Subido por Harold Zebadua

Bone Expansion

Misch CM, Misch CE. The repair of localized severe ridge defects for implant placement using mandibular bone grafts. Implant Dent 1995; 4:
Summers RB. A new concept in maxillary implant surgery: the osteotome technique. Compendium. 1994 Feb; 15 (2): 152, 154-6,
Summers RB. A new concept in maxillary implant surgery: the osteotome technique. Compendium. 1994 Feb; 15 (2): 152, 154-6,
Summers RB. A new concept in maxillary implant surgery: the osteotome technique. Compendium. 1994 Feb; 15 (2): 152, 154-6,
❖ A thin long straight fissure bur/piezo saw/osseous splitters
are used to make two vertical cuts deep enough to reach
the underlying cancellous bone and apically to reach
beyond the narrow bone or facial undercut, if present.
❖ Different sized osseous splitters are then sequentially used
to widen the seam and pry apart the two cortical plates. The
facial plate should be supported with the finger or any
appropriate instrument during its expansion to counteract
the expansion forces and to prevent its sudden fracture.
❖ Fully spread cortical plates with a large degree of separation
can be seen.
❖ The implant osteotomy is prepared in usual fashion. Drills
should be used in contact with hard and stable palatal plate
far away from the spread facial plate and deeper to reach at
least 3–4 mm. Apical to the split ridge, to achieve adequate
implant stability at its apex.