Subido por Juan daniel Rojas Sánchez

SP7700 4 2.2

1: Bienvenido a esta lección.
Bienvenido a la Lección 2, Parte 2 en la que cubriremos el tema de la Convergencia en el Edificio y el UCG - Red
de Conectividad Universal.
Copyright © 2020 CommScope Inc y Cableing Science Ltd. Todos los derechos reservados.
2: Perspectiva alcista para IoT en edificios comerciales.
Se espera que las aplicaciones de IoT exploten, junto con la construcción de ciudades inteligentes, edificios
inteligentes, fábricas y sistemas de transporte. Estas fuerzas del mercado subrayan una perspectiva
extremadamente alcista para IoT en edificios comerciales y Gartner ha estimado que para 2020, al menos 20,8
mil millones de dispositivos habilitados para IP estarán conectados a nuestras redes. El valor de un edificio
habilitado para IoT no está solo en términos de eficiencia del propietario, sino también en el potencial de
diferenciarse en un entorno competitivo.
Copyright © 2020 CommScope Inc y Cableing Science Ltd. Todos los derechos reservados.
3: El Internet de las Cosas.
IoT technology involve a network of interconnected devices or systems, which communicate and share data with
other smart devices. It allows us to access the information we need and to make informed decisions based on
real-time data, and it can enable us to personalize and control systems that we couldn't previously. When we
bring this indoors, it is what's known as the Building Internet of Things, or BIoT. With BIoT, the sensors,
electronics and network connectivity enables real-time remote management and data acquisition from such
systems as security, fire detection, lighting, HVAC, and elevators. The only way an IoT device can add value is if it
is connected - providing important data for analysis. However, there are many connectivity schemes.
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4: IoT - Multiple Technologies for Connectivity.
These are but a few of the connectivity technologies that are being proposed - there is definitely not going to be a
single standard or a 'one size fits all' approach. Buildings will need to be able to support a combination of these both wired and wireless. And behind every wireless network, there is a wired network to provide the backbone
link. So, the infrastructure will be critical to the successful implementation of the IoT.
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5: IoT Driving Growth of Connections.
IoT is clearly driving, and will continue to drive, the growth in the number of connections. Today, there is a growing
overlap between facility and IT systems and IP networks are extending into non-traditional IT environments. As a
result, there are now several standards supporting the design and implementation practices for BIoT or Intelligent
Building. Having guidelines available to us goes a long way to not only setting the expectations of a successful
rollout, but also ensuring the longevity of deployments for years to come.
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6: IoT Infrastructure - Historical Model.
The trend that has a direct impact on infrastructure is IP convergence - the consolidation of multiple different
applications over twisted pair cabling. Most of these have migrated to Ethernet. Examples are shown: For
security, analog systems have traditionally used 75 Ohm coax and have moved to IP security, over twisted pair
cabling. For A/V, many different protocols and cabling have been used but much is moving to HDBASE-T over
twisted pair cabling. Lighting is moving to LED and again using twisted pair cabling. BMS is migrating to Ethernet
based systems over twisted pair cabling and lastly, IBW is moving from analog, RF based 50 Ohm coax to
enterprise based digital DAS, but more on this later.
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7: Infrastructure & IoT - New Model.
Now these applications can share common infrastructure, a single installation is required rather than many
different ones at different times. This coordination can simplify installation and any changes, as more and more
systems migrate to twisted pair.
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8: The Changing Landscape for Applications.
The ways buildings are occupied and used are changing, and that change goes hand in hand with the emergence
of a wider range of networked applications, beyond the traditional desktop connectivity to wireless, security,
lighting, sensors, building controls and networked signage, among others. This results in a diversification of end
points, which are now found in an increasing number of locations and with various degrees of density
requirements. Building application speeds now span from low bit rates to multi gigabits, with remote powering
requirements driving towards the adoption of Power over Ethernet virtually everywhere in the building.
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9: How Can the Physical Layer Impact Network Reliability?
The physical layer plays an important part in ensuring the network not only stays up, but performs to its full
potential. Copper cabling delivers both data and power as more and more devices rely on structured cabling to
provide low voltage power. Wireless networks, and their backbone infrastructure, provide coverage throughout the
building, ensuring that the network remains up and running. Proactive monitoring technology like AIM can ensure
that mean time to service or mean time to repair is minimized.
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10: PoE & Converged Infrastructure.
From traditional IT (VoIP phones and Wi-Fi access points), security (IP cameras and access cards), A/V (monitors
and digital signage), facilities (LED lighting and HVAC valves) and CRE (occupancy sensors) - all are utilizing
structured cabling and forcing an infrastructure convergence to Ethernet. Power over Ethernet (PoE) continues to
evolve through higher and higher power levels, which greatly increases the number and type of devices that can
be connected, powered and managed over a single cable. Over the past decade, PoE has emerged as a key
powering strategy, using twisted-pair structured cabling to provide both power and data to many network devices.
It often lowers the cost of deployment, as there is no need for additional AC outlets at the location of powered
devices. PoE falls under the IEEE802.3 Ethernet standards which continues to evolve with higher PoE levels. The
original IEEE 802.3af standard provides up to 15.4 watts of dc power and uses two of the four twisted pairs in the
structured cabling. This is enough to power a wide variety of network devices, including VoIP phones, simple
networked security cameras, WAPs and building and access control devices. IEEE 802.3at raised the supply up
to 30 watts of dc average power over two pairs. However, the breadth of existing devices utilizing PoE has driven
suppliers to demand more from the underlying infrastructure so that higher-level PoE can be supplied. The latest
IEEE 802.3bt standard created four-pair PoE. This set targets to provide up to 90 Watts and 0.48 Amps per
conductor on all eight conductors of the cable, extending the specifications to the limits allowed for limited power
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11: PoE Evolution.
As PoE continues to evolve through higher and higher power levels, more and more devices can be connected,
powered and managed over a single cable. However there may be implications to your installed cabling
performance. Increased temperature of installed cables will increase channel attenuation/insertion loss and has
an impact on the channel's signal to noise ratio seen at the powered device. Temperatures beyond specified
operating temperature could also result in accelerated aging and degradation of the insulation and jacket material.
This could potentially cause a liability issue associated with the product warranty. The improved insertion loss of
Category 6A cabling corresponds with the use of typically larger conductor sizes, which reduces dc resistance
associated with temperature rises. While the existing 802.3at standard kept current and power levels at a point
that could be supported by existing cabling, the ongoing evolution of PoE to four-pair powering and 802.3bt
bandwidth needs, really take advantage of Category 6A's performance.
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12: PoE - Relevant Standards.
CommScope has been deeply involved in the IEEE, TIA and CENELEC standards around remote powering,
including the imminent 4-pair PoE. They address several concerns associated with delivering power over the
structured cabling, as well as defining guidelines for proper design, installation and administration of systems
used for remote powering.
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13: Indoor Mobility Challenge.
Almost all of us have access to high-performance desktop PCs and/or laptops, which are networked through
wired connections or unlicensed wireless spectrum via Wi-Fi. Mobile devices such as cellular smartphones have
become another reliable and compelling option when connecting indoors. Consumers also don't really care about
the technology behind their wireless connection - they just want it to work well! Given this expectation, wireless
and wired connectivity in the building is now as important a building utility as water, power and HVAC.
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14: Wi-Fi Application Standards.
Today's mobile worker usually uses multiple Wi-Fi devices, not just one. These users are adding proportionally
larger traffic loads to the wireless LAN, which has outpaced wired Ethernet as the default enterprise access
network. It is interesting to note that the data rate needs of Wireless Access Points are increasing at a much
faster rate than the underlying wired (1Gbps) Ethernet speeds. An infrastructure built using Category 6
(Potentially capable of up to 5Gbps) could at best only support WAPs through the short term. The IEEE802.11ac
WiFi5 standard supports up to 7Gbps in the 5GHz band, and therefore requires sufficient backhaul speed to
support this. Soon we will see high-end 802.11ax WiFI6 WAPs that will require a full 10Gbps running to them.
These trends, much like PoE previously discussed, drive the need for Category 6A cabling to support future
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15: In-building Wireless Solutions.
Wi-Fi alone isn't sufficient to provide the needed coverage services and mobility, despite the growing use of Wi-Fi
based voice calling today. The need to increase wireless coverage and capacity within an increasingly crowded
ecosystem has led to a variety of alternative solutions. The deployment of what are known as 'small cells' is a
recent development to provide cellular coverage and capacity indoors and out. These are promoted for their
ability to help operators achieve higher radio density and increased capacity, a major challenge in today's
congested environments. A new small cell architecture known as Cloud Radio Access Network or C-RAN has
emerged and can support deployments spanning the size of a large office and public venues. This architecture
operates over conventional Ethernet switches, cabling and PoE, making it easier to install and maintain without
expensive or specialized expertise. At the same time, the use of Distributed Antenna Systems or DAS for short,
has exploded as facility owners and operators strive to satisfy the growing demand for seamless high-speed
indoor coverage. DAS has been used extensively over the past years in large stadiums, airports and other public
buildings such as convention centers and shopping centers/malls. Recent advances in DAS have helped the
technology scale its cost down to economically serve larger office buildings and enterprises. This class of product
is sometimes referred to as Digital or Enterprise DAS. In addition of being a multiband, multi-operator and multitechnology solution, it operates over a Category 6A and standard fiber-optic infrastructure, making it friendly to
both wireless operators and business enterprises alike. Ultimately, deploying the right infrastructure is critical, and
that starts with the selection of the right design and the right media.
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16: Low Voltage Over Twisted Pair Revolution.
Over the past decades, network managers, installers, and integrators have used structured cabling to provide
both power and data to many of their network devices. During this time, growing demand has driven
advancements in the technology to supply greater amounts of power and bandwidth, which is continuously
expanding the number of devices that twisted pair can support. Just as the breadth of supported devices has
expanded, so has the way we think about the infrastructure. We've moved from thinking about voice and data to
mobility (providing a consistent connectivity experience regardless of where people are or what device they're
using). Building automation has evolved to energy efficiency (reducing costs and improving sustainability
initiatives). Data acquisition enables us to leverage the Internet of Things to better understand our environments
and how they are used, informing decision making and creating opportunities to improve space utilization, reduce
costs, and enhance productivity. It's no longer about devices, it's about applications.
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17: Broadest Application Support.
What these applications have in common is that they can all be supported by the twisted pair infrastructure.
Wireless networks are pushing the horizontal bandwidth from 1G to 10G. Category 6A provides more than
enough bandwidth for high capacity wireless networks. 4-pair Power over Ethernet can deliver up to 90W of
power to endpoint devices, supporting BAS devices, wireless access points, security cameras, access control,
and many more. LED lighting can be powered and automated to maximize energy efficiency. Networked sensors
provide a permanent infrastructure for acquiring granular data, without limitations of changing batteries or
interfering with wireless bands. Utilizing technologies such as HDBASE-T, audio, HD video, control, connectivity
and power can be sent over a structured cabling channel, exceeding the distance limitations of HDMI.
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18: Category 6A Recommendations in Cabling Standards.
So, based on these applications, what cabling type should we install for new projects? The cabling standards are
increasingly recommending Category 6A for all new installs based on its ability to support both higher bandwidth
and higher power. Whether it's for specific verticals like intelligent buildings, education, healthcare, or data
centers, or specific applications, like Wi-Fi, 10G or PoE, the recommendation is loud and clear - Category 6A is
the way forward!! Applications are only going to need more power and bandwidth, so a foundation that supports
both is key!
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19: Universal Connectivity Grid.
The Universal Connectivity Grid is an evolved approach to horizontal zone cabling and divides the usable floor
space into a grid of evenly sized service areas. Horizontal cabling runs from the telecommunications room to a
consolidation point located within each service area, which supports the various system devices within its cell. All
of this is supported by high performance Category 6A and fiber cabling.
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20: UCG - A Converged Cabling Approach.
So, what is a UCG? It's a zone cabling approach to support a wide range of networked applications through a
common infrastructure in commercial buildings - and provides design guidelines and recommendations to
facilitate infrastructure planning and deployment. Maximum operational efficiency can be realized by deploying a
grid-based layout with distribution boxes to improve administration and minimize the cost and disruption when
providing additional services or space reconfigurations in a commercial building.
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21: UCG - A Converged Cabling Approach.
As discussed, Wi-Fi backhaul speeds exceed one gigabit with the latest generation of access points, so Category
6A is becoming widely recognized as the optimal media for the wireless infrastructure. Newer In-Building Wireless
systems are increasingly being designed to operate on twisted pair cabling with performance up to Category 6A
to deliver multi-band, multi-operator and multi-technology capabilities. Newer lighting systems with highly efficient
LED lights and integrated sensing and control capabilities rely on twisted pair cabling to deliver a highperformance building intelligence platform. Category 5e cabling can be used to support the newer LED lighting
systems, but Category 6A cabling offers improved efficiency for power delivery.
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22: UCG - A Converged Cabling Approach.
State-of-the-art audiovisual services increasingly rely on twisted pair cabling and PoE to support a range of
devices including projectors, touch screens, digital displays, electronic white boards and other high definition
video and audio devices. Category 6A cabling provides optimal performance in support of the growing bandwidth
demands for high definition video and audio and to support the PoE requirements of the newer A/V systems. Add
the above to traditional BAS systems and a common twisted pair media can be deployed to support building
automation and access control systems. Category 6A cabling can be deployed to support many devices that rely
on legacy protocols in and newer devices that rely on IP communication. Additionally, a growing number of
building automation and access control devices are becoming PoE enabled.
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23: UCG.
UCG is zone cabling in the ceiling and adds Wi-Fi, IBW, lighting and sensing to traditional building zone
applications. It is based on the grid layout and cell size per TSB-162-B which we will look at shortly. A common
connectivity platform provides infrastructure efficiencies from the design phase to the operations phase of an
intelligent building. Product cost and installation efficiencies can be identified at the design phase and realized at
the installation phase by addressing common media and pathway requirements.
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24: UCG.
The maximum recommended cell size for UCG is 60 feet by 60 feet (18.3 meters by 18.3 meters), based on the
TIA-162-A recommendations for a grid of evenly spaced cells designed to support easy deployment and
upgrades of wireless access points (WAPs) as shown in the left figure (similar recommendations exist in ISO/IEC
TR 24704, which are shown in right figure). Smaller 40-foot x 40-foot (12.2 meter x 12.2 meter) cells should be
considered when Wi-Fi is expected to be used as a primary network access method, or in high-user-density
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25: UCG.
By defining UCG cells based on wireless coverage areas, UCG is ideally suited to support a diverse set of
wireless applications, but can also be deployed as an overlay to the traditionally wired LAN architecture to
specifically support all ceiling-based applications. In more robust designs, it can be used as a common
architecture for both ceiling-based applications and workstation cabling. In order to serve increasingly demanding
applications in the building, including Wi-Fi, in-building wireless, and Power over Ethernet (PoE).
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26: UCG Horizontal Cabling.
The horizontal channel design for the UCG is based on the standard 100-meter, four-connection channel, as
illustrated. This will commonly be used for workstation cabling or connecting IP devices such as projectors or
digital displays that may require a wall-mounted outlet. For runs longer than 100 meters, powered hybrid fiberoptic cable makes it possible to connect more remote devices, such as IP cameras or remote Wi-Fi access
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27: UCG Horizontal Cabling.
In other scenarios however, ceiling-mounted devices - such as occupancy sensors, wireless access points or
security cameras - may use the CP as a static termination point, and not require installation of an additional
outlet. In these cases, the endpoint device will not use a zone cord, but will be connected directly to the CP with a
patch cord.
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28: UCG Horizontal Cabling.
Ceiling connector assemblies provide a flexible way to add connected devices with the simple use of insulationdisplacement connection (IDC) technology and factory-terminated patch cords. Ceiling connector assemblies
remove the need to perform problematic and time-consuming modular plug field terminations - a procedure
complicated by tight quarters when working inside the ceiling. The use of a ceiling connector assembly to connect
a Wi-Fi access point is shown. When designing channels for UCG, the maximum horizontal distance must take
into account the expected length of the zone cords to the outlet at the work area. When the length of cordage
(including equipment cords, zone cords and cross-connect cords) exceeds 10 meters, the maximum channel
length should be calculated according to the formula: Total cord length in meters ≤ (102-horizontal)/1.2. Horizontal
length in meters ≤ 102 - 1.2 (total cord length).
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29: UCG Horizontal Cabling.
When the UCG is intended to support workstation applications in a 60-foot x 60-foot grid, a conservative estimate
of 23 meters for the zone cords can be established by estimating a 15-meter radius in the ceiling to the farthest
point where cables would run down a wall or pole, and adding eight meters for routing of the cable to the TOs.
Using the TIA formula and assuming an additional 10 meters of cross-connect and equipment cords with 20
percent higher attenuation than cable, the maximum horizontal distance for this configuration is 62 meters, as
shown. When the UCG is intended to support workstation applications in a 40-foot x 40-foot grid, a conservative
estimate of 20 meters for the zone cords can be established by estimating a 12-meter radius in the ceiling to the
farthest point where cables would run down a wall or pole, and adding eight meters for routing of the cable to the
TOs. Using the TIA formula and assuming an additional 10 meters of cross-connect and equipment cords with 20
percent higher attenuation than cable, the maximum horizontal distance for this configuration is 66 meters.
Copyright © 2020 CommScope Inc and Cabling Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
30: UCG Horizontal Cabling.
While optimal flexibility comes from using IP connectivity for as many endpoints as possible, some systems may
also require a gateway to integrate non-IP devices onto the network, or a unique type of non-category cable. For
these systems, the category cabling must comply with horizontal distance requirements for the structured cabling
channel. Note also that there may be additional requirements specific to the system being installed, and this is
discussed more fully later in this course.
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31: Consolidation Points (CPs).
Determining the type and size of CPs utilized for each cell depends on the number of devices intended to be
served, ease of accessibility requirements, whether the CP will also house gateways or other active components,
and building code requirements. CPs should be sized to accommodate the amount of cabling needed per UCG
cell plus spare capacity for future additions. CommScope's UCG Design Document includes recommendations for
the number of ports that should be planned for different applications. As a general guideline, though, planning in
20 to 50 percent spare capacity provides sufficient flexibility for future growth. Some non-typical cabling needs,
such as IP gateways, may require active electronics. In this case, power will be needed at the zone. There are
two options for this scenario: 1. Provide a zone enclosure that accommodates power. The outlet will need to be
provided in the enclosure to meet code requirements and space in the enclosure shall be provided to
accommodate the electronics power cabling. 2. Provide an enclosure adjacent to the zone enclosure that will
house the electronics and power outlet and meet all the space's UL and plenum requirements. Systems that
require support for active electronics may include A/V systems with media converters or transceivers, BAS or
lighting control systems with media gateways, PON systems with distributed ONT devices, or audio paging or
sound masking systems with local distributed repeaters and amplifiers.
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32: Planning Connectivity for UCG Cells.
The number of CPs needed per UCG cell will vary depending on the specific type and quantities of systems
deployed, as well as environmental factors such as furniture layout and the configuration of walls and corridors.
The CommScope recommendations are intended to serve as general guidelines and considerations for predesign planning of port counts to support common building systems in an open office environment. Tables in the
CommScope guidelines provide recommended port counts for planning systems that are consistently deployed
throughout open office spaces with 60-foot x 60-foot or 40-foot x 40-foot cells. Some systems commonly deployed
in buildings include widely-distributed endpoint devices, which are less consistent in placement. As a practical
matter, such devices should be located independently of the grid, but mapped to the appropriate CP within the
cell where they reside.
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33: Planning Connectivity for UCG Cells.
As a final point of discussion, another emerging technology is single pair Ethernet - this is in early stages in IEEE
standards groups and CommScope are actively participating in its development. CommScope recently presented
some concepts for a 1-pair connector at the last IEEE meeting and have published a white paper on the progress
of one-pair in the standards bodies. Originally developed for the automotive industry, which is moving their
proprietary wiring harnesses to twisted pair supporting Ethernet, this technology could be used to provide an
economical approach to wired connections for IoT devices.
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34: Planning Connectivity for UCG Cells.
A typical application, using the UCG concept, shows the traditional 4-pair drops and single pair extensions to IoT
devices - sensors, controllers, etc that need low data rate and low power. If you think of all of the building
applications that make up IoT, there are several here, showing power and bandwidth requirements, that could be
candidates for single pair Ethernet.
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35: That Completes This Lesson.
That completes this lesson. Please go to the assessment area and take the Lesson 2 assessment before
continuing on with Lesson 3. Thank You.
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