Subido por gabriela gonzalez martinez


Gabriela Gonzalez Martinez
Abigail Iaguirre Lopez
Gaby: Abby, If you lived abroad, would you miss home?
Abby: Um, to be honest, I miss my family the most.
Gaby: Same, I definitely would miss my family and friends.
Abby: Right, but what else would you miss?
Gaby: I certainly would miss mi home routine, the food and the
weekend hangouts with my friends.
Gaby: And what about you?
Abby: Well, I think that other than my family, I would miss the food.
In fact, not many places have such a good cuisine like Mexico.
Abby: I think it would be hard to keep in contact with all my friends.
Abby: Well, I think that other than my family, I would miss the food.
In fact, not many places have such a good cuisine like Mexico.
Abby: I think it would be hard to keep in contact with all my friends.
Gaby: Right, Mexico culture it’s amazing
Gaby: In fact, living abroad has good and bad things but I’d rather
prefer my home. It was a pleasure to share ideas with you Abby.
Abby: I think the same, it would be really hard to adapt to a new