REGULAR VERBS LIST ADD “ED” ADD “D” ADD “IED” Simple form Simple Past Simple form Simple Past Simple form Simple Past borrow borrowed blame blamed dry dried need needed note noted cry cried play played practice practiced study studied plan planned scare scared Fry Fried Enjoy Enjoyed Identify identified Walk walked like liked Try tried wash washed dance danced Bury buried Ask asked like liked wish wished live lived fix fixed use used clean cleaned Die died celebrate celebrated Carry carried work worked Type typed Open opened Love loved Push pushed Arrive arrived Start started Invite invited Look looked Use used Clean cleaned Watch watched Stop stopped Visit Visited IRREGULAR VERBS GROUP 1.- This group of verbs are the same in the simple form, simple past and past participle. spanish simple form simple past past participle 1 costar-valer cost cost cost 2 3 4 cortar golpear herir cut hit hurt cut hit hurt cut hit hurt 5 permitir let let let 6 poner- colocar put put put 7 leer read read read 8 poner- colocar set set set 9 extender-untar spread spread spread 10 cerrar shut shut shut In group 2, the verbs in simple past and past participle end in ought y aught simple form simple past past participle 11 traer-llevar bring brought brought 12 comprar luchar contra-pelear 13 contra buscar-solicitar14 ambicionar buy bought bought fight fought fought seek sought sought 15 pensar-reflexionar think thought thought 16 capturar catch caught caught 17 enseñar teach taught taught spanish In group 3, the verbs in simple past and past participle end in ept. spanish simple form simple past past participle 18 guardar-conservar keep kept kept 19 dormir sleep slept slept 20 barrer sweep swept swept In group 4, take the second vowel out from the verbs in simple form and you get the verbs in simple past and past participle. spanish simple form simple past past participle 21 correr speed sped sped 22 conocer-encontrarse meet met met 23 disparar shoot shot shot In group 5, substitute the d in the verbs in simple form for a t and you get the verbs in simple past and past participle. spanish simple form simple past past participle 24 prestar-hipotecar lend lent lent 25 enviar send sent sent 26 gastar spend spent spent In group 6, the verbs in simple past and past participle end in old. spanish simple form simple past past participle 27 vender sell sold sold 28 decir tell told told In group 7, substitute the y in the verbs in simple form for id and you get the verbs in simple past and past participle. spanish simple form simple past past participle 29 extender-poner lay laid laid 30 pagar pay paid paid 31 decir say said said In group 8, the verbs in simple past and past participle end in lt. spanish simple form simple past past participle 32 sentir feel felt felt 33 arrodillarse kneel knelt knelt In group 9, the verbs in simple past and past participle end in ung. spanish simple form simple past past participle 34 colgar hang hung hung 35 balancear swing swung swung In group 10, the verbs in simple past and past participle end in stood, spanish simple form simple past past participle 36 pararse stand stood stood 37 entender understand understood understood simple form simple past past participle 38 encontrar find found found 39 enrollar wind wound wound in group 11 end in ound. spanish In group 12, verbs in simple form and past participle are the same. Verbs in simple past end in came. spanish 40 volverse-convertirse en 41 venir-llegar simple form simple past past participle become come became came become come In group 13, replace the vowel in simple form for an “a” an to get verbs in simple past and for an “u” to get verbs in past participle. spanish simple form simple past past participle 42 43 empezar-comenzar beber-tomar begin drink began drank begun drunk 44 45 46 47 timbrar - sonar correr cantar nadar ring run sing swim rang rang sang swam rung rung sung swum In group 14, verbs in simple past end in ew and verbs in past participle end in own/awn. spanish simple form simple past past participle 48 soplar-volar 49 dibujar blow draw blew drew blown drawn 50 51 52 53 fly grow know throw flew grew knew threw flown grown known thrown volar crecer saber-conocer tirar-lanzar In group 15, verbs in simple past end in ore and verbs in past participle end in orn spanish simple form simple past past participle 54 soportar-aguntar-resistir 55 jurar-prometer bear swear bore swore born sworn 56 arranca-rasgar 57 vestir-usar tear wear tore wore torn worn In group 16, verbs in simple past end in oke and verbs in past participle end in oken spanish 58 romper-quebrar 59 hablar 60 despertar simple form simple past past participle break speak wake broke spoke woke broken spoken woken In group 17, verbs in simple past end in ook and verbs in past participle end in aken spanish simple form simple past past participle 61 confundir 62 adelantar-rebasar mistake overtake mistook overtook mistaken overtaken 63 agitar-sacudir 64 llevar-agarrar 65 emprender-comenzar-empezar shake take undertake shook took undertook shaken taken undertaken In group 18, verbs in simple past end in ove/ave and verbs in past participle end in iven 66 67 68 69 spanish simple form simple past past participle conducir perdonar dar esforzar-luchar drive forgive give strive drove forgave gave strove driven forgiven given striven In group 19, verbs in simple past change one vowel and verbs in past participle end in en spanish simple form simple past past participle 70 manejar-montar 71 olvidar ride forget rode forgot ridden forgotten 72 obtener 73 escribir get write got wrote gotten written Taken from