SECUENCIA DIDÁCTICA J. CAROLINA HEREDIA ARIAS DOCENTE: ILENE ROJAS SEMINARIO: DIDÁCTICA DE LA LENGUA SEPTIEMBRE 2022 THERE IS A FUTURE IF THERE IS TRUTH The impacts of the internal armed conflict in Colombia. TORTURE, DAMAGE TO THE BODY AND MEMORIES OF SUFFERING MAIN OBJECTIVE Generate awareness regarding the reality that is not talked about in our country. In this way, it promotes “non−repetition.” DISCOURSE GENRE GENRE PURPOSE Acording to the explanation about discourse genres, what do you think is the correct genre of the following text? PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE Before starting, answer the following question: -For you, what is the truth commission? VOCABULARY Look for the meaning of the following words: -CIVILIANS -KIDNAPPING -RECRUITMENT -TESTIMONY -WEAPON -VICTIMS VOCABULARY *Match the picture with its correct meaning. -ARMED CONFLICT -FORCED DISPLACEMENT -HOSTAGE-TAKING -PEACE WHAT IS THE TRUTH COMMISSION? Source: /en/colombiantruth-commissioncelebrates-threeyears-of-work/ COLOMBIANS COMMUNITIES VICTIMS CIVILIANS PEOPLE (0. It can be people with different aspects, it is more general). THEY INDIVIDUALS 1. EXPLAIN IN A PHRASE THE SIMILAR ASPECT OF THOSE WORDS. (THEY HAVE IN COMMON). 2. For each of the concepts that are in the ovals, write a word that makes it different from the others. (an example is given). REMEMBER… REGISTER FIELD Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun TENOR ICRC – INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE RED CROSS (Who seeks to establish and maintain a relationship of trust. MODE INFORMATIVE: 22-04-2010 Report – ICRC - What is the impact of the Colombian armed conflict on the population? LET’S WORK! HOW MANY WORDS ARE REPEATED IN THE TEXT? WRITE THEM. WHAT IS THE IMPACT OF THE COLOMBIAN ARMED CONFLICT ON THE POPULATION? Civilians in conflict-affected areas of Colombia continue to be at risk of murder, attack, kidnapping and forced recruitment. Many are forced to flee, leaving everything behind. Those who stay are also vulnerable; they face problems such as restricted access to health care or water. The ICRC strives to provide protection and assistance to those affected by the conflict, including the displaced and victims of weapon contamination. ____________ ___________ THOSE CIVILIANS __________ ___________ __________ In the text you find the words "civilians" and write what other ways they are referred to in the text. (one example is given). METHODS OF DEVELOPMENT 01 PERIODICITY AAAAA 03 VALUATION CCCCC 02 IDEATION BBBBB 04 CONJUNCTION DDDDD IDENTIFYING VERBS Did you identify some verbs? write them: CONNOTATION OF THE WORDS POSITIVE -HELP - NEGATIVE -ATTACK - According to the given text, write some words that you think have a negative and positive impact. (one example is given) WHAT IS THE IMPACT OF THE COLOMBIAN ARMED CONFLICT ON THE POPULATION? CIVILIANS AFFECTED -RISK OF MURDER -FORCED RECRUITMENT -KIDNAPPING -ATTACK ICRC PROVIDED -PROTECTION -ASSISTANCE LITTLE SUMMARY TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE PREVIOUS MAP, WRITE AT LEAST 5 LINES OF A LITTLE SMMARY. WHAT IS THE IMPACT OF THE COLOMBIAN ARMED CONFLICT ON THE POPULATION? 22-04-2010 Report HIPERNUEVO Civilians in conflict-affected areas of Colombia continue to be at risk of murder, attack, kidnapping and forced recruitment. Many are forced to flee, leaving everything behind. Those who stay are also vulnerable; they face problems such as restricted access to health care or water. The ICRC strives to provide protection and assistance to those affected by the conflict, including the displaced and victims of weapon contamination. Armed clashes in rural areas are putting local communities in constant danger and exposing them to violations of international humanitarian law. These include: murder of and/or attacks on persons protected by international humanitarian law; forced disappearances; sexual violence; hostage-taking; forced recruitment; physical and/or psychological abuse; and forced displacement. . WHAT IS THE IMPACT OF THE COLOMBIAN ARMED CONFLICT ON THE POPULATION? Taking into account the words with different colors PARAPHRASING WRITE A NEW VERSION OF THE PREVIOUS PARAGRAPH USING SYNONYMS WITHOUT CHANGING THE SENSE. WHAT PART OF SPEECH THE RED WORDS ARE? The lives of local inhabitants are also affected by the parties'failure to distinguish between combatants and civilians, by stigmatization, by pressure to collaborate with direct repercussions for civilians, by the seizure of private or public civilian objects, and by weapon contamination. *THE WORDS IN RED ARE TALKING ABOUT THE SAME THING? *WRITE IN A SENTENCE THE GENERAL IDEA FROM THIS PARAPGRAPH. Such violations are driving people from their homes, and they are losing everything in the process. There is no doubt that limiting the number of violations of international humanitarian law can help to ensure that fewer people feel the vital need to flee to safety. In addition, the armed conflict makes access to basic services difficult for the civilian population, including health care, education, water and sanitation, especially in remote areas. This situation is further complicated by the repercussions of the economic crisis and a drop in State investment. The movements of communities living in remote areas are becoming increasingly constrained by limitations placed upon them by the parties to the conflict. Furthermore, their access to basic necessities is restricted, harming the already fragile financial position of these families. IDENTIFY SOME CONNECTORS AND UNDERLINE THEM. Over and above insisting on the importance of applying humanitarian law, it is essential that political leaders and armed groups involved in the conflict take all the necessary precautions to protect those not, or no longer, participating in the hostilities. *IDENTIFY SOME VERBS AND WRITE THE TENSE THEY ARE. *WRITE 3 SENTENCES USING SOME OF THE VERBS. CREATE A QUOTE based on the information you read. “This is a quote, words full of wisdom that someone important said and can make the reader get inspired.” —Someone Famous DRAW TRY TO DRAW A REPRESENTATION OF THE “TRUTH COMISSION”. Concepts: new words you learnt. XXXXXX It is …………………. XXXXXX The meaning of………. XXXXXX The definition of……………… XXXXXX It is ………………….. XXXXXX The meaning of this……………. IN YOUR OWN WORDS, WRITE THE MOST RELEVANT MESSAGE YOU LEARNT FROM THIS EXERCISE. The impacts of the internal armed conflict in Colombia. Some provocations from this topic Journalism through time Images reveal large amounts of data, so remember: use an image instead of a long text. Your audience will appreciate it LINK: "The Truth Commission is a great opportunity for many women's voices" Images reveal large amounts of data, so remember: use an image instead of a long text. Your audience will appreciate it A REVIEW OF HOW COLOMBIA’S TRUTH COMMISSION IS ADVANCING The 2016 Peace Accords created the Truth, Coexistence and Non-Repetition Commission (La Comisión para el Esclarecimiento de la Verdad, la Convivencia y la No Repetición) via Article 5.1.1. This entity is the truth component for the Comprehensive System of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-Repetition (Sistema Integral de Verdad, Justicia, Reparación y No Repetición, SIVJRNR). The government established the Truth Commission through Legislative Act 01 of 2017 and structured its functioning through Decree 588 of 2017. According to the Decree, the Truth Commission will operate for a period of three years following an additional six-months of institutional preparation. The Truth Commission started operating on November 28, 2018. SOURCE On November 28, 2021, the Truth Commission will publish a comprehensive report explaining Colombia’s protracted armed conflict. For this, the Truth Commission is undertaking a multistep investigative process. Throughout the first stage of its investigative process, the Truth Commission is hearing from victims and armed actors. SOURCE In 2019, the Truth Commission received a total of 10,755 testimonies from 5,988 individual and collective interviews. 20% of these testimonies were from Ethnic Peoples: 2,086 persons testified during eight collective interviews, and 61 testified in individual interviews. These indigenous communities were significantly impacted by the armed conflict. For approximately every seven victims, one victim was an indigenous person. Notably, civilian actors (such as members of the business community who financed the conflict) only gave 2% of the testimonies. Also notable, the Truth Commission received 365 testimonies from exiles. SOURCE Some prominent individuals provided testimonies to the Truth Commission including Former President Ernesto Samper who testified on allegations that the Cali Cartel financed his 1994 presidential campaign, as well as, former Senator David Char who spoke about the paramilitary’s activities in Atlántico and their involvement in his Senate campaign. Additionally, this year, José Miguel Narváez, former Deputy Director for the Administrative Department of Security (Departamento Administrativo de Seguridad, DAS), is set to testify about the paramilitaries’ infiltration in the intelligence agency. Narváez is currently serving a 26-year sentence for the assassination of journalist Jaime Garzón. SOURCE Thanks! Good job! 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