0 ANALYTICAL STUDIES OF BODY WAVE PROPAGATION AND ATTENUATION DTIC ELECTE by Ignacio Sanchez-Salinero, Jose M. Roesset and Kenneth H. Stokoe, II a report on research sponsored by United States Air Force Office of Scientific Research , g pJ i A,b lic r*le=44 -,I~ i Boiling Air Force Base APR 24I9M7I 1 UNCLASS I FI ED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE / REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE 1. REPORT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION lb. RESTRICTIVE MARKINGS UNCLASSIFIED 2&. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION AUTHORITY 3. OISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY OF REPORT Approved for Public Release; Disribution uliite. 2b. OECLASSIFIdATION/OOWNGRAOING SCHEOULE Distribution Unlimited. 4. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBERISI 5. MONITORING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) R 7- O 449 ___AFOSR.T* 6a NAME OF PERFORMING ORGANIZATION b. OFFICE SYMBOL UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN "" 7. NAME OF MONITORING ORGANIZATION J/e fiC. AODRESS (City. State and ZIP Code) 7b. AOORESS (City, Slate and ZIP Code) 04 DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING AUSTIN, TX 78712 Be. NAME OF FUNOINr./SPONSORING ORGANIZATION 8b. OFFICE SYMBOL AIR FORCE OFFICE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH S . JSS . p4I Ce CII/w' 9. PROCUREMENT INSTRUMENT IOENTIFICATION NUMBER (if ppU.abi..) AFOSR/NA AFOSR-83-0062 and ZIP Cod.) LI LLING AFB, DC , 10. SOURCE OF FUNDING NOS. 20332 PROJECT PROGRAM ELEMENT NO. / 11. TITLE ,nciud. Security Clasificaton) ANALYT ICAL STUDIESOF BODY WAVE PROPAGATION AND ATTENUATION 61102F WORK UNIT NO. TASK NO. NO. 2307 Cl 12. PERSONAL AUTHOR(S) IGNACIO SANCHEZ-SALINERO, JOSE M. ROESSET AND KENNETH H. STOKOE, II 13.. TYPE OF REPORT 13b. TIME COVERED 2 1 83 ! FROM TECHNICAL / 11. DATE OF REPORT (Yr.. Mo.. Day) 15. PAGE COUNT SEPTEMBER, 1986 TO6/15/86 296 16. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTATION 17. " • COSATI CODES FIELO GROUP I. SUB. SUBJECT TERMS (Continue on reverse if necesewy and Identify by block number) ANALYTICAL STUDY, ATTENUATION, BODY WAVES, COMPRESSION WAVES CROSS CORRELATION, DAMPED WAVE VELOCITY, DISPERSION, FARFIELD WAVES,. FREQUENCY-DOMAIN ANALYSIS, GREEN'S FUNCTIONS, OR. 16. ABSTRACT (Continue on reverseifnecesary and Identifyby block number) (con In situ seismic methods are becoming widely used as a means of nondestructively evaluating the elastic properties of geotechnical systems. The crosshole and downhole seismic methods are most often used. Elastic constants are calculated from the records of body waves (longitudinal and transverse) traveling through the media. Measurements are made by generating a seismic disturbance at one point and measuring the time required for the disturbance to travel to one or more seismic receivers. Several simplifying assumptions are made in the traditional analysis of seismic measurements for engineering purposes. These assumptions include assuming plane wave propagation, measurement of only far-field waves. and independence of the measurements on the source-receiver configuration and on the amount of material damping. An analytical study of the effects and the validity of the different assumptions is presented. A review of existing techniques to evaluate seismic data based on time domain analysis is performed, and new techniques based on correlation and spectral analyses are presented. Emphasis is placed on determination of wave velocities and (continued on reverse 20. OISTRIBUTIONIAVAILABILITY OF ABSTRACT UNCLASSIFIEO/UNLIMITED01 SAME AS RPT. C3 21. ABSTRACT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION UNCLASSI FI ED OTIC USERS 22s. NAME OF RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL DR. SPENCER T. WU 22b. TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include A teo Code) 22c. OFFICE SYMBOL (202) 767-4935 AFOSR/NA 4i DO FORM 1473, 83 APR EDITION OF I JAN 73 ISOBSOLETE. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE t .UNCLASSIFIED . % . . . * % • . . . % . 18. (cont.) HYSTERETIC DAMPING, LINE SOURCES, LONGITUDINAL MOTION, MATERIAL DAMPING, NEAR-FIELD EFFECTS, NEAR-FIELD WAVES, PLANE WAVE PROPAGATION, POINT SOURCES, SHEAR WAVES, SEISMIC WAVES, SPECTRAL ANALYSIS, SPHERICAL WAVE FRONT, SOURCE-RECEIVER CONFIGURATION, TIME-DOMAIN ANALYSIS, TRANSVERSE MOTION, VELOCITY, WHOLE SPACE 19. (cont.) which elastic properties and material damping can be from "i.' ,:,. ~~~calcqltqd.f parameters ~ attenuation r It is found that, for the range of distances and frequencies typically used in engineering applications, body wave fronts generated by point sources cannot be considered plane and that near-field effects associated with spherical wave fronts can be very important. The near-field effects are caused by coupling between waves which exhibit the same particle motion but which propagate at different velocities ard attenuate at different rates. To minimize the detrimental effects of near-field waves in those methods based on spectral analysis techniques, it is recommended that, in the field setup, the ratio of distances from the source to the second and first receivers be of the order of two or greater. For typical setups in which the distance from the source to the first receiver is equal to the distance between the receivers, near-field effects can be neglected if'measurements are made at frequencies such that the distance from the source to the closest receiver is at least one wavelength. Additional recommendations regarding body wave techniques are presented. I.,., I * V .b d 7- 0 44 2 AFOSR - TM. ANALYTICAL STUDIES OF BODY WAVE PROPAGATION AND ATTENUATION Approved for public reesDo;' distribut ion unlimitod- by Ignacio Sinchez-Salinero, Josd M. Roesset and Kenneth H. Stokoe, II Pit a report on research sponsored by United States Air Force Office of Scientific Research Bolling Air Force Base (AFSC) AIR FORCE OFFICE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARC1 DTIC TO NOTICE '-F TRANSMTTAL and is , This technicai repor hs been, reviewed t.ic reteae iAW AFR 190-12 asp.'o.:VJ bistriout ":j ; .. MAT IHZ. J. tKEP.P-R-" Chief, Technical information Division 11. September, 1986 % Geotechnical Engineering Report GR86-15 Geotechnical Engineering Center Civil Engineering Department The University of Texas at Austin -. ,%.. 0 ..... .......-. ..... ..... .;.---~>:.......... K.. t... 3.. Kt. - ~k~tt b. t~l .. ~s-*-, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to express their gratitude to: - Linda M. Iverson for her assistance in typing this report, and to The United States Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), Boiling Air Force Base, Washington, D.C., for supporting this research under grant AFOSR 83-0062, Major John J. Allen was the initial project manager, after which Lt. Col. Dale Hokanson became the project manager. IL. 1 9. "I. SAcCesiori For NTIJS CFRAcI L I C I[A3 .... .. .. ....... L1 J : . , " D ;.t it) ;tio. Availl.hYA - ------- y Codes dor Dttc-i .- . iii 'N #6 21. , .+.:.,: ,.., . . '' 2',#,.;%,''..' ,;.L.',." v'. ." 'v.I."", t%. % ", ,.,. ': ., ,.%,-, .'.'-,7 ABSTRACT In situ seismic methods arepJbecominjwidely used as a means of nondestructively evaluating the elastic properties of geotechnical systems. The crosshole and downhole seismic methods are most often used. -The elastic constants are calculated from the records of body waves (longitudinal and transverse waves) traveling through the media. Measurements are made by generating a seismic disturbance at one point and measuring the time required for the disturbance to travel to one or more seismic receivers. Several simplifying assumptions are made in the traditional analysis of seismic measurements for engineering purposes. These 4sumptions)include assuming plane wave propagation, measurement of only far-field waves, and independence of the measurements on the source-receiver configuration and on the amount of material damping. An analytical study of the effects and the validity of the different assumptions is presented. A review of existing techniques to evaluate seismic data based on time domain analysis is performed, and new techniques based on correlation and spectral analyses are presented. Emphasis is placed on determination of wave velocities and attenuation parameters from which elastic properties and material damping can be calculated. ,It is found that, for the range of distances and frequencies typically used in engineering applications; body wave fronts generated by point sources cannot be considered plane 3 and i*tnear-field effects associated with spherical wave fronts can be very important. The near-field effects are caused by coupling between waves which exhibit the same particle motion but which propagate at different velocities and attenuate at different rates. To minimize the detrimental effects of near-field waves in those methods based on spectral analysis techniques, it is recommended that, in the field setup, the ratio of distances from the source to the second and first receivers be of the order of two or greater. For typical setups in which the distance from the source to the first receiver is equal to the distance between the receivers, near-field effects ca be neglected if measurements are made - S at frequencies such that the distance from the source to the closest receiver is at least one wavelength. Additional recommendations regarding body wave techniques are presented. iv V N .W . . - %.% .... , .-- --. .. . ;;).- .. - >,- .- .- i TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .......................................................... iii, ABSTRACT ................................................................... iv LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................... vii LIST OF SYMBOLS ........................................................... xxi CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION ................................................................ 1 1.1 Seismic methods in civil engineering ................................... 1 1.1.1 Uses and benefits of seismic methods ............................ 2 1.2 Seismic methods based on body waves .................................... 6 1.3 Organization and objectives of this report ............................. 8 CHAPTER TWO ANALYTICAL FORMULATION FOR BODY WAVES IN A FULL SPACE ...................... 13 2.1 Introduction .......................................................... 13 2.2 Theoretical background ................................................ 14 2.2.1 Two-dimensional antiplane motion ............................... 17 2.2.2 Two-dimensional in-plane motions ............................... 19 2.2.3 Three-dimensional motions ...................................... 20 2.3 Time and frequency domain parameters .................................. 22 2.4 Summary ............................................................... 31 CHAPTER THREE CHARACTERISTICS OF BODY WAVE SIGNATURES .................................... 33 3.1 Introduction .......................................................... 33 3.2 Analysis of time records ........... ............................. 33 3.2.1 Medium with no material damping ................................ 34 3.2.2 Medium with material damping ................................... 43 3.2.3 Effect of Poisson's ratio ...................................... 44 3.3 Near-field effects ............ ................................. 50 3.4 Polarity reversals upon reversing the impulse ......................... 52 3.5 Wave amplitude decay .................................................. 57 3.6 Summary ............................................................... 76 CHAPTER FOUR TECHNIQUES OF EVALUATING BODY WAVE VELOCITIES .............................. 79 4.1 Introduction .................................................. 79 4.2 Wave velocities from direct times of arrival .......................... 79 4.3 Wave velocities from interval times of arrival ........................ 80 4.4 Wave velocities from cross-correlation records ........................ 92 4.4.1 Cross-correlation function ..................................... 92 4.4.2 Analysis of cross-correlation records .......................... 94 4.5 Wave velocities using spectral analysis techniques .................... 106 4.5.1 Theoretical background ........................................ 106 4.5.2 Dispersion curves from cross spectrum function ................ 110 4.5.3 Dispersion curves from transfer functions ..................... 129 4.6 Summary .............................................................. 137 v i~%~ V %~q~% V % % .% ****** % V 'Y'd~P-. 1 vi Page CHAPTER FIVE EVALUATION OF BODY WAVE ATTENUATION ........................... ........... 141 5.1 Introduction ......................................................... 141 5.2 Theoretical background ............................................. 141 5.3 Material damping calculated from seismic records ..................... 144 5.4 Curves of apparent damping ratio ..................................... 149 5.5 Summary .............................................................. 160 CHAPTER SIX SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................. 173 6.1 Introduction ......................................................... 173 6.2 Body wave characteristics ............................................ 174 6.3 Body wave velocities ............................................... 176 6.4 Wave attenuation and material damping ................................ 177 APPENDIX A TIME DOMAIN RECORDS ....................................................... 179 APPENDIX B RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ELASTIC AND DAMPED BODY WAVE VELOCITIES AND MODULI.. .209 APPENDIX C CROSS-CORRELATION RECORDS ................................................. 215 APPENDIX D BODY WAVE DISPERSION CURVES ............................................... 237 BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................. 269 -6) %% ",,, Zf. LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1.1 Crosshole seismic method (after Stokoe and Hoar, 1978) ............ 9 1.2 Downhole seismic method (After Stokoe and Hoar, 1978) ............ 10 2.1 Particle motion for antiplane and inplane loading ................ 18 2.2 Particle motion in three-dimensional case ........................ 21 2.3 Loading function and fast Fourier transform parameters ........... 23 2.4 Displacement, velocity and acceleration records for two-dimensional longtudinal-motion ............................... 26 2.5 Displacement, velocity and acceleration records for two-dimensional in-plane shear-motion ............................ 27 2.6 Displacement, velocity and acceleration records for two-dimensional antiplane shear-motion ........................... 28 2.7 Displacement, velocity and acceleration records for three-dimensional longitudinal-motion ............................ 29 2.8 Displacement, velocity and acceleration records for three-dimensional shear-motion ................................... 30 3.1 Two-dimensional in-plane longitudinal motion. Effect of different damping ratios ......................................... 35 3.2 Two-dimensional in-plane shear motion. Effect of different damping ratios ................................................... 37 3.3 Two-dimensional anitplane shear motion. Effect of different damping ratios ......................................... 39 3.4 Three-dimansional longitudinal motion. Effect of different damping ratios ................................................... 41 3.5 Three-dimensional shear motion. Effect of different damping ratios ................................................... 42 3.6 Two-dimensional in-plane longitudinal motion. Effect of Poisson's ratio .................................................. 45 3.7 Two-dimensional in-plane shear motion. Effect of Poisson's ratio .................................................. 46 3.8 Two-dimensional antiplane shear motion. Effect of Poisson's ratio .................................................. 47 vii % %.o viii Figure Page 3.9 Three-dimensional longitudinal motion. Effect of Poisson's ratio .................................................. 48 3.10 Three-dimensional shear motion. Effect of Poisson's ratio ....... 49 3.11 Longitudinal- and transverse-motion records as monitored by a perfect vertical receiver ................................... 54 3.12 Transverse-motion records produced by reversed impulses as monitored by a perfect vertical receiver ......................... 55 3.13 "Transverse-motion" records produced by reversed impulses as monitored by a receiver with a 30 degree inclination .......... 56 3.14 Wave amplitude decay due to radiational damping. Two-dimensional in-plane longitudinal motion ..................... 60 3.15 Wave amplitude decay due to radiational damping. Two-dimensional in-plane shear motion ............................ 61 3.16 Wave amplitude decay due to radiational damping. Two-dimensional antiplane shear motion ........................... 62 3.17 Wave amplitude decay due to radiational damping. Three-dimensional longitudinal motion ............................ 63 3.18 Wave amplitude decay due to radiational damping. Three-dimensional shear motion ................................... 64 3.19 Wave amplitude decay due to radiational damping and two percent material damping. Two-dimensional in-plane longitudinal motion ........................................ 66 3.20 Wave amplitude decay dLe to radiational damping and two percent material damping. Two-dimensional in-plane shear motion ..................................................... 67 3.21 Wave amplitude decay due to radiational damping and two percent material damping. Two-dimensional antiplane shear motion ........................................................... 68 3.22 Wave amplitude decay due to radiational damping and two percent material damping. Three-dimensional longitudinal motion ........................................................... 69 3.23 Wave amplitude decay due to radiational damping and two percent material damping. Three-dimensional shear motion ........ 70 3.24 Wave amplitude decay due to radiational damping and five percent material damping. Two-dimensional in-plane longitudinal motion .............................................. 71 I I I ., ,,. %' %% ." -, .: %". % " , " ... . .. .- . - . k. ....-.- ix Figure Page 3.25 Wave amplitude decay due to radiational damping and five percent material damping. Two-dimensional in-plane shear motion ..................................................... 72 3.26 Wave amplitude decay due to radiational damping and five percent material damping. Two-dimensional antiplane shear motion ........................................................... 73 3.27 Wave amplitude decay due to radiational damping and five percent material damping. Three-dimensional longitudinal motion ........................................................... 74 3.28 Wave amplitude decay due to radiational damping and five percent material damping. Three-dimensional shear motion ........ 75 4.1 Two-dimensional in-plane longitudinal motion at two different points in a medium with no damping .................. 81 4.2 Two-dimensional in-plane shear motion at two different points in a medium with no damping ............................... 82 4.3 Two-dimensional antiplane shear motion at two different points in a medium with no damping. Illustration of interval travel time determination ............................... 83 4.4 Three-dimensional longitudinal motion at two different points in a medium with no damping ............................... 84 4.5 Three-dimensional shear motion at two different points in a medium with no damping ...................................... 85 4.6 Two-dimensional in-plane longitudinal motion at two different points in a medium with five percent damping ........... 86 4.7 Two-dimensional in-plane shear motion at two different points in a medium with five percent damping ..................... 87 4.8 Two-dimensional antiplane shear motion at two different points in a medium with five percent damping. Illustration of interval travel time determination ............................ 88 4.9 Three-dimensional longitudinal motion at two different points in a medium with five percent damping ..................... 89 4.10 Three-dimensional shear motion at two different points in a medium with five percent damping ............................ 90 4.11 Cross-correlation function of two-dimensional P-motion records obtained in the near field. Poisson's ratio = 0.25 and damping = 0%................................................. 91 -,% '~~ ~~~~~~~~............-......................... .. •.* N . ..... .. ... .•. ... x Figure Page 4.12 Cross-correlation function of two-dimensional SV-motion records obtained in the near field. Poisson's ratio = 0.25 and damping = 0% ................................................. 96 4.13 Cross-correlation function of two-dimensional SH-motion records obtained in the near field. Poisson's ratio = 0.25 and damping = 0% .......... ...................................... 97 4.14 Cross-correlation function of three-dimensional P-motion records obtained in the near field. Poisson's ratio = 0.25 and damping = 0% ................................................. 98 4.15 Cross-correlation function of three-dimensional S-motion records obtained in the near field. Poisson's ratio = 0.25 and damping = 0% ................................................. 99 4.16 Cross-correlation function of two-dimensional P-motion records obtained in the far field. Poisson's ratio = 0.25 and damping = 0% ................................................ 100 4.17 Cross-correlation function of two-dimensional SV-motion records obtained in the far field. Poisson's ratio = 0.25 and damping = 0% ................................................ 101 4.18 Cross-correlation function of two-dimensional SH-motion records obtained in the far field. Poisson's ratio = 0.25 and damping = 0% ................................................ 102 4.19 Cross-correlation function of three-dimensional P-motion records obtained in the far field. Poisson's ratio = 0.25 and damping = 0% ................................................ 103 4.20 Cross-correlation function of three-dimensional S-motion records obtained in the far field. Poisson's ratio = 0.25 and damping = 0% ................................................ 104 4.21 Dispersion curves for two-dimensional in-plane longitudinal motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25. Small spacing between receivers ................................. 111 4.22 Dispersion curves for two-dimensional in-plane longitudinal motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25. Large spacing between receivers ................................. 112 4.23 Dispersion curves for two-dimensional in-plane shear motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25. Small spacing between receivers ................................. 113 4.24 Dispersion curves for two-dimensional in-plane shear motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25. Large spacing between receivers ................................. 114 r 'd ...I .. .. xi Figure Page 4.25 Dispersion curves for two-dimensional antiplane shear motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson s ratio = 0.25. Small spacing between receivers ................................. 115 4.26 Dispersion curves for two-dimensional antiplane shear motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25. Large spacing between receivers ................................. 116 4.27 Dispersion curves for three-dimensional longitudinal motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25. Small spacing between receivers ................................. 117 4.28 Dispersion curves for three-dimensional longitudinal motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25. Large spacing between receivers ................................. 118 4.29 Dispersion curves for three-dimensional shear motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25. Small spacing between receivers ................................. 119 4.30 Dispersion curves for three-dimensional shear motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25. Large spacing between receivers ................................. 120 4.31 Dispersion curves for three-dimensional longitudinal motion normalized with respect to wavelength. Small spacing between receivers ................................. 125 4.32 Dispersion curves for three-dimensional longitudinal motion normalized with respect to wavelength. Large spacing between receivers ................................. 126 4.33 Dispersion curves for three-dimensional shear motion normalized with respect to wavelength. Small spacing between receivers ................................. 127 4.34 Dispersion curves for three-dimensional shear motion normalized with respect to wavelength. Large spacing between receivers ................................. 128 4.35 Dispersion curve obtained from ths phase of the transfer function for two-dimensional longitudinal motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25 ...................... 131 4.36 Dispersion curve obtained from the phase of the transfer function for two-dimensional in-plane shear motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25 ............... 132 4.37 Dispersion curve obtained from the phase of the transfer function for two-dimensional antiplane shear motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25 ............... 133 ae " v, ...........- .. > > 5 .. ........ . .... , " ".'.".," ,.. . . '. ' , ' - xii Figure Page 4.38 Dispersion curve obtained from the phase of the transfer function for three-dimensional longitudinal motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25 ............... 134 4.39 Dispersion curve obtained from the phase of the transfer function for three-dimensional shear motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25 ...................... 135 5.1 Apparent damping ratio for in-plane longitudinal motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25. Small spacing between receivers ................................. 150 5.2 Apparent damping ratio for in-plane longitudinal motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25. Large spacing between receivers ................................. 151 5.3 Apparent damping ratio for in-plane shear motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25. Small spacing between receivers ............................................... 152 5.4 Apparent damping ratio for in-plane shear motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25. Large spacing between receivers ............................................... 153 5.5 Apparent damping ratio for antiplane shear motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25. Small spacing between receivers ............................................... 154 5.6 Apparent damping ratio for antiplane shear motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25. Large spacing between receivers ............................................... 155 5.7 Apparent damping ratio for three-dimensional longitudinal motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25. Small spacing between receivers ................................. 156 5.8 Apparent damping ratio for three-dimensional longitudinal motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25. Large spacing between receivers ................................. 157 Y 5.9 Apparent damping ratio for three-dimensional shear motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25. Small spacing between receivers ................................. 158 5.10 Apparent damping ratio for three-dimensional shear motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25. Large spacing between receivers ................................. 159 5.11 Apparent damping ratio for in-plane longitudinal motion in a medium with five percent damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25. Small spacing between receivers ................................. 161 j . , . .. .,-%. , .# . • #. .# . - . - , ,-# ..-.- - ..-a # #Z -' ' . -'. . . ,€ .0!%P ' --"A xiii Figure Page 5.12 Apparent damping ratio for in-plane longitudinal motion in a medium with five percent damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25. Large spacing between receivers ................................. 162 5.13 Apparent damping ratio for in-plane shear motion in a medium with five percent damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25. Small spacing between receivers ................................. 163 5.14 Apparent damping ratio for in-plane shear motion in a medium with five percent damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25. Large spacing between receivers ................................. 164 5.15 Apparent damping ratio for antiplane shear motion in a medium with five percent damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25. Small spacing between receivers ................................. 165 5.16 Apparent damping ratio for antiplane shear motion in a medium with five percent damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25. Large spacing between receivers ................................. 166 5.17 Apparent damping ratio for three-dimensional longitudinal motion in a medium with five percent damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25. Small spacing between receivers .................. 167 5.18 Apparent damping ratio for three-dimensional longitudinal motion in a medium with five percent damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25. Large spacing between receivers .................. 168 5.19 Apparent damping ratio for three-dimensional shear motion in a medium with five percent damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25. Small spacing between receivers .......................... 169 5.20 Apparent damping ratio for three-dimensional shear motion in a medium with five percent damping and Poisson's ratio 0.25. Large spacing between receivers .......................... 170 A.1 Amplitude decay with distance (short distances) for two-dimensional longitudinal motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25 ........................... 180 A.2 Amplitude decay with distance (long distances) for two-dimensional longitudinal motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25 ........................... 181 A.3 Amplitude decay with distance (short distances) for in-plane shear motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25 .......................................... 182 A.4 Amplitude decay with distance (long distances) for in-plane shear motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio 0.25 .......................................... 183 'A • ,1~ .J. xiv Figure Page A.5 Amplitude decay with distance (short distances) for antiplane shear motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25 .......................................... 184 A.6 Amplitude decay with distance (long distances) for antiplane shear motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25 .......................................... 185 A.7 Amplitude decay with distance (short distances) for three-dimensional longitudinal motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25 ........................... 186 A.8 Amplitude decay with distance (long distances) for three-dimensional longitudinal motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25 ........................... 187 A.9 Amplitude decay with distance (short distances) for three-dimensional shear motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25 .............................. 188 A.10 Amplitude decay with distance (long distances) for three-dimensional shear motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25 .............................. 189 A.11 Amplitude decay with distance (short distances) for two-dimensional longitudinal motion in a medium with five percent damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25 ................. 190 A.12 Amplitude decay with distance (long distances) for two-dimensional longitudinal motion in a medium with five percent damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25 ................. 191 A.13 Amplitude decay with distance (short distances) for in-plane shear motion in a medium with five percent damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25 .............................. 192 A.14 Amplitude decay with distance (long distances) for in-plane shear motion in a medium with five percent damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25 .............................. 193 A.15 Amplitude decay with distance (short distances) for antiplane shear motion in a medium with five percent damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25 .............................. 194 A.16 Amplitude decay with distance (long distances) for antiplane shear motion in a medium with five percent damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25 .............................. 195 A.17 Amplitude decay with distance (short distances) for three-dimensional longitudinal motion in a medium with five percent damping and Poisson's ratio 0.25 ................. 196 xv Figure Page A.18 Amplitude decay with distance (long distances) for three-dimensional longitudinal motion in a medium with five percent damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25 ................. 197 A.19 Amplitude decay with distance (short distances) for three-dimensional shear motion in a medium with five percent damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25 ................. 198 A.20 Amplitude decay with distance (long distances) for three-dimensional shear motion in a medium with five percent damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25 ................. 199 A.21 Amplitude decay with distance (short distances) for two-dimensional longitudinal motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.4 ............................ 200 A.22 Amplitude decay with distance (long distances) for two-dimensional longitudinal motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.4 ............................ 201 A.23 Amplitude decay with distance (short distances) for in-plane shear motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.4 ........................................... 202 A.24 Amplitude decay with distance (long distances) for in-plane shear motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio 0 ........................................... 203 A.25 Amplitude decay with distance (short distances) for three-dimensional longitudinal motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.4 ............................ 204 A.26 Amplitude decay with distance (long distances) for three-dimensional longitudinal motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.4 ............................ 205 A.27 Amplitude decay with distance (short distances) for three-dimensional shear motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.4 ............................... 206 A.28 Amplitude decay with distance (long distances) for three-dimensional shear motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.4 ............................... 207 C.1 Cross-correlation function of two-dimensional P-motion records obtained in the near field. Poisson's ratio = 0.25 and damping = 5% ......................................... 216 C.2 Cross-correlation function of two-dimensional SV-motion records obtained in the near field. Poisson's ratio = 0.25 and damping = 5%................................................ 217 .4 %I.*/ '"q, xvi Figure Page C.3 Cross-correlation function of two-dimensional SH-motion records obtained in the near field. Poisson's ratio = 0.25 and damping = 5% ................................................ 218 C.4 Cross-correlation function of three-dimensional P-motion records obtained in the near field. Poisson's ratio = 0.25 and damping = 5% ................................................ 219 C.5 Cross-correlation function of three-dimensional S-motion records obtained in the near field. Poisson's ratio = 0.25 and damping = 5%................................................ 220 C.6 Cross-correlation function of two-dimensional P-motion records obtained in the near field. Poisson's ratio = 0.4, Damping = 0%.................................................... 221 C.7 Cross-correlation function of two-dimensional SV-motion records obtained in the near field. Poisson's ratio = 0.4, Damping = 0%.................................................... 222 C.8 Cross-correlation function of two-dimensional SH-motion records obtained in the near field. Poisson's ratio = 0.4, Damping = 0%.................................................... 223 C.9 Cross-correlation function of three-dimensional P-motion records obtained in the near field. Poisson's ratio = 0.4, Damping = 0%.................................................... 224 C.10 Cross-correlation function of three-dimensional S-motion records obtained in the near field. Poisson's ratio = 0.4, Damping = 0%.................................................... 225 C.11 Cross-correlation function of two-dimensional P-motion records obtained in the far field. Poisson's ratio = 0.25 and damping = 5%................................................ 226 C.12 Cross-correlation function of two-dimensional SV-motion records obtained in the far field. Poisson's ratio = 0.25 and damping = 5%. ......................................... 227 C.13 Cross-correlation function of two-dimensional SH-motion records obtained in the far field. Poisson's ratio = 0.25 and damping = 5%................................................ 228 C.14 Cross-correlation function of three-dimensional P-motion records obtained in the far field. Poisson's ratio = 0.25 and damping = 5%................................................ 229 C.15 Cross-correlation function of three-dimensional S-motion records obtained in the far field. Poisson's ratio = 0.25 and damping 5%. ......................................... 230 % xvii Figure Page C.16 Cross-correlation function of two-dimensional P-motion records obtained in the far field. Poisson's ratio = 0.4 and damping = 0% ................................................ 231 C.17 Cross-correlation function of two-dimensional SV-motion records obtained in the far field. Poisson's ratio = 0.4 and damping = 0% ................................................ 232 C.18 Cross-correlation function of two-dimensional SH-motion records obtained in the far field. Poisson's ratio = 0.4 and damping = 0% ................................................ 233 C.19 Cross-correlation function of three-dimensional P-motion records obtained in the far field. Poisson's ratio = 0.4 and damping = 0% ................................................ 234 C.20 Cross-correlation function of three-dimensional S-motion records obtained in the far field. Poisson's ratio = 0.4 and damping = 0% ................................................ 235 D.1 Dispersion curves for two-dimensional in-plane longitudinal motion in a medium with five percent damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25. Small spacing between receivers .................. 238 D.2 Dispersion curves for two-dimensional in-plane longitudinal motion in a medium with five percent damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25. Large spacing between receivers .................. 239 D.3 Dispersion curves for two-dimensional in-plane shear motion in a medium with five percent damping and Poisson's ratio 0.25. Small spacing between receivers .......................... 240 D.4 Dispersion curves for two-dimensional in-plane shear motion in a medium with five percent damping and Poisson's ratio 0.25. Large spacing between receivers .......................... 241 D.5 Dispersion curves for two-dimensional antiplane shear motion in a medium with five percent damping and Poisson's ratio 0.25. Small spacing between receivers .......................... 242 D.6 Dispersion curves for two-dimensional antiplane shear motion in a medium with five percent damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25. Large spacing between receivers .......................... 243 0.7 Dispersion curves for three-dimensional longitudinal motion in a medium with five percent damping and Poisson's ratio 0.25. Small spacing between receivers .......................... 244 D.8 Dispersion curves for three-dimensional longitudinal motion in a medium with five percent damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25. Large spacing between receivers .......................... 245 B' v rWTW. WCrv~r.~v -.. r S-. wnt 7fl~r rV I~W_ I - .r1.-s nn xvii i Figure Page D.9 Dispersion curves for three-dimensional shear motion in a medium with five percent damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25. Small spacing between receivers. ........................... 246 D.10 Dispersion curves for three-dimensional shear motion in a medium with five percent damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25. Large spacing between receivers ................................. 247 D.11 Dispersion curves for two-dimensional in-plane longitudinal motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.4. Small spacing between receivers ................................. 248 D.12 Dispersion curves for two-dimensional in-plane longitudinal motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.4. Large spacing between receivers ................................. 249 D.13 Dispersion curves for two-dimensional in-plane shear motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.4. Small spacing between receivers ................................. 250 D.14 Dispersion curves for two-dimensional in-plane shear motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.4. Large spacing between receivers ................................. 251 D.15 Dispersion curves for two-dimensional antiplane shear motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.4. Small spacing between receivers ................................. 252 D.16 Dispersion curves for two-dimensional antiplane shear motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.4. Large spacing between receivers ................................. 253 D.17 Dispersion curves for three-dimensional longitudinal motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.4. Small spacing between receivers ................................. 254 D.18 Dispersion curves for three-dimensional longitudinal motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.4. Large spacing between receivers ................................. 255 D.19 Dispersion curves for three-dimensional shear motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.4. Small spacing between receivers ................................. 256 D.20 Dispersion curves for three-dimensional shear motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.4. Large spacing between receivers ................................. 257 D.21 Dispersion curves obtained from the phase of the transfer function for two-dimensional longitudinal motion in a medium with five percent damping and Poisson's ratio 0.25 ............ 258 S% -% % % . - % •% xix Figure Page D.22 Dispersion curves obtained from the phase of the transfer function for two-dimensional inplane shear motion in a medium with five percent damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25 ............ 259 D.23 Dispersion curves obtained from the phase of the transfer function for two-dimensional antiplane shear motion in a medium with five percent damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25 ............ 260 D.24 Dispersion curves obtained from the phase of the transfer function for Three-dimensional longitudinal motion in a medium with five percent damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25 ............ 261 D.25 Dispersion curves obtained from the phase of the transfer function for three-dimensional shear motion in a medium with five percent damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.25 ............ 262 D.26 Dispersion curves obtained from the phase of the transfer function for two-dimensional longitudinal motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.4 ....................... 263 D.27 Dispersion curves obtained from the phase of the transfer function for two-dimensional inplane shear motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.4 ....................... 264 D.28 Dispersion curves obtained from the phase of the transfer function for two-dimensional antiplane shear motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.4 ....................... 265 D.29 Dispersion curves obtained from the phase of the transfer function for Three-dimensional longitudinal motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.4 ....................... 266 D.30 Dispersion curves obtained from the phase of the transfer function for three-dimensional shear motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio 0.4 ....................... 267 % % ' " ".""."" ? 22 • Lm ° tm , ' j °' ." ",'. % •,% ". ", " '- . "."" .. " '. "% "" "" " ° '.', . ". ". ". "."" ' "°".. ,'"• " " . %" ",.." "" . " " , " °. • , "%" - " ".'. " " °. .",- ° - ,-4- 1 .-4" LIST OF SYMBOLS = auto spectrum of displacement A wr Cs 0 Cp C c = phase velocity C = compressional wave velocity CpD = damped compressional wave velocity CPI = D cp * cp, imaginary part of complex compressional wave velocity cp + iCip cs = shear wave velocity CsD = damped shear wave velocity s cS = c, imaginary part of complex shear wave velocity = cs + iCsl CR(T) = cross correlation function CS(f) = cross spectrum function d = distance dI = distance from source to first receiver d2 D = distance from source to second receiver = hysteretic damping ratio Dp = damping ratio in compression-extension Ds = damping ratio in shear e = base of natural logarithmics E = Young's modulus of elasticity f = frequency in Hz fmax = maximum frequency of the FFT F = amplitude of loading function xxi S. % %.S %S %* . 4-, .S % % xxii FFT = fast Fourier transform G = shear modulus of elasticity GI = 2GDs, imaginary part of complex shear modulus G* = G(1+2iDs), complex shear modulus H(w) = Green's function or transfer function H0 (2) = zero order Hankel function of the second kind i =Ve-T k = wave number K°' K, 2 = modified Bessel functions of the second kind and orders zero, one, and two, respectively *'% L =wavelength LpP = primary wave in a record of longitudinal-motion (far-field wave) Ls = secondary wave in a record of longitudinal-motion (near-field wave) LSV = M = constrained modulus of elasticity MI = 2MDp, imaginary part of constrained modulus M* = M(1+2iDp), complex constrained modulus N = number of points of FFT r = distance from source to receiver t = time variable T = 1/f, time period T = total duration of function to transform with the FFT Tp = primary wave in a record of transverse-motion (near-field wave) Ts = period of loading function Ts = secondary wave in a record of transverse-motion (far-field wave) TSH = secondary wave in a record of transverse antiplane motion TSV = secondary wave in a record of transverse in-plane motion (far-field wave) *_€_?_ /.%'% " I, ,, , secondary wave in a record of in-plane longitudinal-motion (nearfield wave) \v* % ! I' ' - '€' • '€: ,# ' '" ",' . . .'--' I . , , ' -. 'f . . ' -'-'' .. -"" . -' " -, xxiii u = displacement u = displacement in x-direction U = linear spectrum of displacement v = velocity v = displacement in y-direction V = apparent velocity w = displacement in z-direction W = elastic strain energy stored when the strain is a maximum S= attenuation coefficient 6 = logarithmic decrement At = sampling rate for the FFT AW = energy dissipated per stress cycle A = Lame's constant of elasticity I = wavelength of shear wave v = Poisson's ratio ir = 3.14159... p = mass density S = inclination of geophone with respect to a vertical line T = time delay 0 = phase of cross spectrum or phase of transfer function = damping capacity factor = frequency in rad/sec . ."."" "" . . ." "'.".. " " "i .- • "Z.-"-.*-" '." -" "• -'.-"..".-'.''. ."--"..'.-'. "-0 1% CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 SEISMIC METHODS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING Steel, concrete, soil, rock, pavement and other engineering materials behave like elastic bodies at small strains. For soil, rock and pavement materials, small strains can be considered any strains on the order of o.ool percent or less. The small-strain range in steel and concrete is considerably higher. Stresses produced by a source releasing energy into the medium which creates small strains will propagate away from the source as elastic waves. The velocities at which these waves propagate depend mainly on the elastic moduli of the materials that compose the medium. Therefore, if one generates small-strain stress waves and measures propagation velocities, elastic material properties can be calculated. Such measurements are typically categorized as seismic measurements. It is the purpose of this study to understand more completely seismic measurements as used for engineering applications. Most applications of seismic methods, to date, have been by exploration geophycisists, seismologists and petroleum engineers. The main efforts of these groups have been directed toward determining abrupt and broad geological changes in the interior of the earth, generally at great depths within rock formations. Estimation of the structure of the earth or location of the position of natural resources was typically the goal of those measurements. This I%I % % % % . . . . . .- tZ 2 information was generally obtained by studying the arrivals of waves (usually compression waves) that were reflected or refracted at the interfaces of layers with very different elastic properties. Engineers have also been interested in locating abrupt structural changes in earth materials. In addition to interpretation of the structural bedding surfaces, engineers have been attempting to determine the physical properties and stratigraphy of the uppermost zone of the earth. In certain cases near the surface of the earth, conventional sampling techniques can be used. In other cases, at greater depths or under circumstances where conventional sampling techniques and laboratory testing are not feasible or do not provide an adequate evaluation of the physical properties of the materials being tested, seismic methods offer the engineer a viable tool for evaluating engineering materials. The emphasis in this research is placed on developing analytical formulations with which synthetic seismic records can be generated. These synthetic records are then processed following standard field procedures used in engineering applications. The applicability and limitations of the uses and processing of seismic records are studied. The thrust of this work is placed on wave velocity measurements (hence elastic stiffnesses), but attenuation measurements (material damping) are also addressed. I ." 1.1.1 Uses and benefits of seismic methods As analytical techniques to analyze physical problems are becoming more and more sophisticated, so are the laboratory testing methods used to determine the properties of the materials involved Z' ",.' .- ' ', . '.-'.'z °,' '-', ,"'.-'." , 'v°.''. " ,''- ".' ' .'. .".' ,'" - • • . '.." " - -','. .'.-,-" . ., -' 3 in these problems. There are, however, several difficulties inherent with laboratory testing of sampled materials that do not exist with in situ methods. One of these difficulties is trying to minimize the disturbance caused by sampling methods in testing materials (especially in geotechnical materials). This complication is almost completely avoided by most seismic field methods since there is no need to obtain any physical samples. Another shortcoming of laboratory techniques is caused by the inability to simulate properly in situ stress conditions. With field testing techniques, in situ stress conditions do not need to be simulated since they are, in most cases, the stresses acting in the materials at the time the tests are performed. A further obstacle in laboratory testing occurs when one tries to obtain representative samples of the zone of interest. Many times the specimens tested are only characteristic of a small area within a larger zone having some irregularities (like in most jointed rock and in soils with primary and secondary structure). With most of the seismic methods, however, the areas sampled by the propagating waves are large enough so that the properties obtained are representative of the zone of concern. When compared with other in situ testing methods, such as the standard penetration test and the cone penetration test (in soils), seismic methods have the advantages that: 1) they can be tailored to sample small or large zones of materials; 2) they have a strong theoretical basis (the theory of elasticity) and are not dependent on empirical correlations; and 3) measured wave velocities are independent of equipment used and do not need correction factors like many of the other in situ testing methods. The most important properties usually obtained from seismic tests are the elastic shear modulus (G), which is obtained from the 1.- . .. . . "* -." - . . .. . . . - . - " . --- ." 4 propagation velocity of shear waves, the constrained modulus (M), which is obtained from the propagation velocity of longitudinal waves, and Poisson's ratio (v) which can be calculated if shear and longitudinal wave velocities are known. Other properties like mass density (p), material damping (D), strain amplitudes and strain rates can be inferred or estimated from the analysis of wave propagation records. One of the main objectives of this study is to understand better what and how variables affect wave velocities calculated from various propagation measurements as outlined in Section 1.3. Elastic properties obtained from seismic methods are those corresponding to very low-amplitude strains (strains less than 0.001 percent for most geotechnical materials). Elastic moduli at these small strains are usually called initial tangent moduli. Initial tangent moduli are used directly as the stiffness of engineering materials in vibration problems where the amplitudes of the vibrations are kept very small (as is the case of most problems concerning vibrations of soils and foundations). For larger- amplitude straining, initial tangent moduli represent key parameters needed to fit nonlinear material models. For anisotropic materials like soils, it is possible to determine the small-strain elastic properties in different i directions by generating waves whose motions are polarized in different planes. In fact, one of the possible future uses of seismic methods in soils is to evaluate the state of stress from a three-dimensional picture of the seismic wave velocities (Lee and I Stokoe, 1986). 0 In the same way that geophysicists are interested in determining structural changes and discontinuities in subsurface Pi • % % % % - % %. - % "- - . .o "- " . .•. °,,-,-. " . "° "% "5 materials, so are engineers interested in locating anomalies of engineering materials. In this respect seismic methods can be used to determine layering and properties of pavement systems; to detect cracks and other anomalies like voids in structural members, rock formations or pavement systems; to locate tunnels; in the integrity testing of piles and piers and other structures where construction specifications are difficult to check; and for many other purposes. In Geotechnical Engineering, one of the major areas for the use of seismic methods and the area of focus in this study, shear and constrained moduli and their variation with strain are essential in characterizing soil behavior under dynamic loadings such as those created by earthquakes and blasting, in determining dynamic stiffnesses of foundations for soil-structure interaction analyses, and in evaluating the liquefaction susceptibility of cohesionless soils by the strain approach. Seismic methods often used to determine the variation of initial shear and constrained moduli with depth include the crosshole, downhole, surface refraction, surface reflection, steady-state Rayleigh-wave method and the spectral-analysis-of-surface-waves (SASW) method. Of these techniques the crosshole and the downhole methods (body wave methods) are the most widely used methods today for engineering applications and the ones that provide the most reliable results. The SASW method, a variation of the steady-state Rayleigh-wave method, is a promising new technique that has all of the advantages of the steady-state method without having its disadvantages. The surface refraction and surface reflection techniques are not suitable for most engineering applications since one is not able to obtain detailed moduli profiles with these methods. -. - -....... .-... ... -.....- % 6 1.2 SEISMIC METHODS BASED ON BODY WAVES Body wave methods are based on the fact that the velocity at which seismic waves travel through the interior of materials depends on the elastic properties of the materials. Measurements are made by generating a seismic disturbance at one point in the medium and measuring the time required for the disturbance to travel to one or more seismic receivers. If the distances travelled by the measured waves are known, body wave velocities can be calculated by dividing the distances by the corresponding travel times. From the theory of plane wave propagation in a homogeneous isotropic elastic body, it can be shown that two types of body waves propagate. The first type, usually called the compressional-, primary- or P-wave, propagates at a velocity cp (or Vp; both notations are used in this study) which is given by Cp2 M/p (1.la) or C = ( + 2G)/p (1.lb) 2 cp P - p(1 + E(1 v)(1- v) - 2v) (1.1c) or i where, e. 4.. %.5% of U~k. U ~ -f q4 Vs, .4 -- I 7 M is constrained modulus of elasticity, p is mass density, x is Lame's constant of elasticity, G is shear modulus of elasticity, E is Young's modulus of elasticity, and v is Poisson's ratio. The second kind of body wave is called the shear-, transverse-, secondary- or S-wave and propagates at a velocity cs (or vs) given by Cs2 = G/p (1.2) For plane wave propagation, P-waves are characterized by particle motion along the line of the wave advance, while S-waves are distinguished by having particle motion perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation. A look at Eqs. 1.1 and 1.2 shows that, in the same material, P-waves propagate at a much faster speed than S-waves, with the difference in velocities depending on the value of Poisson's ratio. The most common methods to determine wave propagation velocities in the field for engineering applications are the crosshole and downhole (or uphole) methods. In the crosshole method, the time required for body waves to travel horizontally between several points located at the same depth is measured. By repeating the process at different depths, a profile of shear and compressional wave velocities with depth can be obtained. In the downhole method, a seismic disturbance is generated at a point on the surface, and the waves are monitored at several points in the interior of the soil mass. By measuring the travel times, wave K. V velocities can be calculated after travel distances have been determined. Elements required in downhole and crosshole seismic surveys are boreholes, sources, receivers and recording and triggering systems. Typical field procedures are shown schematically in Figs. 1.1 and 1.2. A detailed analysis of the field processes and data analysis can be obtained in Woods (1978), Stokoe and Hoar (1978), Corps of Engineers EM 1110-1-1802 (1979), Patel (1981) and Hoar (1982).1 1.3 ORGANIZATION AND OBJECTIVES OF THIS REPORT If increasingly broader and more accurate conclusions and information are to be drawn from seismic records, it is essential to understand better the wave propagation signatures and the methods to analyze these signatures. Geophysical applications usually involve analysis of seismic waves that are recorded at far distances from the source. At these long distances, body waves are usually considered plane waves (plane fronts). The fact that these waves were generated by a point source and therefore are propagating with a spherical wave front is usually neglected without incurring serious errors. For engineering applications, however, seismic waves are recorded at short aistances from the source and should not be considered plane if a precise evaluation of elastic velocities is necessary. An analytical formulation to generate wave propagation records produced by a point source in a full space (and therefore spreading in a spherical pattern) is explained in Chapter Two. It is not intended in this chapter to give a general overview of the theory of wave propagation in a--11 linearly elastic, homogeneous and isotropic body. However, by e 77,; 0 V. % .o % % I% N V% " - f- II .P, 10 -ru ------,r HaImmer Blow Csing Generation of Body Waves Trigeloit I I Trnsdger Wed~eclOn Hamme ncli .ed '.% 3-D Velocity Transducer Wedged in Place Fig. 1.2 - Downhole seismic method (after Stokoe and Hoar, 1978). ' . . . . . ... .. ... ... . . . . . 11 S 1% making use of the Green's functions formulation of displacements produced by a point load in the interior of a full-space (for which case closed-form solutions exist), a set of synthetic wave propagation records is generated. Typical features of these synthetic records are studied in Chapter Three. It is also necessary to develop new methods of analysis of the field data that make better use of all the information contained in the wave propagation records of body waves. In this respect, Chapter Four is devoted to the analysis of existing and new techniques to evaluate propagation velocities from which the elastic properties of the propagating medium can be determined. The subjective nature of visual identifications of times of arrivals is demonstrated, especially for wave propagation in a medium with material damping. The cross-correlation function is shown to be an excellent method for determining elastic constants. d Finally spectral analysis techniques based in cross spectrum and transfer functions are shown to be excellent tools to determine elastic wave propagation velocities if properly applied. Care must be taken not to use in the near field. A technique to estimate material damping is presented in Chapter Five. The technique is based in spectral analysis methods and although is at a preliminary phase of development seems to hold promise in the field determination of material damping. A summary of this work, conclusions and recommendations are then presented in Chapter Six. - ..- '. CHAPTER ANALYTICAL TWO FORMULATION WAVES IN A FOR FULL BODY SPACE 2.1 INRODUCTON In the crosshole and downhole seismic methods, body waves (longitudinal and shear waves) are generated by a source at one point and monitored at one or more other points as the waves pass these points. Direct as well as reflected and refracted waves are recorded by the receivers. It is assumed, however, in most of the analyses performed of the wave propagation records that only direct waves arrive at the receivers or that the effect of the reflected and refracted waves is negligible (compared to the effect of the direct waves). It can be assumed under these conditions that the waves behave as propagating in a full space. Although the validity of this assumption is questionable, it is intended (as a first step . in the process of understanding the behavior of the waves generated by seismic sources) to analyze wave propagation records produced by point and line loads in the interior of a three-dimensional space. The mathematical formulation that leads to the analytical generation of wave propagation records in a full space is explained - in this chapter. 13 N....... . ... ... . . .. a ..... - ""a,1 14 2.2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND One of several methods to study wave propagation phenomena in a linearly elastic medium is by superposition of the response to steady-state (or harmonic) excitations. The method, known as Fourier superposition, Fourier synthesis or frequency domain analysis, provides an easy way to study complicated transient events when the solution to the steady-state problem is known. Assume, for instance, that the solution to a harmonically vibrating point load is known for all frequencies of vibration. Then, the response of the medium to any transient point load excitation can be calculated by expressing the load in terms of its harmonic components, evaluating the response of the system to each component, and superposing the harmonic solutions to obtain the final results. If the solution to the point load is known, the solution to loads over any area can also be obtained by integrating the point load solutions over the area. Superposition techniques are limited to linear systems. Internal dissipation of energy in a truly nonlinear system is simulated in a linear system by assuming a complex stiffness, G*, of the form G* = G(1 + 2iD) in which G is the elastic shear modulus of the material, i = V-1, and D is the hysteretic damping ratio. In the following, the asterisk will be dropped from G* for simplicity, and G will be used as a complex number when the material exhibits a hysteretic type of damping. The notation will be clarified at each point in the text when confusion might arise. A hysteretic type of damping is considered, in a frequency domain analysis, to be frequency and strain independent. .. % While the 15 first assumption is usually true for most geotechnical materials in the frequency ranges of interest herein (1 to looo Hz), the second assumption is not. It has been experimentally observed that the energy dissipated per vibration cycle can generally be considered independent of frequency but depends on the amplitude of the vibration. For low-strain amplitudes such as those associated with seismic waves, however, damping can be considered to be independent 'S. of strain (Johnston et al, 1979; Toksoz et al, 1979). The Fourier superposition technique is, thus, an approximate method to study waves propagating through a dissipative medium. Even for a material with true strain and frequency independent hysteretic damping, the solution would be approximate due to some mathematical problems created by the fact that hysteretic damping does not satisfy the principle of causality. The method offers, however, a very good approximation, particularly for materials with low damping. Assume that the response of a medium to an excitation of the form p(t) is desired. As a first step in the Fourier superposition method, the function p(t) is decomposed in its different frequency components by means of a Fourier transform, P(w), as i4,* P(w) = fP(t)e lwtdt (2.1) 6 where -- j Pt) P(w) etdw (2.2) and t is the time variable in seconds, . I 'p. ,V '2 ' S. i.* . • . , 4 -. . . ." -.... , ,' .- .,-...• . .'-, ',o -...',. '.. ." .'. ,. - -. , . 4. .- .. .'% '.-....',. .. •, .* •.- .: . - . .- . . . . -. . . -, .. - .. - ? . .* . *: ,, . S 4 4 4 . 4 16 w is frequency in rad/sec, e is the base of the natural logarithmics, i = V-1, and = 3.14159... The two integrals in Eqs. 2.1 and 2.2 are known as a Fourier transform pair. P(w) represents the harmonic components of the loading function p(t). The response of the medium to an excitation of the form •iWt is defined by the Green's function or fundamental solution. The fundamental solution gives the displacement at one point of the medium due to a unit harmonic force applied at any other point of the medium. If the Green's function of the problem under consideration, H(w), is known and the superposition principle is applied, the response of the system, u(t), to the loading function, p(t), defined in Eq. 2.2 is then given by u(t) L - .P(w) H(w) • dw (2.3) This means that the response of the system to any excitation is given by the inverse Fourier transform of the product of the fundamental solution by the Fourier transform of the excitation. In other words, the Fourier transform of the response, U(w), is the product of the Fourier transform of the excitation and the Green's function and can be written as U(w) =P(w) H(w) (2.4) Forward and inverse Fourier transforms can be efficiently calculated in a digital computer by means of a Fast Fourier % % % %0 %p. 17 Transform (FFT) algorithm. Details on Fourier Transform theory and FFT algorithms are explained in references such as Bracewell, R.N., 1965; Brigham, E.O., 1974; and Newland, D.E., 1975. Two- and three-dimensional wave propagation in a homogeneous, isotropic, linearly elastic medium with or without linear hysteretic damping is considered in this and the following two chapters. Fundamental solutions for two-dimensional plane strain (in-plane) and out-of-plane (antiplane) elastodynamic motion as well as three-dimensional elastodynamic motion are presented in the following sections. 2.2.1 Two-dimensional antiplane motion Antiplane shear motion is illustrated in Fig. 2.1a. This type of transverse motion (SH-motion) is characterized by particle movement perpendicular to the plane of propagation of the wave. The displacement caused by a unit concentrated harmonic force at a distance r is (Achenbach, 1973) i w(W) (2) r-" H (2.5) where w is the value of the displacement, w is the circular frequency of the vibration, G is the complex shear modulus, r is the distance from the source to the target point, cs =G/p, is the shear wave velocity of the material (complex value), 'kV ' ,'K ~ ,'.',. -. -i-'--i-" .i,. ,"., °"-, f%--" - -,'.'-'-.',' '., ',.I' ' ' ,, A 18 e~ iwt a. Antiplane motion iI w u*e w b. In-plane motion Fig. 2.1 motion for antiplane and inpiane -Particle loading. d, %I .1 e V ~fl- ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rJwgv.~.w F1~~W -. wtrw WV...- J PV r'rw~f Vr . I WT lp ry - p y MP 2.~,~p - -w m~ps-a n 19 p is the density of the material, and Ho( 2 ) is the zero order Hankel function of the second kind. It should be noticed that the displacement, w, is a complex value. Since this displacement is the response of the medium to a steady-state excitation, the magnitude of the complex number represents the amplitude of the steady-state displacement, and the phase gives the phase difference between the excitation and the response. 2.2.2 Two-dimensional in-plane motions In-plane excitation leads to two kinds of motions, a longitudinal motion and a transverse or shear motion. The longitudinal motion (P-motion) is characterized by particle displacement in the direction of propagation of the wave. In the shear motion (SV-motion), particle movement is perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation (Fig. 2.1b). These motions cause a compression (or extension) and a shear distortion, respectively. The displacement in the direction of the load at a point along the line of excitation (P-motion) caused by a unit concentrated harmonic force at a distance r is (Cruse and Rizzo, 1968) u(w) = [1/(21PCs)] [*-x) (2.6) where, u is the value of the displacement, p is the density of the material, and and x are given by the formulas: %% . ' %, , ,V;,W , .. , . ,... • #,. ,....- ,,, , .%,,., ./ /. , - *'" , .. . ., . , .>,.",, . , , , " ,,.. ' ,,, - .1.' ,, ' 20 = Ko(iao) + (1/ia o ) [Kl(ia o ) - (cs/cp)Kl(ibo)] (2.7) K2 (iao) - (cs/cp)2 K2 (ibo) (2.8) x where, ao = wr/cS, b0 = wr/cp, = [(A+2G)/p] 1/2 , is the compression wave velocity of the material (complex value), A is the complex Lame's constant, and K0 , K, and K2 are the modified Bessel functions of the second kind and orders zero, one and two, respectively. The displacement in the direction of the load at a point on a line perpendicular to the direction of excitation and passing by the point of impact (SV-motion), caused by a unit concentrated harmonic force at a distance r is (Cruse and Rizzo, 1968) v(w) = [1/(2rpcs)) (2.9) where, v is the value of the displacement, and is defined in Eq. 2.7. 2.2.3 Three-dimensional notions The three-dimensional notation is illustrated in Fig. 2.2. The fundamental solution for longitudinal motion (P-motion) is defined by u(w) 2 [1I(4ffpcs ][r-E] % s (2.10) % .1 N % Or %N % %%"% 21 lidt ve.iwt rp Fig. 2.2 -Particle motion in three-dimensional case. It, 22 and the fundamental solution for shear motion (S-motion) is [1/(4rpcs )) • r v(w) where r and (2.11) are given by r = {[l+(1/iao) - (1/ao) 2/r} e- iao -i - (cs/cp) 2 {[(1/ib o ) - (1/bo) 2]/r} eibo = [i + 3(1/iao) - 3(1/ao) 2]/r} e - (Cs/Cp)2 {[ + 3(1/ib o (2.12) iao o) ]/r e b0 (2.13) 2.3 TIME AND FREQUENCY DOMIN PARAMETERS The loading function considered in this study is one cycle of a sine wave of amplitude F and period Ts as illustrated in Fig. 2.3. The amplitude F has a value of one unit and the duration of the impulse, Ts, is one second. The material considered as the medium of propagation has a shear wave velocity of 100 units and a mass density of 3.1 units. Note that no specific units are needed (except for the time). If a specific set of units was to be used, then all units would have to be compatible. For instance if forces are expressed in lbs, and the wave velocities in ft/sec, then the mass density should be in lb-sec 2 /ft4 and so on. If the density was set in kg/m 3 , then velocities should be in m/sec and forces in Newtons. The results are presented in dimensionless form, in most of the cases. Therefore, the actual magnitude of the force used, %1 % ' lop, 23 I- CL' °00 0- U. •t I U. " o -5 ..Z% ,4,' 5-- %5 % % %-%.. r. 24 the value of the shear wave velocity or the duration of the impulse are irrelevant when presenting the results. The fast Fourier transform parameters used in this study are a sampling rate, At = 0.01 sec, and a total number of sampling points, N = 1024. (A few studies were done with, at = 0.05 sec and N = 512, when the target point was far from the source). In choosing these parameters, the following conditions were considered: a) The sampling time, At, should be small enough: 1. to reproduce accurately the loading and response functions, and 2. to allow a sufficiently high maximum frequency, fmax to be obtained. b) The total duration of the function to transform, Tp, should be long enough: 1. to minimize the effects of the periodicity inherent in the FFT algorithm, 2. to cover the time range of interest, and 3. to produce a small frequency domain . sampling rate, af. A singularity occurs in the fundamental solutions at zero frequency (Eqs. 2.5 through 2.13). In the present study, this singularity was avoided using the fundamental solution at a frequency equal to Af/lO as the solution for the static case. The studies presented in this chapter and in the following chapters have been conducted from records of particle displacement with time. Similar studies could have been performed from time histories of particle velocity or acceleration, but trends are i easier to identify from waveforms of particle displacement than from records of particle velocity or acceleration. As an illustration, displacement, velocity and acceleration records for the five cases of motion considered in this report (two-dimensional P-, SV- and SH-motions and three-dimensional P- and S-motions) are %'N U 25 presented in Figs. 2.4 through 2.8. The notation used in these figures is the following: u is particle displacement, v is particle velocity, a is particle acceleration, G is shear modulus of the material (real value), F is amplitude of loading force, cs is shear wave velocity (real value), t is time in seconds, d is distance from the source to the target point, =s . T s ("wavelength of loading function", not to be confused with Lame's constant), D is damping ratio in percent, and v is Poisson's ratio. Velocity or acceleration records can be obtained from Velocity or acceleration fundamental solutions, or by differentiating the displacement records. All velocity and acceleration records in this study were obtained by using fundamental solutions of velocity or acceleration. It can be observed in Figs. 2.4 through 2.8 that the velocity and acceleration waveforms are more complex than the displacement records. Even the simple case of the two-dimensional (2-D) SH-motion in Fig. 2.6 seems easier to understand in terms of displacement than in terms of velocity or acceleration. A further study of the displacement waveforms is done in the following chapters. I7. ,,...,- -. 26 zp a j U W U~%5% a-t/ - I * 0 05 I 1.01.5 & 27 1Ch 1 0 2.6 S. us U 40 _j U '-a 1.v 0. * Fig2. __ _ ___ _ _ Dipaeet fo __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ vlct _ 2.__ an _ _ __ ace _ __ _ __ _ rio _ __ _ re __ _ rd tw-iesinli-paesea-oin r J .1 e Wk~ Z:.< _ a' 28 _ W _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Y . IA W_3 o CC C .j WI ____._________________4__ 00- 1.71 c,.N/I 29 .~ 0. U 4 0. 2 1. we D 5% t4t/ 4.L P z7 8 6 % % 4. 30 UA I- C a- 0 I. * . "'p CS. .j cc Nb U a-t/ 1.0 'Vp P*'% _ % % %t 1.5 31 2.4 SUMARY Analytical formulations to compute wave propagation records of displacement, velocity or acceleration generated by a point load in the interior of two- or three-dimensional, isotropic, homogeneous, elastic full-spaces has been presented in this chapter. The formulations are based on Fourier synthesis of the Green's functions. The loading conditions and fast Fourier transform parameters used in the computations for the examples shown in the next two chapters are given in Section 2.3. 61 % %' 0 '-4 ; Oi A 110-1110Mx_ Jun CHAPTER A:- THREE CHARACTERISTICS OF BODY WAVE SIGNATURES 3.1 INTRODUCTION Evaluation of in situ soil properties and site characterization from wave propagation records is gaining acceptance in engineering practice. However, the level of use is very superficial because the understanding of the wave record is basically limited to "first-arrival" determinations. In some cases estimation of the "apparent" wave arrival may even lead to erroneous values of elastic moduli. A better understanding of the waveforms, the effect of different parameters on the time of arrival of the waves and a better use of all the information F provided by the wave record is necessary for a more efficient use of seismic methods. A series of analytical studies on the time histories of body wave signatures is presented in the following sections. 3.2 ANALYSIS OF TIME RECORDS Waveforms obtained in the time domain at a dimensionless distance, d/X = 2 are presented in Figs. 3.1 through 3.10 for different kinds of body wave motion (where d is the distance from the point source to the receiver and A = cs • Ts is the "wavelength of the loading function"). All results are presented 33 the p s c t er.. k J - V UW ZVU . - - - V . -W - U' i 34 in dimensionless form. The wave amplitude is presented as a dimensionless displacement uG/F for the two-dimensional cases (since the force F is per unit length), and as uXG/F for the threedimensional cases (point forces). dimensionless form as cst/d. The time is presented in In this way, the theoretical time of arrival of the shear wave controlled by the elastic stiffness, ts = d/cs, always corresponds to a value of one, and the theoretical time of arrival of the longitudinal wave, tp d/cp, corresponds to cs • tp/d = cs/cp = [(1-2v)/(2-2v)] 1/ 2 (3.1) which depends on the value of Poisson's ratio, v. For most figures presented in this chapter, a value of 0.25 was used for Poisson's ratio. This ratio results in a theoretical arrival time of the Pwave of 0.577. Also, in these expressions and in all figures presented in this and other chapters, G, cs and cp represent the real values of the shear modulus, shear wave velocity and compressional wave velocity, respectively. 3.2.1 Medium with no material damping The waveforms presented in Fig. 3.1 correspond to twodimensional in-plane longitudinal motion. Consider the upper part of the figure which corresponds to a wave travelling in a medium with no material damping. The trace shown is composed of three basic parts. The first part on the left of the trace represents a quiet zone. This results from the fact that the impulse has been applied at the excitation point, but no energy has yet arrived at the target point. The second part, starting at the point indicated I I U I S mv Wn v~rnNwm uffKE FEN7%mrum w rnx Ar~w % r~waw~ FWX LW wI~r~xIM 35 LP 0% 0 2. 0 o d/)X . 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 '0.0 Co td UU 0 5% 1. 52. OL70 051.0 Fig. 3.1 in-plane longitudinal motion. Effect of different damping ratios. -Two-dimensional %a % 36 by the solid arrow, includes a big excursion of the wave and lasts until a second excursion arrives at a dimensionless time of one, where the third part of the trace begins. The point where the wave arrives corresponds to a dimensionless time cst/d = 0.577. This time coincides precisely with the time of arrival of a wave traveling at the compressional wave velocity in a medium with Poisson's ratio equal to 0.25 (as used in this case). The second part of the wave (third part of the trace), starting at the point denoted by the dashed arrow, arrives at a dimensionless time equal to one, meaning that it is traveling at the shear wave velocity. Hence, the first part of the waveform is called the primary wave (P-wave), because it arrives first, and is denoted by the symbol Lp for reasons that will become obvious soon. The second part of the waveform is called the secondary wave, because it arrives second, and is denoted by LSV. It should be noticed that even though the second part of the wave is traveling at the shear wave velocity, it does not represent a shear motion. This second part of the wave is actually a longitudinal motion (compression and extension) since the particle motion is in the direction of propagation of the wave. This second part of the waveform is called the near-field wave (or additional near-field wave) of the P-motion and is discussed in later sections. A second set of records, similar to those presented in Fig. 3.1 for two-dimensional P-motion, is presented in Fig. 3.2 for two-dimensional SV-motion. Consider again the wave propagating in a medium with no material damping (upper trace). After a quiet period, a perturbation arrives at the target point. This arrival, indicated in the figure by the dotted arrow, comes at a time corresponding to the compressional wave velocity (cst/d = 0.577). The second and main part of the wave arrives at a dimensionless time equal to one (corresponding to the shear wave velocity). % % % "% I 37 *T U. T I? O N - '0.0 2. 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 C~t/d LL.. 57.. aa/ % '0. % %% 0.O10 . %/d .% 38 Again, the first wave arrival (between the two arrows) is called the P-wave, because it arrives first (primary), but is denoted by Tp, because it represents a transverse or shear motion. The second part (starting at the point indicated by the solid arrow) is called the S-wave (or SV-wave) and is denoted by TSV. The P-wave (additional near-field in this case) represents that part of the energy transmitted at the compressional wave velocity, and the S-wave represents that part of the energy transmitted at the shear wave velocity (although in both cases the motion is in the same direction). Note that, in general, when P-motion (longitudinal motion) is being measured, as in the case in Fig. 3.1, most of the energy is carried by the P-wave, Lp, (indicated by the large amplitude excursion of this wave). On the other hand, when shear motion is being monitored, the bulk of the energy is transmitted by the shear wave, TSV (Fig. 3.2). This is true at distances that are far from the source (which d/x = 2 corresponds to). When the receiver is located near the source, the additional near-field wave may carry as much energy as the other wave. Records of waveforms monitored at other distances are presented in Figs. A.1 through A.4. Notice that, in these figures, the wavelength is constant from one graph to the next. Because the horizontal axis is normalized with respect to the distance from the source to the receiver and this distance varies from one graph to the other, the horizontal scale is changing giving the impression that the wavelength is varying. Two-dimensional SH-motion at a point located at a distance d/A = 2 from the source is shown in Fig. 3.3. This kind of motion is characterized by a pure shear wave. All energy is transmitted at the shear wave velocity as can be observed in the upper trace of Fig. 3.3. SH-motion will help clarify certain topics in the following sections. But for the moment, notice that there is no w- %% '-P. . I S %-- TS H I .p 0 - / d/N. .2. 0 C 10.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 C t/d 0 TS H a. Cat/. Fig. 3.3 antiplane shear motion. of different damping ratios. -Two-dimensional Effect 40 P-wave energy coupled with the SH-motion. Additional antiplane motion (SH-motion) records of wave propagation in a medium with no material damping are included in Figs. A.5 and A.6. Three-dimensional motion is presented in Figs. 3.4 and 3.5. The same conclusions drawn for the two-dimensional motions apply to the three-dimensional case. The secondary wave arriving at a dimensionless time of one in Fig. 3.4 does not present a clear arrival. This is due to the coupling of the primary and secondary waves which distorts the shape of the waves. Actually the sharp angle in Fig. 3.4 is caused by the P-wave energy terminating at that point and not to the arrival of the S-wave energy. It should also be noticed that, in the three-dimensional case, there is no pure S-wave. This occurs because of the inherent coupling between P- and S-waves generated by the point source. Records of waveforms monitored at other distances are presented in Appendix A (Figs. A.7 through A.1O). A look at these records further clarifies the topic. A first conclusion can be reached at this point. If compression wave velocity is to be determined from wave propagation records, it is easier and more accurate to measure the time of arrival from records of P-motion than from records of S-motion. i Similar conclusions can be made with respect to shear wave velocity. In terms of practical application, this conclusion means that three-dimensional sensors oriented along the directions of particle motions must be used in seismic testing to obtain the most precision. S Z'1 ' -. % .. . ~... . . ~' ~ U.* - U.. ~ ~ ~ . .% N 41 9 0 0 -07. Lp dlN - 2. 0 O0. 0 1.0 0.5 1.5 2.0 cst/d 0 AA 0-. o d/)N 10.0 P 2.0 1.0 0.5 1.5 2.0 I*% 0 Fig. 3.4 "Three-dimensional longitudinal motion. of different damping ratios. %% Effect% .] 42 0 0 d/- = 2.0 0.5 '0.0 1.0 II ct/d 1.5 . . 2.0 I ct / d : I !I d/ 2..0 . .. o d iffren dapngrtis Fig. 3.5 . 0. IN .. . .. . .... I : Effect of shear motion. -Three-dimensional . . ,, 0.. . . 43 3.2.2 Medium with material damping i Records of wave propagation in a medium with no material damping have been considered so far. In the lower traces of Figs. 3.1 through 3.5 and in Figs. A.11 through A.20, synthetic records of waves propagating in a medium with five percent material damping are presented. It can be observed in these figures that the general shape of the waveforms remains the same as those for waves propagating in a medium with no damping. Both primary and secondary waves are encountered in two-dimensional P- and SV-motions as well as in three-dimensional motions; and a pure shear wave is encountered in only two-dimensional SH-motion. It is further observed that the amplitude of the waves has decreased compared to the amplitude of the waves in a material without damping; but the most important fact is that the time of arrival is no longer easy to identify. The arrival of the wave is not marked by a sudden change of slope, as in the case with no damping, but is represented by a smooth change. It has been noted that for real materials, the time of arrival chosen depends many times on the amplification applied to the time history record (Ricker, 1953; Hoar and Stokoe, 1978). The higher the amplification, the sooner the waves seem to arrive. The I synthetic records shown in Figs. 3.1 through 3.5 and A.11 through A.20 clearly exhibit this point. It is also observed in the synthetic records that the waves arrive earlier than the arrival ,11 times calculated from the theoretical velocities of propagation, cs or cp (cs and cp being the real values). The theoretical propagation velocities (csD and cpD) caused by the use of complex shear and compressional wave velocities (cs* = cs + icsl and cp* .',.. cp + icpl) are ii 44. Cp D :[Cp 2 + (Cpl)2]/Cp (3.1) [Cs 2 + (Csl) 2 ]/cs (3.2) and cs = in which Cpl and CsI are the imaginary parts of the complex velocities, and CpD and csD are the damped propagation velocities. The damped velocities, cp0 and csD, are practically identical to cs and cp, respectively (with differences smaller than 0.25 percent for values of the damping ratio smaller than five percent). A discussion and derivation of the relationships between elastic and damped body wave velocities and moduli is presented in Appendix B. The theoretical times of arrival (t = d/cs, or t = d/cp) marked with arrows in Figs. 3.1 through 3.5. are - Times obtained from the first arrival of the wave will lead to estimates of the shear or compression wave velocities of the medium which are slightly too high. This "sooner" arrival of the waves is a problem encountered in the field and should always be kept in mind when analyzing real time records. Other approaches that eliminate the uncertainty in the arrival-time estimation are presented in the next chapter. 3.2.3 Effect of Poisson's ratio Finally the effect of Poisson's ratio, v, is studied in Figs. 3.6 through 3.10. In the upper part of these figures are the records of waves propagating in a medium with a low Poisson's ratio % % - a%.n V ~ a&.&4 ] 45 C4 ~L UP. PO1 0. 25 0.d/)X 2. 0 10 . ____ C4 P tLa CC II PGI ' ~~ ~ ~ . ~ 5 ~ ~ ~ d -* 2.. .0 V .-. - 0.4 . 1 46 I POI I .. 0.25 2. 0 a d/) '0.0 0.5 1.0 NN 1.5 2.0 c€t/d P{I - O.I0 U.. Ff1 a 0. 40 - 2. 0 d/>N 0.5 '0.0 1.5 1.0 2.0 cot/d Fig. 3.7 - Two-dimensional in-plane shear motion. of Poisson's ratio. Effec . % %W 45 + l ,, I 1 s IIlIIiIi. +I 1 % . I , k -II •.* •.s+I.-."s-I" ' - ~ 1,~-.. -W~W r r wg Ir ' W-iUj -~w~w~juUV~~~wwU~ ,1W Uf UV VIM WW5 . . U . .- 47 I 0 U. 0. 25 POI d/> 0 2. 0 0.5 ~0.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 1.5 2.0 TS H U.. C POX1 d/ 0. 40 ~2. 0 ~0005 * Fig. 3.8 1.0 antiplane shear motion. of Poisson's ratio. -Two-dimensional *p Effect Z4!:eI %0 IN % A 48 0 L~ 0 L POI O -0.250 d/)N 2. 0 2.0 ' cot/ d Fig3.9_ The-iesoa _ __ ogtdnlmto. _ _ _ __ _ _ Efc _ of rtio Pisso's V %% 491 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I PLI O 0. I _ _ _ _ I d/X2.I 2 d/> 2.0 TS 0 U_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A0 xC;. ftt/ .P , I zezA,& -&&,-, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 50 (v = POI = 0.25) and in the lower part are corresponding waves in a medium with a higher Poisson's ratio (v = POI = 0.4). All the results are for a material with no damping. The first observation that can be made is that Poisson's ratio does not affect the secondary wave characteristics. Secondly, the P-wave velocity increases as v increases. According to Eq. 3.1 the dimensionless time of arrival for a Poisson's ratio of 0.4 should be 0.408 as is the case. Finally it can be observed that, due to the higher stiffness, the amplitude of the P-waves V decrease with increasing Poisson's ratio. A complete set of records at other distances from the source is given in Appendix A. 3.3 NEAR-FIELD EFFECTS It was indicated in the previous section that, in all the motion records except for those of two-dimensional SH-motion, two types of waves appeared in the waveform, one travelling at the longitudinal wave velocity (P-wave) and the other travelling at the shear wave velocity (S-wave). If one inspects the time history records of longitudinal motion at different distances from the source (presented in Appendix A), it can be observed that the amplitude of the secondary wave (Lsv) in these P-motion records is_ attenuating at a much faster rate than the main event (the P-wave). At a certain distance from the source, the amplitude of the S-wave (Lsv-wave) becomes insignificant compared with the amplitude of the P-wave (Lp-wave). Therefore, the S-wave (Lsv-wave) in a pure longitudinal-motion (P-motion) record (no shear motion) only "exists" at distances that are close to the source and is commonly referred to as the additional near-field wave or near-field wave (Aki and Richards, 1980; White, 1983). -% IlN 51 Similarly, in a shear motion (transverse motion) record, there are two events present: one travelling at the compressional wave velocity (a P-wave, Tp) and a second travelling at the shear wave velocity (Tsv). The first event (Tp) is, in this case, the one that decays at a faster rate and represents the additional near-field effect. To illustrate this point, consider the case of threedimensional shear-motion in Eqs. 2.11 and 2.12. The first exponential in Eq. 2.12 represents a wave that is propagating at i t = eiw[(r/cs)-t) while the shear wave velocity, cs , (e-iao the second exponential is a wave propagating at the compressional wave velocity, cp. The amplitude of the wave travelling at the 2 shear wave velocity is composed of terms that vary with 1/r, 1/r and 1/r3 , whereas the amplitude of the wave propagating at the . compressional wave velocity has terms varying at 1/r2 and 1/r3 . Therefore, at large distances from the source (large r's), the controlling term is that attenuating at a rate 1/r. This term is usually called the far-field term, since it is the only one existing at far distances from the point of excitation. The other terms, those propagating at the shear and compression wave velocities are called the additional near-field terms (or nearfield terms). Notice that the wave travelling at the shear wave velocity also has near-field terms. However, since these components are travelling with the far-field component, they are undistinguishable in the wave record, and the term near-field is usually applied only to the components of the P-wave. An analogous reasoning can be made for the three-dimensional longitudinal-motion and for the two-dimensional motions. '.A Further illustrations are given in Section 3.5. ....... °' 52 In summary, when monitoring a pure longitudinal-motion (Pmotion), the P-wave represents the main event called the far-field effect, and the S-wave represents the near-field effect. When exciting a pure shear motion (S-motion), the S-wave is the main event (far-field effect) and the P-wave is composed only of nearfield terms. 3.4 POLARITY REVERSALS UPON REVERSING THE IMPULSE It should be noted that when the direction of the impulse is reversed, both near- and far-field terms change polarity. However, when measuring transverse motion in crosshole and downhole tests, it is frequently found that S-waves change polarity but P-waves keep the same polarity when the direction of the impulse is reversed. To explain this behavior, several conditions should be considered. First, to generate a shear motion (transverse motion) with a crosshole source, a vertical impulse is applied to the source. Since the source is of finite length and is usually wedged in a borehole when the vertical impulse is applied, a longitudinal motion is generated along with the shear motion. Second, when reversing the direction of the vertical impulse, the direction of the transverse motton is reversed, but the direction of the longitudinal motion remains the same. For the conditions cited above, a receiver will only monitor the transverse motion and will not record any of the longitudinal motion if the receiver used to record the transverse motion is placed in a perfect vertical position (perpendicular to the direction of propagation) . Under these conditions, the P-wave recorded at the vertical receiver will be exclusively produced by near-field terms of the transverse motion. Therefore, when the - -. ; p. -0 ,,* 0 q-- %* %* - % % p...-. '? d".-.' . V. ." -'.....,-" .-.- g '-'' -. . %. w r r.p'~pp% P 1~' W .'w 'Wry' p~WZY~N~~W".%W ,LuuW. RY~FuwKn 9- 53P direction of the impulse is reversed, both P- and S-waves should reverse polarity. However, when placing "vertical" receivers in the field, the receivers are very seldom in a perfect vertical position, and they are most commonly imperfect receivers. exhibit some cross-sensitivity.) (They The small inclination of the receiver and/or the small cross-sensitivity present in receivers will allow the recording of a small component of the longitudinal motion. The waveform record will then be composed of both S- and P-motions with their corresponding near- and far-field terms. When the direction of the impulse is reversed, the transverse motion reverses but not the longitudinal motion. Therefore, unless the near-field wave associated with the transverse motion recorded is larger than the far-field component of the part of the longitudinal motion recorded by the receiver, the polarity of the P-wave will not change. To illustrate this point, longitudinal- and transverse-motion records produced by horizontal and vertical point loads applied at a distance of two wavelengths from the source are presented in Fig. 3.11 as recorded by a perfect vertical receiver (zero crosssensitivity and perfect vertical orientation, 0 = 0 degrees). Time histories of forward and reversed vertical impulses as monitored by the perfect vertical receiver are shown in Fig. 3.12. It can be observed that the P-wave is exclusively composed of the near-field effect in the transverse-motion record and that both traces are opposite (reversed) but otherwise identical. The case of a receiver which is inclined 30 degrees (0 = 30 degrees, roe illustration purposes in which part of the inclination could correspond to cross-sensitivity effects) with the vertical is considered in Fig. 3.13. The lower trace in this figure is composed of seven-tenths of the shear motion produced by the direct impulse and by half of the longitudinal motion. In the upper 54 LC)L 0. I..,o cco CD cLL 0 0 E u.,,,. cL.7 EI jU-No dS ( Uu D I C ds T 1.-..' 6 , ... .... .... .- .... .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. ... ,*'. . .. . .. . . \. .. . . . . .,..... .. . . . * *... . . . . .:, 55 LO q% C4J IC#A CL (U U 0 oQ 'os- I'V C0 U Td U;DL;D S 01) U, 10% .~-m-u r um vW17WW v uww61 V 1 wM WWWVY7IXVTIFI - 56 0U0 CV), C~> C U __ L m ,- .0 *04 0 Or % % 57 trace, that corresponds to the reverse impulse, the shear motion has reversed but the longitudinal motion has remained with the same sign. Since one half of the P-motion carried more P-wave energy than seven-tenths of the S-motion record, the combined waveform resulted in initial P-waves that did not reverse polarity when the direction of the impulse was reversed. A similar line of reasoning can be used when the source and receiver are not at the same depth for a crosshole test, or for other cases in a downhole test. 3.5 WAVE AMPLITUDE DECAY The amplitudes of seismic waves decrease as the waves propagate through a medium. This decay of wave amplitude is caused by two mechanisms: 1) spreading of wave energy from a source, generally called geometrical or radiational damping, and 2) dissipation of elastic energy due to primarily frictional losses in the material itself, commonly known as attenuation, material or internal damping. Records of displacement with time at different distances from the source are presented in dimensionless form in Appendix A. The records are for two- and three-dimensional wave propagation in media with material damping of 0 or 5 percent and Poisson's ratio of 0.25 or 0.4. The input to the medium is one cycle of a sine wave, as described in Section 2.3, and the parameters used in these figures are the same as those described in Section 3.2. Two-dimensional motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio of 0.25 is shown in Figs. A.1 through A.6. It can WV.,U\ ~rUr ; ,; . ~C-n ;i. uq WW L 1, .'W ,V 21 W F._ I 2. -, IV - 58 be observed that for motions in which the primary and secondary waves are coupled, the coupling occurs mainly at short distances from the source (d/A < 2). At larger distances, the P-wave has separated from the S-wave, and the two waves can be clearly distinguished from each other. The minor wave (S-wave in the case of P-motion and P-wave in the case of SV-motion) attenuates at a faster rate than the major wave. These minor waves, the additional near-field waves, only exist at short distances from the source. It should be noticed, however, that at short distances the energy carried by the near-field terms can be a substantial amount of the total energy in the waveform. Wave amplitude decay in these figures is due exclusively to radiation damping, since material damping, D, is zero. A similar situation arises for motions in a three-dimensional full-space (Figs. A.7 through A.10). However, the amplitude of the V. waves decreases much faster than in the two-dimensional cases. This faster decay is due to the spreading of the energy from a point source in a spherical pattern while in the two-dimensional case the energy spreads in a cylindrical pattern from a line source. .9 Motion in a medium with five percent material damping is presented in Figs. A.11 through A.20. The behavior is similar to that in the medium with no material damping but amplitudes are decreasing with distance at a faster rate due to the energy lost in each cycle because of internal friction. Finally a set of records corresponding to propagation in a medium with no damping and a Poisson's ratio of 0.4 is presented in Figs. A.21 through A.28. The behavior is similar to that described when Poisson's ratio was 0.25. The amplitude of the P-wave %. " 59 component of the motion is, however, smaller when Poisson's ratio is 0.4. No records are included for SH-motion since they are the same as those when Poisson's ratio is 0.25. To study the attenuation behavior of body wave amplitude with distance due to radiation damping, the variation of wave amplitude with distance for steady-state motion has been plotted in Figs. 3.14 through 3.18. In these figures the displacement amplitude is normalized as uG/F for two-dimensional motions and as uAG/F for three-dimensional motions (as in the figures in Appendix A), and the distance from the steady-state source to the receiver (d) is normalized by dividing by the wavelength of the shear wave (A = cs/f). The material considered as the propagating medium has a Poisson's ratio of 0.25 and no material damping. the parameters are explained in Section 2.3). (The rest of A frequency of 100 Hz was used for the computations. The amplitude decay for a two-dimensional event is shown in Figs. 3.14, 3.15 and 3.16 for P-, SV- and SH-motions, respectively. It is observed that the general trend indicates that the amplitudes decay with the square root of the distance. V This is particularly clear in Fig. 3.16 for SH-motion amplitude decay. For very small distances or very low frequencies (d/A < 0.2), all wave amplitudes decay at a rate that is slightly smaller than with the square root of the distance. For P- and SV-motion the amplitude decrease is in proportion with the square root of the distance only at long distances. The value of this "long distance" seems to be of the order of two or three shear wavelengths (A) for the shear motion and ten shear wavelengths for the longitudinal motion. (This distance translates to approximately five compression wavelengths). In the range of distances where the coupling of the P- and S-wave ~V j 60 600 U) C do 2% 0 C t-C ; 0 1<1 0 >1 zz o 0.E CL O- O -O - Ls C 0 O c 4.Lj ..-. @1JON 61 00 a 0 0 Mao L.A Ot _) A' 1. 4, o A-e a'6U1-I IOt O L LOL -OL .OL9-C CY 62A 0 c rC T1 do CL 301- 0t 0Lt-OLa-OLc L - t ait " sea &&Iis na Oil "b N P 11< 63 00 06C I-1 iv 0 3< . - . ... 64 revsvig, v v v,Fvv avww- 00 o %~ % cI 65 is important, the decay in amplitude is not proportional to the square root of the distance. Three-dimensional wave-amplitude decay due to radiation is shown in Figs. 3.17 and 3.18. It can be observed that the general trend indicates that the amplitudes decay proportionally to the distance. The relation is valid, again, for long distances where the coupling of the P- and S-waves is almost insignificant. A further look at these figures indicates that at very short distances from the source, the decay is also proportional to the distance and that it is only in certain ranges of d/x where the amplitudes of the waves do not decrease in proportion to the distance. A close inspection of Eqs. 2.10 through 2.13 indicates that the amplitude of the three-dimensional waves is formed by terms that decrease in proportion with the distance, the square of the distance and the cube of the distance. In the far field, the only significant terms are the far-field terms that decrease in proportion to the distance. In a mid-range of distances (say, 1 < d/A < 10), the decay is a combination of terms that decay in proportion to the distance, the square of the distance and the cube of the distance. Thus, the oscillating behavior of the decay curves in this mid-range of distances. Finally, in the very near field (d/X on the order of tenths or less), the terms that decay in proportion with the square of the distance and the cube of distance essentially cancel, and amplitude decay is again nearly proportional to the distance. Wave amplitude decay graphs for waves propagating in mediums with two and five percent material damping are presented in Figs. 3.19 through 3.23 and Figs. 3.24 through 3.28, respectively. It is noticeable in these figures that, at large distances (d/x greater than about two), the amplitudes of the waves are decreasing at a N% l ' -. '.% . " % , % A. --. . . 66 -WU 6. 0I u &. a Co - - CC e< -to z S10 o 00 oi of. 31 f'U L -tZo t~~~~~~.C4 % LOIA s Laaa A.& ... aLem %. Co Lfiifi -tGO 1 0t 4j 671 Br 00 c C o0 I 0 V<C V.. >C Ln N z.~ L -O cOLto L9 L L L OLta-i- AAa LA@a .IAaLA no 4 68 C o "3 Ca 3%. % 0 0E V) oilJ O- - L-OOO- ZVtCo LG A. . . . . . . . . . 69 . C 0 Lai of 00 1106 4j v VI *d. C C. C'C 6UA.0.01, -OL ~k-OL j t01, -01.gI. o8C isS 70 00 -06 pol rr l ro rg,1-t olo oi I I% 4 J 0 4141 o C0. - / -,.._ 9- 01 E 41 o 0o 1 -- ,. -1/ 5- L otONL -OL n.5: 5, Z:-OL C-OL t-O1, 9-01-, U 0 hi 1.. ., 71 4 J C0 C crII 01 to 1~ VI -M J/~fC ,..OL cCL 0L LOL 1 0L :OL 9 -V 31 4jF.. TS ~4.~ %* -:4.%%%V.V. ~ VOn 4.%4.q * L .- Ot it I a .dA COL I Lago A* a. IA L C t L*O L A* a* O 0~*~ .1 - L9 A F. e . % -5 IL F . 72 4 n .A 00 L 0 p g41P -.10 SI % I< do 0 I 0 CDS c CNC [ Al A& a II OL 0L0t LailI A - 0L I - 0L Aa L 0 4 V r-I .7 74 0 0 to CL 0 00 00 CL v, %0 op r'. n U') 75 woolql oms rill ree w 1 ,,,ll ree C; 0U CL 0V a,. C (A 4j V C 4.1 0 JWC $a- - .r -. L - 0_I.-.n .- " ® C ECh 0 , "%' 'I-i o' ,, [i i* / I I/I " ,I,i!I ! I Ii I' I l " I . t i ". " I =l "l l % I I. I aI..- . 1 Sl I 76 much faster rate than when the waves were propagating in a medium with no material damping. At short distances, the waves have gone through very few cycles of motion (if any), and the effect of material damping has had a very minor influence. For this reason the amplitudes in the short range of distances are practically the I,. same as when no damping was considered. 3.6 SUMARY Waveforms of particle displacement of body waves produced by line loads in a three-dimensional space (in-plane and antiplane point loads in two-dimensional notation) and by point loads also in a three-dimensional space have been analyzed in this chapter. From examination of these syntheti.c records, the following conclusions V k. -V. can be drawn. 1. The most precise evaluation of P- or S-wave velocities is obtained with receivers aligned parallel to the direction of particle motion. If the receivers are inclined, wave arrivals are more difficult to identify because of the additional coupling between waves. This conclusion is especially true for the S-wave, the one of most concern in geotechnical engineering applications. 2. When the material in which the body waves propagate presents a dissipative behavior (as represented by a hysteretic type of damping), it is more difficult to estimate the time of arrival of the waves than when the material is not dissipative. In those cases, the apparent time of arrival of the wave is very much influenced by the amplification applied to the wave record. The higher the amplification, the sooner the wave seems to arrive. %I 77 In all waveforms except in those for two-dimensional SH-motions, the waveforms are composed of two types of waves, 3. S P-waves travelling at the compressional wave velocity and S-waves travelling at the shear wave velocity. In a two-dimensional in-plane transverse-motion record, the P-wave (Tp wave) only exists at short distances from the source (distances smaller than approximately two shear wavelengths), but the secondary wave (Tsv wave) prevails at longer distances. It is for this reason that the TSV wave is called the far-field wave while the Tp wave is called the additional near-field wave (or near-field wave). ". In records of two-dimensional in-plane longitudinal-motion, the far-field wave corresponds to the primary wave (Lp), and the near-field wave is the SV-wave (Lsv). In two-dimensional antiplane motion (SHmotion), there is only one wave (TsH) which propagates at the shear wave velocity. 4. For waves generated by a point source in a three'5 dimensional space, the wave fronts spread in a spherical manner from the point source. There are, again, near- and far-field waves both in longitudinal- and transverse-motion records. The far-field wave in a longitudinal motion record (Lp) travels at the compressional wave velocity while the near-field wave (LS) travels at the shear-wave velocity. In a transverse-motion record, the far-field wave (TS) travels at the shear wave velocity while the near-field wave (Tp) propagates at the compressional wave velocity. The near- and far-field waves have components with amplitudes 3 varying in proportion to 1/r2 and 1/r. The far-field wave has, in addition, terms that diminish in proportion to the distance. Those terms with amplitudes decreasing with the square and the cube of the distance are called the near-field components (or near-field terms), while the terms decreasing with the distance are known as the far-field components. LIN. The expression "near-field term" or N. 78 "near-field component" is sometimes applied, however, to the nearfield wave, while the expression "far-field term" or "far-field component" is sometimes applied to the far-field wave. 5. Near-field effects in longitudinal-motion (P-motion) records are more important than near-field effects in transversemotion records. In addition, near-field effects in longitudinalmotion records last longer (to distances of about ten times the shear wavelength) than near-field effects in transverse-motion records (to distances of about two shear wavelengths). 6. Wave polarity reversals, which are frequently encountered in the field upon reversing the direction of the impulse, were explained in Section 3.4 by considering the effect of near-field waves. 7. For a medium in which energy dissipation occurs exclusively because of radiation damping (geometrical spreading of the energy), it was observed that wave amplitude decreases, in general, in proportion to the distance for point sources and in proportion to the square root of the distance for line sources. These general rules apply more precisely to the far-field range of distances which is defined as those distances (or frequencies) for which the ratio d/x is greater than two for transverse motions and ten for longitudinal motions. For waveforms generated from a point source, this rule of energy dissipation (radiation damping) also applies correctly for values of d/X that are smaller than about 1/2. When internal dissipation of energy is considered by the use of a hysteretic, frequency- and strain- independent, material damping, the amplitudes in the far-field decrease at a much faster rate. 9.... :;Z .1 %N CHAPTER TECHNIQUES FOUR OF WAVE EVALUATING BODY VELOCITIES .- 4.1 INTRODUCTION Many of the variables that can affect in situ seismic tests such as sources, receivers, recording equipment and triggering devices have been studied extensively in the literature (Stokoe and Woods, 1972; Stokoe and Hoar, 1978; Hoar, 1982; Patel, 1981) and do not require further extensive studies. However, techniques of determining wave velocities and attenuation have received little attention. With the advent of digital waveform processing in the field, several new techniques are available for velocity and attenuation measurements. In this chapter, new techniques for velocity measurements based on sophisticated waveform processing and data analysis are presented along with an extensive study of the traditional time-domain technique. Attenuation measurements are presented in Chapter Five. 4.2 WAVE VELOCITIES FROM DIRECT TIMES OF ARRIVAL The cheapest and most commonly used method to calculate seismic wave velocities is by measuring the travel time of a wave from a source point to a target point. the direct travel time. This time is usually called By dividing the travel time into the distance between the two points, the propagation velocity of the . 79 .1 % ~~~~L L&*..*w% / 800 wave is obtained. Wave velocity calculations by measuring direct travel times have been analyzed in Chapter Three (Section 3.2) and will not be repeated herein. Suffice it to say that, even under ideal field conditions, some judgment is required when "picking" the wave arrival time. 4.3 WAVE VELOCITIES FROM INTERVAL TIMES OF ARRIVAL It is common practice in the field to determine wave velocities by monitoring the waves passing by two or more different receivers. In such cases, the time for body waves to travel between several points within the soil mass is measured. Use of interval travel times between two or more receivers has the advantage that it eliminates possible triggering errors of the recording device and also minimizes other field errors that might occur when measuring direct travel times from the source to the first receiver (Hoar, 1982). Records of wave trains monitored at dimensionless distances d/ = 2 and d/A = 8 from the source are presented in Figs. 4.1 through 4.10 (x being the predominant shear wavelength, A= cs Ts). The dimensionless time is defined in these figures as cst/X, to avoid the distortion of the waves produced by the distance (d) in the factor cst/d. All the records presented are Iq for waves propagating in a medium with a Poisson's ratio of 0.25. A first approach to calculating wave velocities is by identifying the interval time between first arrivals of the wave from the first to the second receivers. Similar approaches can be used when interval velocities are calculated in which the time it takes the wave to travel from the first to the second receiver is i - 0 ,N ON 81 0. CL aC I,-,"49 " .9 ,°° 3C 3 j 912 0 -7lg 0 '6 € * lq c-CS a e C * N 40 4.'_.9 r-"0 C n *,I 09 0 0t0 82 C 0 41 05 41.0 C W-OLX 83 CL C0: V r4, 0 0) P-jr 41 C. 0.F- 41f I. I . v- 0 4*400 n 0; %a e up of ler % F4 h 0 a-erw 4 1 844 846 CL aE __ _ __ a __ __ I _ ' Iola D~ Di - %J 41PO 0. d 85 0 @1 41 C4C DI o CMa I-OLX % %4 % % 5 86 411 C 00 CL Ch 1 C C- D 0 to K:w C4J V 400 I-O0O NCO. -a % 87 __ j; _0 10 0 0 C CC C 0 11 0 00 v a ~z 009 ** 0Iz- 00 I-4.' n0~ dr00 It V G0 88 41 ca cc s 0 4156 4 1 4 . Uc o~g 4 ........... 445 CI o4 ~ ~ 0*9 ~ 0. I- o 0 CIt a 1 00 C4 4i I .4 t6 S yon 0% % %b e4 o6 a 89 C CL D0 C. D CL Y. % % n .r rR§'WYJMMW X 'u~~y 90 U CL D 4 4. C4 C ILci I-OCO v. n 91 determined by measuring the time difference between other reference points such as first troughs, first peaks or zero crossings. An example of these procedures is illustrated in Fig. 4.3, for the case of two-dimensional SH-motion in a material with no damping. It can be observed that, since the wave does not change its shape with distance in this case, all the approaches give the same interval times. Similar results would be obtained from the other records of waves propagating in a medium with no damping (Figs. 4.1, 4.2, 4.4 and 4.5). This conclusion is particularly true when the receivers are placed in the far field. If the receivers are located in the near field, then the coupling of near- and far-field waves can obscured the arrival of the waves. When the medium in which propagation occurs is composed of a material with hysteretic damping, several problems arise. First, times of arrival of the waves are no longer easy to identify (as was previously noted in Section 3.2), and evaluation of interval times from first arrivals may lead to slightly erroneous results. In this regard, interval times from first peaks or zero crossings might be easier to estimate. The use of first troughs can be very troublesome for conditions in which the near-field and far-field waves are coupled together. The first trough attributed to the far-field wave might correspond or be obscured by the near-field wave, as could happen in cases similar to those in Figs. 4.6 and 4.9. A second problem arises from the fact that the shape of the waves vary-with distance as shown in Figs. 4.6 through 4.10. This may lead to interval velocities that depend on the relative distance between the recording points. The change in shape is principally caused by the fact that the two components of the waveform (the P-wave and the S- wave) are traveling at different speeds. Therefore, short distances from the source (near field), the P- and S-waves are still coupled, and the combined wave can ,,o ..... o . . 92 have a very irregular shape. In the far field, the P-wave, which is traveling faster than the S-wave, arrives much earlier, and the displacements caused by both waves do not interfere with each other. In addition, in the far field, the near-field components have disappeared. In Fig. 4.8, possible points to use for interval time measurements are indicated with arrows. It is clear that choosing the points is a subjective matter (especially the ones corresponding to times of the initial arrival). Even for a simple case like Fig. 4.8 (SH-motion), the choice is not clear. The dimensionless interval times obtained from first arrivals, first peaks and first zero crossings are 5.7, 5.9 and 6.1, respectively, compared to the theoretical value of 6.0. In his field research a with the crosshole method, Hoar (1982) has experimentally shown similar relationship between travel times. It should be noted that the conclusions drawn here for the first peak of a wave whose first excursion goes up, will correspond to the first trough of a wave whose first excursion goes down. 4.4 WAVE VELOCITIES FROM CROSS-CORRELATION RECORDS , . 4.4.1 Cross-correlation function A different technique to calculate wave velocities from seismic records is based on the cross-correlation function of waves traveling by two receivers. Cross-correlation, CR(t), of two functions, g(t) and h(t), is given by the integral: I el % %- 93 CR(T) f_:g(t) h(t+t) dt (4.1) where g(t) and h(t) represent the time records of the waves passing by the first and second receivers, T is the time delay and t is the variable of integration. To interpret this integral, assume the second wave is shifted by a time T. The sum of the products at each point of the shiftedsecond wave by the first wave will give one value of the crosscorrelation function at time shift t. If the process is repeated for other time shifts, the cross-correlation function is defined. Assume now that the two functions to be correlated are the same (in terms of the shape of the amplitude versus time function) but that one lags the other by a time t*. Then the cross-correlation function will exhibit a maximum at a value of T equal to t*. If these two shifted but otherwise identical functions represent the waveforms recorded at two receivers of a seismic array, the time t* where the peak of the cross-correlation occurs represents the time it takes the wave to travel between the two receivers. Unfortunately this idealization does not occur exactly in reality because body waves change shape as they travel in the medium. Nevertheless, when cross-correlating waves from two seismic records that contain energy from predominately one type of body wave, a maximum in the correlation function will occur at a time that corresponds approximately with the time it takes the predominate body wave to travel between the two receivers. If the distance between the two receivers is divided by this time, a shear or compression wave velocity is obtained. - ' . I - • 94 4.4.2 Analysis of cross-correlation records Cross-correlation functions of some of the records presented in Chapter Three are shown in Figs. 4.11 through 4.20 and in the figures in Appendix C. Two geophone spacings were considered. In the first case, the receivers were located in the near field (d/X2), Figs. 4.11 through 4.15 and Figs. C.1 through C.10. In the second case, the receivers were located in the far field, Figs. 4.16 through 4.20 and Figs. C.11 through C.20. The ratio of the distance from the source to the first receiver to the distance from the source to the second receiver, d2 /d1 , was equal to 2, which is common practice for crosshole seismic measurements (ASTM, 1985). Values of Poisson's ratio (v = POI.R. in the figures) of 0.25 and 0.4 were considered, and damping ratios (D) of 0 and 5 percent were used. The cross-correlation function is presented in dimensionless form by means of a normalized cross-correlation factor. The normalized cross-correlation is defined as the ratio of the value of the cross-correlation at any time delay to the maximum absolute cross-correlation value. The time delay is presented in dimensionless form as cst/(d 2 -dl), where t represents the time delay. In this way the shear wave velocity of the material would correspond to a value of the abscissa equal to 1, while the compression wave velocity would correspond to values of 0.577 and 0.408 for Poisson's ratios of 0.25 and 0.4, respectively. The cross-correlation records are presented for two-dimensional, P-, SV- and SH-motions as well as three-dimensional, P- and S-motions. From inspection of the cross-correlation records, the following conclusions can be made. 1. The cross-correlation function provides an easy and accurate method to calculate wave velocities from these synthetic seismic records. As such, the procedure represents a powerful tool !S . ,".'-... .' . . .' '-.-. '. S* . .;.;, .,"'. , .': ,',' *, " ." I AO ,. '-:.." ".'..' "' : "" " 95I LIL 0 C4l 0. 00 a2 9- o T 011 41 0 4- to0 4J. LAO ZCI U.1 *- 0.ON xl.. .01 Ja S1~~~~ % % %000S0 1 %% 96 I0 00 0 V -3 0 4J It to 410 j 00 4 LnI ~CI ci a 07- UJ 1 - I,.--ON. NOCLC Nd %~ % C ca . -- -~W - 97 0 C rN Nb C -% 1I I 00 3c 41 0 lI u CA a 0. -*0 A.D IC 8--0 0 IVal N L, In s 0 00 IIUW.dQ %UI% Soo- 0 0 s00 1 03 A C 98 00 0 IDI 00 C a .'- 0 m S0 *4- * 1 0 00 in N 0a 06I w0 It0 CL I0 Si S0 0 0.0 03ZIIUWUQN N~0l sO*- 0*1- 99a 000 0 - -W0 00 X - LLJ.g V4J6 sli~~~~ 0 03ZIU0Q 0 1a. G00 1 i- 100 D U) 0c L Dr C.i to 0 V) 4-Q CO - 4 - -C I* 0 *n 4-0= 7-0- 0 LI-Cc 10 & f- "a t s 0L 0 03ZIIUWHO 1-- 1 101 0 N 0 L 0;0 Ln 0W wN L U, , E uCO >0 I 0 10 00 So 1 o * 6 .'.. 102 Cp c L. C*C Dc 4 Mi c l 41 0uis mocCo cy~nco bp 5~u4 So 01 NO 000 I 01 50 1 Lfl39UQ-SSAW 03ZrIWCC % 0p 103 CY 0 0 @n1 "a - 10C 0 lLg 00 4)C 40 C _ SCC .C4U. .0 %4 e- %.0 % ^w d%% 1 104 0 0 4 D LnL 00 %-C L c 4i .' L.~ ICC E 0 01, cncU .e- 0 1 s0 0 s 00 NQIIU13WQ3iSS.0L 03ZI8WWD 0 *1 105 However, a key because it has the potential for full automation. aspect to application of this method is generation and recording of seismic waves of predominately one type (P or S). 2. Velocities calculated with the cross-correlation function are, in general, as accurate as (or more accurate than) those determined using times of arrival or interval times from time histories. Travel times obtained from the maximum of the cross-correlation function were in almost every case within one or two percent of the exact value. Interval travel times obtained in this manner have the following important characteristics: they are unique values; they are not subject to interpretation as are the times of arrival of the waves; and they are not affected or are only slightly affected by the value of the damping ratio. 3. The cross-correlation method can be used with confidence when the receivers are located in the far field. . In the near field, the compression wave velocities obtained from longitudinal-motion records on materials with high values of Poisson's ratio require careful interpretation (as in the case in Fig. C.9 where the peak of the cross-correlation function corresponds to the value of the shear wave velocity instead of the value of the compression wave velocity as would be expected from a longitudinal-motion record). - These conclusions apply to the "clean" time histories shown in Appendix A. For actual seismic records obtained in the field, the cross-correlation curves may be not be as simple as those presented here. In those complicated cases, however, the time histories will be complex as well and the estimation of the times of arrival will also present some difficulties. A practical application of the cross-correlation technique to actual crosshole ' " field tests can be found in Stokoe et al (1985). .. 106 4.5 WAVE VELOCITIES USING SPECTRAL ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES 4.5.1 Theoretical background In recent years great improvements have been achieved in electronic equipment to monitor the response of dynamic systems. The development of microprocessors and computational algorithms has significantly increased the capability of the instrumentation for recording, measuring and analyzing systems in both time and frequency domains. Recording and analysis of signals can be easily e and rapidly done in the field with modern spectral analyzers. Frequency domain analyses have several advantages. First, trends that might be difficult to identify in the time domain can be easily studied in the frequency domain. Second, operations with signals in the time domain (such as integration or differentiation) can be greatly simplified if done in the frequency domain. frequency domain techniques allow full automation of data reduction. Third, Finally, averaging of signals, which requires extreme care in the time domain, is easily done in the frequency domain. The spectrum of a signal is a representation of that signal in terms of its frequency components. The tool used to transform a signal from its time history to its frequency components is the Fourier transform. Forward and inverse Fourier transform formulas are given in Section 2.2, along with a brief introduction to the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm to compute Fourier transforms. The FFT forms the basis for an additional method to calculate wave velocities (compared with those presented in the previous sections) based on the cross spectral density function (or cross spectrum). % %a I-0 e-%. 107 The cross spectrum, CS(f), of two functions, u1 (t) and u2 (t), is defined as: heeCS(f) = U1(f) • _Mf) (4.2) where, 4 U1 (f) is the Fourier transform of ul(t), U2 (f) is the Fourier transform of u2 (t), t is the time variable, f is the frequency in Hz, and indicates complex conjugate. The cross spectrum is, therefore, a complex function of frequency. Assume that the functions ul(t) and u2 (t) are the time records at two sampling points. For each frequency the phase of the cross spectrum of ul(t) and u2 (t) will give the phase difference in radians (or degrees) of the corresponding harmonic. Since the period (T) of that harmonic is known (T = 1/f), a travel time between target points can be obtained for each frequency, f, by: t(f) = [T • s(f)]/2r = (f)/2lf (4.3) € where, t(f) is travel time for a given frequency, and O(f) is the phase in radians of the cross spectrum at each frequency. The distance between *ne two receivers is a known parameter. Therefore the apparent wave velocity at a given frequency is simply calculated by: der.% -P - *. .. . -. e . el • .... • , - 108 V(f) (4.4) d/t(f) where, d = d2 - d1 , is the distance between target points, and d, and d2 are the distances from the sour:e to the first and second receiver respectively. The term "apparent velocity" is used since it does not represent the phase velocity of a pure plane wave because of the interactions between near- and far-field components. Using these formulas a curve of apparent wave velocity versus frequency can be calculated. Such a curve is called a velocity dispersion curve (or simply dispersion curve) in this study. Dispersion curves are also defined by other authors as relations of velocities with wavelengths, wave numbers or wave periods. Once one form of the dispersion curve is known, the others can be easily obtained since frequency, wavelength, wave number and period are .N' related by: (4.5) %.*JW = 2rf (4.6) % V(f) = Lf (4.7) wT = kL 27 where, is the frequency of the harmonic in rad/sec, ' T Is the period in sec, k is the wave number, and * L is the wavelength of the harmonic wave. • % • %%- ..... $ "- %.. " -" -% - ~ " - .."-"... -" "= -% "-. ° "- ", . % " % . % "°5. * .5.. 109 Variables that affect apparent wave velocity are: frequency (w or f), distance from the source to the first receiver (dl), and distance from the source to the second receiver (d2 ), in addition to the elastic variables. The number of variables can be reduced if they are expressed in dimensionless form. In this study the distance from the source to the first receiver and the frequency are considered in dimensionless form as dl/X, where X is the wavelength of the shear wave (X = cs/f). The distance between the d two receivers is considered as d2 /dI . The apparent velocity is presented in non-dimensional form as V/cp for compressional (longitudinal) motions and as V/cs for shear (transverse) motions. The other variables studied are Poisson's ratio and damping ratio. Any impulse can be considered as the excitation force. However, since the only information that is needed to calculate the dispersion curves (for this theoretical study) is the phase of the cross spectrum, this relative phase can be calculated from the phases of the Green's functions at the two receivers. This calculation is very convenient because it can be done without performing any of the Fourier transforms. To illustrate this point, assume that the load applied at the source point is any arbitrary function p(t) and that the Green's functions (or transfer functions) at the two receivers (points 1 and 2) are H1 (f) and H2 (f). At each frequency the response at points 1 and 2 will be (see Eq. 2.4) Ul(f) P(f) HI(f) U2 (f) P(f) • H2 (f) (4.8) - • and (4.9) %0% 7 "' 110 respectively. P(f) is the Fourier transform of p(t). The phase of the cross spectrum of ul(t) and u2 (t) is then the phase of Ul(f) minus the phase of U 2 (f), which in turn is the same as the phase of Hl(f) minus the phase of H2 (f). 4.5.2 Dispersion curves from cross spectrum function A first set of dispersion curves for two- and threedimensional motions are presented in Figs. 4.21 through 4.30 for a material with a Poisson's ratio of 0.25 and no material damping. It is first observed in Figs. 4.21 through 4.30 that the dispersion curves depend on the relative position of the source and receivers. For a constant ratio d2 /dl, the apparent velocity fluctuates as dl/A varies (A is the wavelength of the shear wave). This can be interpreted as the apparent velocity varying with frequency (or wavelength) for a given distance dj, or as the apparent velocity varying with distance d1 , for a given frequency (or wavelength). The fluctuations are large in the near field (small distances, dl, or low frequencies, f) and decrease as the distance d, increases (or the wavelength decreases). The dispersive effect also decreases as the spacing between the receivers increases (or as d2 /dI increases). This can be observed in Figs. 4.21 and 4.22 for two-dimensional P-motion, Figs. 4.23 and 4.24 for two-dimensional SV-motion, Figs. 4.27 and 4.28 for three-dimensional P-motion and Figs. 4.29 and 4.30 for three-dimensional S-motion. The dispersive effect seems to be more important in longitudinal motions (P-motions) than in transverse motions (S-motions). -:I •0 ~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~ ~ I~~ ~T 1 ' ~ ~ - Vj j ~~u OF~~ ~ z ma 0 , r C 3~ -0 f-CL 00 9. CW * I E #A 0 cp N t 90 91 a %- U101 4 0 0s.3 % * 0 % 5- % 112 °C 0 0 Sj CA c a - C 0 C. ,. ; Lon . ct-t "a 0 CL MC= 1I I c 0 Va !,1 ' 00 9O * ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 1, C S z P4 9; C.C IV 0"I I 1 Cu , N. E 0 f" 9"0 B"0 " II I 0 '/A CO IL L *e '%ii ,, % , ." . . 0 J,e . ,. .. . . . . . . . . . ~ J~J VY'VVUW YW -. W l'l-&~wzzw WU WWW F~ p.rrv' u r" ~ , w. www j -vwwwww~ 'W-W' 113 a-c UOCL 0. r0 r c aa1 I 4 CL -. 0 !-C* TII10.b. b1~~ 0 0~ ~ tv a ri0 0 ~ u 00u C . ( C 9**0 % %, CC 114 a W -I Drii ell-I 9* 0 al @-0 0 v1 a. IuI~E 0 4.- 4 CL J o all a*0 9*0 *0 L, * a A A - 115 • _ 1, VA ~ 3 0; d C 0 (A CC;.' ~cf I T 0E ," 0 CO a~ z ~ 0 C 'i-c.. uc m .. C 4.3 o..- L Cn woe I," "! , % *0 'l 8 I., , %--% 0 @ 0 1,0 ( 0 O"__- ~ (fl*~4 , SI, .'Z %.'' ,_ . ,-'_" . . ' ._-'-' % % . . . -. - 'r,Mi'-~rT.m'L '.".-" --T " _ . ,p, ,., ' , ' Ff . "% • ",,, ' % P.° ..". - ° ." " m ./- .j - -- _, _. % % A .. ." N. ',. .. .~0 - ",, ..-.. .- -,,,_,, " ". - " -, .,-" . , %S'. - -..-. , -, - "*- '_ "l ' 'p 116 g~ D I.,-YSO., .c- toU UIN. f44 LL. 1 0 110 *0 w 00 2/AV ru ou T IV 117 IL 0 UIC VCu0, ~is' 0 alit ot 00~ '' 90 9,0 0 0 0,0 z0 110 YI c c 0i- M0 S/A I C 0 1 10. = Ca C 0 0- L.~ a~~ %3 ~0~ % t* ~ I. GI0 b ~~r~w ,i- ~wTW"~'.~~ j~ - - .*... -. .I.'-h -W TI -~~, .' 'F r. ~ -w ,-p. r ~-'.. ,-p rp rr 'j- '~ ' -iP- i 118 0 IV "aC. CA a 0 W ,a0 100 a a, 0 z- ~~10u c #A ryC 4 0 & E.0 c; CUI BID ,1 ~1 90 t *0 z 00 ~% b % % JL AgU % % 119 C3 A D2-I 01 -C 0 0,L t~ to€_ !5 4J I 9II 0 i . 0 BID-- (D936 I, ,Gui .0 c o; U; El 05 j%4l = cQ 4w1 IN3; fv 1A.u '.0 1 +" ....'.'. " _.-.,- "+..- ..-",. ,, .. ,."+ + "+'" % ,.,"+,, '+ + ,% '+-,,-,, :,,., " , a 0 90 t 0 z_ .0 . ,. ., .-.. ,-. .. .. ... .- . .- ... *++."' -" ."'-"..,.., '- .- '',".'"-.''" .'. o ....-. . -.-. . .. -. * ,-. "',"," ... "."*", C~ ''-.',-i.-a, ci .,.,-.. ,.-. ,. .."I.f"l,"-, ',,S, 120 le 21 "a P-Co .0 D . ~ kn CA 41t C c 0 6' 'A z W*Ia l ll 6* 9*0 ),,a a * L, A-- a S/A 10-0 1, .CU 0 3F.a ocu,. z '. z c~ V)06 CL~ ,.1~~~~w 0 9 d 0 0~ u1 je U. all 910ala 01 9 0 % % nc5 %% %. % -dS .. 121 The nature of this dispersive behavior in the two-dimensional P- and SV-motions and in the three-dimensional, P- and S-motions,"0 is due to the coupling between the additional near-field and the far-field waves. As was mentioned in Chapter Three, the coupling effect is more important in the near-field than in the far-field, and so is the dispersive behavior. This conclusion is further reinforced by looking at Figs. 4.25 and 4.26 in which dispersion curves for two-dimensional SH-motions are presented. The shear wave generated in 2-D, SH-motion is not coupled with any other type of wave; it is a "pure shear wave." It can be observed in these last two figures that the apparent shear wave velocity coincides exactly with the shear wave velocity of the medium except for very small values of dl/A. The reason why the apparent velocity at low values of dj/X (low frequencies) is not equal to the shear wave velocity of the medium is not entirely known. It should be noticed, however, that the dynamic solution for the Green's - functions does not app'v for the static case and that this solution is probably not accurate for small frequencies. A second set of dispersion curves is shown in Appendix D (Figs. D.1 through D.1O). This group of dispersion curves corresponds to waves propagating in a medium with 5 percent material damping. It is observed that the amplitudes of the fluctuations corresponding to P-motions have decreased slightly when compared to the respective curves for a medium with no material damping. This behavior is encountered in two-dimensional as well as three-dimensional motions. For the two-dimensional SV-motion and the three-dimensional S-motion, the fluctuations for the material with 5 percent damping are slightly larger than for. the material with no damping. However these differences a e so small that the corresponding dispersion curves can be considered almost identical. I Ila* I 122 The two-dimensional antiplane shear motion presents no dispersion whether the waves propagate in a medium with no damping (Figs. 4.25 and 4.26) or in a medium with material damping (Pigs. D.5 and D.6). It becomes clear from Figs. D.5 and D.6 that strain and frequency independent material damping of the hysteretic type does not produce any dispersive effect on body waves propagating in a linearly elastic full space. The effect of Poisson's ratio on dispersion curves is investigated in Figs. D.11 through D.20. In these figures are shown the dispersion curves of waves propagating in a medium with a Poisson's ratio of 0.4 and zero material damping. From comparison of these figures (Figs. D.11 through D.20) with the figures corresponding to waves propagating in a material with no damping and Poisson's ratio value of 0.25 (Figs. 4.21 through 4.30), the following conclusions can be drawn. First, for longitudinal motion (two- or three-dimensional) the dispersive effect is stronger for the waves propagating in the medium with higher Poisson's ratio. Second, for two-dimensional, SV-motion and three-dimensional, S-motion, the dispersive effect is more important for the waves propagating in the medium with Poisson's ratio of 0.4 than for those propagating in the medium with Poisson's ratio of 0.25. The difference is almost insignificant at high frequencies (or large values of dj/X), but at low frequencies, where the influence of the P-wave (near-field effect) is more important, the dispersive effect is greater when Poisson's ratio is 0.4. Third, Poisson's ratio does not affect the two-dimensional SH-motion dispersion curves. This result is expected since Poisson's ratio does not affect the two-dimensional SH-motion fundamental solution (Eq. 2.5). Finally it should be noticed that in some of the P-motion dispersion curves the apparent velocities fell out of the limits of the graphs and were not included in the plots. These high velocities were . o.1 -". ' - , ,., '. Nr -V ; ;; N_~i W V 1 V1 i; ' 19MRi i i Fr Fri- OTT;OR V UT TV WY V ' JrV M ETV UM OW V 123 obtained when the phase of the cross spectrum approached a value of zero. In some cases it was found that the phase of the cross spectrum became negative for a small range of frequencies and resulted in negative apparent velocities. Two conclusions can be made at this point. 1. If elastic properties are to be back-calculated from dispersion curves it is better to space the receivers so as to obtain a large value of d2 /d1 . Of the configurations studied so far, that corresponding to a value of d2 /dI = 4 gives dispersion curves with apparent velocities closer to the velocities cs and cp from which the elastic properties can be calculated. 2. The agreement between apparent and phase velocities (cs and cp) is best for high values of dl/A. It is important to notice that in the previous figures the horizontal axis, distance (or frequency), has been normalized with respect to the wavelength of the shear wave, since it was a known parameter for these theoretical studies. However for practical applications, it would probably be more convenient to normalize with respect to the wavelength of the propagating wave, L V/f. In the field the parameters that are known are the distances (d1 and d2 ), the apparent velocities (V) and the frequency (f). It is interesting then to know at what value of dl/L apparent velocities and the elastic velocities of plane waves (cs and cp) become equal so as to filter out any frequencies smaller than that corresponding to the critical value of dl/L. Dispersion curves that would be obtained if this new normalization were done would be, for the case of transverse motion, very similar to those previously presented (since in this case V and vs are quite similar). V... *. However, curves obtained for , V 124 longitudinal motions would be shifted to the left by a factor of about two. (This factor depends on the value of Poisson's ratio and is about 1.7 for v = 0.25, about 2 for v = 0.33 and about 2.4 For v = 0.4.) To give an indication of how the new curves look, dispersion curves obtained for three-dimensional motion in a medium with a value of Poisson's ratio of 0.25 and no material damping have been plotted in Figs. 4.31 and 4.32 for longitudinal motion and Figs. 4.33 and 4.34 for shear motion. As a practical application it can be concluded that for the measurement of body wave velocities in which the ratio of distances from the source to the second and to the first receivers (d2/dl) is larger or equal to 2, the apparent compression (or shear) wave velocity can be assumed equal to the compression (or shear) wave velocity of the elastic medium at values of dj/L greater than 2. A value of dl/L of one could be used without incurring any significant errors (errors greater than about five percent). However, when considering longitudinal-motion, dispersion curves - produced by a point load in a medium with a high value of Poison's ratio (Fig. 0.18) present large fluctuations and a higher value of dl/L should be considered (of at least two). A similar problem occurred when analyzing cross-correlation functions for these material properties (Section 4.4.2 and Fig. C.9). The ratio of dl/L > 1 means that since wavelength can be expressed as L V/f (4.10) then ,v " .. '. .. .Ke ,. . .. " ,'-' ,'.'.-. .-. .-.-....- .- -... .,-. -......- ';..''', , '',Z :,:,,""" ' .,' '..'',.''," . • ,. .. ,- .-, , -....- ..,'''.. '" ". - '...' "'...''., ..'''., . -. •.. .....- .... ".'. .- ,. . "' "0 125 I 0 c1 4'a V -0 t.It * 01 $0 9*0 to d*0 910 ' 126 c 4) 0 .41 Q1 0. o V; C!C Ia0 ~ -~ *0 C 0 0 n. vUSC CS 0L 0 gl 0 9*0 *10 */A~ drr Z-0 W : 127 cI > 0< CZ> 0ES- C!O WEU) CLLE c m OCO 0 A O's. ZL~~~C OLSC0 0 00 VI 14! 2 -. *9 * :,.*,9..- * ..-. d. 128 -. 3 p K 3 CIO - , - 0,*.- mE 0 910 010 9' 1 tl* r) CL o*4 0.C 0 9 tO o .- . 06 -,..i Cl4.t' • ' &e O" "" .,---90 0 " 41 °5 " u.'. S) O 0 ' I,, 0 "0 c~- 0 . " - CoI.." 'o/Ao 4. o O• u */A~ ]= ?'..- 0,1-0 -,., ."" " ql 129 dl/L = dl*f/V > 1 (4.11) Since velocity can be expressed as V = (d2 - dl).3600 f/ (4.12) (with 0 in degrees), then d1 .o/3600 (d2 - d1 ) > 1 (4.13) o/3600 > ( 2 - d)/dI (4.14) or For the case of d2/d= 2, The rule means that (4.15) * > 3600 or the number of cycles has to be greater than one before the phase should be used to calculate apparent wave velocities. For cases where d2 /d1 is greater than two, the limiting value of dl/L would be smaller than one. 4.5.3 Dispersion curves from transfer functions It is not always necessary to know the displacements (velocities or accelerations) at two different points in order to obtain a phase difference from which velocities can be calculated. If one knows the transfer function of the response at one point due .. ,. , , , , , , .. ., . ., . . , . .. . .. ..... , . .. ~. .. .. .S .. . .. . . . ., 130 to an input force at other point, it is possible to calculate the phase difference between the source and receiver from the phase of the transfer function. If displacements are being used to monitor the response (as is the case in this theoretical study), then force and displacements are in phase at the source and one could use directly the phase of the transfer function of displacement due to a force to obtain the phase difference in between source and receiver. (For a material with damping there will be a small phase difference in between force and displacement). In the field it is common practice to use instrumented hammers that by means of an accelerometer (or a load cell) record the input to the system. attached to the head of the hammer In these cases it would be convenient then to use accelerometers to monitor the response at the target point so as to avoid any extraneous phase shifts produced by using different types of sensors. If velocity transducers are used at the target point and an accelerometer is attached to the hammer then a correction of 90 degrees would have to be made to account for the use of a transfer function of a W. velocity output due to an acceleration input. Dispersion curves obtained from the phase of the transfer function of displacement due to a unit force (Green's function) are presented in Figs. 4.35 through 4.39 and in Appendix 0, Figs. D.21 through D.30. Dispersion curves based on two-dimensional wave motions for a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio of 0.25 are presented in Figs. 4.31. 4.32 and 4.33. When compared with the dispersion curves obtained from the phase difference at two re ivers (Figs. 4.21 through 4.26). it can be observed tnat tre S apparent velocities in Figs. 4.31. 4.32 and 4.33 do not give as good an estimate of the elastic velocities. c. or c s. as tme dispersion curves in Figs. 4.21 through 4.26 did (even at hgn values of dl/,). %- The apparent velocities always inde-est'mate *me % 131 C144 0 ., 0d '. 2-D IME NS. POI. R. P-MOT ION 0 . 25 D -0O . % * *J °0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0,.'. o-'e. . ' -. 'j. - . .- q#... ' .'- ,. 'o . -. . "," *' i '6 '' """ '. , . - - . . . -, -. -. .. -' ', " "' ",. . ' ,-. ". "". ; '" -,",. """- Fig. 4.35 . . . .. , -1"." ,,.-- 6".,',",*","*1-" " , -. ' "."-" ,' '-" Dis persion curve obtained from the phase of the '"l transfer function for two-dimensional -" longitudinal motion in a medium wit~h no damping and Poisson's ratio =0,25."' 132 CI4I 114 00 0 . ,4V 0. dpingRan Pis0.25 0.5 Dai 133 oM J ,A.('CD 2-D IME NS. POIR. Fig. 4.37 - 0.25 SH-MOT ION D =- . curve obtained from the phase of the ,i~.4 o .~f*~~ ___:_____00_______20_________0________0 transfer function for two-dimensional ,* -Dispersion .*|~~! antiplane damping 4 ~ 80*-7 ~~~ shear motion in a medium with no and Poisson's ratio 0.25. 134 Go >*i d 0 3-DIMENS. POI. R. - 0.25 *I 0 0 I P-MOTION D - OX I.'. 4.0 2.0 6.0 8.0 d1 Fig. 4.38 - Dispersion curve obtained from the phase of the transfer function for Three-dimensional longitudinal motion in a medium with no 0.25. damping and Poisson's ratio ,Z. %. *,. , *.'*.-,.,,.*... ,,..: ,,.:,..,,... ......... . .- ,,.... ......,... .. . .,. ',' ',_ .,.,., .. ',,,;....',' 135 Clq 0 POI. 5 . dA C%% 0. O . 2040 00 D . 136 elastic velocities by a few percent (about five percent), but at low values of dl/A (less than two), the velocities are significantly underestimated. Dispersion curves based on three-dimensional wave motions (Figs. 4.38 and 4.39), however, give better estimates. At values of dl/A > 2, the velocities obtained are accurate predictions of the elastic velocities. At short values of dj/x, say one, the transfer function gives apparent velocities that are closer to the elastic velocities than the velocities obtained from using the $ cross spectrum information at two receivers, Figs. 4.27 through 4.30, (especially for low values of d2/dl). ,/. In Appendix D are included the dispersion curves derived from the transfer function approach for materials with five percent damping and 0.25 for Poisson's ratio and zero damping and a Poisson's ratio of 0.4, Figs. D.21 through D.25 and Figs. D.26 through D.30, respectively. The first set of curves is almost identical to the ones with no damping (Figs. 4.35 through 4.39) and the same comments apply. The curves corresponding to a value of 0.4 for Poisson's ratio (Figs. D.26 through 0.30) did not present any special advantages when compared to the curves obtained from the cross spectrum information. The poorest comparisons between apoarent wave velocities and elastic velocities occurred for threedimensional P-motion in mediums with high values of Poisson's ratio. In this case it seems better to use the phase of the cross spectrum at two receivers with a high d2 /dI ratio than to use the phase of the transfer function at one receiver. ". 'S , • , , , , ,. , -,' - \or ......- , , - . - - .. - -..-. , ,...-.........-.......•.-..-..,... 137 4.6 SUMMARY .JN Several methods to calculate body wave velocities from seismic records have been reviewed in this chapter. The methods include those based on the visual estimation of the time of arrival at one receiver (direct times), those based on the visual estimation of interval times between two receivers, those based on the cross-correlation function, and those based on dispersion curves obtained from the phase of the cross spectrum or transfer function. Visual determinations of various times of arrival of waves are the most common methods to calculate wave velocities. Velocities obtained from direct travel times are slightly higher than those corresponding to the elastic constants (cs and cp). Many times the differences depend on the individual reducing the field data and on the amplification applied to the time signals. These small errors can partially be reduced if interval times from first arrivals are used, but the choice of an arrival time is still a personal matter. This subjective evaluation of interval times can be avoided if interval times are calculated from first peaks, first troughs or zero crossings. The use of interval times also eliminates possible triggering errors. The use of the cross-correlation function to calculate wave velocities seems to be a very valuable method. Velocities obtained by this method were accurate representations of the elastic wave velocities for most cases analyzed. The only erroneous results were those corresponding to P-wave velocities obtained from longitudinal-motion records at receivers in the near-field (d1/X < 2, with dl being the distance from the source to the first receiver and x the predominant shear wavelength of the time record) ,,.. . .. . .. .o, , 9. 138 of a medium with a high value of Poisson's ratio (greater than about 0.4, Fig. C.9) . A very important advantage of the use of the cross-correlation function is that calculations of wave velocities can be easily automated with the use of a computer. However, for the successful use of this technique " , the field, one -. still has to generate and record only one predominate wave type. The use of dispersion curves of apparent wave velocity also turned out to be an excellent tool for evaluation of elastic wave velocities. Apparent velocities at high values of dl/L (values in general greater than 2) were equal to elastic wave velocities of the material (with L being the wavelength corresponding to the apparent wave velocity). When dispersion curves were calculated from the cross spectrum of the signals at two receivers, it is better to have a source-receiver configuration with high values of d2 /dI (for a fixed value of d, and with d2 being the distance from the source to the second receiver). For a typical crosshole setup (d2 /dI = 2), the frequencies should be filtered so as to eliminate U any frequencies that give values of dl/L < 1. For cases involving materials with high values of Poisson's ratio (say 0.4) and when measuring P-wave velocities from longitudinal-motion records, the - filtering criteria should be more strict, and values of dl/L > 2 should be used. Wave velocities can also be evaluated from the transfer function as discussed in Section 4.5.3. However, dispersion curves obtained from the phase of the transfer function do not present any particular benefit when compared to dispersion curves obtained from the phase information of the cross spectrum for two-dimensional cases (line sources). For point sources (three-dimensional motions), apparent wave velocities obtained from the transfer '-jI - I I,_ function were good estimates of elastic wave velocities when values *.. - --. '., ,;''-TL' V'- 'T.';- ,, -3 ,';: ',': -'.*;.:." ' ''.-.'.-.'." -...:."..z.'_.'_,"- _, " ,-."%'-"-, 139 of dj/L were greater than one, for all the cases but for threedimensional longitudinal motion in a medium with a high value of Poisson's ratio. The principal advantage of using the transfer ,1 function is that only one receiver is needed. iII -5, %. .5 -% %* T • --. CHAPTER EVALUATION FIVE OF U. BODY WAVE " ATTENUATION 5.1 INTRODUCTION Most uses of seismic methods in engineering applications have been to determine wave velocities. Very little effort has been applied to the study of techniques to obtain damping values. main emphasis of this report is on wave velocities. The However, a preliminary analytical investigation on damping has been carried out. A brief theoretical background of wave amplitude attenuation along with the description of a technique to evaluate material damping is presented in this chapter. 5.2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND The amplitudes of seismic waves decrease as the waves propagate through a medium. This attenuation of wave amplitude is caused by two mechanisms: 1) spreading of wave energy from a source, generally called geometrical or radiational damping, and 2) dissipation of energy due to mainly frictional losses in the material itself, commonly known as attenuation, material or internal damping. There are several measures of energy losses in a dissipative medium. For a plane harmonic wave, assuming that all energy losses 141 -Z --. u - 142 are due to frictional forces (case of a plane wave front), the decay in wave amplitude can be defined as = e-a(d2- d ) (5.1) where, u I is the amplitude of the displacement at a distance d, from the source, u2 is the amplitude of the displacement at a distance d2 from the source, a is the attenuation coefficient, and e is the base of natural logarithms. Eq. 5.1 can be derived from the solution to the plane wave equation by assuming that there is a phase shift between stresses and strains (White, 1983; Toksdz and Johnston, 1981; Gordon and Davis, 1968). The attenuation coefficient is not necessarily the same for different types of waves. Shear waves generally present different attenuation characteristics than longitudinal waves. The natural logarithm of the ratio of the amplitudes at two successive points spaced apart by a distance equal to one wavelength of the harmonic wave (L) is defined as the logarithmic decrement, 6, and is used as another measure of frictional losses. Logarithmic decrement can be expressed as 6 = ln[ul(ddl)/u 2 (d=dl+L)] (5.2) The relationship between the logarithmic decrement and the coefficient of attenuation is easily found to be eV 0'% °. % ° , °. % •-0"",...................................................................................."... '- .%• '- .% • 143 6 oL (5.3) Another parameter that measures energy dissipation is the "damping capacity" factor (or specific damping capacity). Damping capacity, T, is defined as the energy dissipated in one stress cycle divided by the elastic strain energy stored when the strain is a maximum and is expressed as : AW/W (5.4) where, AW is the energy dissipated per stress cycle, and W is the elastic strain energy stored when the strain is a maximum. Equation 5.4 is based on the assumption of a hysteretic type of behavior. The damping capacity has been found to be frequency independent but strain dependent. At very low strains, however, (like those associated with most wave propagation phenomena in engineering applications, strains below 10-6) the damping capacity appears to be independent of strain amplitude. A similar measure of internal friction is obtained with the material damping coefficient (or hysteretic damping ratio), D, which is defined as D T/47 AW/(4rW) (5.5) In a material with small damping, the hysteretic damping ratio can be defined as half of the ratio of the imaginary to the real part of a complex elastic modulus, as mentioned in Section 2.2 .-. - :*. %. % 144 If the complex shear modau's. dnd used through out this study. 'or instance, is defined as G* : G + iG (5.6) then the damping ratio in shear is D (5.7 GI/2G where G is the real shear modulus and G I is the imaginary Dart of the complex shear modulus. 5.3 MATERIAL DAMPING CALCULATED FROM SEISMIC RECORDS Special interest and effort nave been devoted the past to determination of attenuation paramters from $ie'd meas. romtmts The field procedure itself presents severa' prob ems. suc" as precise calibration of the receivers 's necessary, 2, "-te-e-e-ce of reflected and refracted waves adverse'y afects t'e measurements; 3) electrical or mecnanca' -o'se car aacerseo affect the results; 4) perfect coup,'g oetweer the receivers is necessary -e-tat'o 5) the tee-dme-s'a the receivers must be accurate'y :ortrc'e. as between near- and far-fie'd compoments Several procedures tc -e Doeec es a-c ta-" parameters have been croocse c al, 1982) and an estems',e ns by 'ovsoz ar- C.cr.-'been 1compiled .amc-q " a so~e -s .. arc *1 c :e "ci eeec -- :' "1,.. -caa, 'ed' '.." a . a "' *'. "V 6% % % N P% calculate damping ratio, based on spectral analysis tecrnniques 's,. suggested in the following paragraphs. For a medium with a linear stress-strain relation, wave amplitude, u, is proportional W1/ 2 Hence, Eq. to the square root of the energy, 5.5 can be expressed as 0 : u/(27vu) where .u (5.8) is the amplitude decay per cycle. Therefore, damping ratio can be expressed as D = -[(L/2ru)(du/dr)] (5.9) where r is the distance in the direction of propagation. 9 Upon integrating Eq. 5.9 one finds that ..". n (u/uO : "2rD/L (r-rO ) ) (5.10 ) ".0 where uo is the amplitude at a reference point ro . The relation between damping ratio, 0, and the attenuation coefficient, a, can be obtained directly from Eq. 5.10 as .9 9% = 2 D/L (5.11) % The phase velocity of a plane wave, v, is related to the vave~ength. L, by: v L/2r. define from Eq. 5.10 as .' d 4 /Vo • , . • ' _A% -. :,* . • . Therefore damping ratio can be .. ' .,, U ,.. 9 - . %*. • .9 . % 5 9 * '* . * o i p " ,.5 ,.nere. 's Eq. 5.12 frequency in raa/sec. 'he damping at'o ootaned Dy s constant with frequency A convenient way to ca'.culate phase apparent velocities. V. 's descriea apparent velocities " eoc-t'es. ,. Section 4.5. nstead of phase 4elocity 'n Ea 4 "om :f one .ises 5 :12 osu'ts n 5 LL, -ol -[('uu),~ *53 where D(-.) represents an apparent damping ratio. In Eq. 5.13, dissipation of energy occurs only from "nterna' friction in the material and no dissipation of energy arises fromV geometrical spreading (plane waves have been considered) if the seismic waves originate from a point source (as usual'y haPDOenS. correction must be applied to Eq. 5 13 to account for energy due to geometrical spreading. a osses It is shown in Chapter Three that wave amplitude decay due to radiational damping is proportional to the square root of distance for two-dimensional motion (cylimdrica fronts) and is proportional to the distance for three-dime,*siona. motion (spherical fronts). ; The relations are valid for the far field, but they can be considered good approximations for a v'de range of frequencies (or distances). ON If one assumes that the relations are valid for any frequency range, the exoression for apparent damping ratio becomes %I .,5 ° 40, "S., "S" 147 \I)(w).ln [(u/u 0 )(r/r0)1 /2 ] 0(w 0) (5.14) -w(r-r for two-dimensional motion, and D~w) 0(w) - V(w)1ln [(u/u 0 )(r/r0)] w(r-r 0 ) (.5 (.5 for three-dimensional motion. The expressions derived so far apply to steady-state harmonic motion. Any other motion has to be decomposed into its different harmonics by applying a Fourier transform. Then, by using the notation introduced in Section 4.5.2 and Eqs. 4.3 and 4.4, the equation for the apparent damping ratio becomes U2 (f) In[ 0(f) 0) (f)T,(5.16) 1 - .%V d2 ( -7-. for twa-dimensional motion, and U2 (f) In[ U 0() d2 dy (5.17) (f) for three-dimensional motion. In the development of Eqs. 5.16 and 5.17. it has been assumed that the response of a medium to an impulse has been %%- %'~ %~ N" 148 decomposed into its harmonics by means of a Fourier transform. these equations in D(f) is apparent damping ratio, f is frequency in Hz, *(f) is phase of cross spectrum in radians (or difference between the linear spectrum phases), U1 (f) is amplitude of the linear spectrum at the first receiver, U2 (f) is amplitude of the linear spectrum at the second receiver, and d, and d2 are distances from the source to the first and second receivers, respectively. Equations 5.16 and 5.17 can be written in terms of the auto spectrum, A, instead of the linear spectrum as A2 (f) ln[A 2 D(f) 1 ( - *( f d2 ] 2 1)(5 18) and A2 (f) In{[ A 0(f) : d2 (5 )9 *(f) for two- and three-dimensiona, motion%, respecte ; 4,*• 4., o.. - % #s#rs ' ' ' ' . '•% • " ''' P "'V% ,' . ' ' "' ' '' , # ' '' . .- a - ' . '. ". - " " . " • -" ' - - - 149 5.4 CURVES OF APPARENT DAMPING RATIO Apparent damping ratios for two and three-dimensional motions In the first case. the have been calculated for two materials. apparent damping ratio is determined for a medium with no material In the second case, a medium damping and Poisson's ratio of 0.25. with 5 percent material damping and Poisson's ratio of 0.25 is considered. Figures 5.1 through 5.10 show the curves of apcarent damping ratio versus dl/, for a medium with D = 0% (. is wavelength of the These curves were obtained using the same spacings shear wavF). between the receivers as those used to study the velocity dispersion curves. and d2/0. The behavior (fluctuations with d1- of these curves is similar to that found for the velocity dispersion curves. For the two-dimensional SN-motion (FPgs 5 and 5.6), the apparent damping ratio coincides precisely with the material damping ratio. low di/, (The disagreement at low freQuencies or is similar to that obtained for the ooocity jispers', r curves and the reasons for this Dehavior are not tota 'Y Known For the cases with coupled motions 1two-dimensiona' P- and TVapparent jamp ng lamo'ng -ato c' Ie motions and three-dimensional P- and S-motionsu. ratio presents fluctuations around the actue These fluctuations are 'arge for material ow values of d2/d 1 . out ,- the faf for a'e )f and/or high freQuencies .he m,"at rapidly approaches the actua interesting ~'an m'otions to note for a )-mot'ons 'e'd IamV'-9 'o)e "Pip a, lamc -Q' 41 'It 4ht mur " i'''.r,t l 0) arge spat ' s the appa,. t *hp *,w ra'ues 4 ar4 J @ ° - - S a '. .- 'U %'.#;".''" .". " ". ."% "'' .. ', .' .. %.. .. - .% .% " , . . ." -~ ~~~~~ -- mo w -W ~ f ~ . W-- - - 150 Dn r Nr a. ire 1L 0ot * 00L Co 400 0A- * @0 * I 0. O't Oisa -up0 0 - -- -- 151 1 V I ~ w vi a D w 0 0C A 0t000 t 0*0 0 X) C IW Z 0 'Z t- Jn C.- -D0 *9-'m VwNIJWWO INM4,tj , t viL C 460 lb M.p. 10 X) t 011tow oagiv-a~wlJ 0 1.52 C CP o 0t Cg 6 VA- O'00 o 0.0 Olw" r 153 4 J M .0 C I 0 V 04 .9- 0 V .09, r. Ila4 gILn A .-. C4. a 'a alit$"*-9,~~9,, 9 aa. 154 ws 0 .0 X1~ WO N Sc C4 -~ CL 41 1.0U a.l0 0 oA . SL 0.W of .11~~~ do do. ILI.-I ffJe 1 p.. coI C15 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _X ut 400Vr %U to. t 0CL E0 0 *N 0 O'CO 4i CL 9o 0%. La ive.' 41C.0 t 0a0.0 WZ % % ' z 0- t 0- 9,0- 0idLU !eNrdWdO .LN3~dd % % VO S * w7-q -,%7IV -w -V ~ VVVVW t ' -VXX .W.W- 'V .YV U~ ~ -i-w- k 156 T C6 -i . c. V (A CC~ 0 C ~0 F 0v- o 0 9 01 0 0 e 4~~A 0 00 N3~ .0i-.AW CL V . 137 Ki a C-N 0 N -. ~ 0 Co 0 . 4J O~0 V'__ 0 0~~~~~. *- 'S0 0 40* t 10 4-J 0. 4 0 0 c c M CL 'e-> on a. V 0) do CLe -CE 01 0t0 0. 0 0 *t *Z t~ 0 1 M x cdo %t 0% 1 158 U ft jI~ 6 ij U * V6 Cl 4'. .1.* - 4 i U 4 a U I, o~ 0*t (ZI or- gL~Uw ~WIdMWO : ~~ : I £ S ~.u3we... £ p U U' N - I- o I *~. .4 r w b. - 4 w 64 S * 4 a p 00 OI (Xi 0~- OUw~ ~NIdMw0 09- ~9 ~w3ww~~w I 159 %W 0 2f C VC. *LL 0@ 040... 3"0 oL -~ . S. c CP C0 CL- 0 w -s.A £5pV, -A 160 For the cases where the material damping ratio was 5 percent rather than zero (Figs. 5.11 through 5.20), the tendency is the same as when D = 0 percent. For typical field measurements where d2 /dI has a value of the order of 2 (such as in crosshole measurements), apparent damping ratio can be assumed to equal the actual material damping ratio at a value of dl/x = 2. The apparent damping ratio could be used, therefore, to calculate material damping in the field. Although only one unique value of damping has been used for both shear and longitudinal motions, different values could have been used as well. In a field experiment, the value of damping obtained from longitudinal motion records would be that associated with the constrained modulus while the value obtained from transverse motion records would be that associated with the shear modulus. 5.5 SumMRY A brief theoretical background of wave amplitude attenuation is presented in this chapter. - A method to calculate damping ratios from seismic records is also presented . The method is based on spectral analysis techniques and requires calculation of the auto spectrum at two different receivers. For configurations such that d2 /dj is equal to two (typical of crosshole seismic testing), the method seems to give values of apparent damping ratio that are good approximations of the actual damping ratio for values of dl/L greater than one. As in the case of apparent wave velocities, for a fixed value of d1 , the best values of damping ratio are obtained for higher ratios of d2 /d1 . Although good from a theoretical point A I. 161 ci 0 09 U,4 Ira U A C ~ 0 0 OACL aV 14. c 9 onC a, 4- 0~ 0 X) ONJUC ~~ N3VL ~ 1 -Utl c 162 .'I I. z c C 40 'CCI6 A =. ~CL "C 0 altJ 06 Iz 00 ll 01 - X n. 2b v 0~ ai a., ONI.U SNWl~ ~ A4b 4-8 0. cis 0 1640 L 46 el CL ®r or- U' 10 .A C 16-1 0 vV Voo (XI~~~~c NLMW U IIW cNU~ La. A0 0 _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ (Z)~~ ~ __0____0_9___waz ~ 91U NWIJ 0 CI~J 166 ~D N *~~ 3 TI *c aA o 4aN 0 C iv al 10i c Ce S0.41 CL LO C;4. 0*01 0* *9 llb (21ON~~fd 0 lp.lz lN~bda % LPN % "'0j -4 167 ty IFa 'go 0 CCL 00 V in en c, A cm - L)06 0 IV 0 09 0*t a 00 0 A (Z) NIJ~tC gitlY IN~le-U -?P 168 00 c 1. Cm. . E cl -i 0 *90e,0 D 0 1 TI- c3 4J 1144 s-CL 40 cv, 4)C C. 0 0 J4. 0~_ 0 z _ t0tz tI IAWISNJ~tO I3Ut>.t (2) U,. ~ o9 I CS 0 1 P-a-w WO - M I wu.v Nwwrww RWW~Ml'W~ wWa 1"lwilo '.*. - - -low or s-. It IV 1rle wlC ev' r- an io 0* 0I 9 le 00 *- 0- It 'Al Gi C- 1 L % a .4. 4. '4 .4 0 .4 I * VT. I. oU Dv -~ p. b. 3 U - V~i~ ~* 0 1.. 4., L.A o w h ' 3 A . -~ I U (~) ) K .4.. 9 9 I, 4, p 4~ I~ 4' - 13 o P h * ___________________________ ~ - -~ - P.. -% - - 4. 4. 4 - ~ ~ ~~*Jwwww'~ .4 - ~ * -a - a - S. ;... S 9 0 ~dd4 *.' .4 -. a - - ~ C.- - V '4.. PS... *~ I~ 9*44 - a- .~ 434. 'DZ±~UQNZdWWC±N3UW~ 4 171 of view, vaues of d2 /d, >> 4 will probably present complications ,n tne field since there will be very little energy arriving at the second receiver. In this respect it is recommended that some experimental studies be carried out to determine the best sourcereceiver configuration. CHAPTER SUMMARY, SIX CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 IIRODUCTION Seismic methods are used in engineering to determine the elastic properties and damping characteristics of materials at low strains (strains less than o.ool percent for most geotechnical materials). Seismic methods employ both body and surface waves. Body waves are compression and shear waves. These waves are typically used to sample within the interior of solid media (such as geotechnical sites). In this study, body waves are investigated analytically to improve the understanding and uses of them. The use of seismic methods in engineering applications presents many advantages. For instance, seismic methods: 1. reduce sampling disturbance; 2. model properly in situ stress conditions; 3. test S large or small representative zones of interest; and 4. are based on sound theoretical principles. In most engineering applications of seismic methods using body waves, the receivers typically have to be placed very close to the points of excitation. This configuration creates several complications that do not occur in most geophysical applications. In addition, the use of information provided by the seismic records has been routinely limited to the first arrival of the waves. Therefore, an analytical investigation was undertaken to better understand and use seismic methods in engineering. Results, 173 ,1 ,. , 174 conclusions and recommendations from this study are summarized in the following paragraphs. - 6.2 BODY WAVE CHARACTERISTICS An analytical formulation to generate synthetic wave forms of body waves created by point or line sources and propagating in a full space was explained. The fact that body waves spread from point source in a spherical fashion and from line sources in a cylindrical manner can be an important factor in using these seismic waves in engineering applications. At long distances from the sources, spherical wave fronts can be considered plane, and the classical theory of plane wave propagation is valid. This case is the most common for geophysical applications where distances from the source to the closest receivers are of the order of hundreds of meters. Distances that are involved in most engineering applications, however, are a few meters. The characteristics of body waves at these short distances was studied, and an understanding of the limitations of using the theory of plane wave propagation was developed. The behavior of spherical or cylindrical body waves at close distances to the source was found to be in some cases quite different from plane wave behavior. An analysis of the characteristics of generated wave records from point or line sources was performed. From these waveforms, it was found that, in wave propagation records of longitudinal motion, there is a first wave (denoted by Lp) propagating at the compressional wave velocity and a second wave (denoted by LS) that exhibits longitudinal motion but propagates at the shear wave velocity. The amplitude of the second wave (LS) decreases at a much faster rate than that of the 'kS %N % . 175 primary wave (Lp). Even though the contribution of the LS wave at distances near the source is quite important, at distances far from the source the LS wave is almost insignificant compared with the primary wave (Lp). For these reasons, the primary wave in a longitudinal-motion record is called the far-field wave (because it lasts even in the far field), and it is the wave typically referred to in the literature as the P-wave. The LS wave is called the near-field wave, the near-field effect, the additional near-field wave or the additional near-field effect because it only "exists" in the near field. Similar conclusions were found for transverse motion records. In this case, however, the near-field wave (denoted as Tp) propagates at the compressional wave velocity, and the far-field wave (denoted as TS) propagates at the shear wave velocity. All of these observations apply to three-dimensional (point sources) and two-dimensional in-plane motions (line sources). For two-dimensional antiplane motion (sometimes called SH-motion), only one wave propagating at the shear wave velocity appears, and there are no near-field terms. For time domain records, near-field and far-field distances have been defined as those distances from the source, d, such that the value d/A is smaller or greater than two, respectively, for transverse motions (with A being the shear wavelength). Near- and far-field field distances are defined as those distances such that d/A is smaller or greater than about ten for longitudinal motions (A is again the shear wavelength). Some of the polarity reversals in the wave forms encountered in the field when the direction of the source is reversed were -U ep i' "'v"' . .- ' -,- -'"?-'?-.""', .- -.. ..- -... . ..... '- .. ,.--.. °- . 176 found to be explained by the behavior of the near-field waves. In addition, receiver cross-sensitivity and imperfect alignment contribute to the lack of polarity reversal in the P-wave train. 6.3 BODY WAVE VELOCITIES I. Techniques to evaluate body wave velocities were studied in Chapter Four. The effects that frequency and strain independent material damping of the hysteretic type have on wave records and resulting wave velocities were also investigated. Waves propagating in this type of material arrive at an earlier time than that predicted by the compressional and shear speeds, cp = [(X + 2G)/p] and cs = (G/p)i, respectively. To obtain a good estimate of the elastic properties, it is convenient to pick arrival times of the wave from the source to the receiver a little after the actual arrival of the wave. It is concluded that the best results are obtained when interval times from first peaks or first troughs are used. The results are always better when the receivers are located in the far field. The cross-correlation technique to determine interval times is found to be an appropriate method to calculate wave velocities. This technique has the advantage with respect to the other timedomain methods that it can be easily automated. The results were found to be accurate and reliable for all cases analyzed, except for the case when compressional wave velocities were determined from longitudinal-motion records in media with high values of Poisson's ratio, values on the order of 0.4 or greater. (This case of high Poisson's ratios also presented problems for some of the other techniques.) ,' e3 %3 ".'..%CF_'% L' % %' ' %',% % .%%% %% %.'.% .il %',-"% , -, .. .,".' '"K=" *. "' 177 Spectral analysis techniques to calculate wave velocities from the phase of the cross spectrum of two time records, or from the phase of the transfer function of one record, are effective tools to calculate elastic moduli. It is shown that, when two receivers are used and the cross spectrum phase is employed, the best values of elastic wave velocities are obtained when: 1. for a fixed dj, the ratio of the distances from the source to the second and first receivers, d2 /dl, is of %.1 the order of four or higher. 2. For a fixed value of d2 /dl, the best comparisons are obtained at high values of dl/x. For a typical crosshole setup, where d2 /dI is equal to two, apparent velocities are equal to the plane wave phase velocities at values of dj/L greater than one. Both procedures, using the cross spectrum and using the transfer function present the advantage that they can be easily automated. The only significant advantage that the use of the transfer function seems to have with respect to the use of the cross spectrum is of an economical nature since the number of receivers needed is only one. 6.4 WAVE ATTENUATION AND MATERIAL DAMPING Wave records at several distances from the source and plots of wave amplitude attenuation with distance are presented in Chapter Three. It was found that, for point sources, the amplitude decay due to only geometrical damping is inversely proportional to the distance from the source at distances that are far from the source (d/A > 2). In the very near-field range (d/A < 0.5), the decay is also inversely proportional to the distance. Only in a small range of distances (0.5 < d/A < 2 for transverse motions and "I " "% -- -% % " "'" %- 2 : .' : : : : "W "'% ""'-% % % " % % " .'.' "."." .. "/..'- % " % '.."." " " " "" % %" " %" " ' .""i''v''v':' ";- "." '- "" ' " -% % % ".-.- t" t p 178 0.5 < d/A < 10 for longitudinal motions) is this relation not valid. For line sources, the amplitude reduction due to geometrical damping is in proportion to the square root of the distance only in the far-field. In the very near-field (d/A < 0.5), the amplitudes decay at a smaller rate. When material damping is included, wave amplitudes decay at much faster rates than those corresponding to only geometrical damping for distances greater than L (with L being the wavelength of the propagating wave). At distances smaller than L, the decay is practically equal to that corresponding to geometrical damping. A technique to estimate damping ratios from seismic records that is based on spectral analysis techniques is suggested in Chapter Five. Apparent damping ratios calculated by this method, fluctuated around the correct value of material damping ratio, but at large values of dI/L, the fluctuations were minimal. The analytical results indicate that this method can give a good prediction of damping ratio if the two receivers are spaced at a . ratio d2 /d1 > 2 and the apparent damping ratios used to calculate the actual damping are taken for frequencies such that dl/L is greater than one. Like the other spectral analysis techniques to calculate velocities, the method to compute damping can be easily automated. ~.1 .,o -.. ":, .. .... *-,. .?-.. .. . -.. ... - -........ .. ,....... ...-..... ...- .......-- ,-.....',--.-; APPENDIX TIME A DOMAIN RECORDS '" 5. 5 . , ,,.. .-.. ', ,(,, ,, -,, ,'.;.,.,,, ,- ,, .,, .j ..,,.-.. ,"; ,,'.. , , ,"a "q " ,, ." ,- o 4 ' • w- ," -" ./' * ." - " ,, .",',."., .: ,..... ,... . . , ,...... ,r q" ,," q" " ,,.,, .'. r ,, ." .". '. - . ,' ' ",,. . , ,..% ,,.,,r,.,, ..:]., .. . ,.,,.,, ..,.,,.,,;,,,,,, ., ..,:'x.,,..,...;,,,-.,... . ..:.. _. .. .. .,,. . - .. . . "-'-'.,",.'.p 180 * d/1 0 a d/) 0. IS 2! a. 0 3n.9 . * 2! 0 IS r. I .0.5 3. •. .. a| a '0. , . % 4.0 '0 1. . 2.0 LI 4. j. % g I dapn meimwihn o ,.o rato .25. 'I. %, n oso' , " 1.0. cst/d Fig. A.1 ' ~for - ost/d Amplitude decay with distance (short distances) two-dimensional longitudinal motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio =0.25. r N .N" '' p ", .' _-'. -". ",'."." ., j,.'.. '.'.""'.'. ." -'."'.' .'. " .' '.' ': "."", ",. ."".". ". " " ." ."". ". " ".,"".",. " """ ." ." ".",," .: ."-," . - -,", 181 ~. a 76 1 a * 2 40 / C U6C ,.a o! I.S C. .0 2 a!S 1.0 0. .0 . 2. 0.25. r * OI . 0..0 0. _ =, , I ) 0. '0.0 n 1.0 1 . oso' i U I ¢stld d/)0 O* N' I Clt/d 16. I , -'--" meam lhn I ,-:. .. ' -L' _....'.".:." .0 dapn meimwihn ' 8.0 -' d/N 1. CE ; !1 . apn n oso' -I% .. "a""""""' 2. "a ."'. ' '"" "" " .-,- ,.-..- ,... ,,-;,...-..,.-.- .., 182 o, o 0.3 d vi. X0 !0 1 . !.. 1 a am d/. *00 1.0d/2. 1. 2. 1 .0 4/ ). 1. 2.0 2.0 4. S . . ee dapn*n oso' ost/d o a ti .5 oCot/d * .. a! * -I >;1 a -.%- - --. ' - "- . - ' - a a < -; " - *;" : " ' ".".... a- . ", .." ,.' ", ,',, . . .. " ..' , . " . ' . "- . ,...,. . : , , , ,, -. . . . ,,,.,, ,,: , . . ,?.. I . .eJ. , , 183 U 60; 4.0 d/), a; I d/) i--- I I - 8.0 ar III I.- -; II. 1 d Oft/ ,it/ 1 ost/d S '0 0 IS ,I0 2.0 .0 IIII I 12.0 Fi. 2.0 tit/d I * id/)e * IS 0.5 W! t - 16.0 Uq 0W4 WI " fo S inpaeser oini mdu ihn I 0~ a c dpn ancoso' "0 a ai . 5 ./ %. "-:.. .'%. --e"' " " -p . • -W"J' 4 #' '71 ,V ., 5.. iFp l-."--iA.% , %1',"% Amplitude' %decay" " wi h i ta c (long distances)""' "' ""' ""*'"" " " ' "" "" .'Wfor in-plan. e shea.. .rmotion- in a-, me iu withe ,. no, . -,-.' . , - . ,.-.- 184 d ai d/) 05 0.3d/N I U U. o X0 2! 0 a aa/ I.d a ad a W; '0.0 a 1.0 '2.0 cft/d 3!0 4.0 aO 1.0 2.0 .0a 4. 3 aOft/d e% ee ee. d) 2. d/) d/),,8.0 4.0 W! * 0L U, W! a "° I . 0. '10 I !S I 1, S . W!6 !5 * I I . .5 1. I.0 2.0 ast/d ast/d Fg S A d i d).,12.0 * d/)u 16.0 U,, U, UV a a UW WI fo*n pln nodmigad * ,"". ,"% B ... -.' , V,-,-. . ., ,-,- ,. _.<,.,. h nameimw aao=02. 6V "."% ,-. oton oso' A .,'*",... ",,"." har . . ".. , , , .,,... . ,,.._-.. " . I. U._. .. -" .. ,. .,. , .. . ,-., . . . . . , . . . . . .. . ,. . . 186 ., 0.3 d/)- d N 0.5 J % a a Oft aft/ A% A U. • , ,." *,,• ,.:: ' .°. " - . :, :,,. :,,<, ,. o. I.S Fig. A.7 2.S . ,. . <a, 3. -Amplitude . . • o - ,,,,-: '-,:a 0 ; ao I.S . • , - .•••••.• .,•., :->-,v:-"'.,- a.!a. SS , '..,'-,;:: -. decay with distance (short distances) for three-dimensional longitudinal motion in a medium with no damping and Posson's... ... , ratio =0.25. %.%. 187 8.0 d/) 4.0 d/) o Ul A| I 11/1 - I 2.. "i ' 0.5 0.. avJSIs '?, /14 .0 .5 .2 1. o. .U0 1.S .0 ast/d cst/d Oit] d olt/d "' 0.5 rai 12. Am Fig.'a A. 1. I 16.0 ihdsac tuedcy dsl.ncs for threedtmestonl logtl~dtna * moron admptn metum andPotson' tth o ratlo .,''.". *j • ' ". * ." ee +'. " • - """". i " • .°+ P ., . ".+- • . '. ." . " .. " ' % = + .+ *11 ."."... " 'r .". . . " . + . " .". " += ' . . +. 0.25 .". % ",% =+ * . . .°.'." % 't' .. . " " "." % • ' -. """ ' . ". .. ."%,% P~ ","""" "-k." - '"'-"" % ,.4,".," % " = :." . .J. " ",".-' . +t . . ."..t°% .*"•" !' - 188 d/). u 0. 3 A d/ N "t 0.5 * - 0 I e we .1 0 ,. o d/o 2.o0? 0 I I,,,; ~ a I% 3.0 o o. so , cft/d Flg. Fig. A A. .0 -d en . , ct/d mltdedcy Amltd decay witt ortr 3!.a 2!.0 '"t/d o, % , dsanc disanc2sot.0tncs (sor ditncs onlserro ' na ,., ,V. .< , : " , , ', ".,'< . . , ,'.,. ,, * , , ." - , , ,'.I.'.., .. , .. , . . ,. 189 8. 0 ii .i S. N ad a o *l " I -=II o o . '0. d o 0. IS IS 2. 1 0.5 1.0 1.1 Lb '0. j% , o, w . d v ti • "W . !S . ", • . I'S I O. 2 1 1.0 - S °r . t/d . oarheedien shar moio6.0 amigan osons. for meimwihn rato 025 a ,*,a ,. , 0.25.,.m, . . " . , . . ' " . , .. . . . . . , .. , • . ° , 190 g d/) 0.3 d/ N 0.5 011 2!0 30I' 0 IS Sast/d 2!0 3' . st/d P i ol -- *, a af/ a*/ * Ol 0. aeiu,.0 a; Fig. A.1 ,!o ,.0wihfvaecn , 2!, 3ojt/d . 'N Amltuedeawt ae mwa iv 3.0 apn -,,.0 n oj~t/d distnc ecn ,.o ,.0 4. 3 4. - 1' . .. (sor distnces amtgad . '..: 4.00 .' .. ;, ,"- "...". . -.., '. ".,- .'.". . . -, , . . , -. - .- . . . . ",,"."." " ,Fig " ." -' """"' A.11 - A'" "l tu e '.'.''.'ith. de a . . . . . . '. ' .' . , ,o:, ,' . ,. ' . .,' . . .. w'. ,,t/d. distance" . (short' d'',itances)' , . , ,,%,- , .. . .. •- - -- - - " 191 a_ J d/ N d/)N-a4.0 .. 0 j L3 'S.J. I' II 21 iS 0.5 1.5 A 2.0 C*t/d aft/d Poison' * .5I IS. G.! S 0.25. rai 0~ 5. % 2.0 0 -~ Y ,W~ _F7 7 jr. -V -j 192 *4ka IS TI . d/ a. 2! 0 ! .a 4 apn a.9. an a 3 I 2 /, 1u.0 fiv pecn 0.25 rai NU 2 19 !f4t99 S . Pos n' 3a 4 .K 193 d/) / 4.0 ~/ a af/ 16. dN d/)- a .5' 1P % Pos apn an aiepren % %I - I p p n' 194 a a a m ft d/ 0. S d/ 0.3 "- * IA. VI Us a| * VIt .0 e. "e° . * V',* J" a. . " . * fieprenaapn .", ' ". 0.25 rati . . ... . . . ", . .. anPosn'10 . wt ". 20 "0 #.1 3 0 2.S Amltuedea Fig. A.1 t/d a aft/d ' -a*,_ dstnc ' (sor , " . ',, . distnces -. -, . ,', .. 195 d/ d N Ra .0 0. a Id. S GI d/) 42.0 S - Ia . ea Amltd NY %N 0rJ %%%% = 0.2. 9 . 18.0 9. I na oso' fiepretdminan rati IS I -ihdstne(ogdsacs ftil harmto for IS G d/. .aI FiA1 ~-h 2. eimwt 2 196 0.3 d/ >- 0.5 d/ N jd AA CE 3.0 C? 1. 2.0a I 3.0a 4.0 O"t/ d 0. " 1.0 o/ 2.0a a. CEj~ 3.0 4.0 t/d d-- 2.0 01 AA da ' .0 Oft/d Fig. A.17 4.51 .0 3!. a. 4.03 '".'t sct/d °,0 decay with distance (short distances) for three-dimensional € € longitudinal motion in percent damping and medium with five a Poisson's ratio 0.25. -Amplitude V.. .LI 197 C!. .U,. d/ U,, 5 40 A.3, - A/ .0,". / V ! S . 0!s 0 !Q2 S." 12.0 d/ '. Cst/ d Cst/ d d - 16.0' . ,, a .. , 0 ". L. 9 "P " "N '# Cst/d est/d with distance (long distances) , ."'" 0 decay ,.,."."..",.',,-'''''..,..,.,.',_...''NL"5 ,- .r .-Amplitude , ..A.18 ,_."-,.'-'-",',..,',.. "Fig. .".- .... - for three-dimensional longitudinal motion in a medium with f v percent damping and " Poisson's ratio =0.25. , 1 .19 d/N d/) 0 9/ 0a/ 1%a d/ N 2 .0d/ 2! aa!G10 meiu P' e 20 wihfv aecn apn n 30 4 199 8.0 d/ 4.0 d/) o al 4 aA %a Os/- oC! 1.I 0! '0 .0 1 1.20 et/d .d/d 9| a AX "' 12.0 Ampltu Fig. 2.0 14 1.0 0 16.0 '" .;- meiu wihfv n apn ecn 'El 1 . S JI *Fig. 2.0 c st / d % A.20 *for *medium • s /d decay with distance (long distances) -Amplitude ,. *, , .. three-dimensional shear motion in a-.,, with five percent damping and ~Poisson's ratio =0.25. - %, ,, ' " . .. , . .. ..-. ........ .. ,- .. .. .. ... ,,.. . . .. . - :--..-.-- ... . . . . .. . . . . .,-. . .).; 200 , o " 6 I I I 0.3 d/). 0.5 d/). *.. 0° . o 10 2. o . .t 3.4 st/ d 4A 0Oe / d al ,. U..4 d/ X - . L3 0.0 4.0 * Oft/d Fig. A.21 '.--. %* %,'.=% " .'''" d/ >. 4; 0 1.0 2. 0 2.0 0 4.0 *Oft/d Amplitude decay with distance (short distances) " % ",'" %",- ',% for two-dimensional " % %"%°' " % '.'.'%'" longitudinal 5"-"". motion."." in ".'a medium "."".'k',,'% % '" ratio • " with no damping and Poisson's 0.4.. " • " % ." . '- -- 201 a I 4.0 d/ a; • 8.0 d/) 0 * a dftt/ cot 1. d/) a20d/N a a a .,o a i a __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ '0.0 15 _ 1. 0. .0 2a0.5 a a ra 0s.4. i %I s-" % meamw hn apn * * 0 " * . . Amltddeawithdsaclogdsacs A2 ig. _ '.,''-'.:,: "". . "'., .,..;..*,,,.- ., , . ,. .,i .5 F ". .. g.' .2A 50 ". n oso' . aa .5 2. " "."-".". .".". . ' . 05;.--5 "o" ".".".t./'.d. d""'. .o . -" " ."."t./." "." mp.i.,t.u.d..e. , d.-ec, :ay,. ., .with .,: dis , anc (l..ong.,. distance,s).: . . .: , , . . .. ,: , : . , ., ,. . 202 1 5 *I I II 3.0 2.0 1.0 "'0.0 4.0 '0 l ast/d d/X . 0aa a! 1. . 3. 4.0 Ct/d d/ N 1.0 a3 a *a a0 2.0 0 *O_ N** *IV a2 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 '.'' ot/d Oft/d '- with no decay with distance (short medium distances),. Fig. A.23 - Amplitude for in-plane shear motion in a damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.4. .*. "**... . , .. -"." "..-"-" . ." . -. -. -' .' "-" ".. " "'- '- '" --'"" " ".'"." ' -" ' -' -" - " " '"".."- " ' "' " " 203 d/)i 4.0 d/>, X0 a -g 8.0 - , - aft/d P p,, nt/d5 12 .0 d/ -l , d/ 16 .0 l 0 o '" 0 .. 0 'a a. . . ..-. 1 Oft/d , ,* :-! :: '' 0 $a .- a . . , , ., Fig. A.24 -,. 'l ost/d , , .'w , , . . hi , ', - ,. . .. ,: : - Amplitude decay with distance (long distances) for in-plane shear motion damping medium with no and Poisson's ratioin=a0.4. : - , : : -, : '. 204 IS. d/). a 0.3 d/N T - 015 r * 0.5 a.t. 0 I I p I a meiu with no~ damin and a eiu I4 oo' i nodmigadPoso' ratio ,1 = 0.4 J.l v% -• % , •• "v o . ' .. % . - % . %. . . "_ . • . • . . . . . . q . . 4 205 d/).u 8.0 4.0 d/) %% U* * I'w .RU i 2 C,.. d/, N - 12.0 d/) UU 16.0 aft/d ast/d , * Fig a ,ieiliI i~iil .5 . o A.2 ".'" I I 0. , . "'# aft/ d af;t/ d 0 001. 2A a a ,, 2. u's . I o , . ., Amltdedcy.ihdstne(ln.isacs .... " I . . for three-dimensional longitudinal motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's k~lliilmI ratio :0.4.A t jff diA 't *," 206 , I I V I 0 ., % - .o~2 d/)- 3!o a a) ,. 1.0 . d/ _,_"J' , 'd ,' t. Fig *.' A.7 ,4.6o, o / - 2.0 21 * - ',.a .'-q.W,,WWw 6* Wv *,%'U.... Ap iudea Fi A27 - mdiudedewith ratio 0.4. I-' v ' . ".."* ' ' i ditnc-'-r ig an Poishort's ce " ' '%'* .% " * * ' . * , * itacs tacs% . 207 m d/) 4.0 d/)u o I 8.0 6[ ftt Oft/ I.. I I I I I * d/N"2.td 16.0' IS 91 w m al 16.0 o d/,•12.0 isson's P a ho/ 2 p;". ft "a fo a the-iesoa a %% ~ s" *, .. i moio sha ~ I. i 0.4... rati apn meiawihn n ; oso' * i ,/W .'4 * .,.'." . l" 7 ,U *. " ," - ,'. %° ',-. .% -,-e % i % m -," ,I • *° . I '. "4',, ". "."'. . ]." 1 ", % " .. -. i ." . ,% -. !% -,- . 1 %" A. . APPENDIX RELATIONSHIP DAMPED B BETWEEN BODY WAVE MODU ELASTIC VELOCITIES AND AND LI Material damping ratio is presented in Chapter Five as a convenient way to account for energy losses due to frictional forces. The definition of a frequency and strain independent damping ratio is given in Eq. 5.5. A convenient way to express material damping ratio, for small values of damping, is by the use of complex moduli. The damping ratio is then defined as one half of the ratio of the imaginary part of the complex modulus by its real part. For a material in which energy losses in shear are different than in compression-extension types of motion, it is preferable to define two damping ratios, one for shear and another for compression-extension. Therefore, the damping ratio in shear, Ds, is defined as DS = GI/2G (B.1) and the damping ratio in compression, Dp, as Dp M 1 /2M (B.2) where G and G, are the real and imaginary parts of the shear modulus, and 20 209 !i 'p. 210 M and M I are the real and imaginary parts of the constrained modulus. In this way the complex shear modulus, G*, and complex constrained modulus, M*, are given by G= G + iGI = G(1 + 2iD S) (B.3) and M = (B.4) M + iMI = M(I + 2iDp) If one uses shear and compressional wave velocities as the parameters to define the stiffness of the material, then the energy loses associated with material damping are more easily accounted for by using complex wave velocities. The counterparts to Eqs. 8.3 and B.4, in terms of complex shear and compression wave velocities, (cs* and Cp, respectively) are cs cs + icsl = cs(l + iDS) (B.5) C Cp + icpl cp(l + iDp) (B.6) and where cs and csl are the real and imaginary parts of the shear wave velocity, and C and cpl are the real and imaginary parts of the compressional wave velocity, respectively. * ..- V .. C. %. C..•.- -. - .. . . .% . .' . -. - , " '. A .1 . ... "W. go211"" Equations B.5 and B.6 are good approximations of Eqs. B.3 and BA for small values of damping (as usually happens for the small strain amplitudes encountered in most seismic engineering applications). _ In other words one can define the complex shear modulus as G* pCs* 2 pcs 2 (1 + 2iD s - DS2 ) pCs 2 (1 + 2iDs) = G(I + 2 iOs) (B.7) . which is a good approximation of Eq. B.3 for small values of the damping ratio, D S . A parallel reasoning can be used for constrained modulus and compressional wave velocities. % , It should be noted that these complex velocities do not represent propagation velocities but are approximate mathematical tools to account for energy dissipation. In this respect, consider a plane harmonic wave of the form exp[iw(t - x/c) (B.8) This wave propagates parallel to the x-axis of a non-dissipative medium with a propagation velocity represented by the variable c (the phase velocity). If the phase velocity is considered complex to account for energy losses, then the wave will be of the form exp[iw(t - x/c*)] .°1 ,a 212 exp{iw[t- x/(c + icl)]} exp[-wclx/(c 2 + c12) ] • exp{iw[t - cx/(c 2 + c,2 )]} (B.9) Equation B.A represents a plane wave that propagates along the x-axis with a velocity, cD, the damped wave propagation velocity, which has a value of cD = (c2 + ci2 )/c (B.10) and whose amplitude attenuates with distance with a coefficient of attenuation, a of a = Wcl/(c 2 + c12 ) (B.11) By expressing Eqs. B.1O and B.11 in terms of the damping . of propagation is given by ratio, the damped velocity , J* . ,. CD c.(1 + D2 ) (B.12) and the coefficient of attenuation is given by *,°* a= w-.D/[c(1 + D2 )] W.D/c = 21D/L (B.13) where L is the wavelength, (L '- 2vc/w). It can be observed from Eq. B.12 that a damped wave propagates at a velocity which is practically the same as that of % , ' U U ***** -UoU. . .... . .°%U V V-1 F_77 I.-M.- VLIWL 213 the undamped wave. For instance, if D = 5 % the damped wave velocity is only 0.25 percent higher than the undamped elastic velocity, and if D = 20 % (very high value) the damped velocity is still only 4 percent higher than the undamped elastic velocity. • ., %~% -0 W~ U.. , J~- ~i ,~Ar..F fl~ 1 Jx~ 7~ ~ APPENDIX M ~ ~ - - 1t~!~ .!~V ~'I'~'~ 2~ 2 C RECORDS CROSS-CORRELATION j~i A jb V ~p. A~. ?'~.1~ j. .J. I-. 4-. 4. 4. '4.' * 444%~ 4'- *~I'~ 4.- "'I.. '-'F. 215 'F. S .' * <. .r\.. ~* \4~ 4~f*f *C *~. *P4~~4444~~ 4 44*'4* . \* 4,.. ~* % * * 4,4 * 'j. *P 216 01 0 Ao A 0 04 v .9- No 1%. CLI 04h4 c 0CL zo 0- % %~9 %% c- 0 217 12 .4r CC u ** 4 I 'U0 V 41. CVN U1 4- 0 10 0 r4- % N 0e. % % - 1 tna.0 A 218 0LO E (A' 0i 0SLA A - 0 * in pV S.p c -1 0( 4. U4 u 0 M zn I A0 - r 0-z 01I 1 s Il 0 0 0 00 S0- 01- 03Z IItWUON % %. .4. 219 V 0 0 1 L u A)A 4J0 CV 00u .- C 40 LOL 0 7-0 UJ (no.. s10 - 4JQ i. 1C 40.*- o~koi C a-0 06 NO _ 0 1 0SD t1' LU3U3-SO cnz ur0.WYON %~~~~~~U ,% UpPP 220 0 0 r-4 '4cc w, 0W 00 Ln~ * ri S.. E CIO -fo zo uE4 ri *~ 00 I--~ CC fl n 01 '-C 01s C ICC 01 0 o~z 0 I NQIIU3UWQOSSOW 03ZI~tIW.0 Jlp % ,%Wzrv 221 °p ',. JO 00 CD SS 3 -.- -. I- U. cI . 0 "0 - 4- -CC 0 , "U'..', IC z 0- ~~~in__-t,€ 0 00 , s I iCL * I LL W3QN .- . . .• . +."" , . .'".'. .''-', ''. w 4 -" .''''. ." .',.'.." ; ; ,, ,," -' ',-' " • ,-%W.W--%.' ..,.. . ... .,• ..s' .. _ _,,'+, +.%'...,.'-',%.,.,.',w,,. . .,.. -"-,_ ., , ,5 - ,".,","." ,..N."-, ,.0,.., ".- . . .''.... ..',... 01. +,, 91.+ ,- %r, .1-c L..C,.1., II 0zS-S .,,.+..,.,. 0 e- N3 I17 4] _+, 41, '="0~~~ (J S . S-0,.,.. ,..0,,0. . 0..1- o.' ." • . - ."• * I +,-. " . . . .; - -.. ;.''.',,,...+ < , 222 a IA C-W -r~j C *90 au 40 0 0I In 03 U1 NCYO.L si 0 s0 01 1f w *as- oi*- O3ZIlUWYON N A. 223 0 9* D CL 10 U ScM. 4- 0- go 41 d~ c; 4J II 0 N011813-400-SSOW 03ZldYO co U M. .- ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .aarW~.tj~w~~~r ~ ~ jr r IlS~ 224 00N S~ a * Uoil C -d 4 0 Id, IN J~ E IA4 CfSC LnLV .4 JC I' C 0 06. en %% ' 0% IL 0 % % 4 5 22 5 0 0 0 Nl DD * 5 a cm 4JJ C -u IIn a. - C- I aIV 0u C ID 0x0 0 if 0, CL 03ZIIUW140 . 226 0 ('4 0 0 D 0.0 A AI Ec 0 0.4 0 0 0 CL I - L 0 0 101 01 0' Soo 0.0 S0o- NO IiBUYYJ- SSOYJ 03ZIIUWWON 0- i 1 0 227 000 0a A.j A ig I= Ic' t,4.2 *0 r_ 4- C 4- S'0 0 0Wi 1 03ZI7 FION 11 .Z. "-" N~L 0I Ol S* 0 1 *-r 03ZIUWUD •"' " " '' " " " "" ", a ii , ,C@ I , . , ' " - - ' - . . - ., ' ,, %...- ", ' -' ' . _t ' , , I .,,C"op, _, . . . D ,. ." " . ,, . , W-9 ig m I. W-X-3w y VI - -M V-v F-w-.W-.1vv V 4 228 0 0 cJ1 4 L Ln1 040 CIO 0 £0 ~ ~ ~ Sol~~~ SO 01 ~ S*- 1 0*-C 99* 0 .1 % % % 9 4-a% 1. % --- ~-~w- ~ 229 I U ., 0 0012 E 12 0 (A - c .- - ul 0 W 4j = 00 0* r_ 1 0 1 110 s 0 0 03ZI18WYO 0-- i C' 230 CN 0 0 D0 'aa 00 -c~J a ILI C3 L.'A =I 0 4- C3. Un cz 0 N 'V #-0I ItoJ cn 01 .n sl0 00 S*0- 4U 0*1- 03Z I UWYON %0' 231 0 . 4 Dc z 4 00 .5-In C'J I L. CL N~~ 'Ac el 0 0 1.l NQ~l~lWWQ3-SQW3 03ZI'.UWY- 0 - 0 1 C) 0 232 0 0 N Ln D4 7- *, 41 - ~0 0. 0 a-~ slo~0 ~~ 00s0-01 03ZIIUWWQ . LA~~.- %%% 0 C&O 233 00 D A A Cr 0-6C1 D C- '4 u C3C 0 c IC $i-.a m u0 . 5 0 0 0 00 l 0 0 L* 03IUWQ ILIIP ILK (fl U 234 0 V 0 coo 4 u In C.41 ~4 %0.Cc -t w z 0 0~ .- a 44- 0 0 In ov0 Ila~ cnz i I. a op .1(% I A I -.. N 1c; 4 IR 235 0 0 k L D 0 - 4 J0 gn~ 44 6 UU pGC C4 1-- 4x tic. Cr. 0 APPENDIX BODY WAVE D DISPERSION CURVES 2337. 233 ut 0 I9- .- I o A =5o c0 Sc 1 r 0. 1*1 a 0 9 * 6C L V) r.. u 41 C 35, C4)U ccco U~ 4' 239 00. cU 0 aD ,, , , .o 10.4l,,U =g A * %, 4 . S........ . 0* a t 80 9,0 0 0 "/A p.-- , wf~ >U*-' -(fl',, I5 . 0.0 '4> o~ as 0 A IcI I-° 4. A.- 0 t z: Olt 16*0 940 t 0 z .0 ChU o XU -E0 1~0 .. E a0? "Z/A 4. V~ V. op~~% % 4p ~ ~~~ 4a % I r 4l 6 %% • r I I C D lel ,lA -0 -d 00- 4W 0.,-0 0. . 1 -r- 0- 0 CM ' V. €. I V 4J0 ! 4,- 4- 03 I- E 9c* C! C. 1 to 0. 1 9* v1 C0 0 i LA. * - . , ;.,. % , . .. , - . .. %. . . . . . ... . w . . . . . . . - *.- . . . .. 0.0I . . 241 MI C Ln I-0 z t1 0 Z,0 0 0-E * IC% E n 1- 0 4. ' O ~.° o i I4 5= C U , > •o 61 0 to co C -f. - a N h5.. L 0 I~g IA J- W U --,. ........... I 0 242 E 0 fA iv wo C4 to0 9z al Gl 01 9 a v *0 a *0 toCL 0 o *I -A 0 o CL 00.0 3F %. CL 5 E c; IU. _______ 0 0 0 243 to =41. L UY0 9 *0 - a)-ut z C..- B0~~~t0.O00 9Q 9 I- 0 ____ _ _ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ a4Jm __ 4i. E4. w ~ 8 1! o NL z.041 aN 0.4 244 - 6 % 0si C 02 . CU '. ' o ci 0 Uc r~0 aJair 3 t~rd * 0I v1 *0 t * M O/A -q Il~~t 90 CL .9- * - 0. C 2O 9 cic 0*00 L .~~~~~S. . .... UA W- - - pfvrmql - MWU NUT - 245 arc& 0 C! fa0 .r c~ CIz C in4. 4 10 C 01i )* t 0.1 8*0 t 0 90 0 el0 TEC '0/A 40a ICLZN LA-- ZIAn 246 ________________________ __________ CC 44 EU I ci ai 0 Ec acL O 9 tt*/ ,a %0 II U L a1 C C2 CL 0.03 vi wz * ?;* It ,r a 0 110 'O/A % %% C-0 41 15 o i - w- r, wwr -2wgjg LPVWWNW -------------- vyr V.V - - WR" 247 D d. 3h A cI. to cc a C3 a 0 L (a Ec0 0 tv Z I. - 01% 0 .93 u~ AI 1 CL 4 CCU t ~ ~~~ ~ ~9 0 .) OC/A I 0030 4 248 F a%0 0 W IP03 Iwe• 10 oil a 0 r% - .l-n o' l" 9 "0 0"1 9*0 v0 r *0 " c a. .9,0/ 0 ; 4 1_. C 0E In Efl C09 33 ovaa ti Ell 90 all v *0 V0 1 a A *--_ 2.2 0 *2/A "> %9' .9* % P o%9 .0 0 Oft 'kJ"'v""."j -1 249. .C * 0T 0 _z 0 a VV a 1 Ell9 0 1 - 0* o . CFO """ C!o -o '-. ,~~~~~ . , a a ')MI., (A L. 4 00 S.% % 250 00 C! % aA 0a v~0 C @0 41* CL C4 vo. A t1 901 01 S0 810 wO vo Od 4 0 251 RD va CD- CL E Ch a0 4-C C! 0. 40A ~~~1~ 9 01 0 b 4J 0 .. 2/A %C 0.03% 252 ac 0 UC, clc .. .j 1 0-c 0 0 4C aI C *W U,.0 P4 ~ tol~~~ ~* ~ c 00 0 IL V 82/A1 N% N~ N.. .Ng 253 - 04c ..- .4- owl-o I o ow V S. vi * z CO 0 8 4 .- V. c 00 9*0 110 T* 41 CC W )*1 r* IV .CL f ot C I..- c-4 EC 4- >0 0. rzN c 0-o. c A S* zU %V 0 M C 254 -w ac r ~ ps. 0 in- L (A O A C;C C.Cc /A.. -oa 4'- C3 WA IV( 9e- 0 9, .0 0 */A Ir4 > 255 00 C!L00 UJ 41 m- CL 40 I- C Z 'ac V z Va '/A 9 *0 ' NZ 03 Co 0(1 .18 .0 C4 * fL~ = * tw~ ~r~rvw, tn u-..-w-wr- ~.'g-. ~ w ~ V- kWV "1'~- - , Tj*- ,. *w ., 256 3t a - i-~~I 130 C ~-e; to a 1-0 0 W o~ OD/0 % 257 (93C C3 ~4JU 0 oLAW, In. 1 On ILL xci '.0 a 1) *0 *0 a**0 oV u to 0 -- o ** 41 % 258 0 C*4* dd A Doso' rai 5 0.25 peren dapn 0%V c IIL- .25 259 04I 0 >- 0Z d, d -0.25n anDoisn'ato0.5 peIrn P J 11 260 0 '4 N U 4 * o 2-DIMENS. POI.R. - 0.25 00.0 Fig. 0.23 ............ 2.0 4.0 SH-MOTION D - 5 6.0 8.0 Dispersion curves obtained from the phase of the transfer function for two-dimensional antiplane shear motion in a medium with five 0.25. percent damping and Poisson's ratio ' spsnnnu . .ra pal~ynu uw n nn nar M aMTILr air"n LLF2-- Ar~.- a,. 261 04S 0 6 *di 3-DIENS.P-MOTION POI. R. 025 0. D 5% d A Fig. D.24 curves obtained from the phase of the transfer function for Three-dimensional longitudinal motion in a medium with five percent damping and Poisson's ratio =0.25. -Dispersion . . ~~.~-.aN, trrr Mirj F rFlp W2'rT riWSnr a- j.rw. i i. - ir ur.. .VVrpa 262 CV) di C*4 3-DIMENS. POI. R. -0. 00.0 2.0 S-MOTION D 5% 25 4.0 6.0 8.0 d 1 /X Fig. 0.25 zr X curves obtained from the phase of the transfer function for three-dimensional shear motion in a medium with five percent damping and Poisson's ratio *0.25. -Dispersion e"..1 .4" . P 263 14 .j 0 0 id 2-DIMENS. P-MOTION POI.R. D - 0.4 A d1 Fig. D.26 - 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 0% 4 Dispersion curves obtained from the phase of the transfer function for two-dimensional longitudinal motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.4. ,4 % " % ' " = % "W % *" ", % % %. ' ", '" "" "' . . " , '-I " . , ".,* . = . . .r ... ." " . . ... S"... . 5 ."lP p 264 14 > Co ci transfr 4. ,d f .0406. o f A D-0,% . Fi.D.7-Dseso cre bandfomt"paeo h oo1 II Fig. D.27 - Dispersion curves obtained from the phase of the transfer function for two-dimensional .; in-plane shear motion in a medium with no damping and Poisson's ratio = 0.4. w ~ * ~*~% .%W?4, 265 0 C6 di A dping an Po.4n' Dai 0.4 266 I- ° di No *j P-MOTION D -0 3-DIMENS. POI.R. -0.4 000 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 d, A Fig. D.29 - Dispersion curves obtained from the phase of the transfer function for Three-dimensional longitudinal motion in a medium with no 0.4. damping and Poisson's ratio . 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