Subido por AnghelyAvCa


The temperament is the basic structure on which we build our personality, the first
person to distinguish it was Hippocrates, who made the first classification according to
which humans had within the body certain liquids (called humors) whose balance
determined the temperament of people.
People with a sanguine personality are the soul of the party. They are funny, loud and
in many cases known to all people. They are the type of person who lets their
imagination fly when telling a story and always leaves a memory in the listener. On the
other hand, they are easily distracted, but they have moments of inspiration and
dedication in the activities they do.
People with a phlegmatic personality are that calm person who never loses his
composure and never gets angry. They also have a natural sense of humor and a special
ability to discover the humorous side of others. On the other hand, the phlegmatic
person can become lazy, even when they have excellent ideas and many motivations.
People with melancholic personality are usually shy, sensitive, thinkers, calculators,
dreamers, and detailed artists. They easily concentrate for long periods of time if
something really interests them, however their deeply emotional nature can hold them
back with periods of inconsistency due to their sensitivity.
People with choleric personality is often natural leaders. They are risky, assertive,
confident, strict, and even visionary. The choleric person doesn’t dislike adversity, on
the contrary, they tend to encourage it. They are determined and they don’t give up in
the face of any obstacle. On the other hand, in an extreme case, the choleric person can
become deeply hostile.
In conclusion each of us is born with a predominant temperament or a mixture of these.
Although the temperament is innate to the person, it doesn’t mean that it cannot be
educated. It is also worth mentioning that no temperament is more advantageous than
others, all temperaments have their strengths and weaknesses. It depends on how the
person manages their temperament to take advantage of it.