Subido por Miguel Angel

Technical Aspects of Grafting: A Horticultural Guide

Ing. Cathrin Steenhoek
• The end results present in the presentation are mostly
based on Dutch conditions and on experience from tests
and practice.
Although the presentation has been compiled with the
utmost care, the Ruiter Seeds accept no responsibility
whatsoever for the results of the grafting method shown.
Introduction in Grafting
Grafting is an easy way to produce new seedlings,
which can tolerate various stresses.
The grafting of cultural varieties onto a rootstock is
a well known process and has been practiced for
many years.
Actually the grafting itself has a long history.
Introduction in Grafting
History of grafting:
• known in China 1000 years A.C.
• Aristoteles speaks about this topic in details
(383 - 322 A.C.)
• grafting was popular during the Roman Empire
• during Renaissance the interest in Grafting Technique
• grafting was used by the UK in XVI century
Introduction in Grafting
• Japan starts grafting in 1914 in order to prevent Fusarium
in watermelon
Nara Agricultural University published in 1917 the grafting
technique “Pua” (cleft grafting)
Watanabe developed in 1923 the “Pua Oblicua”
(other method of cleft grafting)
Approach Technique in Japan was introduced in 1950
from Europe
Introduction in Grafting
• Holland started grafting of Cucurbits in 1947
• in 1962 grafting of Solanacea started in Europe
• top grafting is a rapidly growing technique for growers;
the number of grafted plants is increasing year by year
• most common method now:
Japanese Top Grafting
Introduction in Grafting
Japanese Top Grafting
• cut off the rootstock at a 45º angle
• cut off the variety at a 45º angle
• put the scion (variety) straight on top of the rootstock
• keep it together with a silicon grafting clip
Grafting process
Stages of grafting
Seeding the rootstock
Seeding the variety
Grafting handling
Potting and spacing
Grafting process - Planning
make choice of the rootstock depending on:
– resistances (Beaufort, Maxifort TmKNVF2Fr)
– vigour desired
make choice of the cultural variety
make choice of the clip size (Ø1,2 / 1,5 / 2,0 / 2,5 mm)
germination trials of the rootstock and the variety
--> when is the stem of the plant thick enough for the clip ?
--> what is the germination behavior
---> what is de germination percentage?
Grafting process - Planning
• sowing date depends on
Root stock
size of
plant growth
(in the specific climate
stems of the rootstock
and scion must have
the same thickness
rootstock and scion can
only be grafted together
during a short period
Grafting process - Seeding rootstock
• Beaufort and Maxifort are light germinator’s; the amount
of light being the most important factor to achieve even
growth of the plants
germination temperature 24ºC / 26ºC
cover lightly to prevent dehydration, for example with
vermiculite (nr. 3)
keep tray surface wet enough
EC 1.5 - 2.0 mS/cm
pH 6.0 - 6.5
4.500 lux/m2 (05:00 – 16:00hrs)
sowing date depends on the results of the germination
Grafting process - Seeding rootstock
Grafting process - Seeding variety
• sowing date depends on
the results of
the germination trial
sowing date mostly 1 to 3
day’s later
than the rootstock
follow your own way of
Grafting process - Preparation
Grafting process - Preparation
The tunnel
• in area without direct sunlight
• use strong transparent plastic (0,05 mm)
• 40 a 50 cm high
• only use new (clean) plastic
• only use clean other material
• don’t make the tent or tunnel too big / long
• next grafting day - next tunnel...
Grafting process - Preparation
Grafting process - Preparation
Grafting process - Preparation
The plants
• the rootstock must be sorted according to stem
thickness, at least 2 day’s before grafting (plants need
time to recover)
• take hold of the plants by the plug
• the ideal thickness for start grafting is 1.5mm
• sorting gives the plants more space for the grafting
handling (distance between stems about 8 cm) and
gives better growth of the rootstock
• spacing the variety is not necessary (but can be
Grafting process - Preparation
Grafting process - Preparation
Grafting process - Preparation
Working place
• avoid direct sunlight during the grafting handling and on
the grafted plants
• grafting place if possible next to the tunnel
• no transport, if possible
• grafted tray’s must be placed into the tunnel
very quickly
• clean working place, new clips and new knives
• desinfect your hands (solution of Dettol or Vircon)
• don’t smoke during grafting or next to the plants
Grafting process - Preparation
Grafting process - Preparation
Grafting process - Preparation
Grafting process - Grafting handling
Method 1
• first cut all the heads of
the rootstock in a single
tray at an angle of ± 45
• by cutting them on a
angel, you get a larger
cutting surface, so that
the scion can attach itself
better to the rootstock
Grafting process - Grafting handling
• it is not necessary to retain the lobes when cutting
(but possible)
grafting point rootstock approx. 2,5 cm high (2 fingers)
if plants are planted out into soil the grafting point
might be higher
if the grafting point is too low, there is a chance that
the cultural variety will form roots
if the grafting point is too high, the head will become too
heavy and you have to use sticks to avoid damage
Grafting process - Grafting handling
• attach the grafting clip
• clips are made of soft
silicon with an opening
on one side to put the clip
on the plant without
damaging the stem
prepare all rootstocks of
the tray
Grafting process - Grafting handling
Grafting process - Grafting handling
clips are also available
with a cane eye
to prevent the grafted
plants from falling over
• use these clips to prick
clean canes carefully
alongside the plants
• this can be useful for
instance for eggplants or
quite big tomato plants
Grafting process - Grafting handling
• cut off the variety at the
same angle (45º) as the
cut only the quantity
needed for the prepared
tray with the rootstocks
in the summer spray
lightly with clean tap
water to prevent
dehydration of the variety
just cut
Grafting process - Grafting handling
• the cutting point of the cultural variety
depends on plant growth
the head must have at least 2 fully grown
heart-shaped leaves
too many leaves --> head becomes too heavy
and may fall over
too small leaves --> head is too sensitive
stem of the scion of ±1.5 cm is long enough
always check the necessary stem thickness
if necessary, modify the cutting point
retaining the cotyledons is not strictly necessary
Grafting process - Grafting handling
• ease the scion into the
grafting clip, one at a time
move the clip or stem a
little, if necessary
rootstock and cultural
variety has to connect
very well
the cutting surface must
make full contact
Difference in size of cutting surface between the scion
and the rootstock : the plants will not grow well onto
each other or not at all !!
Grafting process - Preparation
Grafting process - Grafting handling
Method 2
• grafting plant by plant
• using new / other tray for grafted plants
• common method in hot areas
• all comments regarding care, plant quality, size of the
plant and stems are the same as for method 1
• advantage:
stem of rootstock or variety can’t dry off
spacing of the rootstock is optional
• disadvantage: takes more time for the first grafted plants
overall grafting speed is slower
Grafting process - Grafting handling
Grafting process - Grafting handling
• place the grafted plants /
tray’s in the tunnel
• moisten the plants
or /
and the plastic in the
tunnel using a fine mist of
clean tap water
Grafting process - Grafting handling
Grafting process - Grafting handling
• (re)close the tent / tunnel carefully after each tray
this is the only way to maintain the right climate for the
temperature inside tent / tunnel max. 28ºC;
a higher temperature can seriously reduce the success
ratio !! (depending on the hardness of the plants and the
humidity in the greenhouse)
best grafting temperature around 22 / 23 ºC (but as close
as possible to the greenhouse temperature)
Grafting process - Grafting handling
Grafting - Potting and spacing
• it is not necessary to
remove the clip
clips will drop off of their
You can now cultivate the
further in your usual
With rootstocks from
De Ruiter Seeds
you are ensured
of a strong basis
for your plants.
We wish you every