Subido por Manuel Guardia Araujo

SVM Service Setup Manual: Configuration & Settings

Service Setup Manual
Jul. 28th 2018
Main menu
Service setup screen can be accessed from a web browser using
“IPaddress/service”. First to find the IP address of the SVM, run the “FindSVM.exe”
program provided.
“FindSVM.exe” program screen should appear. The SVM should show up in the
screen. Take note of the IP address.
“FindSVM.exe” program screen
In the example shown above, the service setup screen can be accessed from a web
browser using “”.
From the SVM Service setup screen, below functions can be set.
• Internet connection setting (for SVMPC1/2)
• Network setting (for SVMPC1/2)
• Wifi setting (for SVMPC1/2)
• Timezone setting (for SVMPC1)
• Alert mail setting (for SVMPC1/2)
• Controller connection setting(for SVMPC1/2)
• Management Point attribute setting (for SVMPC1/2)
• USB converter model check (for SVMPC1)
• Optional Function settting (for SVMPC1/2)
• Site Information Setup for MSM (for SVMPC1)
• Visual Screen Editor (for SVMPC1)
Service setup screen for SVMPC1
Service setup screen for SVMPC2
These settings will be enable after rebooting SVM controller.
Internet connection setting
To use SVM application from outside of a house, this setting is necessary.
If this setting set to “Enable” then SVM controller connects to SVM internet server
automatically and user can access to this SVM controller from outside of the house.
When you change this setting, it will effect after rebooting the SVM controller.
Network setting
SVM controller has to set network parameter(IP address, netmask, default gateway
and DNS server) and both wired and wireless connection is available.
(1) Get network parameter for SVM controller
First, please get network parameter for SVM controller. IP address, netmask,
default gateway and DNS server information is necessary. When WiFi connection
is used, SSID and PIN also necessary.
(2) Set network parameter
Click “Network Setup” on the service setup screen then Network Setting screen
will appear. On this screen, wired/wireless selection and other network parameter
can be set. IP address setting can either be set to Auto or Fixed. If Auto IP address
is used , the parameters do not need to be set. Please click “Set” button after
setting all parameter. When “OK” dialog will appear, this setting is done.
Wifi setting
(1) Set SSID and PIN code
In case of WiFi connection is selected, click “WiFi Setup(SSID)” to set SSID and
PIN code for WiFi connection on WiFi setting screen. If PIN code is not set for the
WiFi network, then PIN code entry should be empty. Then click “Set” and setup is
finished when “OK” dialog is appeared.
Timezone setting
Click “Timezone setup” on the service menu screen to open setup screen, and
select your timezone in the list.
After selecting the timezone, please click “Set” button to store this setting and
restart SVM controller.
Select timezone from this list
Alert mail setting
Please prepare mail server information below to send e-mail.
SMTP server address
SMTP server port number
SMTP server user name
SMTP server user password
Example: In the case of Gmail
SMTP server address:
SMTP server port number: 587
Note 1: When Gmail server is used, “Allow less secure apps” should set to “ON”.
Otherwise SVM controller cannot send mail to Gamil server.
Note 2: Confirm the SVM controller is connecting to internet connectable network
and set network parameter to access to the internet.
(1) Open alert mail setup screen
First, click “Alert mail setup” on the service setup screen to open alert mail setup
(2) Set parameters to send alert mail
Set below parameter on the screen. And then click “Set” button. It will appear “OK”
dialog when the setting is succeeded. After that, please reboot SVM controller.
Alert Mail
Set to Enable if you want to
use alert mail
SMTP Server
SMTP server address
Get from mail service
SMTP server port number
Get from mail service
Domain Name
Same value can use with SMTP
Get from mail service
SMTP Server User
User name to access to the
SMTP server
Get from mail service
SMTP Server
Password to access to the SMTP
Get from mail service
Sender Name
This will indicate in alert mail
To show who send the alert
Send Address
Mail address to send alert mail
Multi mail address can set
Message language
Select language of alert
mail message
How to set gmail server for SVM alert mail
(1) Open Gmail and sign-in
(2) Select “Settings” from the menu on the top-right of the
(3) Click “Accounts and Import” on the top line.
(4) Click “Other Google Account settings” in “Change
account settings:”.
(5) Click “Sign-in & security”.
(6) Change “Allow less secure apps” to “ON”.
Device connection setting
Device connection setting has to be done during installation process.
(1) USB port connection devices
DTA116A51 and Smart Meter are connected using USB connection in SVM.
Click “Controller Connection Setup” on the service setup screen, then device
connection setting screen will be appeared.
Under “USB port connection devices”, click on “Add” next to DTA116A51. The
Device ID should be “1” and the USB port should be “USB1”.
*Note: SVM supports two DTA116A51 connections. If two DTA116A51
connections are required, ensure the first DTA116A51 connection Device ID is
“1” and USB port is “USB1”, and the second DTA116A51 connection Device ID is
“2” and USB port is “USB2”.
Smart Meter
If smart meter is required, click on “Add” next to Smart Meter. Connect the Smart
Meter USB connection to USB2 if there is only one DTA116A51 connection, or to
USB3 if there are two DTA116A51 connections.
Click on the “Meter Type” column to select the model of the smart meter being
Please click on “Save” button on the bottom of the screen to save all edited settings
and reboot the SVM controller to run with the setting.
(2) LAN connection devices
iTM, iTC, WAGO and D-Mobile are connected using LAN connection in SVM.
Click “Controller Connection Setup” on the service setup screen, then device
connection setting screen will be appeared.
Under “LAN connection devices”, click on “Add” next to the device type you are
connecting to.
The Device ID should be “1”. If more than one of each device connection is
connected, each device connection will need a unique Device ID.
Click on the “IP Address” controller and key in the IP address of the device.
The port number is already set with the default port number for each device type.
Click and change the port number only if the controller’s ports are not using the
default settings.
*Note: Default port number for iTM is 8081, iTC is 80, WAGO and D-Mobile is 502.
Please click on “Save” button on the bottom of the screen to save all edited settings
and reboot the SVM controller to run with the setting.
In case iTM is connected to SVM, port number, user name and password have to
set for iTM. In case iTC is connected to SVM, port number has to set for iTC. Please
refer below in deatil.
iTM network setting
Web I/F server setting
IP address
Port Number
User Name
Note: Please ensure username “svm” and password “svm” is set up in iTM.
iTC system setting
Web Server setting
Port Number
Note: There is no username or password in iTM.
Management Point attribute setting
Sometimes, SVM controller receives incorrect information of management point,
especially in case of iTC, all indoor unit information is incorrect. At that time,
SVM application shows wrong information. To solve this issue, this function can be
This function can modify below attributes of indoor unit.
Cool/heat master: master or slave
Fan step control: 2, 3, 5 or none
Flap control: exist or none
Additionally, if the order of management point on the screen should be changed, if
unnecessary management point should be deleted, then this tool also can be used.
To use this function, click “Point Setup” on the service setup screen. Then please
set management point attribute for each management point by following below
Click here to change cool/heat
master/slave indicated by “M”
or “S”. “-” means don’t specify
master/slave and follows
controller information.
Click here to change
Flap auto mode to
Click here to change
Flap control to
Click here to change
Fan step control to
Drag & Drop each line to change
the order of management point.
Click icon then the color will
change to gray. This means it will
delete this management point.
Save all changes
USB converter model check
This function use to check if a USB converter can use for SVM controller.
Currently, SVM controller can use USB converter which uses PL2303 chip set.
Unfortunately, we have 2 types of USB converter using PL2303 chip set and
CH340 chip set in the market and both are the same look.
To check the converter, click “USB converter check” on
the service setup screen after connecting the converter to
the SVM controller. If the converter is correct model then it
will show “pl2030” on the screen. Unfortunately, it’s the
wrong one, then it will show “ch340” or “ch341”.
Optional function setting
Click “Optional Function Setup” on the service menu screen to open setup screen
and select the optional functions.
PPD function – Enable this function if PPD billing is used.
MSM Connection – Enable this function if SVM is required to connect to MSM.
After selecting the optional functions, please click “Set” button to store this setting.
Restart SVM controller.
Site Information Setup for MSM
Click “Site Information Setup for MSM” on the service menu screen to open setup
screen to setup local site information for MSM.
Site Name – Name of the current local SVMPC1 site.
Floor Size – Floor size of the current local SVMPC1 site.
Location – Address of the current local SVMPC1 site.
After keying in the local site information, please click “Save” button to save.
Restart SVM controller.
Visual Screen Editor
Visual Screen Editor is a tool to make visualized monitoring screen. To open this
tool, click “Visual Screen Editor” in the Service Menu.
SVMPC1 has 2 types of monitoring screen, Top screen and Section screen. The
Top screen displays screen buttons that access to the Section screens. The
Section screen displays management point cell/icon. These screens can be
modified by specifying background image and changing the location of screen
buttons and management point icon on this tool.
Visual Screen editor for Top Screen
Save Data button
Screen button
Screen Type switch
Screen edit area
Visual Screen editor for Section Screen
Save Data button
Management point icon
Section screen list
Screen Type switch
Screen edit area
Switching To Visual Screen
Under standard mode, screen buttons and management point cells are displayed
in a fixed title pattern on monitoring screen. This monitoring screen is called
“Standard mode”. It is necessary to change to “Visual mode” to make visualized
screen. To change to Visual mode is just switch to “Visual” in Screen Type. When
the Screen Type is changed to Visual, Background Image selection button will be
For Top screen
Switch to Visual Mode
Standard Mode
Background Image selection button
For Section screen
Switch to Visual Mode
Standard Mode
Background Image selection button
Set Background Image
Both Top Screen and Section Screen, a background image can be selected and
set in the Visual mode by clicking Background Image selection button. When it is
clicked, File Dialog will be appear to chose an image file. An image file is selected,
the image will be shown on the screen edit area.
Appear File Dialog
Relocating the screen buttons and management points
At first, all the screen buttons and management point icons will be aligned
together at the top left corner. All buttons and icons should be moved to required
point. It just can be done by drag & drop by mouse.
Tips : Drag & drop with Shift Key to allow easy aligning of buttons and icons.
Drag & drop to
make a layout
All buttons and icons
located here in the initial
Save Data
Save Data button saves all screen layout data to SVMPC1. Don’t forget to save data
before leaving this tool. Otherwise all layout data will be missing.