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SPI SheetMetal Inventor 2020 Tutorial: Sheet Metal Design

SPI SheetMetal Inventor 2020
Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© Copyright 2019 SPI GmbH
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SPI SheetMetal Inventor
Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019
Table of contents
1 Preparations.................................................................................. 5
1.1 User Environment .................................................................. 5
1.2 Material Management............................................................. 6
1.3 Interaction SPI SheetMetal and build-in sheet metal module .. 6
2 Exercise 1 – Extrusion .................................................................. 7
2.1 Base Sketch ........................................................................... 7
2.2 Extrusion ................................................................................ 7
2.3 Face draft ............................................................................... 8
2.4 Shell ....................................................................................... 9
2.5 Corner Split Attributes .......................................................... 10
2.6 Unfold................................................................................... 11
2.7 Different kinds of corner splits .............................................. 12
2.8 Corner Reliefs ...................................................................... 15
2.9 Unfold Parameters ............................................................... 17
2.9.1 General ......................................................................... 18
2.9.2 Freeform surfaces ......................................................... 18
2.9.3 Precision ....................................................................... 19
2.9.4 Post Processing ............................................................ 19
2.9.5 Relief ............................................................................. 20
2.9.6 Bend Mark ..................................................................... 20
2.9.7 Drawing ......................................................................... 21
2.9.8 NC ................................................................................. 21
2.9.9 DXF ............................................................................... 22
2.9.10 GEO .............................................................................. 22
2.9.11 WiCAM .......................................................................... 23
2.9.12 Bend Table .................................................................... 23
2.9.13 Actions .......................................................................... 24
3 Exercise 2 – Lofting..................................................................... 25
3.1 Sketches .............................................................................. 25
3.2 Loft ....................................................................................... 26
3.3 Sheet Metal Part .................................................................. 26
3.4 Slot ....................................................................................... 28
3.5 Unfold................................................................................... 29
4 Exercise 3 – Sweeping ................................................................ 30
4.1 Base Plate ............................................................................ 30
4.2 Yet another way to create the Base Plate............................. 32
4.3 Path Contour ........................................................................ 34
4.4 Profile Contour ..................................................................... 34
4.5 Profile ................................................................................... 36
4.6 Split Face ............................................................................. 37
4.7 Corner Split Attributes .......................................................... 38
4.8 Unfolding .............................................................................. 38
SPI SheetMetal Inventor
Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019
4.9 Bend Radius Attributes......................................................... 39
4.10 Filleted Model ....................................................................... 41
4.1 Shortening Attribute.............................................................. 43
Exercise 4 – Combined Part ........................................................ 45
5.1 Base Plate ............................................................................ 45
5.2 Flange .................................................................................. 45
5.3 Production Radius ................................................................ 46
5.3.1 Unfolding ....................................................................... 46
5.3.2 Attach Production Radius .............................................. 47
5.4 Sharp Cornered Flange ........................................................ 48
5.5 Unfolding .............................................................................. 50
Exercise 5 – SPI Corner Reliefs for filleted Parts ........................ 51
6.1 Create the filleted Part .......................................................... 51
6.2 Define Corner Reliefs ........................................................... 51
6.3 Associative Unfolding View .................................................. 52
Exercise 6 – SPI Tools for Sheet Metal Design ........................... 57
7.1 SPI Flange ........................................................................... 57
7.2 Modify SPI Flanges .............................................................. 60
7.3 SPI Punch and Forming Tools .............................................. 61
7.4 SPI Profile ............................................................................ 64
Exercise 7 – Imported Parts ........................................................ 66
8.1 Import File ............................................................................ 66
8.2 Convert to Sheet Metal ......................................................... 66
8.3 Create Unfolding .................................................................. 67
8.4 Mixed Sharp Cornered parts ................................................ 68
Exercise 8 – Big Radii and Conical Bends .................................. 69
9.1 Create Body ......................................................................... 69
9.1.1 Delete Face ................................................................... 70
9.1.2 Thicken/Offset ............................................................... 71
9.2 Sheet Metal Data ................................................................. 71
9.3 Freeform Surfaces Parameters ............................................ 72
9.4 Facet Attribute ...................................................................... 72
9.5 Unfold View .......................................................................... 73
9.6 Bend Line Table ................................................................... 75
SPI SheetMetal Inventor
Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019
1 Preparations
This tutorial helps you to get started with the commands of SPI SheetMetal Inventor. By
following the training examples, you will become acquainted with the exceptional qualities of
sheet metal design. You will be able to perform also complex designs with
Autodesk Inventor™ and SPI SheetMetal Inventor. All training example files are located in
your SPI installation subfolder Tutorial/SheetMetal Tutorial. A quick access to this folder is
provided in the tab SPI repectively SPI→ Help of the Inventor ribbon.
Basic knowledge of Autodesk Inventor™ is required.
User Environment
The SPI SheetMetal Inventor commands are available in the tab SPI of the Inventor ribbon.
According to the environment this tab includes different sets of commands.
In the case of an active sheet metal part document the SPI tab looks like this:
SPI SheetMetal Inventor
Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019
Material Management
The material, the sheet metal thickness and the shortening values used by you are defined in
the material management. You find this program in your Windows start menu in
All Programs→ SPI SheetMetal Inventor 2020→ Material Editor or in the inventor ribbon
Material Editor.
SPI SheetMetal Data Editor.
The description of the process
SPI SheetMetal Data Editor.
Interaction SPI SheetMetal and build-in sheet metal module
Every time you unfold a sheet metal part with SPI SheetMetal Inventor the thickness of the
sheet metal part is checked against the thickness that is defined in the SPI Sheet Metal Data.
In the case of a difference you will prompted to adjust the sheet metal data.
Every time you change the SPI Sheet Metal Data, the Inventor Sheet Metal Defaults for the
part will be adjusted according to this. The Inventor Sheet Metal Rule is set to a rule with the
SPI material name. If such an Inventor Sheet Metal Rule does not exist, the rule will be
created automatically. You can save a Sheet Metal Rule under the same name as a
SPI material in the Style Library or in a template file. With the benefit, that all the options for
unfold by Inventor, that you can edit in the Sheet Metal Rule, will be used also in newly
created sheet metal parts with the same SPI material.
Reversely all changes of the Inventor Sheet Metal Rule have no effect on the unfolding
created by SPI SheetMetal Inventor.
When defining the SPI Sheet Metal Data you may choose to create and assign an Inventor
bend table. For this purpose, the new Sheet Metal Unfold style SpiBendTable will be
created and set as active style. This Sheet Metal Unfold style contains the correct shortening
values of your SPI Sheet Metal Data.
SPI SheetMetal Inventor
Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019
2 Exercise 1 – Extrusion
This exercise shows the design of a simple sheet metal part based on an extruded
rectangular profile and describes the unfolding with the associated parameters.
Base Sketch
Create a new file from the metric template Sheet Metal.ipt.
Prepare a rectangle with the dimensions 75 x 50 mm.
By pressing the key E generate an extrusion with a height of 50 mm. Generate the solid by
clicking on the OK button:
SPI SheetMetal Inventor
Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019
Face draft
Now three sides of the solid shall be inclined by using the Inventor command 3D Model→
Modify→ Draft. You will find this command in the Ribbon tab 3D Model inside the panel
Choose the upper face as pull direction and reverse the direction with a click on the
Direction button:
Set the Draft Angle to 15 degrees. Choose the three lateral faces 1, 2 and 3 as Faces to
Draft. Take care to select these faces next to the lower face. This will determine the fixed
edge of the face to draft:
SPI SheetMetal Inventor
Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019
Confirm with OK and compare the resulting part with the figure:
In order to transform the closed volume of the part to a sheet metal part, you will now employ
the SPI command SPI→ Sheet Metal→ Shell.
Maybe you must assign the SPI Sheet Metal Data first. Do not use the determined thickness
but choose the thickness from the list, for example 0.5 mm.
Click on Remove Faces and select the front and the upper face as shown:
SPI SheetMetal Inventor
Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019
Confirm with OK. The result is a sheet metal part:
Corner Split Attributes
Now the model already looks like a well formed sharp cornered sheet metal part. In order to
prepare the construction for the unfold process you must insert some cuts. You could cut the
model along a sharp corner by using the command SPI→ Attributes→ Corner Split.
Using the dialog, you can select the Edges of sharp corners, adjust the corner split Type and
define the Cut Width. You can process several edges at the same time. In this exercise
please select the two rear vertical edges:
Set the parameters as shown in the figure above and execute the attachment of the corner
split attributes with OK.
The model does not show any alterations, as it is a matter of virtual splits!
By calling the command SPI→ Attributes→
visible and you can change or delete them.
SPI SheetMetal Inventor
Corner Split again, all corner splits become
Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019
An unfolding is created by the command Create Unfolding. This creates a DXF file and a
1:1 scaled drawing, presupposed that a SPI material has been attached to the part.
The unfolding requires the selection of a start edge that, among others, determines the
alignment of the unfolding in the drawing (X-axis).
After calling the command SPI→ Unfolding→ Create Unfolding you will see a dialog box
in which you can select the starting Edge or Face for unfolding. Furthermore, you can
change the Sheet Metal Data and the unfolding Parameters.
Please select the Edge as shown below. This start edge is used for horizontal alignment in
the drawing and in the DXF-file. Doing this you determine the position of the unfolding.
Furthermore, the adjacent face defines the upper side of the sheet metal. (The unfolding
algorithm considers the contours of the upper respectively lower side to create the upper
respectively lower unfolding).
Start the unfolding process with OK. You will receive an Inventor drawing containing a flat
unfolding. In addition, the SPI Unfolding Log window pops up. It displays basic data
(material, sheet metal thickness etc.) and, if they occur, comments and errors. In our case a
successfully run was prompted.
SPI SheetMetal Inventor
Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019
As you can see, the drawing contains
no reliefs in the corner areas. How you
change this behavior you could find out
in chapter Corner Relief.
Different kinds of corner splits
Until now there are two symmetrical corner splits with a distance of 0.5 mm attached to the
model with the corner split attributes. There are further kinds of corner splits.
Close the unfolding log window and the drawing. Call the command SPI→ Attributes→
Corner Split again. Now the already attached corner split attributes are displayed at the
Now choose the left edge. You can alternate either the type or the gap width and even
completely delete the corner split. You can also select several edges at the same time and
edit them jointly. As is the rule in Inventor, edges can be deselected when you hold down the
SPI SheetMetal Inventor
Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019
Change the corner split Type to
change the Cut Width to 2 mm.
Overlapped and
See how the preview changes. With the help of the
option Flip Side you can control the overlapping.
Confirm the selection with OK and call the
Corner Split command again. This time
choose the edge with the symmetrical corner split attribute. Adjust this type to
Overlapped. The position can be edited by means of the option Flip Side as usual.
Confirm the new corner split parameters with OK.
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Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019
Call SPI→ Unfolding→
by click the button
Create Unfolding again and edit the unfolding behavior from here
In the dialog SPI Parameters you
can define the Default Radius for
sharp cornered construction, the
unfolding method, the colors and
layers and other parameters.
Please choose the tab Drawing
(pick the arrow to the right side
Activate the option Bend Zones
and confirm with OK.
Generate a new unfolding by a click on the OK button in the SPI Unfolding dialog.
Zoom into the corner areas and have a close look at the position of bending lines and
bending zones.
Close the unfolding drawing and call the command
Corner Split again. Adjust the Type
to symmetric and the Cut Width to 0.5 mm for each of the two edges. Execute the command
Create Unfolding again and have a look at the resulting drawing.
SPI SheetMetal Inventor
Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019
Corner Reliefs
In order to obtain corner reliefs in the unfolding of a sharp cornered model it is not necessary
to design them at the body. You just need to edit the Unfold Parameters to define a corner
relief for each corner of the model.
Call the command SPI→ Unfold→
Unfold Parameters and choose
the tab Relief.
In this dialog both, the Corner Stamp
and the Relief Stamp for sharpedged flanges, can be adjusted.
Further parameters are available
depending on the selected stamp
For the corner relief choose the
Stamp Type Circle. In that case the
Tool Selection offers three options.
The system automatically calculates
the required size based on the width
of the bending zone.
A particular tool can be chosen out of a list of available sizes. This list and further
tool lists can be adapted by means of the SPI Tool Editor.
With this option the SPI unfolder automatically chooses a tool in applicable size
from the available tools.
Now choose Auto and confirm the relief options
with OK. Generate a new unfolding using the
Create Unfolding.
Zoom into the corner areas:
SPI SheetMetal Inventor
Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019
You can also define a particular corner relief for one or more selected corners in the model.
For this use the command SPI→ Attributes→ Relief.
Select the rear sharp corner for the Bends selection and define a differing relief on Side 1.
For this activate Overwrite Options in the tab Side 1:
Choose the Stamp Type Laser Flex and activate the options Continuous Transition and
Constant Spacing.
Create a new unfolding.
We recommend testing also other stamp types with differing parameters.
The laser relief types Laser Sym and Laser Ka are obsolete. Please use instead the
enhanced type Laser Flex, which produces more accurate results.
SPI SheetMetal Inventor
Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019
Unfold Parameters
There are many more parameters in order to define the behavior of the SPI sheet metal
unfolding process. For this use the command SPI→ Unfold→
Unfold Parameters.
All of the settings in the dialog are saved within the part document. By this means each part
keeps its behavior for all further unfoldings.
You will find detailed descriptions of these parameters in the online help of
SPI SheetMetal Inventor.
You can reuse your settings also for other
sheet metal parts. For this purpose, drop
down the list Load Parameter from
Configuration and click on the item Save
In the dialog Save Configuration click the
button New, type for example Circle Relief
and Save the current settings.
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Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019
The tab General includes general
parameters such as the Default (Bend)
Radius for sharp cornered parts.
First of all the material data Material,
Bending tool and Thickness are listed.
Important for daily use are the Default Radius and the Correction Method. The Default
Radius indicates the radius that shall be applied for the unfolding of sharp cornered flanges.
By use of the SPI Bend Radius Attribute this value can be overwritten for several bends.
The Correction Method determines in which way the shortening shall be calculated
(K-Factor, Table, Formula or TruTops Table). The values for each of these methods have to
be edited by means of the SPI Material Editor. During the unfolding procedure there might
appear some information concerning the unfolding method, such as “No table defined for
material XXX”. In this case you should check whether you have chosen the wrong material or
the wrong correction method or whether you have not defined any table.
Freeform surfaces
These parameters are required when the
sheet metal part contains surfaces which
are neither planar nor cylindrical. Sheet
metal parts based on lofted sketches or
imported parts often contains such
SPI SheetMetal Inventor
Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019
These parameters are relevant for imported
parts and parts that are designed in a way
that did not consider sheet metal specific
Post Processing
The parameter Distance to contour
determines the distance of the bending
lines from the outer contour.
The Post Processing Step Smoothing
cleans the unfolding from possible sheet
metal chips inside the bending areas.
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Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019
In this dialog both, the Corner Stamp and
the Relief Stamp, for sharp-edged flanges,
can be adjusted. Further parameters are
available depending on the Stamp Type.
You could also define individual reliefs by
using the SPI Relief Attribute.
Bend Mark
These markings – normally at the ends of a
bend - are used to place the plate in the
press brake.
By using the SPI Bend Mark Attribute you
can define individual markings for several
SPI SheetMetal Inventor
Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019
The option Two Unfoldings can be used
punching. Instead of elliptical and spline
curves the unfolding contains polygons.
The parameter Min. Polygon Length
defines the minimal possible length for the
generated segments.
The Tool Draw Mode defines the kind of
punch tool representation in case they were
placed by the Place Tools command.
By the Press brake control parameter,
you can attach additional data about the
respective bending at the bend line in
different notations.
The option Delem processes the information for the bending simulation software
VBend of Delem. In case of choosing
Cybelec, the DXF file can be transmitted
directly to Lucia. When using the option
BySoft the DXF file can be read into the
BySoft software with the optional module
CYCAD installed.
These options attach visible information
that can also be used for the drawing.
In contrast the TruTops Bend options have
no visual effect in the drawing.
With the option User defined you can
define texts which will be shown at the
bend lines in the unfolding.
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Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019
The DXF options allow adjusting some
output options such as Line Type, Color
and Layer for the unfolding in the DXF file
format. This is possible for a wide range of
contour types.
In the section File Creation, you can
activate the Use individual path option, if
you like to define a special destination file
path only for the active part. Otherwise the
destination path defined in the global
Application Options will be used. The
path can contain variable fields. For this
click on Details and define the file path.
2.9.10 GEO
Similar to the DXF settings you can adjust
the output parameters for the unfolding in
the TRUMPF GEO file format. These files
can be imported from TruTops Bend or
TruTops Punch.
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Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019
2.9.11 WiCAM
Similar to the DXF settings you can
determine if the unfolding should be
created in a WiCAM XML file. This file
format can be imported from the WiCAM
software tool PN 4000.
2.9.12 Bend Table
Besides the unfolding you can place a
Bend Table on the drawing. Different
parameters of the bends can be selected
for the table columns and the table
SPI SheetMetal Inventor
Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019
2.9.13 Actions
By means of Action you can call a
program directly with the DXF file as
argument. This could possibly be a NC
For each file format, used as unfold
destination, you may specify an external
automatically after the sheet metal part
has been successfully unfolded. The
name of the created unfold file will be
supplied as argument to this program.
These actions may be set globally in the
Application Options or especially only
for the actual part.
Activate the Use individual path option,
if you like to define a special program
name only for the actual part. This could
possibly be a NC program. Otherwise
SPI SheetMetal Inventor
Application Options.
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Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019
3 Exercise 2 – Lofting
During this exercise you will create a part which is designed as an Inventor™ standard part
that will be converted into a SPI sheet metal part later on.
Open a new file (Ctrl+N) based on the metric
template Standard (mm).ipt. Create a new
2D Sketch on the XY plane. Then generate an
Ellipse with the dimensions 75 mm / 50 mm
placed in the origin.
Create a work plane at a distance of 150 mm to
the sketch plane (XY Plane) using the command
3D Model→ Work Features→ Offset from Plane.
On this work plane create a new 2D Sketch and
project the midpoint of the first ellipse. (Always use
the command Sketch→ Create→
Geometry to project geometry from the model into
the sketch).
Then create another Ellipse and place the
midpoint right on top of the projected point.
Dimension the distance of both points with 25 mm
and 15 mm and the radii with 150 mm and
120 mm. Create a short horizontal Line starting
from the midpoint of the new ellipse. Finish the
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Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019
Create a new Work Plane over three points: the center of the lower ellipse and the two end
points of the line in the upper sketch. This plane is required to cut the part later.
Use the command 3D Model→ Create→ Loft in order to generate a surface now. Change
the Output mode to
Surface. Click in the Sections list and select the two ellipses. Finish
the Loft by a click on OK.
Sheet Metal Part
Switch from part mode to sheet metal mode by using the command 3D Model→ Convert→
Convert to Sheet Metal. Set the thickness 1.5 mm in the Sheet Metal Defaults.
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Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019
Now, as you can see in the ribbon tab SPI, the SPI sheet metal commands are enabled.
Start the command SPI→ Sheet Metal→
Sheet Metal Data.
Choose Thickness 1.5 mm, Material Neutral, Machine Neutral and Correction Method
K-Factor. Confirm with OK.
Now, by the Inventor command 3D Model→
Thicken/Offset, create a
volume. Select the surface created by the
loft and link the Distance to the parameter
Thickness, but take care that the offset is
directed outwards.
Your result will be as follows:
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Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019
Before we can unfold the part, we need to split it. For
this we use a simple extrusion based on the prepared
Work Plane2.
Make the two ellipse sketches visible and create a
new 2D sketch on the Work Plane2. Project the
centers of the ellipses with the command Sketch→
Project Geometry. Make the sketches
invisible again.
Now draw a Rectangle which starts at the
center of the part and slightly exceeds
boundaries of our part as you can see in the
Apply the Coincident Constraint between the
right vertical line and the lower point.
Dimension the horizontal lines with each
20 mm to the outer side of the part from the
respective point. The lower line will be linked
with the sum of both elliptical radiuses (d0+d5).
Start the command 3D Model→ Create→
Extrude, activate the
Cut mode, set the
Distance to 1 mm and create the slot with OK:
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Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019
Start the SPI→ Unfold→
the slot as start edge:
Create Unfolding command. Select one of the edges inside of
You get the following unfolded drawing:
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Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019
4 Exercise 3 – Sweeping
In this exercise you learn the construction of a sheet metal part by means of sweeping. It
enables you to promptly build complex corner situations.
Base Plate
At first we create a new sheet metal part with a predefined component from the SPI library by
means of the command SPI→ Sheet Metal→
Create. In the selection dialog choose the
Base Part Sheet and confirm with OK.
Input Exercise 3 into the Component Name field. If there is no working area defined in the
project, you must choose a respective folder in Workspace.
Click on Sheet metal data… and in the SPI Sheet Metal Data Dialog change the Thickness
to 1.5 mm, Material to 1.4301 (V2A) and the Machine to Salvagnini.
Confirm your choice with OK.
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Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019
Set the parameters Length to 200 mm and Width to 120 mm and finish by OK.
A part named Exercise 3.ipt was created in the c:\temp folder with the parameters you have
defined before.
You can enlarge the library with your own parts and assemblies. In the SPI Ducting Tutorial
the proceeding is described for tube parts, but for sheet metal parts the procedure is the
Up to now the sheet metal part appears as follows:
SPI SheetMetal Inventor
Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019
Yet another way to create the Base Plate
You can construct the same base plate as in the previous chapter based on a self-made
sketch: Create a new part using the metric template Sheet Metal.ipt. Create a rectangle with
the dimensions 200 mm x 120 mm:
Use the command SPI→ Sheet Metal→
Sheet in order to create the base plate. In the
dialog you can toggle the direction for the extrusion using the Offset button.
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Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019
Finally you have to change the SPI Sheet Metal Data. For this use SPI→ Sheet Metal→
Sheet Metal Data.
In the SPI Sheet Metal Data dialog change the Thickness to 1.5 mm, the Material to 1.4301
(V2A) and the Machine to Salvagnini.
Confirm with OK.
SPI SheetMetal Inventor
Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019
Path Contour
Create a new 2D Sketch on the upper face of the base plate. Project only three of the four
outer edges of the base plate. Depending on the adjustment for the projection of edges in
new sketches it could happen that four edges are already selected. If so just deselect one of
the long edges.
With it the path contour is finished and you should close the
sketch. In the part browser rename our new sketch from
Sketch2 to Path.
Profile Contour
Create a new Sketch on the front side of the sheet metal body:
SPI SheetMetal Inventor
Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019
Project the left lower point of the front side as reference point for our further construction:
Starting from this point draw the following profile contour in the sketch:
Close the sketch and rename it to Profile.
SPI SheetMetal Inventor
Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019
Start the SPI command SPI→ Sheet Metal→
Profile and choose for the selection of the
Profile the sketch from the last step. The selection of our path sketch is a little bit tricky: If
you click on a line of the path Inventor selects the edge of the body instead the contour in our
sketch. To select the contour, try this: At first simply move the mouse cursor over a segment
of the path. Right mouse click and call the command Select Other. Now click on the arrow to
change the current selection to the curve:
At last zoom the preview into the corner in order to proof that the material is on the right side,
if not please toggle the side using the button
The result is a sheet metal part with pretty closed corners:
In this state you can’t unfold the sheet metal part: The
corner splits are not yet defined and the collar faces at the upper side of the part have to be
split too.
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Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019
Split Face
Split the collar face by simply use the SPI command Sheet Metal→
Split Face. At the
collar face select two corner pairs opposed to each other as shown in the figure. Adjust the
Cut Width Parameter to 0.5 mm.
Confirm the Split Face input parameters with a click on OK.
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Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019
Corner Split Attributes
Call the SPI command Attributes →
Corner Split. Choose the Type symmetric with a
Cut Width of 0.5 mm. The two edges at the collar already got their attributes. Switch the
selection to Paths and click on an edge in a corner. As you can see now all edges along the
corner are selected: By means of the option Paths connected edges can be processed
together. Also choose an edge at the other corner and finish your operation with a click on
Create an unfolding by means of the SPI command Sheet Metal→
Select the front edge of the open basic sheet metal as start edge.
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Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
Create Unfolding.
© SPI GmbH 2019
Close the unfolding drawing.
Bend Radius Attributes
With the SPI Radius Attributes you can define a particular radius on a sharp cornered bend
that overdrives the Default Radius defined in the Unfold Parameters. Call the command
SPI→ Attributes→
Bend Radius.
Select the three corner edges at the bottom and set a Radius of 12 mm.
The option Production Radius allows to automatically determine the radius either out of the
radius table or by means of the radius formula from the SPI SheetMetal Data Editor (see
corresponding online help), based on the angle and the sheet metal thickness. The way in
which the operation radius shall be determined can be adjusted in the Unfold Parameters at
the General tab.
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Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019
Confirm the attribute definitions with a click on OK.
Now start the command
Create Unfolding
again. Click on the
Parameters button and
load the configuration Circle Relief, we had
saved in Exercise 1.
Apply these parameters with a click on OK.
Finally create the unfolding with a click on OK in
the SPI Unfolding Dialog.
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4.10 Filleted Model
SPI SheetMetal Inventor allows you to work with a completely
or only partly filleted model.
In the part browser drag the
the SpiFaceSplit1 entry.
End of Folded marker above
Use the command 3D Model→
Fillet in order to add radii to the model. Select the three
inner edges of the collar and allocate the radius BendRadius to them. Click to add a new
row and select this time the three outer edges of the collar. For this group of edges now set
BendRadius + Thickness as Radius formula.
Create all the fillets with a click on OK.
Now drag the
End of Folded marker back to the end whereupon the remaining collar
face is sliced again.
Create the unfolding. This time, the SPI Unfolding Log contains some entries about curved
edges without definite connection to the parallel surface. This is based on the fact that the
parameter Corner Spacing in the Unfold Parameters is set to zero.
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In the drawing of the unfolding zoom to an area of the
collar face. You will recognize a red line with a slight
displacement to the neighbor contour. This edge was
calculated without any spacing.
In order to repair this situation close the drawing and call
the SPI→ Unfold→
Unfold Parameters command. In
the tab General set Corner Spacing to 0.5 mm.
In a new unfolding check the same area again. As you
can see the parameter Corner Spacing was considered
this time.
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4.1 Shortening Attribute
By attaching the shortening attribute, it is possible to set a particular shortening value for a
specific bend. The shortening can result from different methods of calculation based on: an
explicit shortening value, an absolute bend zone width, a K-factor, a press brake/tool, a table
of shortening values or a formula.
First of all call the SPI command Attributes→
→ Shortening. Mark the edge below the
collar at the long side of the part. Adjust the Shortening Type to Shortening and set the
Shortening value to -2 mm.
Filleted bend zones can be provided with a shortening attribute too.
While creating the unfolding, let’s draw up a bend table that will show the attached
shortening attribute: In the
Unfold Parameters simply activate the option Bend Table→
Create Bend Table. In order to draw a bigger table, adjust the parameter DXF→ Text
Properties→ Height to 5 mm.
The Unfolding Log and the Bend Table report your particular shortening.
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SPI SheetMetal Inventor
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5 Exercise 4 – Combined Part
This exercise shall demonstrate a construction using standard Inventor™- functionality in
combination with SPI SheetMetal Inventor functionality.
Base Plate
Generate a base plate with the dimensions 200 mm x 150 mm for which you determine the
thickness 2 mm, material AlMg 1 and bending tool EMS. As you know from the previous
exercises you have several possibilities to do this:
Create a new part using the sheet metal templates
Use the SPI component library
Convert an Inventor part to a sheet metal part
But don’t forget – where required - to call the command SPI→ Sheet Metal→
Metal Data manually. Select here 2 mm as thickness, AlMg 1 as material and EMS as
Create three flanges with the Inventor™ command Sheet Metal→ Create→ Flange along
the base plate with a Distance of 70 mm and an angle of 75°. Inside the tab Corner activate
the option Apply Auto-Mitering and set Miter Gap to 0.2 mm. Create the flanges with a click
on OK.
Now you should change the corner relief shapes. For this expand the Flange1 element in the
part browser and double click the element Corner1. In the preview now you can click on the
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icon of the desired corner. In the dialog Corner Edit checkout, the offered corner relief
shapes and create a SPI unfolding for every case.
After you have done that adjust the corner relief type to Trim to Bend for both corners.
Production Radius
Within the SPI
Unfold Parameters adjust the option General→ Warn Production
Radius to Differ and General→ Method Production Radius to Table. By this you can check
whether the construction of a model is suitable for processing.
The suitable production radii for the respective material (in our case AlMg 1) are stored in the
SPI material database. You could edit these items using the SPI SheetMetal Data Editor.
Create a SPI unfolding now. You get error messages which indicate that some bending radii
at the body differ from the production radius (as defined by the table in the SPI material
Close the SPI Unfolding Log and the drawing. In the environment of the part the log from
the last unfolding is available using the command SPI→ Unfold→
time with appropriate labeled edges in the model preview:
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Error Protocol. This
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Attach Production Radius
Edit the flanges by double click the Flange1 item in the part browser.
In addition open the SPI→
Production Radius command.
Using this calculator, you can evaluate an
applicable production radius in order to transfer it
to the flange definition.
Choose a Bending Angle of 75 deg and click
the Copy button beside the resulting Radius.
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In the dialog Flange delete the old value of the
Bend Radius and insert the calculated value
by using the key combination Ctrl+V.
Create an SPI unfolding again.
Important: In order that such a bend will remain without errors, every time you change the
material, the bending tool, the thickness or the bend angle, you have to manually adjust the
radius in the element that creates the bend (for example Flange, Contour Flange, Bend) to a
newly evaluated production radius.
Sharp Cornered Flange
Create a new Sketch at the front cut face.
Project the edges at the inner side of the
sheet metal and insert a Line that closes
the contour at the top:
Finish the sketch and close the front side by simply performing the Sheet Metal→ Create→
Face command.
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Now use the command SPI→ Attributes→ Corner Split to attach two symmetric slots with a
spacing of 0.2 mm along the two closed corners in the front:
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Change the SPI
the tab General:
Unfold Parameters at
Adjust Corner Spacing to 0.2 mm. For the
Default (Bend) Radius activate the
Production Radius option. For sharp
cornered flanges the SPI unfolder will use
now the radius that results by the setting in
Method Production Radius.
Choose the upper edge of the new flange
as start edge for the unfolding:
Note how the laser corner relief at
the sharp-edged flange occurs as
a result of the Corner Spacing
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6 Exercise 5 – SPI Corner Reliefs for filleted Parts
SPI SheetMetal Inventor is able to create SPI corner reliefs also for filleted sheet metal
parts. The following exercise will show the proceeding.
Create the filleted Part
First of all, create a base plate with the dimensions 200 mm x 150 mm for which you
determine the thickness 2 mm, material AlMg 1 and machine EMS.
Create three flanges with the Inventor™ command Sheet Metal→ Create→ Flange along
the base plate with a Distance of 70 mm and an angle of 75°. Inside the tab Corner activate
the option Apply Auto-Mitering and set Miter Gap to 0.2 mm. Create the flanges by a click
on OK.
Define Corner Reliefs
Open the SPI→ Unfold→
Parameters dialog.
In the Relief tab select Laser Flex as
Stamp Type for Corner Stamps and
activate the options Continuous
Transition and Constant Spacing.
To ensure that these settings are also
valid for filleted bends you have to
activate the option Insert reliefs at
filleted bends.
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The request, if further settings should
be adjusted, we respond with Yes.
Confirm the relief settings by OK.
Associative Unfolding View
SPI SheetMetal Inventor provides the creation of associative unfoldings. An associative
unfolding is embedded as a view in a drawing. All modifications in the model will
automatically be updated in the derived associative unfolding
Before such a view can be created the part needs to be saved.
Use the command Save
Save (key combination Ctrl+S) and input Exercise 5.ipt as for the
Create a new Inventor drawing derived from the Metric template ANSI (mm).idw. Please
recognize the changed tab SPI in the ribbon, where the SPI commands in the context of a
drawing are available now:
Call the command
Unfold View. The dialog allows to select the sheet metal part from
which the unfolding will be created, to set the scale, to choose a label and to select the start
Choose the just saved part Exercise 5.ipt to be the Part to Unfold. Set the Scale to 1
respectively 1:1. Click at Select to select the starting edge, because there is no starting
edge defined until now.
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The part document will be displayed
automatically, so that you can select the desired
start information in the model. In our case select
the inner edge at the base plate and confirm
with OK.
A starting edge needs to be selected only once
and will be saved within the drawing document.
A reselection may be necessary if you want to
change the start edge or the model has
changed in a way that it has lost its start edge.
Back in your unfold view dialog finish the
creation with a click on OK. Initially the view will
always be positioned in the lower left corner.
Have a look at the corner reliefs that - once defined by means of the Laser Flex corner relief
type - now differ from the model.
Close the Unfolding Log. Drag the unfolding view into the middle of the drawing. Go back to
the part document with a right click on your unfold view. Now select Open Part in the context
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Open the Manage→ Styles and Standards→
Metal Rule AlMg 1 in the left tree.
Styles Editor, there select the Sheet
Under the Bend tab change the Bend Radius to 2 times of the sheet metal thickness by
entering Thickness*2.
Click on Save and Done to finish and save the modification. The model will be updated
immediately by reason of the Bend Radius in the flange element was linked to the Bend
Radius (BendRadius) in the Sheet Metal Rule.
Switch back to your already created drawing. After a short update phase you will see the
changed corner reliefs.
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© SPI GmbH 2019
Save the drawing with the filename Exercise 5.idw.
In order to complete the unfolding view, use the command
width and the height:
Dimension and measure the
Now change the dimensions of the base plate. Switch to the part and double click at the
Face1 element. Modify the dimensions: 150 mm → 120 mm and 200 mm → 150 mm. After
you have closed the sketch the part will look like this:
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Switch to our embedded unfolding in the drawing document. You will get updated dimensions
here also. This should demonstrate: Instead of a completely new unfolding drawing in the
associative unfolding all of the former drawing elements were only moved by the update
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© SPI GmbH 2019
7 Exercise 6 – SPI Tools for Sheet Metal Design
SPI SheetMetal Inventor offers commands for easy sharp cornered sheet metal design. In
addition, this exercise describes the correct handling of the SPI SheetMetal Inventor punch
and forming tools.
Start with a new sheet metal part as supplied before. Creating a base plate with the
dimensions 120 mm x 75 mm. Set material to St1203 with a thickness of 1.5 mm and set
machine to Trumpf Trumabend.
SPI Flange
Start the command SPI→ Sheet Metal→
In contrast to the Inventor flange here you
have to define the Inclusive angle or
rather the opening angle instead of the
bend angle.
The Offset can be positive or negative
and move the flange outside or inside the
material. Between the starting points of the flange and the endpoints of the edge you could
define a positive or negative distance. The Slant angles can also have a positive or negative
Select the long rear edge of the base plate. Modify the parameters and notice the changes in
the preview (in order to update the preview you have to press Enter).
Now create this flange:
If you create the flange now by use the Apply button, you can continue with the next flange
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Create a similar flange at the opposite edge with the same parameters:
Add another flange to the inner left edge of the rear flange. Adjust the Length to 20 mm, the
Distance 2 to 0.1 mm and the corresponding Slant angle 2 to 45°.
Create a similar flange at the opposite side of the part:
Create a last flange between the slanted flanges with a Length of 20 mm, Distances of
0.1 mm and Slant angles of 45° at both sides.
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Close the Create Flange dialog with a click on
Save the part in Exercise 6.ipt. Open a new
drawing and create an associative unfold view
with the inner edge of the front flange as start
edge (same procedure as in chapter 6.3).
Exercise 6.idw.
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Modify SPI Flanges
Of course you can modify the parameters of a SPI flange.
For this purpose, right click the SpiFlange:3 element in the
part browser and select Edit Flange in the context menu of
the element.
For each of the three slanted flanges (SpiFlange:3 –
SpiFlange:5) modify the Length to 15 mm.
This results in a part with a bigger cut-out:
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SPI Punch and Forming Tools
SPI SheetMetal Inventor offers a wide range of parametrical punch and forming tool
At first you have to prepare the part by attaching some placing points. Create a new Sketch
on the base plate and create the three sketch points and the dimensions as shown:
Now start the SPI→ Sheet Metal→
Tools command.
In the selection dialog the tools are subdivided
into punch and forming tools. Here choose the
Standard Forming Oblong in form of the
The available sizes of the several tool classes
can be managed by the SPI Tool Editor. Please
read the online help to get further information.
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You can unselect and reselect the Positioning Points as usual by press the Ctrl Key while
you click the mouse button. Choose all three points and adjust the Angle to 10°. Press Enter
to see the effect of the rotation around the midpoint in the preview.
Confirm your inputs and let the tool
operate on the body with OK.
Call now the command
Mode to Symbol.
Unfold Parameters. Set under the tab Drawing the Tool Draw
When you go back to the unfolding drawing
you will see the forming tools drawn as
specific symbols.
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In the context off the drawing open the SPI→ Unfold→ Unfold Protocol. All recognized
tools and their frequency of occurrence are listed inclusive the names in the SPI tool
Go back to the part document. In the
part browser open the context menu
(right mouse button) of the element
Oblong:3 and select Edit iFeature.
Adjust the parameter Width to
15 mm and click on Finish.
Now open the Unfold Parameters
dialog and under the tab Drawing
set the Tool Draw Mode to Text.
Confirm with OK and go back to the
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Instead of the symbols now the
names of the tools were drawn
besides the placing markings. The
manually manipulated tool has a
generic name composed from the
detected dimensions, because for
these sizes there was no entry in
the SPI tool database.
As you see, the SPI unfolder recognizes the tools in a pure geometric way. By this reason
the identification fails in the case of a partial geometry, as it could happen close to the
borders of a sheet metal part.
SPI Profile
By means of a SPI profile apply another flange
based on an open sketch contour. At first
create a plane in the middle of the part using
the command 3D Model→ Work Features→
Midplane between Two Parallel
Planes and select the inner faces of the two
long flanges.
On the new plane create a new Sketch.
Then Project the lower edge of the base
plate as shown.
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Come from the projected point and
sketch the flange. The upper
horizontal line should be at the same
level as the rest of the part. Use the
Coincident Constraints between
the line and the body geometry to
realize that.
Now we are ready to operate the SPI→
Sheet Metal→
Profile command. In the
Profile selection choose the sketched
contour. Adjust the Depth to 50 mm and
activate the option
Middle. Check
whether the material is on the right side.
Otherwise toggle the Direction. Continue
with a click on OK.
Finally deactivate the visibility of the Work Plane1 element and verify the part and the
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© SPI GmbH 2019
8 Exercise 7 – Imported Parts
Import File
Import the file Exercise 7.stp from your SPI SheetMetal Inventor tutorial folder. Open the
STEP file by using the standard File Open dialog in Inventor. Set Files of type to
STEP Files before you can pick up the file.
In the following import dialog shown you have to change the File Location to a folder where
you have write access!
Confirm the dialog by OK and Inventor opens the file as an assembly simply consisting of
one part.
Convert to Sheet Metal
Activate the embedded part
ImportTeil:1 with a double
click on the item in the
assembly browser.
Convert the part using the
command SPI→ Convert→
Convert to Sheet Metal.
Now open the SPI→ Sheet Metal→ Sheet Metal Data dialog. The thickness 2 mm will be
determined automatically. This may take a while. You can also click the Sheet Metal
Surface button and select a planar surface to determine the thickness again. If material and
machine is correct confirm this by OK and save the file.
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© SPI GmbH 2019
Create Unfolding
By means of the command SPI→ Unfold→ Create Unfolding create an unfolding drawing.
Choose the start edge as shown.
As soon as you have confirmed with OK you get warnings in the Unfolding Log about pairs
of edges that possibly form mixed sharp cornered and filleted bends.
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Mixed Sharp Cornered parts
This situation is a common problem of imported parts. In order to handle this case, you have
to activate the option Mixed Sharp Cornered under the Precision tab within the SPI Unfold
Parameters dialog.
You get a correct unfolding when you unfold the part again:
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Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019
9 Exercise 8 – Big Radii and Conical Bends
SPI SheetMetal Inventor can handle bends with big radii or a conical geometry in a suitable
for production manner by a sequence of bend lines assigned with smaller radii. This exercise
will demonstrate the proceeding.
Create Body
Create a new sheet metal part by using the metric template Sheet Metal.ipt. In the sketch
create a rectangle with the dimensions 500 mm x 300 mm. Press the Key E, in order to
Extrude it with a height of 250 mm.
Call the Fillet command. Select the lower frontal edge and set the radius to 60 mm. Create
the fillet with a click on Apply.
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Change to the tab Variable in the dialog Fillet and this time define a Variable Fillet at the
lower rear edge with radii of 80 mm at the Start and 40 mm at the End. Deactivate the option
Smooth radius transition before you confirm with OK.
Delete Face
Use the command 3D Model→ Surface→ Delete Face to prepare the body for the
conversion to a sheet metal part. Delete three Faces:
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By means of 3D Model→ Modify→ Thicken/Offset the resulting surface will gain thickness.
Select the surface and link the parameter Offset to Thickness. Ensure that the material will
be at the outer side and finally confirm with OK.
Sheet Metal Data
Now change in the SPI Sheet Metal Data dialog the thickness to 5 mm, material to
1.4301 (V2A) and machine to Weinbrenner.
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Freeform Surfaces Parameters
Adjust the settings for Freeform surfaces in the SPI Unfold Parameters.
Activate the options Create Bend Lines,
Cylinder and Cone. Set the lower limiting
Radius for Cylinder to 35 mm and the
lower limiting Radius for Cone to 50 mm.
Facet Attribute
By means of SPI→ Attributes→
Facets allocate a Number of Facets of 9 and Constant
Parameter Intervals for the conical and the cylindrical bend:
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Control the calculated preview using the button Show:
Save the part document in Exercise 8.ipt.
Create a new drawing with the ANSI (mm).idw template and select the size A2.
Unfold View
Now create an associative unfold view using SPI→Unfold→
Unfold View.
To create the unfold view choose the part you have just saved.
Adjust the Scale to 0.5 (1:2) and click on
frontal lower edge and confirm with OK.
SPI SheetMetal Inventor
Select. Back in the part document select the
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Then create the unfold view with OK.
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Bend Line Table
With SPI SheetMetal Inventor you are able to create an associative Bend Line Table in the
drawing using the command SPI→ Unfold→
Bend Line Table.
Change the settings as shown
and confirm with OK.
The table entries and the bend
lines are numbered. Please
don’t use them as a process
sequence. They are useful for
identification purposes only.
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Tutorial for the design of sheet metal parts
© SPI GmbH 2019