Subido por Carlos Mauricio Hurtado Nuñez

Experiencia Laboral

a little nervous but its ok
Experiencia Laboral
I have 1 year of experience as an RPA developer, writing scripts for simple tests like logging, data
loading, data lookups, data validation, etc. in desktop applications and in mobile applications
I have 2 years of experience working as a manual tester. using tools like postman for apis testing,
jmeter for stress testing and load testing. As well as experience in functional tests, non-functional
tests, integration tests and regression tests.
I also have some experience with test automation tools like Selenium with java and python.
Just like Cypress which uses javascript and I also have experience working with databases like
Porque me gusta Java
One of the things I like about working with Java is the use of classes, which makes automation
more "modular", since you can create classes that do very simple things.
Porque me gusta Python
On the other hand, python is also very good, because python has many libraries that help us at the
time of development
Porque cambie a Python
I used to use java whit Gerking for my automatic tests, but with an update, google detected that
the logging was done by an automation software and then I found a python library called
"undetectable chromedriver" that the browser did not detect that it was a software to automate
the process thus doing the actions as a normal person
Metodologia Agile
I have usually worked with the Scrum methodology, which is based on iterations, we have a sprint
every two weeks and every sprint I make a demo of the new features, the team makes a planning
for that sprint, and I take the opportunity to create my test plan and finally we have daily
meetings, in which we see the status of each one
It is a language based for Test Driven Development used to give more naturalness to the writing
and understanding of tests using more natural language words like: Feature, Scenario, Given,
Then, when
Tipos de prueba
Funcional test:
It is a black box type test based on the execution, review and feedback of the software
Unit Test: the tests only of the developed component, for example a button, are isolated
tests of the system
smoke test: it is a test that is carried out at the time of having a new version, in which a
script is executed to verify that the main functionalities have not been affected
Integration testing : tests of the developed components, already integrated into the
general system, to see that it works well with the entire system. the component does not
break the system
regression: it is a type of test that is done to the entire system in general to detect bugs,
normally they are done when there is a big change in the system, so you have to test it completely
Non-functional tests:
They are tests that do not focus on the correct functioning of the components, and are carried out
with the focus of obtaining information on the performance of the system.
Load tests: These tests are performed with the aim of validating the response of the
application when it is subjected to a load of a certain number of users or requests.
test of performance
The main objective of this type of non-functional tests is to calculate the application's response to
different measures or user requests.
for example 1 user, then 10, 100 and so on
stress tests These tests are performed to find the number of users, requests or times that the
application can support. It is very similar to performance tests, only here we exceed the limits
Test plan
It is a plan where all the test information is found, as well as a summary of everything that must be
taken into account, what is going to be tested, times, environments, the development objective,
the requirements, the scope, etc.
Test case