WATERWORLD SURFING SCHOOL ASSUMPTION OF RISK, WAIVER AND RELEASE AGREEMEN I hereby acknowledge and agree to the following surf tour, camp, excursions and any other watersport agreement terms and conditions. Assumption of Risk: I understand and accept that participation in the surf tour, camp, excursions, or any other watersport exposes me to many hazards and entail unavoidable risk of death, personal injury (including but not limited to paralysis, drowning, exhaustion, dehydration, sunburn, exposure to poisonous and/or carnivorous sea creatures) and loss of or damage property. The risk also include, among other things, being hit by the board, by other surfers or theirs boards, that could result in cuts, bruises, or abrasions, and concussions; hitting the bottom of the ocean; sprains, broken bones. I also understand I should know how to swim and should be in good health to participate in surfing and other activities. I choose to participate in the surf tour, camp, excursions, and any other watersport in spite of these risks and hereby assume all risk injury or loss of life to myself and loss of or damage to property arising out of purchasing the surf tour and participating in surfing. I understand the inherent risk involved in using a surfing bard; I accept full responsibility for any and all such damage or injury which may result. Waiver And Release: In consideration of WaterWorld selling me the surfing tour, camp, excursions, and all other watersport, I specifically release and forever discharge WaterWorld and its affiliates, officers, agents, and employees from any and all liability or claims for injury, illness, death or loss of or damage to property which I may suffer while participating in all watersports and camp activities. This discharge specifically includes, but is not limited to, liability or claims or injury, illness, death or damage caused by the negligence of WaterWorld or its affiliates, officers, agents, or employees. It is my intent by the Waiver and Release Agreement to release WaterWorld and hold it harmless form all liability for any such property loss or damage, personal injury or loss or life, whether caused by the negligence of WaterWorld or whether based upon breach of contract, breach of warranty, or any other legal theory. In signing this document, I fully recognize that if injury, illness, death or damage occurs to me while I am engaged in the surf tour, camp, excursions or any other watersport, I will have no right to make a claim or file lawsuits against WaterWorld or its affiliates, officers, agents, or employees, even if they or any of them negligently cause my injury, illness, death or damage. _____ I understand that in this activity I may result in death, personal injury (including but not limited to paralysis, drowning, exhaustion, dehydration, sunburn, exposure to poisonous and/or carnivorous sea creatures). _____I have swimming experience. _____I understand that in this activity may result in hazards posed by other suffers and their boards. _____WaterWorld staff has answered any questions I have had. _____Should WaterWorld or anyone acting on their behalf, be required to incur in attorney’s fees and costs to enforce this agreement, I agree to indemnify and hold them harmless for all such fees and costs. I HAVE CAREFULLY READ THIS AGREEMENT IN ITS ENTIRITY AND UNDERSTAND ITS CONTENT. I AM AWARE THIS IS AN ASSUMPTION OF RISK, WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND I SIGH IT VOLUNTARILY. I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I SHOULD NOT AND MAY NOT PARTICIPATE IN THIS ACTIVITY IF I AM UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL OR DRUGS. Date_________________ Print Name________________________ Signature________________________. In consideration of _________________________ (print minor’s name) (“Minor”) being permitted by the hereinafter Parent or Guardian to participate in the surf tour, camp, excursions or any other watersport, I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless WaterWorld from any and al claims which are brought by, or behalf of the Minor, and which are in any way connected with surf tour, camp, excursions and any other watersport and the Minor participation in any of the activities mentioned. Date___________________ Print Name________________________ Signature________________________.