VERB TENSE AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE QUESTIONS USE PRESENT SIMPLE I play the guitar I don’t play the guitar Do you play the guitar? PRESENT CONTINUOUS I am going on a trip to Egypt on Sunday. I am not going on a trip to Egypt on Sunday. Are you going on a trip to Egypt on Sunday? He is crossing the road. He isn’t crossing the road. Is he crossing the road? PAST SIMPLE They spent the summer in Italy. Did they spend the summer in Italy? 1. Acciones o estados ya acabados. PAST CONTINUOUS We were driving for hours. They didn’t spend the summer in Italy. We weren’t driving for hours. Were you driving for hours? 2. descripción de acciones en el pasado PRESENT PERFECT They have just found the wallet. They haven’t just found the wallet. Have they just found the wallet? I have seen a crocodile! I haven’t seen crocodiles here. Have you ever seen a crocodile? PAST PERFECT I had already read the message when you called me. I hadn’t read the message when you called me. Had you read the message when I called you? FUTURE SIMPLE Liza will come soon. Liza won´t come to the party. Will Liza come to the party? FUTURE CONTINUOUS They will be working tonight. They won’t be working tonight. Will they be working tonight’ FUTURE “GOING TO She is going to open a new shop next year. She isn’t going to open a new shop next year. Is she going to open a new shop next year? CONDITIONAL Liza would join us is she had some free time. Liza wouldn’t join the club even if she had some free time Would Liza join the club if she had free time? 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. Hábitos o rutinas Definiciones Ciclos naturales Horarios Planes inmediatos o para un futuro cercano. Acciones que ocurren el momento en el que se habla. 1. Acciones muy recientes. 2. Acciones o estados que empiezan en el pasado y siguen vigentes. 1. Acciones o estados del pasado anteriores a otra acción o estado pasado. 1. Promesas o amenazas. 2. Ofrecimientos. 3. Predicciones 1. Descripción de acciones o estados en el futuro. 1. Planes o intenciones. 2. Acciones que van a ocurrir de un momento a otro. 1. Situaciones hipotéticas. (oraciones condicionales) VERB USE EXAMPLES Can / Could/ Be able to ( am, is are able to/ was, were able to/ will be able to ) Must / have to Capacidad, habilidad para hacer algo I can drive a car (Sé conducir un coche) He could speak when he was one (Sabía hablar cuando tenía 1 año) Can I go to the toilet? (¿Puedo ir al servicio?) It could rain this evening (Podría llover esta tarde) Mustn’t Prohibición Permiso Posibilidad Obligación Deducción You must clean your room / She has to wear a school uniform They must be working now (Deben de estar trabajando ahora) You mustn’t smoke here (No debes fumar aquí)PROHIBIDO Don’t Ausencia de necesidad You don’t have to come if you don’t have to u obligación want to (No tienes que venir si no quieres) You needn´t cook tonight, we are going Needn’t to a restaurant. Should Consejo You look tired, you should go to bed (Pareces cansado deberías acostarte) Ought to May / Might Shall / Will Would Posibilidad, probabilidad (might indica menor posibilidad) Permiso (más formal que can) Predicciones sobre el futuro Sugerencias y ofrecimientos espontáneos. Deseo She may/might come to the party, I’m not sure (Es posible que venga a la fiesta, no estoy seguro) May I go to the toilet? (¿Puedo ir al servicio? We will travel more within 25 years (Viajaremos más dentro de 25 años) Shall we go to the cinema tomorrow? (Vamos al cine mañana? “It’s cold” “I’ll close the window” (“Hace frio” “Cerraré la ventana”) I would like to go to London (Me gustaría ir a Londres) Condición e hipótesis I would move to Berlin if I found a job there (Me iría a Berlin si encontrase un trabajo allí) Base form Past simple Past participle Spanish Arise Arose Arisen Surgir Awake Awoke Awoken Despertar Be Was/were Been Ser, estar Beat Beat Beaten Golpear Become Became Become Llegar a ser Begin Began Begun Empezar Bend Bent Bent Doblar Bet Bet Bet Apostar Bite Bit Bitten Morder Bleed Bled Bled Sangrar Blow Blew Blown Soplar Break Broke Broken Romper Bring Brought Brought Traer Build Built Built Construir Burn Burned / burnt Burned/ burnt Quemar Buy Bought Bought Comprar Catch Caught Caught Coger, agarrar Choose Chose Chosen Elegir Come Came Come Venir Cost Cost Cost Costar Cut Cut Cut Cortar Deal Dealt Dealt Tratar Dig Dug Dug Cavar Do Did Done Hacer Draw Drew Drawn Dibujar Dream Dreamed / dreamt Dreamed / dreamt Soñar Drink Drank Drunk Beber Drive Drove Driven Conducir Eat Ate Eaten Comer Fall Fell Fallen Caer(se) Feed Fed Fed Alimentar Feel Felt Felt Sentir Fight Fought Fought Luchar Find Found Found Encontrar Fly Flew Flown Volar Forbid Forbade forbidden Prohibir Forget Forgot forgotten Olvidar Forgive Forgave Forgiven Perdonar Freeze Froze Frozen Congelar Get Got Got Conseguir, recibir Give Gave Given Dar Go Went Gone Ir Grow Grew Grown Crecer, cultivar Hang Hanged / hung Hanged/hung Colgar Have Had Had Tener, tomar Hear Heard Heard Oir Hide Hid Hidden Esconder Hit Hit Hit Pegar, golpear Hold Held Held Sujetar Hurt Hurt Hurt Herir, hacer daño Keep Kept Kept Guardar, mantener Know Knew Known Saber, conocer Lay Laid Laid Poner, extender Lead Led Led Dirigir Lean Leant Leant Inclinarse, apoyarse Learn Learned / learnt Learned / learnt Aprender Leave Left Left Dejar, marcharse Lend Lent Lent Prestar Let Let Let Permitir, dejar Lie Lied Lied Mentir Lie Lay Lain Tumbarse Light Lit Lit Encender Lose Lost Lost Perder Make Made Made Hacer, fabricar Mean Meant Meant Significar Meet Met Met Conocer, reunirse Pay Paid Paid Pagar Put Put Put Poner Read Read Read Leer Ride Rode Ridden Montar, cabalgar Ring Rang Rung Llamar Rise Rose Risen Elevarse, alzarse Run Ran Run Correr Say Said Said Decir See Saw Seen Ver Sell Sold Sold Vender Send Sent Sent Enviar Set Set Set Colocar Shake Shook Shaken Agitar Shine Shone Shone Brillar Shoot Shot Shot Disparar Show Showed Shown Mostrar Shut Shut Shut Cerrar Sing Sang Sung Cantar Sink Sank Sunk Hundirse Sit Sat Sat Sentarse Sleep Slept Slept Dormir Smell Smelled / smelt Smelled / smelt Oler Speak Spoke Spoken Hablar Spell Spelled / spelt Spelled / spelt Deletrear Spend Spent Spent Gastar Stand Stood Stood Estar de pie Steal Stole Stolen Robar Stick Stuck Stuck Pegar Sweep Swept Swept Barrer Swim Swam Swum Nadar Take Took Taken Coger, tomar Teach Taught Taught Enseñar Tear Tore Torn Romper, rasgar Tell Told Told Decir, contar Think Thought Thought Pensar Throw Threw Thrown Arrojar, tirar Understand Understood Understood Entender Wake up Woke up Woken up Despertarse Wear Wore Worn Llevar puesto Win Won Won Ganar Write Wrote Written Escribir