Subido por Mariam Kulejishvili

legal english

There are 4 inns of court in England - Gray's Inn, Lincoln's Inn, Inner Temple, and Middle
Temple. All barristers must belong to one of them. They have supervisory and disciplinary
functions over their members.
The Inns of Court in London are the professional associations for barristers in England and
There are 3 years of study (bachelor’s degree) + 1-year vocation + 1-year pupilage
Solicitor - იურისტი
Barrister - ადვოკატი
Trainee – შემსწავლელი; სტაჟიორი იურისტი
Offence - რაღაც კანონდარღვევა
You go to the solicitor when you have a problem, and if the problem isn’t solved, they send
you to court.
Solicitor – law degree + 1-year Legal Practice Course (LPC) + 2 years of working as a trainee
Studying law in the US
Attorney general - პროკურორი
Attorney - იურისტი
4 years of undergraduate study (Bachelor) + 3 years of law school + bar examination
liaison - ურთიერთობა კლიენტსა და ადვოკატს შორის
homework: cv and vocabulary