NATIONAL AUTONOMOUS UNIVERSITY OF CHOTA PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING PRACTICE • CYCLE: II • TEACHER: NAPOLEÓN CUBAS IRIGOIN • STUDENT: ❖ CIEZA ALTAMIRANO JHOSELYM YARICZA ❖ CASAS CAMPOS DELCY MARBELI ❖ LLAMO CARRANZA DANY LIZETH ❖ VILCHEZ CORONADO LINCOLN ALIYP PRACTICE 12 Read the sentences and resolve it. E RECIATIO OST NTERE API AL RA ING HARE DSOLD IS ITION UDI UDGE ALAN C i b h j f c d a g Expand Decrease Hold firm Escalate Deepen Maintain same level Grow Descend Remain constant Improve Deteriorate Retain position Increase Diminish Jump Drop Recover Dwindle Rise Fall Rocket Reduce Slump Shrink Slow dowm Soar Suffer 2 10 3 14 8 12 between to 9 13 4 7 11 5 1 2 1 5 from 4 at between from by 3 from 8 of of 9 6 7 11 at from of 12 10 14 13 INSERT SAVE WRITE ATTACH RESEARCH MODIFY SAVE ARCHIVE BROWSER TO DOWNLOAND EXPLORE DISCARD NET CALCULATOR SEEKER TO IMPORT SUPPRESS RESEND INSTALL WEB PAGE VIRUS