Subido por Romas Daukantas


if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#ctryarea') is not null
drop table tempdb..#ctryarea
select c.CountryId
, c.BUnitId
, c.CountryCode
, coalesce(a.AreaName, N'N/A') as AreaName
into #ctryarea
from Geography.Country as c
left join Geography.AreaCountry as ac on c.CountryId = ac.CountryId
left join Geography.Area as a on ac.AreaId = a.AreaId
if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#ctrywarea') is not null
drop table #ctrywarea
select bu.BUnitId
, c.CountryId
, c.CountryCode
, ci.CityName
, wazr.StartZipCode
, wazr.EndZipCode
into #ctrywarea
from Common.BUnit as bu
inner join Geography.Country as c on bu.CountryCode = c.CountryCode and bu.BUnitId = c.BUnitId
left join Geography.WorkArea as wa on c.CountryId = wa.CountryId
left join Geography.WorkAreaZipcodeRange as wazr on wa.WorkAreaId = wazr.WorkAreaId
left join Geography.City as ci on wa.CityId = ci.CityId
create index ctraywarea1 on #ctrywarea (BUnitId, CountryCode, StartZipCode) include (EndZipCode, CityName)
if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#ctryzone') is not null
drop table tempdb..#ctryzone
select bu.BUnitId
, c.CountryId
, c.CountryCode
, cz.ZoneName
, czr.StartZipCode
, czr.EndZipCode
into #ctryzone
from Common.BUnit as bu
inner join Geography.Country as c on bu.CountryCode = c.CountryCode and bu.BUnitId = c.BUnitId
left join Geography.CountryZone as cz on c.CountryId = cz.CountryId
left join Geography.CountryZoneRange as czr on cz.CountryZoneId = czr.ZoneId
create index ctryzone1 on #ctryzone (BUnitId, CountryCode, StartZipCode) include (EndZipCode, ZoneName)
if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#allcodes') is not null
drop table tempdb..#allcodes
;with num as
select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by (select null)) as n
from sys.all_columns as ac1, sys.all_columns as ac2
), allcodes as
select bu.BUnitId, bu.CountryCode
, n-1 as ZipCode
from Common.BUnit as bu, num
where bu.CountryCode = N'LV' and n <= 10000
union all
select bu.BUnitId, bu.CountryCode
, n-1 as ZipCode
from Common.BUnit as bu, num
where bu.CountryCode = N'LT' and n <= 100000
union all
select bu.BUnitId, bu.CountryCode
, n-1 as ZipCode
from Common.BUnit as bu, num
where bu.CountryCode = N'EE' and n <= 100000
select * into #allcodes from allcodes
if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#result') is not null
drop table tempdb..#result
;with res as
N'DOM_' + cast(allcodes.ZipCode as nvarchar(10)) as GeographyKey
, allcodes.BUnitId
, allcodes.CountryCode
, cast(allcodes.ZipCode as int) as ZipCode
, (select top 1 wa.CityName
from #ctrywarea as wa with(index (ctraywarea1))
where allcodes.BUnitId = wa.BUnitId and allcodes.ZipCode >= wa.StartZipCode and wa.EndZipCode >= allcodes.ZipCode
and wa.CountryCode = allcodes.CountryCode) as CityName
, other.ZoneName
, other.StartZipCode
, other.EndZipCode
, (select top 1 ac.AreaName
from #ctryarea as ac
where ac.BUnitId = allcodes.BUnitId and ac.CountryCode = allcodes.CountryCode) as AreaCountry
from #allcodes as allcodes
outer apply (
select top 1 cz.ZoneName, cz.StartZipCode, cz.EndZipCode
from #ctryzone as cz with (index (ctryzone1))
where allcodes.BUnitId = cz.BUnitId and allcodes.ZipCode >= cz.StartZipCode and cz.EndZipCode >= allcodes.ZipCode
and cz.CountryCode = allcodes.CountryCode and cz.ZoneName not like '%DPD EXP ZONE%'
) as other
union all
cast(czr.ZoneRangeKey as nvarchar(20)) as GeographyKey
, cz.BUnitId
, cz.CountryCode
, -1 as ZipCode
, N'N/A' as CityName
, cz.ZoneName
, czr.StartZipCode
, czr.EndZipCode
--, coalesce(a.AreaName, N'N/A') as AreaCountry
, coalesce((select top 1 AreaName from Geography.AreaCountry as ac left join Geography.Area as a on ac.AreaId = a.AreaId where cz.CountryId = ac.CountryId order by a.areakey), N'N/A') as AreaCountry
from Geography.CountryZoneRange as czr
inner join Geography.CountryZone as cz on czr.ZoneId = cz.CountryZoneId
inner join Common.BUnit as bu on cz.BUnitId = bu.BUnitId
--left join Geography.AreaCountry as ac on cz.CountryId = ac.CountryId
--left join Geography.Area as a on ac.AreaId = a.AreaId
where cz.CountryCode <> bu.CountryCode
union all
cast(N'CTRY_' + cast(c.CountryId as nvarchar(10)) as nvarchar(20)) as GeographyKey
, c.BUnitId
, CountryCode
, -1 as ZipCode
, N'N/A' as CityName
, N'N/A' as ZoneName
, -1 as StartZipCode
, -1 as EndZipCode
--, coalesce(a.AreaName, N'N/A') as AreaCountry
, coalesce((select top 1 AreaName from Geography.AreaCountry as ac left join Geography.Area as a on ac.AreaId = a.AreaId where c.CountryId = ac.CountryId order by a.areakey), N'N/A') as AreaCountry
from Geography.Country as c
--left join Geography.AreaCountry as ac on c.CountryId = ac.CountryId
--left join Geography.Area as a on ac.AreaId = a.AreaId
insert into Stage.Geography_Geography (GeographyKey, BUnitId, CountryCode, ZipCode, StartZipCode, EndZipCode, CityName, ZoneName, AreaCountry)
select GeographyKey
, BUnitId
, CountryCode
, coalesce(ZipCode, -1) as ZipCode
, coalesce(StartZipCode, -1) as StartZipCode
, coalesce(EndZipCode, -1) as EndZipCode
, coalesce(CityName, N'N/A') as CityName
, coalesce(ZoneName, N'N/A') as ZoneName
, coalesce(AreaCountry, N'N/A') as AreaCountry
from res