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Dbn ~..._.<;-/ e eff. G5.vea a11 0ax-, hhundred dollars or .&#39;-1&#39;.-1. _.4 _, .__ &#39; A,~ H ;w§n,&#39;" "_92 _echt,~_-jay /_ _c;iqe_l1_, ziazpan Georg:/&#39;__H§z3g_itt, Charles aznckley, a;;;;1;Paa1»;l;.1_ Cungressgn A A I@@*%§>@sé1>8@=~i-»=j= M-&#39; Aw,*192?fi>¢ré::5é31A At.n"&#39;s &#39;i~ It is dééired mav-a1a§;-eéinquiriis" b¢"&#39;¢;md&&£éa& or,;anizat1oz were Wald rank &#39; Lest on B &#39; &#39; Ian-4%&#39;l &#39; is dagwmine the persons.whq&#39; are &#39;act.dally &#39;opej&#39;_&_ting org§a&#39;nizatiq tth *;g_Amsc»;r_c-sin not or itiabontmlled orpenetrated individuals &#39;1&#3 _. . whet,her~ -A AA ~ A _ ~by ___;!>,___3 A.~&#39;.;f_ 6&#39;34?-f .1iZi";.5t also ascertain shouldthe veracity of"~t.1e&#39;ab&#39 ~~,1~. 9&#39; ~A c§~.ara,cter.v>A;,.You _A,_,; rmerrga ,0 spatement to thee£feci;"tkié-t organization this the is bnly1 in _t;ne Un1&#39;ta=_:i States&#39;to authorized collect funds for the ~"relief of theA* _~ &#39;- &#39; §.,~ &#39;:~¢t;nre>"i¢;i1tersin Palestine. A »__,,¢~,»_-A» ., ~&#39; Yciur . &#39; prompt the 35&#39; Ho1&#39; V 92 aazention .A A in advisin A .8A~. A. &#39;:.3ureau I .A ...,.._¢A.Ample???.ib¢~=kérw ~:_§*~=2A1&#39;,-I-H-i<>_1&#39;1 °°F""1Y-in8""this.Committea¢¬i8&#39;7désire5;T%>;"* - 2&#39; ;,. .., ,A -. .4 b./3! na < ~ 92&#39; ._ §JP:£o Q. =:c;~.i=l*» 92 .,,,. -.7=_" . * 2*» . -, r,.--&#39;.92- 4&#39; .v- _J .,. ;,. _Q_.f ,4 ,. =,&#39;AMg_:_"&#39; ,92»_, - : ,_.~,= ~ > »-. ..~-. :&#39;_; , »A- &#39; ,»~.. w,~&#39; , K &#39; ..:-= 1~.<;&#39; &#39; : :5? 4s4.,"*"}?W" »3-..>~ .A92.~ ; >M &#39;~ v- . -7- &#39;1» _--..,&#39;-},_ ...,_, _92__ x &#39;____w A .--.-M.-n-w--M1, ...,, _ I-.ezi;Zi!S §:_:{j&#39;;;;;N A t..&~&#39;~~,-______ _ V._",_,_92 P»-vr* ~1 - R -_1 9xiv.» .._A_ &#39; qt .A-:7 L I&#39;.:~ __-_. r5&#39; iK . .~_ .¢,_H.._i_. J,__ ______ Li_"I §&#39;~vvr » a- fl/_:&#39;¬;&#39;{.-"&#39;,* &#39; ;~:&#39;{§~:,_ "&#39;.&#39; -4.~r:..»92U *4-"&#39;n. 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Hid v ~ §, -, _-~.~&#39;~..v Y _ "-.-avsguu . &#39; .1 13¢! ~-2._. < Y, . &#39;35»-<1 ""-§< .&#39;_v{~ .&#39;~ ..-w; &&#39; v K _912 92 ,2!; 3&#39; I 92 "I. I. . S1 ,,_ _, _ A,1y¢,u;;9g p , ;&#39; ,, - -~ . _,..,, ._ .-L 7,1 _~ . ..,~ ..| -"~"92/ .~~*~4=&#39;--,.-,3_ l , . ~~ - _,= W PM, FRIDAY, 7]A7192iU.92RY 24,1941 A p Did,you give blood- andbundles forBritain? Did youhelp buyambulances for FreeFrancep; , Did you dropcoins inthose HelpChina Boxes? e_, &#39; -&#39;-If you dld--your fzghf ~&#39;v: IS nof=over&#39; vmsmuse Mlm Al SECOND WARSAW Qlillill i __ p vi v. ¢_ __ 92-1 »1!~_::"_92g _,The Resistanpewho Fighters defend Palestine need Therewidows are andfirrphp surgical instruments and the lmowl- {Q3} jg 3, Q1155,aga{,",§; jfyég are not fore- Vi i&#39;E"_B&#39;;i !k>:P|"llI&#39;k&#39;92Y{&#39; % 7 __ _: 1 :_::V__1_, I_ k :7 My RT MM UP H__ I __ _i N _ IM > 1 R i!bi"&#39;EFv_>, Y Q _ g__>¬__;92_v!_;____I___::h=_£_v_ :_ I .I_ X &#39; ___u C In _ 92_ __ P__ N__ __, 1 k _Iv __ _ JL rt iiri Iit "&#39; _ 5&#39; T __ IW IM#39; & g 5 mud, ___ _ Q Z K #39;__!_M A. &#39; _ .U, 31., ~- . 1. -1", ax. .¢ ,~_-,._ .~-&#39;;_ __ ,_..~, ~-,- .. -_, .~. .=I_Q v, ,,, | J .- ,.,.. 1; ,__ ,&#39; . . __ .1 . J_ . A»i ;;~_~_.~._1~..{;,.;.-...~.i. ..;_-,3,..._...»_...J_&#39;.;. ~.. .;_. _L: 1. &#39; "i&#39;m:ra- ...,¢ 48 -s = 1 0n September l2 and 16, 1947, Mrs 4 l28 Greemlay Road , NewYork, furnished this office ii concerning MADAME IMRGUERITE OQUPERUS, which indicates following infonration that she may not be who j she c1___aims to Qbe. Mrs. REBLCK is the novelist, &#39;I§i_h.l&#39;L01§3?§l§.L_lJ§iELI,., andher husband, }§§_§§§U§§REi3_aCK, is employed asaNaturalization Eienziiier, Inn92igration=anpdi& Nature &#39;i&#39;£.u<m_s.w1¢@, Jackeon,Bui1ding, Buffalo. V A iV *. V _ Madame oouvsaus visited the nsicxs fromSeptember 5 to September 9, V194.-7. She was allegedly touring this country in the capacity of-a Dutch singer, _. celebrating the Dutch Centennial, and madetrips to Grand Rapids, Chicago, Detroit and New York City, where she claimed to have contacted prominent people "{ _&#39;. by meansof introductory letters . ,4 visited the REBACKS&#39;to deliver from people in Holland. Madame0OUPERUS .. a ; an antique snpuifborzon behalf of an admirer of V "~ Mrs. REBACK inHolland, aMadam_e___&#39;fN_&#39; or,"&!i&#39;,"§d&#39;,ef¬T_l?fi_ Heemstede, 24Mesdagla Holland. - past year, .~ . Mrs. REBACK had been corresponding with Madamede Villeneuve for the although she has never met her. i» 9.3&#39;» &#39; " &#39; A. series oi incidents arose while Madame OOUPERUS was a guest at the _ _REBt-.UK home, which led Mrs. REBACK and her husband to believe that Madame was not all that shepretendedto be, and they felt she my-beimpersonating &#39;~. lreal. 1/ Madame OOUPERUS "- . MadameOOUPERUS told Mrs. REBACK that her novels were popular in Holland: .., whereas, Mrs. RE-BACK advised that, although her novels were popular in Germany, they were never popular in Holland, and she doubted if th y he.d~"ever been dis-&#39; &#39; " trihuted in Holland. AlthoughMadame COUPERUS claimedt b Ma Dutch citizen V~,.=§+§§factually hadLa_Du_toh passport, she spoke Dutch with a fe accentand_spoke " 12 A ti -T5 perfect German. This was particularly noti<§Eb1i&A_BA!U HACK, who i a lin s 5 5--/0 5 » _ Madame GOUPERUS wore adog tag bearing/itligo vtation%;l55litioal x;_is&# no x?&#39;1_*;92Si;;&#39; r ;_,7&#39;l2O". This dog tag was made of a light-appearing moi f and wee worn byMadame GOUPERUS onherwrist.Thai} $teY~9292e aimed thiswas given? &#39; - her by the Germansgrhenshe was a prisoner in a concentrationcamp locationduringthewar. Mrs.REBMZK statedtha she ind an andher I -_rho had given her a fancy dog tag, when the usual procedure, as far tknovm, was for the Germansto stamp or tattoo the prisoners with »a ~*more, MadameOOUYERUS stated that while a prisoneriof the Germans &#39; Ji ,H A_"» - Y1&#39;72 &#39; _MAY 231% e. j-.I>.;&#39;> &#39; .. _ ,~ V- e *&#39; _» , &#39; -"" &#39; ».&#39;,1;.&#39;.&#39;.""»&#39; .. »> .&#39;~-, ~;v.v_~ __ , ,,~,...--__ . &#39; > A-1 _ -_ ._,._ P; I &#39;-~&#39; "&#39;-u--&#3 J,._fjA,w.~l_.w i I - ,:.;;.__,i~ _ aM , _ , - _*__:&#39;~ _&#39; >*&#39; _ l ;, ,-,~.-1-_ » 1 .,- ~ .1 __-_~_&#39;:1 _,&#39; &#39; ~_ :_.&#39; . ,__ ~ ¢ &#39; I mt, , ~ &#39; é éhxq 7&#39;,3 . ___. .~.92. .;_l.,~u~.¢ ., .,, .3~.;. as .-.&#39;<_-", ~¢ t. i~&#39;r &#39;~~--~&#39; - - clo -»--4.a * i" J" _;i-1,; 2 ,- * <3" a xi-1: ~-,-&#39;:,~ %, -a =~ as2 .:&#39;zx.;:::7 *"»< ! N ,_~.&#39;4» .1 Q ~ 1.&#39;92&#39;_ -_* .-. .<=:~t¢,;-.4 MaY-. AY 1» 4" .._~..-,.>. -, -92§,,gsr"* ~§ _ ease» wee H 5.&#39;.92&#39;Iéf&#39; F1&#39;::5 &#39;3 ., " s...au...1~*- _ »~ 92 ~ __ vfw " a so a - ,» g ,? -¢&#39;1,1 Director , .. ._ ~~1:¬ i »-.1 ;%»r,:§ RE &#39;1: .¢ ,,.z &#39;: 2 . s l camp she was compelled &#39;and fractured s. , coal mine, in her back. a result Thereafter, of which she slipped she feigned insanity and was placed in a saniterium. Mrs. REBACKstated that she thought it that the Germans would bother putting her in a sanitarium after she had of little use to them in the coal mines. In addition, friends of Mrs. REBACK, " ./ to work in a three vertebrae &#39;who were doctors and who met MadameCouperus while she stayed at the REBACKhome were of the opinion that Madame COUPERUSwould not be able to walk without or cane if she had received the injuries she claimed to her spine. In this connection,Mrs. REBACK stated she noted that while Madame CQUPERUS useda cane in public andwhile beingobserved,sheandher maid LOSSI§§BEAL, noticedthat she went up and downthe stairs without the use of the cane and did not limp. MadameOOUPERUS expressed a dislike for colored people and Jews, and thoughtAmericanswere stupid J ~e While Doctorlf§Ll __ _lj§_R__was a guest at the REBACK homeduring MadameCOUP}i.RUS&#39; visit, the la ter becamevery interested in Doctor MUEHLNER when she learned that he had formerly been a memberof the Nazi Party and had renounced his former political ideas and had applied for citizen ship in the United States. Mrs. connected with the firm o REBACh stated erril, Finch that Dr. MUEHLNERis a broker Fenner and Lynch. Mrs. REBACK advised thatDr.MUEHLNER was formerly oneofHDRMAIQE/I!! advisers S-GI-IACHT&#3 in Germany Y! I W L yve /92A;_g. - 92l&"¢9~*92/ N- MadameCOUPERUS cla nod that her father and her motherUs father were Jewish. However, Mrs. DAVI Ti, of Amherst Street, Buffalo, who is a second cousin to MadameOOUPERUS, was contacted by Mrs. IEBACK,and she advised that, although she, Mrs. SCOTT, had never seen MadameCOUPERUS,she is positive that the MadameCOUPERUS who was related to her did not have any Jewish ancestors. Mrs. REBACKlearned of the relationship of Mrs. SCOTT to MadameCOUPERUS as a " result of a telephone call received by MadameCOUPERUS at the REBAGK home from » 1 a § 1. Mrs. SO0TT&#39;s mother, identity unknown,who called MadameGOUPERUS on learning are that shewas in Buffalo. Mrs. REBACK ; V-Z ~_ telephone, translated stated that from the conversationon the W by Mr. REBACK,who understands Dutch, indicated that Mrs. SCO&#39;lT&#39;s mother and MadameOOUPERUS had never met before, although they wer related. Mrs. REBACK requested of Mrs. made a SCOTTs note of the telephone number, which MadameOOUPERUS mother, and decided to call the number back and ascer tain further information about MadameCOUPERUS, as her suspicions had been She communicated with Mrs. SCOTTby telephone and on this occasion obtained information relative to MadameCDUPERUS&#39; anoestory which disagreed with the meat made by MadameCOUPERUS that her father and her mother&#39;s father were Mrs. REBACK stated that MadameCOUPERUS had gone through her and her husband&#39;s papers while she was e. guest in her homeand was actually caught in :.,_.,_. ~: , ~ ~-_,&#39; . =. <> .. H. ..~. --_, »__,-. 4g, _.. >._&#39;_=;f.&#39;, imit +%a.L@ _- __..._ &#39;:v,:~ 9 u ; .0e ,92L...» Q _ ._ .7. < ~ &#39;~-. _... ~ 4 ; . ; . .~ If in _~. ,.._ .. 1,, ~ .: ! ,_I,-. &#39;92.~"&#39; a >&#39;.""»~-_~J§,J.H 1&#39;? &#39;1 :~ "V; -Kw**=~-.*.Y~= --1 ..I vi &#39;;&#39;-_> "|l"~ a-" -_»_ Y .. .:_~,.i, .,~ -e s - .3 92 _,.;_» ~- t » 13* F *4 *3 é is :3 "=&#39; &#39;=1"s,¥= .5-.>»=92,Q .92 .;., r1./_7.. 5.~4>&#39;:&#39;5~4 .,,&#39;~av.&#39; " 1"".&#39;5T;< =.:rs~>~ Jv I:¢,_92"~T-3"" Director, eds-F K ~:* . >11-; - &#39; ¥&#39;=f"f:"&#39;<;-~§F¢.4&#39;:1*; W iii ;&#39;!_.&#39;..*i""; L3. FBI . L~:i&#39; Q 7. ...-F. ._ .9-Pr: J-*~.~ &#39; ..=!&#39;._<&#39;f l*4l .;~,._~_~_. ~=e &#39;_92-&#39; . 5. T. . whenshe learned that he &#39;work&#39;ed_ for the United States Government. REBACK also caught MadameOOUPERUS reading a letter which had beenreceifred by her, Mr ._REBACK,from a Germanin the British occupied zone of Germany,named.792 H NS, enclosing a chart ofthecharacters in some ofhernovels,,"and ya picture of him and his family. She had never heard from JAHNSbefore and he &#39; . claimed to beanadmirer of her. Shehadreceived thisletter fromJAI-INS about three months prior to MadameCOUPERUS&#39; visit, and it was still lying about. i 7 vi When she caught MadameCOUPERUS reading this letter, MadameOOUPERUS was smiling and remarked what a fine thought this family was reflected in the picture. strange that MadameOOUPERUS, allegedly favorably upon a Germanfamily. Mrs. REBACK &#39; a Dutch citizen, _- should look 92 &#39; . Madame COUPERUS claimedthat. she_was leavingBuffalo to sing at a&#39; -" concert to celebrate QueenWilhelminzs birthday on September l0 in. NewYork_City, but Mrs. REBACKstated that she learned that QueenWilhelmina&#39;s birthday had been at least a monthbefore -this date. MadameOOUPERUS told Mrs. REBACK that she had obtained letters of introduction from people in Holland to other Americans. MadameCOUPERUS stated that her homewas located at Haarlem, Jacob van 7 Lenneplaan 2, Telephone 13162. particularly, France, She claims she has sung throughout Europe, - England and Holland. She possesses what is apparently ~ e. Netherlands passport, butkirs. REBACKdid not know the name of the boat on which MadameCOUPERUS arrived or the date of entry, but stated that MadameGOUPERUS #1 indicated she arrived in the United States at New York City sometime during August, 1947. MadameCOUPERUS indicated she was residing at 257 Haledon Avenue, Paterson, NewJersey, whilegin the United States but expected to return to . Holland around October 12, 1947. V V &#39; The following REBACK: is a description ~" Age: of MadameCOUPERUS, as giv___en by Mrs. - About 50 . _. _ ,. 4 Heights 6&#39;6" Weight: 165-170 pounds V_ Hair: is Reddish-brown, dyed ., , ~ ~ -- _. e g Complexion: Medium;wore heavy make-up Build: i Heavy. . - &#39; _. .» - _ g &#39; 4 V__;&#39;&#39;f. g &#39; Mrs. REBACK has furnished this office with an 8" x 10" photographof "-- iiadame OOUPERUS, whichis beingmaintainedin the file in the_|Buffalo Of£ioe.§- /.>- . . __, ~ 4...: ,._.. < E-" 1F 7&#39;? !¢ K ~ .3; .=~v».&#39; &#39; "§.i¥5-3»,.» v..&#39;lJ9292 Qm ,. . 1 s~3~:., .v- 0 w -E ¢ 92r L, PHYSIUISTS DI|S&#39;GUI:S&#39;ED,A$ ._< Jrrm mars» or ¢, !,_hc,mx sS&#39;_§x_E1_L_ . &#39;1". BY REASOHT-_FCIH or nzvmw 11. I P. .. - .. ,I 7 L 92 3 .~.- 1 2 1v w Yi § ~=-1».~e~ _ ":§&#39;».-=51? »=_&#39;.,_-».~,.; _s,» .. &#39;-:7. J ? 7&#39; _1lr; Ntcholfwat _, to-well I: 0L t th he nen 3087 d &#39; 0&#39; P,&#39;?_. §f&#39;¢-P86 »¢1Z¢&#39;§§¢ and égfrhzgl zhull 49$. &#39;7","¥" 5*""$q1£ 4 Q 1 ;. :1*3-."§.:-1» ._J3, ,-. V,., FMS. ~&#39; -II";-4? :1 .:»1. 1. Q .vk*,;.921 .-.-v. a :~f~".&#39;§P92 a1 ~ m =5* ,. . ¢92 1-3-1< &#39; _-,5.;:1~ 1 &#39; . &#39;~; ;,__.:.-1 §¢w@ .~r~_n __ -1 ~&#39;92¢L .,,= , . "1_,_,.,. » . 2": 1 h< tn. if by your office Q communinhtion 1 Richmond 92>.-:Y~?."*»-4; _¥,M ._ -ma .2 1 ,.. - W the has been and date and caption Bureau info! WW2 =. v:,,="§ - Few sd~27 9 , i~1o&#39;m§&#39;. B§§:?gQJ1Si1@ime Caldweil in the ANP Tnlami §3$¢t*_ * sf:"ni #1,_92 Callahan 9; &#39;33. §&#39; Evans....._._..._. W Sullivan Trotter ms;nip» __... Holméi....__..._-.9-mar &#39; - §§*Yl ;w J = - M * _4,, 4. Q ,j TlFl1}[J &#39;E&#39;_&#39;,:<*-" &#39;92,,z -I" M, Malonn, , Roa&#39;oii&#39; &#39; -923§,.:-.<&.. Liywaf acivising 1:;-&#39; * J re I-y~_:<- Conxfcdjj; from Miss Caldwell the ...Yy_ . - ..,_J , 92 »92";;2w*.,,.&#39;. Q_ »~ 1*.I ~ tion such 92_ 1 "P "&#39;0 AIL ROOM ~= *P -, TELETYPEum? , Mx= ** k L "n :1/._._;92 <.-&#39;;~j-V. -..-.,--,7 1. >. .. :_._: 92 ,sq. ,_2.$.v~ .,. ». ;$~.~:=¥~>:.;&#39;~i1~¢$;~*; »:~:»&#39;-< - 5-, 79,? , J93-&#39;*34¢-ev --_ ,1>&#39;~7"-&#39;-1&#39; .1:1;~,. ~e ~!.».> »__&#39;._ a ¢ -.if .:&#39;=&#39; _ .,&#39;.-_.~ [ti 1&#39;4_~&#39;,,,i :»_~,I&|_§5-§~-»---»> -- &#39;5&#39;." __,_i.,i as ,3; ti».. l&#39;._::,&#39;.Vi&#39;_ &#39;.*..:-I .4., <92 < ?.,2~":?f§J>.vi -I?w,1l~&#39;:= _¢.-,._.m.&#39; &#39;, E;v*.-:&#39; "» .~;, §4,;~;gs.. 5§5_;.§a§ 7;§92#:~:3l"7; 5_,¢__._; H_ I:~v&#39;: s. Xr<.&#39;¢= .1 ~,-.-.¢__-_ - 1,. , . T-,§A&#39;;¢ r 7:-e..;&#39;»;&#39;:". élp-,.; XJ G 2 ~. , -. v, SAQ,i:l P -2113?i&#39;92£ W . e l.l5?+2.2!*@* .j" L; _* ._mn§sui@t:¢ Bnf£alo;,Z/lQ/6@?;?T?& v i -1 wk $5: .m< :;~"<:,-.<-t--. =5~;k:<-».&#39;,-.v =: Jaw; e;nAc1AL mATTEssT;: z *, is f &#39; - " "In t féxi .information relet; the Bureau?requested advl _bectsu or~anizationh fbeen concetning 3_ b_h_ F from Miss esttosfcntnwsgg, aka mp3,;1~18.l"C },§ 9ack; .;~Y _ the date and caption ¬ftbmmunicat1on_advising the_ receint of same V i $ _; _ 1;a4 ..&#39; ..,. -.-- v -This is to advise theBureag/that Miss CALDWELL; by letter dated 2/18/61, furnished this/bffice several items J 1 ¢ with n1 &#39; d concerning the Ametiean Nazi Party which she ha received on 5/11/60 from JAMES KQfW§RNER,&#39;OfflQ§HQ§he;ka of literature Sec rezary, Post Office Box l38l,Aplingtop, Va. iThis mate forwarded by Euff&lO to wFO byletter daued"3/L/61_undere" W513 i...af;;t-ior; "M-GERICAZE NAZI PARTY,SM - MIscEL_LANEoUs&#39;,§il;T and1" L,»ywas designated for t¢e Richmond office for information;@ was not advised of the receipt of this material"; uljie nreau it consisted of standard printed &#39; &#39; minated by cop wed from "i"E&#39;1e transmitted Sin dis 1"E-EC also subject organization. several other by sources in this letter. &#39; 3_: _;% n, ,, n,wi; literatnreithenjbeingi Similar material, communicated with past concerning an if t It is : ¢¢¢ the Buifalo_area,£wasf . .92-,~_ Z. _q . For the in nature, ~ >_:-_;V_;_afx. .. ____,_ ,4 ._ Bureaus information} TAYLOR CALDWELL;has§§ what she believed to be both Nazi and Communi this office on anumber evident from inveterate letter z of oocasionsgin her correspondence writer and carries on the that she extensive corres pondence with persons all over the_ world. , She frequent1y¢-$, .:_ _" _&#39;~ engages in literary battles with persons uho_oppose her pr; , vate and public statements. ~&#39; .&#39; ~ , ._ 1&#39; J .. V. _ _, @T*?#***i"T%¬F¥ . _V__ »_ =_ ,"-92:~&_;_,i *1 l__; -. ." 92~&#39; *3?» x*"&# ®~mmw mf*%m»f1. %"N492 1__- Richmond Info! RM~!&#39;;&#39;""5&#39;;.~@;;wbiT * 2- Buffalo 4H <l " " ~"@¢tsf%5; 2eX.16 §c,$».1:u l92 H-1~ K1 ~i&#39;52-1305» 6"MRS.-e" P92EBA.¢K>." " l"IVY. ti " .&#39;@!&#39;3#:7~1 el &#39; > *" F &#39; "K- I >,5 ;- " &#39;1r~*= £»:.§ V_ *125 _ ~,~_ .¢a » 1 ~:;:;;;~ SJ» -1 1r.¢ there are-more .Uni _st;A _ " Soviet»Un1on,; V5 AL U than in Jthe Shees W that Y2 -4 there were_ eonemillion GPmemberséin Russiefénd e washearly-doublethat number whoare Commuhist§ I ." 4- , v "= . .&#39; _-- _ » llowltgqgelerg in @h¢;Un1b¢diStat¢s- &§j%¬$fOh enQther*Qcoasiogehef@otePeQertic appeered in the Oct0ber;§l96O,%issue@ofrYThe whichallegethet en,3 American-born dis 1 M, 92 inone - of the universities nis office is aware of the last that Miss 1S a nord ;enowneo novelist whohasproouced some twenty outstendiwg books, However, it 1Sapparentirom.herrather __ &#39; lVOiVeQ &#39; letters **" uub sne 18 of p oseessed a vivid 1maginatioh#- » which tends to exaggeration. Shehas receivedand xill con ;~ tinueto be&#39;afforded appropriate courtesies in connection j withhercorrespondence withthis officeandtheBureau" T?be advised of pertinentdatawhich.she maysubmitin the¢;;# in »~ 7 a future. 51 ,3 "~" .-?%i,v FF, .v 2 ._. ,,. 3. &#39;92 &#39; &#39;1.< ", Q .;.L§:. It; If ~; A¥ &#39; . vn 92 92 ..~: : -.&#39; .. _ E f M: ¢. cl- __: 1 é-{&#39;,,~7>._ &#39;:,11£>. &#39;; *" &#39;" &#39; " -.tt~=:,&#39;»&#39;.}vZ-2»&#39; "":- ~ ""1 &#39;:.~&#39;»~ .5.9, at t ., , ~ t r-, t&#39; ~;&#39;_.»E. I A" 1.! -"&#39;.~&#39;w:&#39;.-F " :1»,3:_~;-1 v92/!~. ";>&#39;t.l§ .._, .».. »_. ~&#39;~I£~ "1 &#39;1 t"-71132. -. &#39;~ 11no 9;».-&#39;.-&#39;1 43&#39; t "2 &#39; . ._*, &#39;1 ,3- _.. . »- -. » ~1 " = -.&#39;5:=&#39;?::"l~* V ~-1%?s~:-: ~ saj":_""._t .+,C ,. ¢-0;_=;: &#39;7.-. - &#39;- ._ .if .-L14 . -,z;=&#39;-" " _ _., ...,-.;/» .-,,&#39;_s_.»-._~ » _--%~.,-~a ~.-»---92 .1 ._&#39;-.. 92;.?¢.&#39;,.¢ , ._. <1! ¢~1 .-,_.~.&#39;..&#39; &#39;.~~.A~ »--&#39; J. ,*L. . w. . -. ,, _&#39;L>_; >[.74 ,.__1cap-i1}_,-,-_;.,-*_ _.&#39;-;.. <,.-. __. ,&#39;.__._..__,.~_,..-,-.1,,<. .» -_, _ . ,_... .._ ~~-&#39; - ~&#39; &#39;~&#39; 7 at._&#39;.." r ,_ 1:_T~11 .-;§-._,_...,_. ~=i~:»-1_1-~-&#39;1lc|i-nhqw:""&#39; . -I »< . M v ~ _ , . ..; .,_-MT; &#39; t,___ g &#39; &#39; rm-§._¢ »- --11; ~= »~». ~ .&#39; t- . ;};1~h,;:vg,&_,;j . . t. _. . L ,.:t~, ,; §;92;:~L-. J W, s »"~>.?~";»; ..i 1" -<1, _.. _t¢=:..:_.:1.v_< t. * * _ ;gt-» Q » -Kiev ~ < &#39;.-.|., &#39;~ .- r- ~; 1;;.-,&#39;,..1»~&#39; -1.;...,&#39;»_92.:";<~ _ " ~ 1.», §"~."-"-.>t~.*é. .>$~&#39;~* -?;1,*.f,¥¢;."§"l..t.2»*¢.~?7§?§?&#39; *-&#39; &#39; t >"{<t,,:92 &#39;,,-.»§;=4* ,. ,. .I 121-» _.-./~<-?~ ---&#39;.~&#39;.,?t""f&#39;;,7..e.._ k - .. t ..»..-. t9-*><-it,akaJr,4 ?. ».":;.,»=»;¢. Y! -.~- A; I &#39; Y 1 ~- =w&#39; ... »-92_ -&#39; * » .:;?3e=;§#;%:;1;:=,i{?§*¢. w .Q:-P 2 1.-.~ .. »-1-...; .~.=:,¢.~ F~.; -." . .&#39;84 gt - . it": . U!Q;&!!§1 4 . . , ¥ M1,-=i~ Q_ M_92 . ~.T"t .t_. ,&#39;1»é=.Z:;= . »~.... -7-*=&#39; _. 4 .. 1 &#39;7 ms! *3 Y ,92.~,-&#39;:r~>zwt yr F3»;-&#39;3":1 &#39; _;;{&#39;1J.:.1;_ * r-4¢%&#39;;£ ~.&#39; &#39; 1&#39;-"*;$: __.|.. .&#39;3. . v 7,9&#39;_MADiSON AVENUE. NEWYank16Ni &#39; I. .-. ~ -. _.¢ . -&#39;1 t. ~ _> _ .-.1.-1 . .- &#39;- -»-"&#39; . " ,. .¢~-&#39;-_:.:92»" &#39;_*av ..¢ -~ . <¢ -4- &#39; .-.~;.tn» 1&#39;. - __. - 1&#39; :H»; .,_"_ _ g _~ -&#39;~%...,-.>..; r--.-<:=&#39; r.._,v,~v> . , __ ~ <._-~. Y< *1 »=!-1.... -1 4» a -~ -we. , V r_ &#39; 1/ MURRAY H&#39;:LLs-or y t "_,/70* 1&#39; -YAE Members and FriendsR A Wu"W4 ROBERT UCHMAVN"" Richard A. Viguerie-vA .A DOUGl&#39;N%A:DDY _ _3 Re:gVA Tshornbes appearance otgYAF Madison. Square-&#39;Go Rallyh &#39; _an March,7th. s_ ; --E..i I. ,.. ,_5»rI»I&#39; .,;».ue1t-_-92,-,--A »; G? YIONM-in o MAN»-&#39; . .. s. &#39;,,_._ abet ~14-I .~YF".~..tm..&#39; HONAKDIR TOR m New Y: City _ _, ._, CUTIVE SE REiARY_ l 1&#39;. RICHARD . 1 .A. WGUERIE K . _r_ tCNM. CHM , 35 &#39;1 _,. ~&#39; Attached is__a press" which is being issued for pub-iica /A! on Friday_, February 9th. itrelease. conce the apparent refusal of-the Sta &#39; &#3 j-ii t Department to &#39;grant&#39;President Moisegshombe of Katanga a visa to enter . .-ago University the United States so that he can recelve a YKF Award at our Madiso Square Garden Rally in New York City on March 7th. * &#39; 4&#39;" n|l!bi92 92¬A &#39; .92&#39;w-E lam! O34/AR_ HIUIPS ,irvardU versity liid e Aflunlit -OBER ARl£V c a R Over ihePstweeks, we have seen aconcerted effort onthe part ofthe Administration its Stat D JORGK t§=92o<.».~1t:=u , e epartment, andthepropaganda _ &#39;NYON&#39;._E .QuAr4 ir92iversi!y_ xi imni iIirIu&#39;rx92 l machine ofthey U_.N., toidiscredit ant_ij-_-_Co_m&#39 Ishombe and to build up Premier Cyrilla Adoula of the Leopoldville Congo Governm -ME§§Ul5t This glorification ofAdoula ispart and parcel -of the Administratio attempt tohave Congress authorize the purchase ofone hundred million *CHAl?D wists . dollar&#39;s worth of U.N. "bonds". in. order to do this, the Administra Y A l»..; isattempting tocover up the United States supported U.N.military niverslty Qqtvqit I --myl 92! -tggom , Arizc-in ~&#39;!$l 92 >~ _mtorr1;Un ersily 1 f ff t , . pl 9- 1/. .&#39; l -s 3 92! .~Q/7 §§;&#39;92 . " 92 Q,3. >5: ~. ~ =& ;». Q,92. {:51 3-. 1 JR Z»? t &#39;_ 0 F F . / 5 9 gt of action against anti-Communist Katanga. They obviously are fearful of-&#3 5At . President Tshombe speaking totheAmerican people. _ A &#39; it &#39; l~ . "&#39;.&#39; ./ _t We call on all our members and friends m__,rake -the toiiowing qaction immecliatelY: A&#39; &#39;&#39; &#39; ~ " . __,"- v* . - . "Q -__&#39;: _&#39; "&#39;7 - i. Write orwire President Kennedy and Secretary ofStatej, 5.,-_-f& Dean Rusk" demanding -that President Tshombe be permitted toe enter the ~&#39;U_nited States intimefo&#39;r the March 7th YAF Rally. I V. - Va; .:>,.3_; ._119. » » ». 4.2&#39;»; 2. Writeorwire your and Senators ..&#39;<-lung _ .-Congressman &#39; mat i t».3= 3. " the92_ ..&#39; . 92. 3. ; H .9292~!#J~ ". ~.,-l» _. ~92 &#39 X ,/92 gain that e t issue M ¢~. AA ~14 A _indemanding p -art&#39; m n :.&#39; o.For .;esiden ~ .&#39; " / theStte.De .*3£ ~ &#39; T 4 ~.-,- ,~.;r;.r_i»eg-:c ,. >"v&#39; &#39; »_ i»&#39;_v _v,~->r,""-~&#39; _X ,-_ ,~ »,__n&#39; , . V-_-.;. S_92 ya. I. &#39; _.MyV§,_$__..;;§_.a,.|$ »._-3. .w1_&#39;; ¢..*~ . . ,. . ,<&#39;. -. ~-r-, 1 .,,.,->-_ N , , *_ ~. :M. ~_ _VH ;_ ,.~31; -"-5:,-* ¢~_A -7;. 1;. ;.,,i 1vV"!zL&#39;u" §_.,_., J _ .1» 2-=...;I V;&#39;. = &#39;. ,_ - ~- &#39; , .- 1-&#39; " ,. ""1- --"~&#39;-.* . . . . _1.,-_-.2-.,_.-w.-,v-~---_&#39;.~.. _{=" v~ -~ 1 ,.~--, .9». V, < ~ #1, 2 4. - . , . ~ .- <~&#39; » . V .. . _ _; ,;:;: _ ~L_»;§ Ti.»5#2;»=~&#39;.&#39;-= .l~¢j>;=, 6; 1 < .;:-_. fi-e~ _" &#39; _ . _. &#39; &#39; &#39;| H H 4..-_. .._.A92-;....._-, ,4, wp $5; §_g~#s ,__. " ~~&#39;.U P . _.,.. ,_,. .5 Z _ 3. 4A7J>;"* ..92....ish_,:._k,.;.;_.=i-.-K" ~** Y "" ~"--~~ -"*1 &#39; _ _!:.._§~,_,: &#39;i,92;__~,_ ~,~,_ if, > ;<i>:;&#39;» ~ -3,13» _;-_ ,.»,, 92 . < ,.~ » ..-.v_&#39; &#39; z*1 -. 92 92... ~:,~<&#39;¢.~* .~~-1&#39;-*,-.&#39;?;*.~92.-~-_~ » *3 . .£"-"Z.-._ ~:::a~&#39;;.;=.;§§,-:§ .v,..;*;&92 *3 >,.., ». n g if;.r.-1*~~w -_ .: H 3* _I-Q :_-_..&#39; ~4_1: &#39;_ ~ 1.... .-.4 i:1 V. 5:I-9 .;» L&#39;1 ".I."4_-ADVISORY - -&#39; " -.1. »1-5&#39;-"&#39;==i===¢--&#39;== 1*» * .. >..=<&#39;»»-&#39;i.5:i. -."NATIONAL »»~&#39;i:&1@* 3*;-.151-Jrzs . ~ , .,V.A. ,_, ,1,-. v~ ». -i&#39; I""&#39;I; &#39;»u~192iI . $~ ~>92, E; "~.;..?-.;;.: >,>.__92§ .__ z-Viv ».1.. ".Ail; W» *,{§a~.&#39;: ._ T- &#39;;< _-~&#39;.&#39;.,,,.§ »_ in> &#39; &#39;7 gdézafs.AU§W.92r§t_v;i}_ ;{-5. * ItZZi¢:;&#39; ¢,~_ A, &#39; E5 *5.. I o_,&#39;_1~: < zvuwa ucuev 1~ =»~ . .».~I £1L&#39;¬;" _ ..:~y _ U_:_: , ~ . _ F"X A&#39; &#39; &#39; : .__&#39; IR &#39; _. 3*,"-L aw tV.2:-&#39;_. _v ,_~ - Tkm-¢zaz&#39;1.:.,y151"" . VT V &#39; &#39;. &#39; , ._. .T.&#39;!. :&#39; &#39; _: Q; 5iu§926.Univfersil >-.-..:>.=_,.*?,1;%.l¢.f:ff >5 . Mn;!1é§.»m§ Aa|tA&#39;n_s&#39;..,~vE - ~ 92 &#39; 92n6ibAWs&#39;Or~I¥AqM5Nv?:¥ff&#39;"Q 5 Q; Pnor.PAI.L92AuAMS_jl_"~ &#39;1 1&#39;7" Rp;rn|.sx_I92Nn£n &#39;. &#39; §$l08hing%.D; C. &#39;11 , .4Dir. _&#39;CoL,o_:yn. &#39;[_J_L.|y_§_I§¢§w:0ss Mn.Al.T&#39;t unI_3=|z;<:¢;|c92s?f.92|i|.o&#39;9292Mi. 1.?.92$x_br-: sh?-&#39;-i Godrwn Qlnivgfsivy Yqyf §c_l&#39;}$oI .2 _.-._HBr?.&#39;WZn Gniv. E. N; Kixmbu " sun: &#39; &#39; I&#39;~4&#39;~ 1! &#39;&#39; &#39; = I Jlini AL7§5fr_s|1,92xwé»"§~;.. R£P.1A;92l¬l§%XTTl}l &#39; V&#39; -~ Paoit. 192In.Hs5nnY"ll¢ L_iIT_f= Z e"&#39;7&#39; ~,,.&#39;~1.->>&#39;~.<@q~& ,-V»&#39;1 . 1. 1 I -&#39; _IIou.J6nu&#39;$:u92|:n5 Pw;i..<»= * Pnor. F. A.92Pkn:p: _; Pnor.Jn.m&#39;:s ~sunvci01!92¬u.1.&#39; &#39; s.§n|&#39;q,w6$m &#39;|on 7* 5..L~v.&#39;.&#39;_3 1»&#39;. ";--*3 w!.1,.w~M&#39; ... - F ?&#39;5:f,& . Ma.C!-me B.92{;X_éif92voon I &#39;- x :921»&#39;=.&#39;1?r New Yorl:_ y:_&#39;.-&#39;-1;;.&#39;1 .&#39;__," -L, » JuocsAs:vlIl:1vné}.i}:&#39;N&#39;lsoxv _1 Rs_&#39;v. Eoém W§~Hy:sr!92r3xb &#39;. T i ,-~"~ -J-w is Pnor. Arqruouy 1S{3&#39;ouscAnés 1 Pnor.CuAnu:SH4-H,mnslsuAu PW;B=r¥.§§??4i!?=!*ix &#39;§Iyonhl/&#39;9 emUniveisily. &#39;-&#39; Mk. Ba:u§»{§oz£|.l. » .~ nbaaxbll-" ~ ; . Pnor." PAu:.l?§LL6m:§_&#39; &#39; RER==v@:=~:@w Pnor. Fnzuzmcrc R&#39;9292BnAoronn Si-:r~&#39;. SP5S5MlD¬l}§l0l.I.&#39;Ah&#39;|!&#39; A 1eE¥?v}1Anos _ . ._ Gz.92&#39;.VA92.;Qnui§RA92{v Mn.Ronni .:;#t;§* , _ &#39; "7. BI _ Y -.»~..:.*,~.92§,-=< 1. 192In.Hi§nvaY92$! lN§¬R__; &#39; ~ "*-é ._§&#39;:|y Mn.BASI9QlCWEl ~ &#39; I .=,..."§19: ., ,//6 . Hon. Comp16op§é&#39;F R Goa N oxnf. C.Nonrvxay/6n&#39;un§ma.:&#39; , ".7. 8-. w &#39; ,o.c. 7 1 »&#39; oAvu>922ANxk .-&#39; &#39; NowYorkCi!y_ ~ >- Raw. J0|iu&#39;!v.92R ~ Carr. Enn|PR.@<_sn:}_ &#39;192In.J4uss . &#39;92f&#39; 4 vgqm Mn.WM.l}.Bcc|u.:92_*, Jul &#39; !T*3;§..=uv.¢.l o:oé&#39;s!92g¢:~ss4. l UlIiVO92T!iYy Wyoming U 1 &#39; Mn.EncaaJ.B:,;&#39;rrr:r~u,u:m Ma.HuiavAIBL&#39;u.|s __ MI 1r.&#39;1N§Ou::yj&#39;~-. * 92.: llns. Bz92&#39;:niv&#3 Ma. ALBERT Bhonnso /Ru». TAvv.0&#39;§~ _&#39;,n.nu"r.|.|. !IR.&#39;AizcmaAI.o B§RQ!sr&#3 wALTERHNQDD » Pnpr. E.M:nn|C_DRpofI.., I Mn. W/mu .92IT"%u~un.92v &#39; Pnor. Rev. Eo92imnnER§f:.r.an 92» fins. Dnw Nsx.50?4&#3 »v Dqmnn I saamgnnn I _ Mn. IcoNAss| 1I .92In. Wn.&#39;u .u§t92§us&#39; _ Pnbr.Wn.|..uooa |:!~&#39;n.u.|.v ~~/uuam P$Qo0sN:A.&#39;f., Mn.Jomv~Qm..92msn|..un, Pmr. .--chigan Law chool Q Mn. Rpnd !}S4u:s_ -f == RL&#39;.=sl:?.92K1!=§ . Northwtorn Uagrrniiv4 Ma.FnAml92Quooonov - . ROSEMA¬§92&cGRATH ._ &#39; NnwYprk Ci J .921ns. Anrar. _GL&#39; 92|Anx &#39;. um: ounnsm: Pnor. Our:Cu:z~R<E&#39;4 F1;jfl Pnor. Hnws l=&#39;.?Sr&# " Pq §ncad92"n Pnor.&#39;AN-r|xon&# Pnor. Eowuw P.92Q>|.:so:~: Mas. ham: Conan.LY92Qun Paor. 11.1.:/¢.9 1 z,§;x:92.*-anomsswonrn .1 Ma.-Haaaznr . omzn_j 1 >, cm92ms&#39;a92¢A=nwAmE 1 Univnrsity 0| Kama: &#39; _» 92 cAaL§~92<o~n2e _&#39; " ./I MI Cnnncr F?¬qxn192:I:&#3 x Pnor. Rlcmnu I-?Sqn&#39;|x Paar.Dmm, Univoniry 0! Pennsylvania Q. Paor.A. i9292L1n~&#39;c Ber. wmm M.92Qor..92m92 . 301100.Méysochusens _ Mn. Csoncs §Z"Sc:|uvL:1 Pam". R:c|NA92n D$L{r-"c . . in.C.§.92Ccn we . Szswnrr " Dn._J.%sn j.&# Anmrm. L: sL.&#39;S¢uvs Hon. J.Bngcxzww _ Hon. J.L:|cnron92S:9 _,;,{ mAnMu|o§0 &#39;SCANNLAlN ~ Ia. Ru.rH92M: Tn|.:r~&#39;mr<0 -Mn.;92IA|n&#39;|§LQ:n!_vnn~ .,92umAx/u. FELIX P &#39 HarvardMK 5chcol - .1; Mas.ELYlumur -n Paor.Lt92&#39;.vl:..92-l!92o|sa|4.92&#39;.=m&#39; 92 NILUAM §¢|-zu: z .92In. Tnaonow, Ancunxsx-10? JIM;/onbtui Amieh Coilege Da.Bi;|.|.,92_ . 000 Ma. Jens Dc?!»AS505 Univorrhy of Chiw9° - ~é Dn. CAlIcIxt::r:.92 i Paor. J05E"l}~QlL&#39;NNEll !"aoF.Eus¬o.Ym92s B.*&#39;11cK:~:cu.z.92&#39; Hon. CHA-Ii|.£§~E3|s0:~" Mn..92hnnx&#39; Pnor. W_.u:r:n Hfxqéxux Va. Wn.|.|,u~ one 9292.92ln. EL 1.-w . TONS Pnor.Sr:wm:v&#39;J>.Toirm 92;; < . .92In. W.u.n:n .Qo|»ux .. Ma.;r.v/md1v-.I&#39;vu ._~ Mn.Enmisr l92[uvr§qé Pnor. P»u.:1*l!m&#39;c Ass 5¢QT92iANLEY. JR. Cm. Rz|:LI}.!_lcC:.uue. Ma.-Roaanr B.-92Qznss£u 2&#39;-/1;-,b4& an. as Pnor. U. Gfu_L_&#39;aAi:a . Du.Doruur D>$L/m Sum »o|-m£lCHER .,&#39; Paor. v u.|!..~x I9292Yc 092iim92&#39; Wu.J. DANIETQIQHONEY Pnor. V.R/92v.921o>"o92EQwuV92x~:&#39; Mn.F.R.92.92{Am.|r.n Ha. Ju.w§Bc~s&#39;r:m &#39; Can.Boufn: u.:as . ~ Pnor.Rum §.92!.[,9292~sAnn Gm.A.Gr-J2:-zozmzvzn . _#;,;; .92In. .~92nou~nr. J.~.92Q.92&#39;.:oI." Gas.FwvuL"*9292Z. sncsu MR.Frmvx $15011; REP. .hcnNI&#39;92ssu.1 . "_,___..P,nor. 92f_:x;{.|A. rgmfyg I921n,Cunn,<s . nmxf Mn. E.V1ct0}E92Q.ld!~ar:_i .92In. R. ,&#39;}Wm:A&#39;r 1; .92Ins. Sm?t~},ln.|.x_|<én H&#39;-}.1.§s92?.92*Qu_ jJI .92_In. W,R?!RHlT£. ., Pam-.LcnwR>vor~&#39; Mxstjs I&#39;ll l.l&#39;92lI &#39;l92I&#39;¢92{~A|NUfY Paar. 1os§Pn L nasqzom &#39; Z ~_->-." x &#39;§ &#39; Pnor, C.$1.3 pzhmo ;_ W3???-r .~ . ~<&#39; &#39; ~ Gm. Wu.uAu-H>~I7 &#39; -r+~ 2 *3? Pam-.: T§|o.92u&#39;S~HQuun M SEN. B/uuiv M>~Q0a.o9292&#39;nsa :; &#39;7 0-._ __. 92 . -lg _, Mn.Cm92nnsJ.92imam: Pam;JoanI*7Z92.U__ooa|; Cm. C.A.$1|LLqucun* M. ..f_;; . . . _J.:%l Amnnu. far: &#39;. I~:lLl.I." &#39;. Pnor. !92Iu§ n.&#39;92K&#39;¥92}92Rn _K Fnmcrs kau....1Y.,.-. _T: Hon. n0BER R|S 0" Pnor. la __< in.UTIl~@,?¢_ mco _ "M5 Mn. 192_ar.|¢;:;%» l§¥;Q92usrr.|:~z 92ln. Cnmz lx{i92uv-xni I Mn,I.I.92ll92u.~"e:.~=. ~ ::.~i. Bonn; Elwopg x Ma. hm-:.~z nw 92In. lgnrzni H; J3. _ _,., H Paar. Dunn Mc V &#39;emE* 5 Pnm-.L_=|5m_s I ,. . taczzsp! It}! V _- " !i§A&#39;.!mS-Q»J38 3.; _ B!-2N!92Ef&# z_ IIzaor. nor. Hxcmum NEAV &#39 &#3 -92 "M" ..i .~i&#39;. ! f I is1?titHis ;&#39;9"i* 2°"i Z8 .;" &#39; .- - »;; -1~ " I_ . .-I 1 w i- .; . _.V V":,@:,@.¢ . &#39; ,_&#39; 34;, -~.&#39; ~.Q; . :1 A. "&#39;,-~&#3 _/, ..~vs~;,;--~~1 Ev?" .11:;&#39 ea ~ ...;&#39;. ,-.*=&#39 &#39;.. _____r _ _ 4&#39; =..:i"~ .-_, 1,. ,,_;,.-.,m.; ;__@;,¢-,9 "3 I ~»e*-.~M.~92; .~ ; 1&#39; -.~ -_ »I $;»?-bi _92 .._ »~ -wv _ . , &#39;_-i.;,;1~_&#39;_;-,;&#39;¢-.;=., ,__..,-_&#39;.1.: _V> _~: ,>.$.A-..,., ._ &#39; &#39;v&#39;92 .» 92~&#39;; ,2 .» H , . __ _ .F , .--_: 1-: -J1-:&#39; 3 ~;~ + ¢ . ¢>~ .- L 5&#39;-"_7_-;&#39;::-1 _ 135:: -5- we#139; 1f,»I&#39;.v 7 &#39;-.92,;_ >.__/pal . __h4.92L;_&#39;.&#39;-,_-~ _,_-_. ,.. &#39;:"*§?z..&#39;§-" .;; :&#39;_,;f!.g i 1i>J~8.H:_.&#39;~;;~~-n 6 ,_ .<.;,.,&#39;; *&#39;*~&#39; .._~;1§~-.» , »__ 1.,, 1 .- _.~92,,-:;*_1&#39;.-_;; pv.» !.. i. »,__,;¢&#39;§. .J&#39;4»; .~92£g¢;.,., r.92&#39;;&#39;,¥¢:1&#39;;* . A>-11.v,;;gg,_t ze~=:&¥"~.>_._ ;;Q. :3_¢__;_: $3.1". &#39; ¢~=;£;..&#39;% &#39;,.~ .-..»= r_~_s¢»_k:..92, 13, L:,j:~&#39; ~;-&#39;7ZF:; F -an ~ /,.:.4,,rr , ,, v. T-."=~.;»* I 92 _ }..;;:_.-; t,:;,_,rf-"95. . -j _.-;".-&#39;,&#39;-_;»- k :Ei&#39;t7-1:-E 3rouN&#39;Go/*MER|&#39;¢ANs Flees&#39;FC5R. 9"p . * _~ " e,%§§c> ":24 ";w%~-Y; "" *f-2&#39;.-: -" i >§@:1s _ q$§i..~»".&#39;.§..&#39;< .3 .&#39;-f_. Y} vi, .. Q1 ;&#39;_i--... &#39; -, ~~ 1-w >1_"e1&#39;=&#39;. w »i -»fr ~. ".795vMADi5QNAVENUE. YORK NEW 1:, N! &Q< X _ &#39; TvE."*?&#39; V r_r_~ _- _.MURRA&#39;_Y&#39;§&#39 &#39; -. _&#39; T0; YER; CI_TY_EDITORSn _ 1 . _ &#39; nn1&#39;rAoRxAL*wR1TERE9292" L * .3. NAH NM&#39;LIHA!i?MAN L&#39; F.=3FQTN._ SCHUCHMAN 1.12 low Schoo!Y . &#39; "}~.:~,.. COLUMNISTS 31 - FOR RELEASE fro ALL S"l_N192»?.&#39;i!HALDlRECTOl? &#39;, ~ ,.. f ~&#39;;c0mm:_I.I@T¢=Rs V 1 &#39;FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9&#39;, L&#39;."§U92$ CADDYIAxv; Ygrl Cily I .__E&#39;t. .1; HVESECRETAQY RICHARD A. VIGUECHE &#39; __, -...___.___ 1 m1§;¢§;rLV14 oN_s;jm?ATIVE &#39;.">yf1A?_ccusEs[ "n cnoup A;;&#39; STATEi"i..T&#39;i?:&#39;F@3§R1,*1"?i1 "iisnoms &#39;ds v1s~1T ;&#39;J?=do1aL T0 &#39;U.s7. _._-;;ee<s¢owA~t;zi@%.m.+s~ /o ~ Arw Eng/anJ&#39; YOUNG vA7M_E_RI< _.§_j;* Z-jvL.Ar;?§§j_»§:_}_p_1;;~4 roza} DE}EARIK%4Ij3NT&#3 A;921?ns VISA S*& HOWARD PHMUP5A 92. Horvord Univclshy 1 -.___,_ nnaélfa }I:I¢1rm&#39;=----»-" ROBERT HA!Pl£v Ceovgvrovén Univelsivy 5 NewYork, N, Y,, 1-&#39;*=.~bruary 9 -- Young Americai1s,!£$$1: Non!/. a conic--arv"a#1ve youth organization, &#39;today_ 92 7.. -*7 I ;A7!&#39; Freedom, nat1.on=1! 1 .@_&#39;s »,&#39;:*i . 1-2:4 the StateDepartm-Tent 3e1iE-=.~.rate1yjblocking of Katanga Presiden&# ."|&#39;vl1|l&#39;.92&#39; __ r . -_ »,y,;.¢ §"1Y¬»t"J " if~_{L --. &#39;1-<r_ &#39; -/: -4.0 C "-1! . J wAa"92 192;;&#39;w=-gr ;run&#39;c&#39;<i 11&#39;-j »<. !&#39;w~ Moise Tshombe&#39;$ proynsed, QV to the United States. ii i Preside_r4M~ Tshombe has acceptr>.<Z_ ._:_-&#39;.&#39;H;at_i.on an appear &#39;at apublic ito ra11y;_§ being sponsored by the w.-uh; group at Madison Square Garde on] &#39; V _ ."»92;";<1::: March 7th,_ 4 _ .&#39; for Freelima, sz1id"&#39;On January 19,. President .Tsi2.»::~;&#39;t&#39;= vf &#39;7 51&#39; - _l r . ,, 92 9292;..,;v j ,z~ {,,_ Richard Viguerie, ExesQecretary .§tiv,-.jthe Young of the United States C{.a:."-&#39;3.1Qtk. wnally applied for U;S;}v £1 t__q Mr,_LewisHoffacker, at :- ¢iIQfP§4~ <._~.1 izabethville, El _0rdin4ri§ &#39; &#39; ;¢ &#39; President Tshombe would have "been granted hi}; L; -,ritpdin_a few days, In épitge 4 x , I .,. I4D . _ ,~_v,---:_&#39;_. ., ._ . ....r...___,-.. .q.-~ __ &#39; 4.»_.. .9. 1,, < another President appea1__from toMr". ¥<~:.£»&#39;|;. Tshombe no visa -hasgrante been - - .&#39; 4&#39; _ - - 1 _ i This refusal to grant, Presi.-7&#39;-int"%~==, &#39;lr=h-_-: ;&#39;f§tn1i"q=:Y92 _ £0 tell ?-is story - ~,_~;>...<, ._1:_&#39;.-,;&#3 to "31 mg American pecfp-1. s&#39;r=+.<ms be parthf.?.!-[r.to &#39;~"w=.4.ndcu=_= gxr ;;¢=._::_:;~::"-&#39;_&# _"*;dup of I_re_miet;} 1&#39; I tn.-. &#39;. I,&#39; 1-92&#39;:__,&#39;_ v92a,_. . tax -;-..,-&#39;-.&#39;;,.-1-;-. _ ,V~-.&#39;.,~-V. J. 4 .=» ;_92;~_.*:r»,~ J._-, 92~.._v4-:__.~.&#39;, _ " Pr. V ,1 W, _ &#39;1 -.. ,t,_ Q4,,_ &#39; .. 7- sh, r"> ~;,L_1_ -- -92 - &#39;~wag J-j,. &#39;. - ..4 -92>~. ~ ~.": ,..&#39;.. ~_ ..&#39;-92-1* -P.Ux-. ., -,. .<-.-._;_,_x_ ,___;_,_-&#39;1,...__.* x». :_~ MM? M.»<..7..~92 -. .- » <; ~::,»92 -1~.-v_,>}"~._ii ~~&#39; -*__ .=~=:92%&#39;v»nw:~.w¢Y .-r1, AQ »- :7~~ 4 _L. _ . . v4 ,rn,t_-. .e-, ._,._,,-_,»___._._»A&#39;_-L,»__h_ MHW »_i -7 _>A_M_&#39; K M!LtrJ ,"w 1 T1" . &#39; I .1 &#39;", ._ 6-.,e< 2, -- »!.~ ~» . ii? 4&#39; . . ».=_..¢, > 1~.:&#39; 1 ~._ _ It #221-=t:i;» &#39;1 to "~c &#39; ~_c$v§%w»»u ..-» .92m M " ~&#39; ~~ »i 6% ,,.h, q_ j_A pi !_-~ 1; > =%#~¥» *1 ne ,92wwv@w<~;»-~> ;.: .5,-4"? .&#39;.»&#39;_~:. "-_ *921~&#39; "Wk"_.St <35 .1...~ ..="~.»*I¥f¬.l 4. ~" &#39; ".».&~ . _ .Q:=1.~.,» 2t 1 ..u;-&#39; l -&#39;.~.f, *~ .~,,, , &#39; &#39;4? . -Ila"f92-=,~:~::=*<&#39;. -~ _ &#39; ~ s Z§:?:_&#39;39. ~&#39; ,- V I _._, &#39; _ :~,,.:;;,1 _ »e~.-~.92_~&#39; ~. .¢ &#39; . ,92 _, a92»T?L1v§~92&#39;, ie -=;+,~..£1"; 711.? &#39; ,=.<:-.~&#39; ~17 eeéy Q 3&#39; - i ~&#39;>.<: -&#39;92-;_;.~.: &#39;. J11 .&#39;.*&#39;~ F. ,;_f»,__92 .7 &#39;3: ~21: .vi ;;~*<"~-.~ &#39;,.-",4 &#39; .&#39;I &#39;-"T~ ;»&#39; /. -1.. .. 92-~ i X, 1 r 1 »- -_ . , , M, A A ietignegotn£;;¢;&#39;s;;t§u¢1s¢;~e¢eby.de#. _ 4 V_,_ _ ___ Y_ eh mnnist :o9ernment&#39; the State 7-A_ lfin_ian ettenpt to ctnsh his ant+om _hAg__"_ _.. the _ >,nest} HIn -vepertment ednttted hes tidal Castro; Nihtte Khfnshchey end sco§ figtteck and herassmen <y ttees of Communist regimes thpodghout the world, Not only have these Communists&# the supervis1on&#39;of theStated been admitted-,Atheir visits have been conducted undef Department_L What possible excuse can therehe or entrance-into the United States?_ , _- 1 &#39; P v&#39;der* denylng _~es1 "_- , N*1¢" I 1 side of "The American people ateentitled to hear President Tshombe&#39;s Tsbcmbe!s . the ~m ~ &#39; e Qvi I story. _Young Americans Foe Freedom calling is onits membegs and friendsthroughg_ out the nation to demand that the President Tshombe so that he State Department can appear et Madison d, inmediately grant a visa to ;j -&#39; ~".»,. 1! Square Garden_on March 7." . I15P » fl .-_iiyjg! M Others uhqwill receive awards frcmYoung Americans For Freedom and will , Y appear at the MarchMadison 7 Square Garden rally inctude: »Bafry Goldweter R.,.;{ .M£, Arizona! andJohn TowetR,, Texas!;and formerPresident Herbert Hoover,L .. . > Ht , . ~P5,1 ~=l§_._ _ ..;_~ f$§? Y :.~"j§J|§9 &#39; . V-izfg; &#39;.&#39 saeg .» .".», 4-2 1 ,f?%% X-vi, &#39;?~. x.._;;>, s»~ _. ,4!9292>v ~:&#39;=?5 17 t tL 92 I.11 ""1: k f_-"Y ../. s 1M45. 92 Y Q_, t &#39; . . f .--~,~ iv-1 __, ,/-__.._,,___...,___ 17 _ ,, ;__ __V_____ __r ii rAr