Subido por Tatiana Cordoba

Engineering Uncertainty & Risk Analysis Book Review

Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2011) 25:1027
DOI 10.1007/s00477-011-0500-x
Sergio E. Serrano: Engineering uncertainty and risk analysis:
balanced approach to probability, statistics, stochastic
modeling, and stochastic differential equations
Published 2011 by HydroScience Inc., Ambler, USA; ISBN 978-0-9655643-1-1,
462 pp (available from, paperback US $193)
Ronny Berndtsson
Published online: 26 May 2011
Ó Springer-Verlag 2011
Uncertainty and risk analyses are becoming more and more
important in engineering sciences due to increasing climatic variation and other types of natural hazards. On
average, every year infrastructure damages caused by
earthquakes, floods, typhoons and other catastrophic events
induce costs corresponding to hundreds of billions of
dollars besides thousands of lives lost. Consequently,
uncertainty and risk analyses are some of the most
important subjects for engineers. In line with this, the
author, Prof. Sergio E. Serrano, Temple University, has
issued a second, completely revised text book on the
The book is a comprehensive collection of stochastic
and statistical engineering techniques with uncertainty and
risk analyses that are applicable in a broad range of problems. The focus is clearly on engineering applications
rather than on theoretical derivation. Even rather advanced
techniques involving nonlinear differential equations are
solved analytically in supplied codes and presented with
illustrative examples. The strong and very useful aspect of
this text book is that it contains a multitude of solved
examples as well as problems with answers. Consequently,
the potential reader of this book might be engineering
students as well as professional engineers.
The book consists of fourteen chapters starting with a
discussion of engineering uncertainty analysis and ending
with a summary and discussion on seven steps for analysis
of engineering problems. Chapter 2 introduces concepts of
probability and frequency. Chapter 3 clarifies the concept
of random variables with discrete and continuous variables.
Chapter 4 then introduces the basics of random system
modeling and Monte Carlo simulation. Chapter 5 presents
the concept of several random variables and Chapter 6
introduces basic ideas of statistics. Chapter 7 shows how to
fit probabilistic models to experimental data and then follows linear regression in Chapter 8. Chapter 9 explains how
to develop models for reliability of engineering systems
and Chapter 10 shows how to design engineering experiments. In Chapter 11 methods for testing experimental
data are introduced together with ANOVA techniques.
Chapter 12 is a synthesis of previous chapter in the way
that it explains and visualizes random processes using
explained Maple codes. Finally, Chapter 13 introduces
novel techniques to solve linear and nonlinear differential
equations by means of analytical methods.
The above shows that it is a very comprehensive text
book on uncertainty and risk. This together with solved
examples and included Maple codes makes it one of the
most useful books on the market for teaching engineering
students as well solving practical engineering problems
involving risk and uncertainty estimation. I am sure that the
book will have a significant positive impact on improving
engineering solving during coming decades.
R. Berndtsson (&)
Department of Water Resources Engineering and Center
for Middle Eastern Studies, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
e-mail: [email protected]