Subido por Jerson Jair

Assignment Lesson 2

Assignment Lesson 2
Jerson Espinosa
I. Find the translation of the following words (they will help you to solve the second part
of this assignment)
1. Accomplishment: realizacion o logro
2. Achievement: logro
3. Actual: de hecho
4. Available: disponible
5. Alone: solo
6. Factory: fabrica
7. Framework: Marco de referencia
8. Goal: meta
9. Leadership: liderazo
10. Library: libreria
11. Manor: Señorio
12. Performance: Rendimiento
13. Phase: Fase
14. Remark: Comentario
15. Role: Rol
16. Scholar: escolar
17. Set: poner
18. Shop: compra
19. Though: Aunque
20. Toward: Hacia
21. Vehicle: vehiculo
II. Underline the subject, highlight the verb and translate the following sentences into
Example: The process of controlling is a very important task of the
manager. The process of controlling is a very important task of the
El proceso de control es una de las muy importantes tareas de un administrador.
1. The act of planning is one of the manager´s functions.
El acto de planificar es una de las funciones del gerente.
2. The term “managing” was used to refer to the training or the handling of horses.
El término "gestión" se utilizó para referirse al entrenamiento o al manejo de
3. The role of management is that of moving organizations toward goal
El papel de la gerencia es el de mover a las organizaciones hacia el logro de
4. The process of attaining organizational goals is developes through people.
El proceso de alcanzar los objetivos de la organización se desarrolla a través
de las personas.
5. The second step in the management process is that of organizing.
The second step in the management process is that of organizing.
6. Some individuals have the need of leading others.
Algunas personas tienen la necesidad de liderar a otras.
7. Some individuals have the need of being led by others.
Algunos individuos tienen la necesidad de ser guiados por otros.