JFS S: Sensory and Nutritive Qualities of Food Processing, Nutritional Evaluation, and Utilization of Whole Mesquite Flour (Prosopis laevigata) A. P. BARBA DE LA ROSA, J. T. FRIAS-HERNANDEZ´, V. OLALDE-PORTUGAL, AND J. GONZALEZ´ CASTANEDA˜ ABSTRACT: BasiccropssuchaswheatandmaizearenotcultivatedeasilyinthecentralhighlandsofMexico,butpods of mesquite (Prosopis laevigata), a N2−fixing plant that dominates the vegetation, could be used as an additional foodsource.Thephysicochemicalandfunctionalpropertiesandnutritionalvalueofwholemesquitepodflourdried at 60 ◦C and 70 ◦C and muffins prepared with the mesquite flour were investigated. Drying temperature did not changethetrueproteinconcentrationofthewholemesquitepodflour,thatis,97%.Thedigestibilityforpodtoasted at70◦Cwas78%comparedto77%at60◦C,tannincontentwas58%and48%whiletrypsininhibitorwas347and495 unitofinhibition(UI)/gsample,respectively.Functionalcharacteristicsofwholemesquitepodflourweresimilarto thoseofbeanflour(Phaseolusvulgaris),andsuperiortothoseofwholewheatflour(Triticumsp).Mesquiteproteins were high in tryptophan and histidine. Sensorial analysis scores for products made with whole mesquite flour were high. The results of this work suggested that whole mesquite pod flour could be used as a supplement for human consumption. Keywords: digestibility, functional properties, Prosopislaevigata, sensorial evaluation, whole mesquite flour Introduction ost developing countries are faced with an increasing population and a larger food supply, but have a limited access to cultivable land. This increased demand for food has increased initiatives to consider new, underutilized plants as fodder for animals or food for humans, especially in areas where staple crops such as source wheat or maize are difficult to cultivate due to lack of water (Beckerandothers1994).Mesquite(Prosopisspp.)isalegumeplant thatgrowsinAsia,Africa,andLatinAmerica.Itsdeeprootingsystem and symbiosis with N2-fixing bacteria allows it to grow in areas with limited and erratic rainfall and in soils limited in organic material and nutrients (Del Valle and others 1983; Angoa-Perez and others´ 2004). Mesquite forms “fertility islands” as organic matter content increases in soil under its canopy that prevents erosion, improves water infiltration and prevents run-off, and forms a refuge for fauna and flora (Reyes-Reyes and others 2002, 2003). The industrial use of mesquiteisvirtuallynonexistentasitgrowsinregionswheretheuse ofnaturalvegetationisrestricted;exploitationandknowledgeofgermination,plant ing,cultivation,protection,blooming,ripening,and harvesting is limited (Figuereido 1990; Ram´ırez-Saldana and others˜ 2000). It is well known, however, that mesquite seeds have high proteincontentwitharelativelyhighlysinecontent,whichmakesthem ideal to combine with cereals. Additionally, their nutritional quality improves with thermal processing such as toasting, microwave, or moist heat under pressure (Estevez and others 2000). Tradition-´ ally, pods are used to prepare flour, which is used to make baked products, or fermented to produce alcoholic beverages (Ram´ırezSaldana and others 2000). The pods have the potential to be used as˜ low-cost food supplements, but little is known about their physicochemical and functional properties. The objective of this study was tocharacterizemesquitepodsdriedattwotemperatures(60◦Cor70 ◦C), evaluate whole mesquite flour and prepare different products from it for human consumption. Materials and Methods esquite pods were collected from trees located in the Cortijo at 20 Km from Dolores Hidalgo, Guanajuato, Mexico. The´ pods were dried at 60 ◦C and 70 ◦C (Rios–Rocha oven, model II SOF, Mexico) until constant weight and ground in a hammerhead mill (4 model, ThomasWilley, U.S.A.). The obtained flour was passed through a 1-mm × 0.5-mm sieve, added to polyethylene bags and stored in a refrigerator at 4 ◦C until used. Chemical characterization of the flour Moisture content of the whole mesquiteflour was determined by heating a subsample of 3 g in a vacuum oven at 50 ◦C for 1 h (44-15, AACC 1983). Crude fat was extracted from a subsample of 5 g dried invacuumovenat50◦Cwithpetroleumether(boilingpoint30◦Cto 60◦C).Thesolventwasheatedonanelectricplateatsucharatethat the solvent dropped from condenser at a rate >150 drops/min (3025,AACC1983).Crudefiberwasdeterminedasweightlossofadried 2-g subsample digested with sulfuric acid 1.25% and NaOH 1.25% (7-070, MS 20050254 Submitted 5/2/2005, Accepted 3/7/2006. Author de la Rosa is with AACC 1983). Total protein (N% × 6.25) was determined with the Kjeldahl Division de Biolog´ ´ıa Molecular, Inst. Potosino de Investigacion´ Cient´ıfica y Tecnologica, A.C. Camino a la Presa San Jos´ e #2055, Lomas 4´ a, technique using subsamples of 0.5 g whole mesquite flour (7-015, AACC 78216SanLuisPotos´ı,S.L.P.,Mexico.AuthorOlalde-PortugaliswithDept.de´ 1983). All analyses were done in triplicate (n = Biotecnolog´ıa y Bioqu´ımica, CINVESTAV, Unidad Irapuato, A.P. 629, 36500 Irapuato, Gto., Mexico. Authors Frias-Hern´ andez and Gonz´ alez Casta´ neda˜ 3). are with Inst. de Ciencias Agr´ıcolas, Univ. de Guanajuato, Ex Hacienda El Copal, Apdo. 311, 36500 Irapuato, Guanajuato, Mexico. Direct inquiries to´ author Castaneda (E-mail:˜ [email protected]). Vol. 71, Nr. 4, 2006—JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE S315 Mesquite flour as food... Thetrueproteincontentofthemesquiteflourwasdeterminedas described before (Naczk and others 1986; Perez-Conesa and others 2002). A subsample of 500 mg flour was added to 20 mL 10% (w/v) TCA solution. The suspension was stirred at room temperature for 1 h and centrifuged at 14000 × g at 10 ◦C for 1 h. The obtained pellet was washed twice with TCA solution and the disrupt hydrogen bonds and subsequently water molecules become attached to hydroxyl groups in starch (Rahman 1995) A subsample of 1 g flour was added to 100 mL distilled water and shaken for 5 min. The volume of foam was measured immediately after shaking. Foam capacity (FC) was defined as: FC (%) = total volume after shaking − (volume Further reproduction without permission is prohibited supernatants collectedanddilutedto50mLwithdistilledwater.Totalnitrogenwas as indicated before (Kjeldhal procedure, 7-015, AACC 1983). were before shaking). After 30 min, the foam was measured again and foam stability determined (%FE) was defined as: FE (%) = (volume of foam after 30 min/total foam volume) × 100. Digestibility Digestibility in vitro was determined by the change of pH from a protein suspension immediately after 10 min digestion with multienzymatic solution, change in pH has high correlation with the in vivo apparent digestibility of rats (Hsu and others 1977). A multienzymatic buffer was prepared with 0.16% trypsin, 0.31% chymotrypsin,and0.13%peptidase(SigmaChemicalCo,St.Louis,MO, USA).A312.5mgproteinsubsamplewasmixedwith50mLdistilled water (6.25 mg protein/mL). The pH of the protein suspension was adjusted to 8 with 0.1 N HCl or NaOH and added to 5 mL enzymatic buffer. pH was measured after digestion at 37 ◦C for 10 min. Digestibility(y)wascalculatedaccordingtothefollowingregression equation that describes the relation samples between digestibility in vitro and in vivo, determined in mouse (Hesperomys): y = 210.464 − 18.103 x, where x is the pH of the protein suspension after 10 min digestion with multi-enzyme solution. Tannin concentration of the flour Tannincontentwasdeterminedusingthetechniqueasdescribed by Price and others (1978). A subsample of 200 mg flour was added to 10 mL HCl 1% in methanol. The sample was agitated at 225 rpm onshaker(NewBrunswickScientificCo,Inc.,Edison,N.J.,U.S.A.)at 30 ◦C for 20 min and centrifuged at 14000 × g and 5 ◦C for 1 h. The supernatant was collected and a 1 mL aliquot was added to 5 mL vanillin reactive and incubated at 30 ◦C for 20 min. The absorbance was determined at 500 nm. A catequine standard curve was determined. Trypsin inhibitors A subsample of 1 g flour was added to 5 mL deionized water, stirred at 4 overnight and centrifuged at 15000 × g at 4 ◦C for 30 min. The supernatant was dialyzed on a 2 kDa MWCO at 4 ◦C for 20 h. The Schwertz and Takenaka method (1995) was used to determine trypsin inhibitor in the supernant. ◦C Functional properties Protein solubility of mesquite flour was measured at pH 4.5, 5, and 7 (Del Valle and others 1983; Hettiararchchy and Kalapathy 1997) and at pH 5 after addition of ammonium sulfate ((NH4)2SO4) to30%and50%(100%saturationwasobtainedwith1.0g(NH4)2SO4 per1.5mLwaterat25◦C)andatpH10afteradditionof1%and10% sodium chloride (NaCl) (100% saturation was obtained with 1.0 g NaCl added to 2.8 mL water at 25 ◦C). Water absorption was determined with the method of Sosulki (1962) and was expressed as the amount of water absorbed by 10 g flour. A subsample of 1 g mesquite flour was added to 3 mL corn oil, mixedfor1minandlettostandfor30min.Thesuspensionwascentrifuged at 2000 × g for 1 min. Fat absorption capacity was reported as the amount of free oil per 100 g of sample (Lin and others 1974). Gelatinization was determined as described by Coffman and Garc´ıa (1977). Suspensions of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16% flour were prepared and heated for 1 h in boiling water and cooled at 4 ◦C for 2 h. Gelatinization was defined as a suspension of starch in heated water. Diffusion of water into granules causes swelling, that is an increase in granule volume, and S316 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE—Vol. 71, Nr. 4, 2006 Amino acid pattern The amino acid pattern was determined according to AOAC method 43.263 (1984). Proteins were hydrolyzed with 6N HCl at 110 ◦Cfor24husingthePicoTagsystem(Waters-Millipore).Amino acids were determined with the method described by Elkin and Wazyncszuk (1987). Preparation of muffin cakes Themuffincakeswerepreparedbymixing25gbutter,175gwheat flour,175gwholemesquiteflour(bydryingeachsubsampleat60◦C and70◦C),250gsugar,250geggs,and10gbakingpowderinabowl. The dough was placed in a baking pan and baked at 150 ◦C for 1 h. Muffin cakes prepared without mesquite flour served as control. Sensory evaluation Sensory evaluation (color, odor, flavor, sweet, texture, appearance,andacceptation)wasdoneinanexploratorytesttodetermine the level of acceptability of mesquite pod flour products. Products without mesquite pod flour served as control. Triplicate samples prepared with mesquite flour toasted at 60 ◦C, 70 ◦C and controls were served simultaneously. An affective method or a Hedonic test wasappliedusingfivecategoriesofappreciationofthemuffincakes. The appreciations were balanced and equidistant. The following evaluations were applied: 1 = Like very much, 2 = Like; 3 = Do not like or dislike, 4 = Do not like, 5 = Do not like at all (Anzaldua-´ Morales 1984; Pedrero and Pangborn 1989; Spoto and others 1997; Maldonado-Villalba and others 2005). The test was done by 40 untrained judges and conducted in a sensory evaluation room illuminated by white fluorescent light in individual partitioned booths. Each muffin cake with mesquite pod flour and the control were coded with a random three-digit numbers. All the samples were servedatroomtemperatureandjudgedinduplicate.Deionizedwater was provided for the panelists to rinse their mouths after testing each sample. Results and Discussion Proximate composition Mesquitepodflourwasobtainedbytoastingthepodsandpassing them through a mill. The total protein content of 10% (w/w dry basis) was similar for both toasting temperatures used (Table 1). The protein content was similar to that reported for cereals, such as corn (Aguilar-Miranda and others 2002), but lower than found for other legumes, such as peas and soybean, where proteins contents ranged from 24% to 34% (w/w dry basis) (Augustin and Klein 1989). Fat content was 3.6% for toasting at 65 ◦C and 3.5% at 70 ◦C (Table 1) for the pod flour, however, this content was higher in the muffincake(Table2).Thesevaluesweresimilartothosereportedfor P.glandulosa(Zolfaghariandothers1986),buthigherthanthosefor P. juliflora and Prosopis spp. (Del Valle and others 1987, 1988). The fat content was similar to values reported for cereals (1% to 5%), but lower than that for URLs and E-mail addresses are active links at www.ift.org Mesquite flour as food... soybean (ranging between 24% and 35%) (Augustin and Klein 1989). It has Table 3---True protein and digestibility percent and tannins and trypsin inhibitors content of mesquite pod flour been reported that mesquite oil ◦ ◦ Table 1---Characterization of mesquite pod flour (Prosopis (Prosopis laevigata) toasted at 60 C and 70 C a Trypsin laevigata) Toasting temperature 60 ◦C 70 ◦C Characteristic Crude proteina 10.0b (0.8)c 10.0 (0.8) Fat 3.6 (0.1) Ash 5.8 (0.1) 3.5 (0.1) 6.5 (0.1) 23.2 (0.1) 56.8 Crude fiber Carbohydratesd a bCrude 26.7 (0.1) 53.9 protein was defined as total nitrogen × 6.25. Toasting True temperature protein (%) 60 ◦C 98a 70 ◦C 97a Digestibility inhibitor Tannins (%) (UI/g sample) (mg/100 g) 77a 495a 58a 78b 347b Values with the same letter are not significantly different (P< 0.05). URLs and E-mail addresses are active links at www.ift.org Table 4---Solubility of mesquite pod flour (Prosopis laevigata) at different pH added with different salts Values are expressed on percent dry basis and are the mean of three measurements (n= 3). cValues between parentheses are standard deviations of the mean. dDetermined by difference. Table 2---Characterization of muffin cakes with or without mesquite pod flour (Prosopis laevigata) Muffin cakes Muffin cakes Roasting temperature 60 ◦C 70 ◦C Soluble proteins (%) pH 5a 36.7 (0.08)b 34.3 (0.08) 20.4 (0.08) 19.5 (0.08) (NH4)2SO4 at 50% saturation 9.2 (0.01) 8.9 (0.01) NaCl 0% NaCl at 30% saturatione 36.7 (0.08) 85.9 (0.08) 34.3 (0.08) 79.3 (0.08) NaCl at 50% saturation 74.5 (0.08) 69.2 (0.08) (NH4)2SO4 0% (NH4)2SO4 at 30% saturation with mesquite with mesquite Muffin with pod flour pod flour only wheat Characteristic toasted at 60 Crude proteina 9.7b (0.1)c Fat Ash Crude fiber Carbohydratesd ◦C 11.2 (0.1) 8.8 (0.1) 7.8 (0.1) 62.5 toasted at 70 48b ◦C pH 10d flour (control) 9.8 (0.1) 8.7 (0.1) 11.0 (0.1) 8.7 (0.1) 7.6 (0.1) 62.5 11.2 (0.1) 2.3 (0.1) 1.8 (0.1) 76.0 ab Crude protein was defined as total nitrogenValues are expressed on percent dry basis and are the mean of three× 6.25. measurements (n= 3). cValues between parentheses are standard deviations of the mean. c a Temperature 25 ◦C and pH 5 is the isoelectric point of mesquite protein. b Values between parentheses are standard deviations of the mean of three values (n c100% saturation corresponded to 1 g (NH4)2SO4 dissolved in 1.3 mL water. dTemperature 25 C and pH 10 resulted in maximum protein solubility. e100% saturation corresponded to 1.0 g NaCl in 2.8 mL water. d Determined by difference. can contain up to 51% unsaturated fatty acids, such as linoleic acid (Marangoni and Alli 1987). Theashcontentofmesquitepodflourwas5.8%at60◦Cand6.5% at 70 ◦C (Table 1) for the pod flour. Similar values were reported for Prosopis spp (Del Valle and others 1983), but lower values ranging from 1% to 4% were reported for P. juliflore, Prosopis velutina (P. velutina), and P. glandulosa (Meyer and others 1986; Zolfaghari and others 1986; Del Valle and others 1987). Values ranging between 1% and 4% were reported for beans (Desphande and others 1982) and from 3% to 4 % for wheat whole flour (Charley 1990). In general, mesquite flour is rich in minerals, especially Ca, Mg, K, Zn, and Fe (Marangoni and Alli 1987). Mesquite pod flour was also rich in fiber content, ranging from 23% to 27% at 70 ◦C and 60 ◦C, respectively. Theashandfibercontentsofmuffincakeswithpodflourwerehigher thanthecontrol(Table2).Thiscomponentimprovedthequalityand the nutritional value of these products. True protein and digestibility The true protein content was 97% to 98% independent of the toasting temperature (Table 3). These results suggest that almost all nitrogen in the mesquite flour could be found in proteins, which couldpotentiallybeusedbythehumanbody.Toastingtemperature did not affect digestibility, the values were 77% at 60 ◦C and 78% at 70 ◦C (Table 3). Similar values have been reported for P. juliflora (Marangoni and Alli 1987; DeMonte-Negreiros 1992). The seeds of thelegumeplantsPhaseolusvulgarisandLensesculentausedasfood supplementshavedigestibilityvaluesrangingfrom79%to84%,similar to those of the mesquite pod flour (Friedman 1996; Balandran´ and others 1998). The large digestibility together with the high true protein content indicates that mesquite pods are a good source for proteins for humans. Trypsin inhibitor and tannins Trypsin inhibitor of whole mesquite flour was 495 UI/g and 347UI/gforsamplesroastedat60◦Cand70◦C,respectively(Table3). Anincreaseof10◦Cdecreasedsignificantlytheactivityofthetrypsin inhibitor. The trypsin inhibitor content in mesquite pod flour was very low compared to other legume seeds. It was 600 UI/g in lentils and 12000 UI/g in chickpea (ChagollaLopez 1998).´ Tannincontentalsodecreasedfrom58to48mg/100gwhenroasting temperature increased from 60 ◦C to 70 ◦C (Table 3). Values ranging from 33.7 to 282 mg/100 g have been reported for P. vulgaris (Desphandeandothers1982).Assuch,flourofP.laevigatahad low tannin content. The decrease in both trypsin inhibitor and tannin content with increased roasting temperature is mainly due to their thermo-labile characteristics (Reddy and Pierson 1994). Both trypsin inhibitor and tannin have nutraceutical characteristics (Li and Zhang 2001) Vol. 71, Nr. 4, 2006—JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE S317 Mesquite flour as food... Functional properties Thepatternofsolubilityofmesquitepodflourhadtypicalbehavioroflegumepla nts,suchassoybean(Waggleandothers1989),and verysimilartothatofP.juliflorapod(DeMonte-Negreiros1992).The protein solubility of whole mesquite flour as a function of pH and salt concentration is shown in Table 4. Solubility of mesquite pod flour had similar values at pH 5 and pH 10 when no salt was added, 36.7% when pod was toasted at 60 ◦C and 34.3% when toasted at 70 ◦C. However, when (NH4)2SO4 was added at 30% and 50% saturationatpH5,theproteinsolubilitywasdecreased,at50%saturation solubility was 9.2% when mesquite pods were toasted at 60 ◦C and 8.9% when toasted at 70 ◦C. On other hand, the addition of sodium chloride (30%) at pH 10 had a positive effect; protein solubility was increased to 85.9% at 60 ◦C and 79.3% at 70 ◦C toasted pod temperatures (Table 4). Del Valle and others (1983) have reported that increasingsaltconcentrationatpH5andpH10didnotincreaseprotein solubility of P. juliflora. In this work sodium chloride improves mesquite proteins solubility at pH 10. Mesquite pod flour absorbed 185% times its weight in water (Table 5). A similar value has been reported for bean (Phaseolus Table 5---Characteristics of mesquite (Prosopislaevigata) pod flour roasted at 60 ◦C and 70 ◦C compared to those of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and wheat (Triticum sp.) Mesquite pod flour Roastingtemperature similar values to those found for Phaseolus vulgaris (Sosulki and Youngs 1979). Amino acids content Theaminoacidcontentofmesquitepodflourshowedagoodbalanceasrecomme ndedforadultsandchildrenperdaybyFAO(1993) (Table 6). Results indicate that essential amino acids, such as histidine,threonine,tryptophan,valine,andphenylalaninewerepresent insufficientamounts.Therelativelyhighlysinecontentofmesquite pod flour indicates that this flour could be recommended for adult supplement lysinelimited food, such as cereal grains (Marangoni and Alli 1987). Mesquite pod flour could be combined with cereals, legumes, or mixtures of both, yielding products of good nutritive value (Del Valle and others 1983; Estevez and others 2000). Dif-´ ferences in amino acid content between those found in this study and those previously reported are presumably due to the different species investigated. Products of P. juliflora were found to be high in sulfur-containing amino acids (DeMonte-Negreiros 1992). Table 6---Essential amino acid amounts in mesquite pod flour (Prospois laevigata) (mg amino acid/g protein)a FAO Aminoacid Mesquitepodflour Children Adults Histidine 45(0.1) 19 16 Phaseolus Tryptophan 53 (0.01) 11 45(0.1) 34 95 60 C 70 C vulgaris Properties Wheat Threonine Valine 62 (0.1) 35 Lysine 20(0.1) 58 1613 Water absorption capacity 186 (0.8)d 199 (0.8) 185 75 Oil absorption + 14 (0.1) 25 17 capacity 59 (0.8) 71 (0.8) 100 98 Isoleucine26 (0.1) 28 c 13 Leucine 56 (0.1) 66 Gelatinization 16 (0.9) 16 (0.9) 14 --- Methionine Cysteine 19 Foam capacity 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 30 --Foam stability 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 50 --d Emulsionactivity 50(0.8) 50(0.8) 65 --- aPhenylalanine Tyrosine 28(0.01) 22 19 b Values are expressed on percent dry basis. Mean of three repetitions Emulsionstability 80(0.8) 80(0.8) 90 --- (standard deviations). cMinimum values required for adults and children per a Values are expressed on percent dry basis and are the mean of three measurements (n= 3). bSosulki and Youngs (1979). cZolfaghari and others (1986). dValues between parentheses are standard deviations of the mean (n= 3). vulgaris) (Sosulki and Youngs 1979), but lower values of 75% for wheat flour (Zolfaghari and others 1986). The oil absorption capacity of 59% for mesquite pod flour was lower than for bean and wheat flour (Desphande and others 1982; Zolfaghari and others 1986). However, oil absorption capacity of whole mesquite flour (59% to 71%), was within the range (68% to 134%) as reported for eightlegumes(SosulkiandYoungs1979).Gelatinization(Table5)of whole mesquite pod flour was independent of the roasting temperature and similar to that of beans (Sosulki and Youngs 1979). Interestingly, mesquite pod flour did not form foam so it could easily be used in processes where foam should be avoided. Emulsion activity and stability (Table 5) of mesquite pod flour had day as stipulated FAO (1993). dcRequirements for methionine + cysteine.tyrosine. Requirements for phenylalanine + Sensory evaluation Although the color, odor, and flavor of the muffins added with mesquitepodflourwereslightlydarkerandstronger,theyweregenerally given a favorable evaluation, that is “Score 2: Like” (Table 7). Thecontrol,however,hadalessfavorablequalification“Score3:Do not like nor dislike.” The products made with mesquite pod flour roasted at 60 ◦C and 70 ◦C had the highest score for color in score 2 with 44% and 50%, respectively, compared to the control with the highest score of 32% in score 3 (Do not like or dislike). With respect to the flavor, muffins added with mesquite pod flour had a higher score46%to36%(like)thanthecontrol40%(Donotlike).Thesweet texture and appearance of muffins with mesquite pod flour had a similar sensory evaluation as the control muffins (Table 8). Acceptancewasbetterintheproductsmadewithmesquitepodflour45%40% (Like) in comparison with the original recipe 30% (Do not like) (Table 9). It has been reported that the texture of muffins prepared with mesquite pod flour Color Sensory Descriptor Likeverymuch Like Donotlikeordislike Donotlike Donotlikeatall a Odor Mesquitepodflour Roastingtemperature Mesquitepodflour Roastingtemperature Score 60 C 70 C Wheat 60 C 70 C Wheat 60 C 70 C Wheat 1 2 3 4 5 3a 44 25 25 3 18 50 32 0 0 18 18 32 25 7 21 32 29 18 3 14 36 25 25 0 10 18 29 29 14 21 46 29 0 4 23 36 29 8 4 14 14 18 40 14 Sensoryevaluationexpressedonpercentbaseasdefinedby40untrainedjudgesdoneinduplicate( S318 Flavor Mesquitepodflour Roastingtemperature JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE—Vol. 71, Nr. 4, 2006 n 80). URLs and E-mail addresses are active links at www.ift.org Mesquite flour as food... was affected, but not the flavor (Zolfaghari and others 1986). Other products people already use mesquite pods. Toasting improves some nutritional aspects, were made with up to 30% substitution of whole wheat flour, but only 10% in decreases trypsin inhibitor and tannins contents, which are nutraceuticals compounds at lower muffins (Meyer and others 1986; Estevez and others 2000).´ concentrations,butantinutritionalathigherconcentrations.Proteinsolubility of mesquite pod is comparable with other sources of proteins, such as soybean Conclusion that is extensively used in food preparation. Mesquite esquite pod flour (Prosopis laevigata) could be an excellent source of vegetal proteins. The trees or shrubs grow in arid areas where Table 7---Color, odor, and flavor evaluation of muffins made with mesquite pod flour (P. laevigata) roasted at 60 ◦C and 70 ◦C compared to muffins made only with wheat (Triticum sp.) Table 8---Sweetness, texture, and appearance evaluation of muffins made with mesquite pod flour (Prosopis laevigata) roasted at 60 ◦C and 70 ◦C compared to muffins made only with wheat (Triticum sp.) Sweetness Sensory Descriptor Texture Mesquitepodflour Roastingtemperature Score 60 C 70 C Appearance Mesquitepodflour Roastingtemperature Wheat a 60 C Likeverymuch 1 21 14 4 29 Like 2 43 54 28 50 Donotlikeordislike 3 28 17 28 21 Do not like 4 8 11 28 0 7 18 7 0 14 Do not like at all 5 0 4 12 0 0 14 0 0 18 Mesquitepodflour Roastingtemperature 70 C Wheat 60 C 70 C Wheat 18 46 29 11 36 21 11 46 36 25 39 36 21 29 18 a Sensory evaluation expressed on percent base as defined by 40 untrained judges done in duplicate (n= 80). highlands of Mexico as affected by natural vegetation: a laboratory study. Biol Fert Soils Table 9---Acceptance evaluation of muffins made with mesquite 40:252–9. pod flour (Prosopis laevigata) roasted at 60 ◦C and 70 ◦C compared Anzaldua-Morales A. 1984. Importancia de la evaluaci´ on sensorial en la industria to muffins made only with wheat ali-´ mentaria. Curso impartido a profesores del Departamento de Graduados, Escuela (Triticum sp.) Nacional de Ciencias Biologicas, Instituto Polit´ ecnico Nacional de M´ exico.´ Acceptance Sensory Descriptor Likeverymuch Like Donotlikeordislike Mesquitepodflour Roastingtemperature Score 70 C Wheat 1 2 3 13 40 32 14 17 22 24% 45% 22% 60 C Do not like 4 9 11 30 Do not like at all 5 0 4 17 [AOAC] Assn. of Analytical Chemists. 1984. Official methods of analysis of the association of analytical chemists. 14th ed. Washington, D.C. AugustinJ,KleinBP.1989.Nutrientcompositionofraw,cooked,canned,andsprouted legumes. In: Matthews RH, editor. Legumes chemistry, technology and human nutrition. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc, Chapter 7. Balandran RR, Barbosa GV, Zazueta JJ, Anzald´ ua A, Quintero A. 1998. Functional and´ nutritional properties of extruded whole pinto bean meal (Phaseolus vulagris L.). 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