Subido por maily ok

Predicciones en el video

1. Computers will be able to speak
and interact.
2. 7000 existing languages, will be
reduced to less than 100.
3. Temperature increase in the
4. Deterioration of the ozone layer.
5. Greater impact of UV radiation,
resulting in the skin becoming
dark (evolutionary process) to
protect itself.
6. New traits of genetic mutations.
7. Modification of genes in babies
(before birth) to improve traits in
the offspring and eliminate
diseases that they may have.
8. Appearance of a disease of the
future to end the entire human
9. Colonization of space.
1. Computers manage to have the
computing speed of the human
2. Usefulness of "Fog", small
artificial molecules that can
create spaces (buildings, houses,
etc.) more quickly, and may be
modifiable in the future.
3. Transhumanism, nanobots will be
integrated into the human body to
improve skills.
4. The human capacity is not only
limited to his own philosophy, it
will become a biological mix and
machinery inside.
5. If the temperature increases on
the planet, the body of the people
will be higher and thinner, to
achieve excess heat dissection in
the body.
6. Replicate human brain in
computers, for the duration of
Describe present situations that are likely to result in the scenarios of
probable predictions.
1. Thanks to technological advancement, there are many devices today in daily
use, in which with the help of a specialized program for that area, you can
communicate with it through your voice or application to carry out certain
activities that make it up (cell phones). , computers, home intelligence
devices, etc.). And in the same way between them they can "talk" given to the
integrated program (Siri, Google, etc.).
2. Over the years, there are languages that are prevailing in daily life and
worldwide, being requirements for the future of people (example: English).
Causing that native languages of countries or languages are losing
importance, that there are fewer speakers of it, until achieving its extinction (in
Mexico there are 64 languages that are in danger of extinction).
3. Global temperature is increasing at an increasing rate. A study by researchers
at the U.S. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) reveals that Earth is
entering a period of climate change that is likely to be faster than has
occurred naturally during the last 1,000 years.
4. One of the environmental problems we hear about most often is that of the
destruction of the ozone layer. We know that there is an ozone hole over
Antarctica and that this is detrimental to our planet, and that we humans feed
its growth with pollution and the emission of so-called greenhouse gases.
5. The ozone layer is a thin shield of gas that surrounds Earth. Which protects
us from the dangers of harmful ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. And
because the ozone layer is deteriorating, UV rays hit the earth directly,
causing health problems in humans (cancer, burns, aging , etc.).
6. A human genetic mutation is a permanent alteration in the DNA sequence that
makes up a gene, so the sequence differs from that found in most people.
Mutations vary in size; they can affect from a single block of DNA (base pair)
to a large segment of a chromosome that includes multiple genes. For
example, Progeria, Trimethylaminuria, Proteus Syndrome, Ectrodactyly, etc.
have been presented.
7. The scientists introduced gene editors into developing mice four days before
birth, which would be equivalent to the third trimester in humans.
8. One of the most important diseases this year is the famous Covid-19, a
respiratory disease that can cause death without treatment because it lowers
your body's defenses. It is the current pandemic.
9. The colonization of space, also called humanization of space, is the
hypothetical, permanent and autonomous human settlement in places outside
of Earth. From years past until now, there have been investigations that
humanity can live on Mars in the future.
Describe present situations for which "unlikely" predictions do not occur.
1. The engineer frequently underestimates the brain, an organ whose way of
operating is still "a great unknown", so we must be very careful when talking
about how we could be supplanted by machines: "Computers are not going to
be more smarter than humans. "
2. Although it may be a technological advance for construction, it is not very
favorable for people who currently fulfill that function. And in the same way, it
can be said that it would cost a lot of money for the project to be carried out.
3. As in every generation, there have always been great differences between the
levels of social classes, and in the case of a generation dominated by
technology it will be no different. One of the values of transhumanism
declares that everyone will have access to modifications in the body. This will
be true only if the greedy human heart can be changed. This change will
never be a fact, waiting for it in the natural personality of man is like waiting
for death. Knowing human needs, it can easily be concluded that the values of
transhumanism will be one more object of corruption.
4. The first point mentioned in this section is taken into account.
5. The human body is not only made up of the evolutionary factors for its
permanence on Earth, but it also influences the care that the human being
has with himself. So this prediction is almost impossible to happen.
6. One of the great expectations in the technology industry is that artificial
intelligence is capable of replicating the human brain, a difficult scenario to
achieve. However, those algorithms still cannot discern.