=== Order on Mobile for Wocoommerce === Contributors: evcode Donate link: https://eduardovillao.me/ Tags: woocommerce, whatsapp, products, order, wordpress, woocommerce whatsapp, whatsapp order woocommerce Requires at least: 4.9 Tested up to: 5.7 Stable tag: 1.1.9 Requires PHP: 5.6 License: GPLv2License URI:https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Order on Mobile for Wocoommerce allows your customers to submit their orders through WhatsApp, directly from the Woocommerce product page. == Description == The plugin adds a button on the Woocommerce product page so your customers can submit their orders through WhatsApp. You will receive a personalized message with the product name, price and page link. FREE VERSION FEATURES Single Product Demo [Click Here](https://eduardovillao.me/wordpress-plugin/single-product-test/) Variable Product Demo [Click Here](https://eduardovillao.me/wordpress-plugin/variable-product-test/) * Custom Message - Customize the message that will be send. * Product Name and Price - Receive the product name and price that the customer wants to buy. * Product Variable Price - Receive the product variable price that the customer wants to buy. * Product Link - Receive the product link that the customer wants to buy. * Custom Button Text - Customize the button text that will be displayed. * Hide Price in Product Page - Hide the Product Price in Product Page. * Hide Add to Cart - Hide Add to Cart button in Prodcut Page. PRO VERSION FEATURES https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssLs8SHk05k Get PRO version [Click Here](https://codecanyon.net/item/order-on-whatsapp-for-woocommerce/25824812) * Autoredirect after checkout. * Button in Cart Page - Add the button in your Cart Page. * Shortcode - Use shortcode to display the button in your custom product page. * Add Conversion Tag - Add the google conversion tag to the button. == Installation == 1. Upload the plugin files to the WordPress 2. Activate the plugin in WordPress 3. Go to "Order on Mobile for Wocoommerce" admin panel 4. Enter your phone number and other informations == Frequently Asked Questions == == Screenshots == 1. Order on Mobile for Wocoommerce admin panel 2. Button in Woocommerce Product Page == Changelog == 1.1.8 = * Improvements in performance of scripts. * Compatibility with WordPress 5.7 1.1.7 = * Improvements in performance of scripts. * Fixed Bug. 1.1.6 = * Improvements in performance of scripts. * Fixed Bug. * New option admin template. 1.1.5 = * Fixed Bug. 1.1.4 = * Fixed Bug product variable with same price. = 1.1.3 = * Add support to product variable. * CSS Bug Hide elements fixed. * Improvements in performance of scripts. = 1.1.2 = * CSS Bug fixed. = 1.1.1 = * Bug fixed. * Added notification if basic settings empty. * Improvements in performance of scripts. = 1.1 = * Display settings options in tabs. * New option "Hide Price in Product Page". * New option "Hide Add to Cart button". * Improvements in performance of scripts. = 1.0.4 = * New option "open in new tab". * Improvements in performance of scripts. = 1.0.3 = * Improvements in performance of scripts. * Improvements in button icon format. = 1.0.2 = * Improvements in performance of scripts. * Compatibility with Wordpress 5.0 tested. = 1.0.1 = * Bug Fix. * Improvements in performance of scripts. = 1.0 = * Developed the plugin.