagarTM Candida Plus and it showed an excellent capability for species differentiation, as previously reported.18–20 Its main advantage is that it is able to differentiate C. auris in pure and in mixed cultures. Moreover, it is
able to easily differentiate C. auris from other members of the
C. haemulonii complex. This point must be highlighted since
several commercially available identification methods confuse
C. auris with other members of the complex.9 ,11 What is more
important is that the identification of C. auris implies the isolation of the patient, while if a patient is colonized/infected by
a non-C. auris species of the complex, this isolation is not necessary.10 ,11 Thus, this medium could be a useful tool to reduce
the extension of C. auris outbreaks.
One point to consider is that in 18.9% of the studied
C. auris strains, the blue halo appeared at 48 h of incubation. Consequently, this reading time point should be used for
Sasoni et al.
Figure 2. Representative morphotypes (obverse (A) and reverse (B) sides) of tested yeasts on CHROMagarTM Candida Plus incubated at 35°C for 48 h.
Plates were spotted with 3 μl of suspensions of each yeast. 1: C. dubliniensis (NCPF3949); 2: C. parapsilosis (ATCC 22019); 3–8, 13–16 and 27: C.
parapsilosis sensu stricto; 9–12, 17, 22–26: C. auris; 18 and 19: C. orthopsilosis; 20 and 21: C. metapsilosis; 28: C. haemulonii; 29, 30: C. lusitaniae; 31:
C. tropicalis. The photographs on the backs of the plates are mirror images of the original photographs (Digital Edition). This change was made to
facilitate observation of the results.
Figure 3. Surveillance CHROMagarTM Candida Plus plates (top panels)
and CHROMagarTM Candida Plus with 8 μg/ml of fluconazole (bottom
panels) plates with mixed inoculum of C. auris with C. parapsilosis ATCC
22019 (left panels) and C. parapsilosis clinical strain LMDM 1234 (right
panels) incubated for 48 h at 35°C. Circular photographs are digital
close-ups of the colonies growing on CHROMagarTM Candida Plus.
optimal performance (the possibility of the existence of C. auris in a sample before 48 h should not be ruled out). Similar
observations were done before.18 ,20
One potential disadvantage of the evaluated media is the
high percentage (44.3%) of false positives (white colonies
with blue halo after 36–48 h of incubation) obtained with
our collection of clinical C. parapsilosis strains. Mulet-Bayona
et al.18 reported that some of their 10 C. parapsilosis isolates
showed light bluish colonies. On the other hand, in other studies where CHROMagarTM Candida Plus was evaluated, only
one C. parapsilosis clinical strain was used.19 This strain grew
as white colonies with no blue halo.
It is difficult to explain the reason of the observed morphotypes in C. parapsilosis (some resemblant to C. auris) since
the composition of the chromogenic mixture is not known.
However, these media are known to contain chromogenic enzyme substrates that take on different colors depending on
the action of specific enzymes that could be present or absent in different Candida spp. In addition, it is estimated that
the intensity of these colors may vary depending on the level
of expression of these enzymes, which may be dependent on
the strain under study. For C. parapsilosis, the manufacturer
does not describe what color should be observed. However,
in reports where the predecessor medium (CHROMagarTM
Candida) was described,26 C. parapsilosis showed white or
pale pink colonies. Thus, observed colors for this species are
known to be strain dependent. For this reason, we can speculate that the variations in the observed morphotypes (blue halo
present or absent) on CHROMagarTM Candida Plus among
the evaluated strains may be due to a similar strain-dependent
In order to reduce the possible misinterpretation of results,
especially when C. auris surveillances studies are performed,
we propose the use of a modified CHROMagarTM Candida Plus media with the addition of Fluconazole (8 μg/ml).
Medical Mycology, 2022, Vol. 60, No. 00
Using this modified media, tested C. parapsilosis were unable
to grow and it could facilitate the presumptive identification
of C. auris. If these modified plates with fluconazole are used,
the only possible false-negative or false-positive results that
would be obtained would be the case of a C. auris with a low
fluconazole MIC (<7%, belonging mainly to C. auris clade
II)26 ,27 or a C. parapsilosis with a high MIC to fluconazole
MIC,28 respectively.
From a practical point of view, we might suggest that clinical samples be streaked onto duplicate plates of the chromogenic agar, one with fluconazole and other with no drug.
By doing so, users would isolate all Candida spp. (fluconazole
susceptible and resistant) on the drug-free plate, whereas on
modified CHROMagarTM Candida Plus medium, colonies
with a blue halo would be easily identified as C. auris. A second approach would be sequential. Firstly, the clinical sample would be streaked onto a drug-free CHROMagarTM Candida Plus plate. After 48 h of incubation, individual colonies
with a blue halo would be spotted onto the chromogenic
medium with 8 μg/ml of fluconazole to confirm the identification as a C. auris. The choice of one or the other approach
will depend on the budget (the first option is more expensive)
and the expected response speed (the second option is
As a conclusion, we can state that CHROMagarTM Candida Plus is a helpful tool for presumptive identification for
C. auris. It is able to easily differentiate C. auris from other
closely related species of the C. haemulonii complex and
other yeasts. This chromogenic medium would be also useful as screening and surveillance tool for C. auris colonization. However, we demonstrated that it would be a possibility of misidentification of C. parapsilosis as C. auris that
would be reduced if fluconazole is added to the chromogenic
This study was supported by a PICT grant (Ministerio de
Ciencia y tecnología Argentina) grant PICT 2019-04838 to
Declaration of interest
The authors report no conflicts of interest. The authors alone
are responsible for the content and the writing of the paper.
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