Success in Sound 2022

Success in Sound 2022
Get the support you need to grow your business.
Get more of the work that you really love so that you can…
● Make more money. Have more free time. Upskill in all areas. Spend more meaningful
time with your family. Take more breaks to rest and rejuvenate.
● Transition from AV integration to freelance live event production (PM, ™, A1). Build up a
customer base for steady work.
● Have a thriving audio business with less need for other side businesses.
● Get more clients and make a better living. eg. Move from 5 to 15 clients.
● Have a plan B if my current job falls through. Smoothly transition to another gig. Keep
working even if the pandemic continues.
● Rebuilding contacts from scratch in a new smaller market. Work freelance and maintain
control of my time. Get busy again. Keep my dance card full. Need to be on the roster
with at least 13 companies from overlapping industries to avoid feast and famine. Form
an LLC or S-corp. Saving for a house.
Anthony M. dreamed of being on tour but he was stuck in a warehouse sorting cables.
Starting in the fall of 2016 we embarked on a systematic process of research and
relationship building, and six months later he was on tour with Cirque du Soleil. Watch
the Anthony Murano Case Study.
Martim R. was fresh out of audio school and trying to figure out how to get a foot in the
door. We worked together to find a career path, decide on a niche, and get his first job
on a music festival.
I just moved to a new city and I don't know anyone, yet.
I sent my resume to a bunch of companies and haven't heard anything.
I've been working as a stagehand for a few years, but I'm ready to start mixing FOH.
I've been living month to month. I'm ready for growth.
COVID is canceling my events. Need to generate more demand.
Contacts. I relocated and don't know anyone. Companies I used to work for have gone
out of business.
Day rates are too low. How do I make this sustainable?
Marketing. Have been trying to do some social media marketing (promo videos about my
services), but I didn't get the response I was expecting.
Limiting beliefs: I'm not good enough. I'm not ready. It's all about who you know. The pandemic
has ruined live events. I can't tour any more. I don't know enough about marketing. I don't have
enough training/experience.
You don't know where money/gigs come from. None of us are born audio entrepreneurs. Over
time we learn what people value and where we can apply our skills.
You've spent the last decade working one kind of large event that has gone away during the
Quantity: You don't have enough relevant contacts to refer you for the right gigs and keep you
busy through the ups and downs of various industries.
Needs assessment: Where are we going and why is it important?
Set measurable goal and milestones.
Prepare to fail: What's the worst that could happen?
Design a plan. Choose critical habits.
Work the plan. Evaluate and adjust.
The step-by-step plan is almost always a combination of building relationships, technical
training, and on the job experience. A big part of this will be a group of 10 passionate audio
engineers sharing everything that they learn so that everyone will benefit.
Stay healthy. We can still make live events happen. Spread the word.
Support each other. Share leads. Safety net. Cover gigs. Life skills. Soft skills. It's group
therapy, but we call it professional training.
What certificates and certifications do clients care about? What are the trainings that actually
help us do our jobs? What will give us the competence and confidence to do the job and ask for
a premium rate?
You love audio! Music + technology = thrive. This is your service to the world.
I have built a successful business in 10 different cities across three different countries.
● Your program is worth every penny and it achieved exactly what I was hoping for. Amadis B., Switzerland
● I’ve always talked about the dream job, thinking it was only a pipe dream. With this
program, that dream became a reality. After countless applications and rejection emails,
with Nathan’s guidance I landed my first ever International tour with Cirque Du Soleil.
Thanks Nathan for challenging me to push my own boundaries and take ahold of my
Career. -Anthony M., L.A.
● more testimonials
What do you get?
Monthly group meetings for business training, accountability, feedback on your
challenges, and industry experts.
6-month access to all of my courses, books, and apps.
24/7 support through a private online community of your peers. (aka forum). I think we
should commit to taking time each month to introductions for two other members in our
Bi-weekly curated emails with the best learnings from our only community. Add a spot
for a team up/meet up or even apprenticeships
NOAH: Weekly Podcast. I know there is a few about our biz but have 1 geared more towards
growing the career then the gear or just tour stories , PS i would love to host or cohost
Logistical Info
Meetings will be available on Saturday mornings and Monday evenings. All meetings will be
recorded and made available in our private group.
Launch (Jan 30 - Feb 5): $100/month for 6 months or $500 single pay.
I know that this is not an insignificant amount of money for most people, which is why I want
everyone to set a big enough goal to make it a great investment. eg. I'm currently earning
$2k/month from my audio business. By the end of the program I want to double that to $4k.
Therefore, $500 is an easy "Yes".
Total value of everything included: $4,500
This has never been done before. What guarantee do we have that it will actually
happen? Or be beneficial to me?
While I have successfully launched similar groups, this is a pilot. What I can offer is my personal
guarantee. The whole point is to help move you towards your goals. If you try it out and two
months in you discover that it's not working for you, just send me an email and I'll process a
friendly refund. :)
Will the meetings be recorded?
Yes! Everything will go into the private online community so that you can access it from
Next Steps
Join here.
Then add your name here.
1. Noah T. (LA, corporate/concert)
2. Burt M. (Bay area, AV integration -> freelance AV)
3. "I'd like to see how diverse we can make the group." Cory B. (Denver/Boulder, CO
freelance FOH)
4. Jeddy DC (FOH,Monitor,broadcasting) - Africa Tanzania
5. Emmanuel (FOH, Broadcasting,RF coordinator)-Africa Nigeria
6. .
7. .
8. .
9. .
10. .
Waiting list:
1. .
2. .
3. .
4. .
5. .
6. .
7. .
8. .
9. .
10. .