Subido por Bryan Mauricio Alvarado

English Learning: A Teacher's Passion & Presentation

English is a delicious dish, but presentation is as important as its taste
Hello everyone, My name is Bryan. Language is like a delicious dish; we all dream about having
and enjoy it. It opens up the possibilities for a limitless world of entertainment, education,
travelling and many other perks. Like a slice of cake, learning a new language is optional, cake is
not an essential part of our nutrition, but it definitely adds a pleasant extra in our lives.
However, just like in the world of culinary arts, presentation is key. If English doesn’t look like
something appealing and accessible, it would represent something overwhelming, unattractive,
and even scary for a person who’s willing to learn a new language. Thus, the main objective for
an English teacher is not only to transfer his knowledge to other people like a robot, but to
motivate students in order encourage them to go further and enjoy the ride.
I’m taking this course because I want people to feel the same joy that I felt many years ago when
I started learning English. I want to change the mindset that English is difficult in a way that my
students and people around me start discovering a world traditionally locked by a language
barrier. Thanks for your attention.