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WoW WotLK BiS Gear Lists for All Classes

Resto Shaman BIS:
Head:[Valorous Earthshatter Headpiece] (Kel’thuzad-25)
Neck:[Life-Binder’s Locket](Malygos key quest)
Shoulders:[Valorous Earthshatter Spaulders]
Back: [Pennant Cloak](Sartharion-25)
Chest: [Tunic of the Artifact Guardian]
Wrist:[Bindings of the Decrepit](Heigan-25) or [Cuffs of the Shadow Ascendant]
Hands: [Winter Spectacle Gloves](Malygos-25) or [Valorous Earthshatter Handguards]
Waist: [Sash of the Parlor](Anub’rekhan-25) or [Girdle of the Gambit](Patchwork-25)
Legs:[Valorous Earthshatter Legguards]
Feet: [Atonement Greaves](Faerlina -25) or [Sabatons of Firmament](Sartharion)
Finger:[Signet of Manifested Pain](Kel’thuzad-25) or [Seized Beauty](Faerlina-25) or
[Ring of Decaying Beauty] (Sapphiron-25) or [Wyrmrest Band] (Sartharion-25)
Main Hand: [Torch of Holy Fire] (Kel’thudzad-25) or [Hammer of the Astral
Plane](Kel’thudzad-10) or [Wraith Strike](Maexxna-25)
Off-hand: [Voice of Reason](Kel’thudzad-25) or [Shield of Assimilation] (Anub’rikhan25)
Relic:[Totem of Forest Growth](15 Emblem of Heroism)
Trinkets:[Illustration of the Dragon Soul] (Sartharion-25) or [Je’Tze’s Bell] (BoE World
Drop) or [Soul of the Dead] (Sapphiron-25) or [Mercurial Alchemist Stone] (Crafted) or
[Living Ice Crystals] (Malygos-25)
Ele Shaman BiS
Helm: Valorous Earthshatter Helm t7.5 Naxx 25 Kel'Thuzad
Neck : Wyrmrest Necklace of Power Malygos Quest
Shoulder: Mantle of the Corrupted Grobbulus Naxx 25
Cloak: Pennant Cloak OS 25 2D
Chest: Valorous Earthshatter Hauberk t7.5 Four Horseman Naxx 25
Wrist: Bands of Mutual Respect Instructor Ruzuvious Naxx 25
Hands: Benefactor's Gauntlets Gluth/Thaddius Naxx 25
Waist: Cincture of Polarity Thaddius naxx 25
Legs: Leggings of the Wanton Spellcaster Malygos 25
Boots: Eruption-Scarred Boots Heigan the Unclean Naxx 25
Ring: Inscribed Signet of the Kirin Tor 7800 gold with Kirin Tor Exalted
Ring2: Signet of Manifested Pain Kel'Thuzad Naxx 25
Trinket: Illustration of the Dragon Soul Sartharion OS 25
Trinket2: Dying Curse Grobbulus/Meaxxna/Gothik the harvester/Heigan the Unclean
Naxx 25
Main Hand: Torch of Holy FireKel'Thuzad Naxx 25
OffHand: Voice of ReasonKel'Thuzad Naxx 25
Totem: Badge vendor
Resto Druid BiS:
Head- Valorous Dreamwalker Headpiece (H Naxxramas - Kel'Thuzad)
Neck- Necklace of the Glittering Chamber (Eye of Eternity - Malygos)
Shoulders- Valorous Dreamwalker Spaulders (H Naxxramas - Loatheb)
Back- Cape of the Unworthy Wizard (25 Emblems of Valor)
Chest- Blanketing Robes of Snow (H Eye of Eternity - Malygos)
Wrists- Unsullied Cuffs (H Obsidian Sanctum - Sartharion +2 Drakes)
Hands- Valorous Dreamwalker Handguards (H Obsidian Sanctum - Sartharion)
Waist-Leash of Heedless Magic (H Eye of Eternity - Malygos)
Legs- Valorous Dreamwalker Leggings (H Naxxramas - Thaddius)
Feet- Arcanic Tramplers (H Eye of Eternity - Malygos)
Finger- Lost Jewel (H Naxxramas - Shared Boss Drop)
Finger- Band of Channeled Magic (25 Emblems of Valor)
Trinket- Illustration of the Dragon Soul (H Obsidian Sanctum - Sartharion)
Trinket- Forethought Talisman (H Naxxramas - Shared Boss Drop)
Weapon- Torch of Holy Fire (H Naxxramas - Kel'Thuzad )
Off-Hand- Matriarch's Spawn (H Naxxramas - Maexxna)
Idol- Idol of Lush Moss (15 Emblems of Heroism)
Balance Druid BIS:
Head: Valorous Dreamwalker Cover
Shoulder: Valorous Dreamwalker Mantle
Chest: Valorous Dreamwalker Vestments
Hands: Valorous Dreamwalker Gloves
Legs: Leggings of the Wanton Spellcaster
Wrist: Unsullied Cuffs
Belt: Leash of Heedless Magic
Boots: Arcanic Tramplers
Neck: Wyrmrest Necklace of Power
Cloak: Pennant Cloak
Ring1: Signet of Manifested Pain
Ring2: Band of Channeled Magic OR Lost Jewel
Trinket1: Dying Curse
Trinket2: Illustration of the Dragon Soul
Main Hand: The Impossible Dream OR Wraith Strike OR
Off Hand: Accursed Spine
Relic: Idol of the Shooting Star
Torch of Holy Fire
Hunter BiS
Survival: Hit>Agi>Crit>Haste
MM: Hit>Agi>Crit>ArP>Haste
Helm: [Blue Aspect Helm] Maly 25 or [T 7.5 Helm]T10 Helm KT 25
Neck: favor-of-the-dragon-queen Sarth 25 OR Fool's Trial Various naxx 25
Shoulders: [Tier 10 Shoulders] Loatheb/Gluth/Badges OR Pauldrons-of-the-abandoned
Back: [Drape of the Deadly Foe] KT 25
Chest:[Tunic of Masked Suffering] Noth/Gluth / Chestguard of Flagrant Prowess OS
10m 2Drake
Bracers: [Slime Stream Bands] Grobb [Arachnoid Gold-band] Anubrekhan
Weapon: [Journey's End] KT 25 Cryptfiend's-bite Heigan/Gluth
Ranged: Envoy of Mortality KT 25
Gloves: [Gloves of Calculated Risk] Patch/Gluth / Valorous Cryptstalker Handguards
Belt: [Torn Web Wrapping] Spider / Depraved Linked Belt
Pants: [Leggings of Failed Escape] Gothik OR [Leggings of Colossal Strides] Heigan
Boots: [Boots of the Renewed Flight] Maly 25
Rings: [Surge Needle Ring] Maly 10 [Ring of Invincibility] Badges of valor / Greatring of
OS 10m 2Drake
Trinkets: Fury-of-the-five-flights Sarth 25 Darkmoon-card-greatness BOE bandit'sinsignia OS 25
Destruction Warlock BIS:
Head: Hood of Rationality Malygos25
Neck: Wyrmrest Necklace of Power Malygos25, Quest item
Shoulders: Valorous T7
Back: Pennant Cloak Sartharion25+2
Chest: The Sanctums Flowing Vestments Sartharion25+1
Wrist: Unsullied Cuffs Sartharion25+2
Gloves: Valorous T7
Waist: Leash of Heedless Magic Malygos25
Legs: Leggings of the Wanton Spellcaster Malygos25
Feet: Arcanic Tramplers Malygos25
Ring1: Band of Channeled Magic Vendor bought for 25Valor Emblems
Ring2: Signet of Manifested Pain Kel'Thuzad25
Main Hand: Turning Tide Kel'Thuzad25
Off Hand: Surplus Limb Patchwork25 and Gluth25
Wand: Gemmed Wand of Nerubians Anub'Rekhan25 and Gluth25
Trinket1: Dying Curse 8 Bosses in Naxx25
Trinket2: Illustration of the Dragon Soul Sartharion25
Demo Warlock BIS:
(If team player) Hit>SP>Spirit>Crit>Haste
If solo bigtime dpser Hit>SP>Crit>Haste>Spirit
Valorous Plagueheart Circlet - Token
Wyrmrest Necklace of Power - Quest Malygos (25)
Valorous Plagueheart Shoulderpads - Token
Cape of the Unworthy Wizard - Kel'Thuzad (25)
Valorous Plagueheart Robe - Token
Wraps of the Astral Traveler - Emblems Valor (60)
Valorous Plagueheart Gloves - Token
Cincture of Polarity - Thaddius
Legwraps of the Defeated Dragon - Sapphiron
Boots of Forlorn Wishes - Razuvious
Band of Channeled Magic - Emblems Valor (25)
Signet of Manisfested Pain - Kel'Thuzad (25)
Embrace of the Spider - Maexxna (10)
Illustration of the Dragon Soul - Sartharion
The Turning Tide - Kel'Thuzad (25)
Matriarch's Spawn - Maexxna
Wand of the Archlich - Kel'Thuzad (10)
Priest BiS
Holy: Spirit>Int>Crit>Haste
Disc: MP5>Int>Crit>Spirit>Haste
Helm: Hood of Rationality Malygos, 25
Neck: Cosmic Lights Sapphiron, 25
Shoulder: Mantle of Dissemination Malygos, 25
Back: Pennant Cloak Sartharion, 25 (2 Drakes)
Chest: Blanketing Robes of Snow Malygos, 25
Wrist: Unsullied Cuffs Sartharion, 25 (2 Drakes)
Hands: Valorous Gloves of Faith Sartharion, 25
Waist: Leash of Heedless Magic Malygos, 25
Legs: Leggings of Mortal Arrogance Kel'thuzad, 25
Feet: Boots of Persuasion Patchwerk, 25
Ring1:Signet of Manifested Pain Kel'thuzad, 25
Ring2: Lost Jewel Multiple Bosses, Naxx 25
Weapon: Torch of Holy Fire Kel'thuzad, 25
Offhand: Matriarch's Spawn Maexxna, 25
Ranged: Plague Igniter Grobbulus, 25
Unholy DK BiS:
Helm: Obsidian Greathelm
Neck: Fool’s trial or [Collar of Dissolution]
Shoulders: T 7.5
Back: KT cloak
Chest: T 7.5
Bracers: Bracers of the Tyrant
Weapon: Betrayer of humanity
Gloves: 4 horseman gloves for exp cap
Belt: Girdle of Chivalry
Pants: sarth 25 pants for hit
Boots: Sabatons of Sudden Reprisal Anub’Rekhan
Rings:Ruthlessness, Strong-Handed Ring, Badge Ring, Sarth 10 2d ring
Trinkets: Fury of the Five Flights, Darkmoon Card: Greatness, Bandit’s Insignia,
Darkmoon Card: Death
Prot Paladin BIS
Defense Cap>Stam>Expertise(26)>Hit(8%)>Parry>Block>Dodge>Strength
Head - Helm of Vital Protection - Gothik/Gluth
Neck - Nexus War Champion's Beads - Malygos Quest
Shoulder - t7.5 - Gluth/Loatheb
Cloak - Cloak of the Shadowed Sun - Random on bosses
Chest - Dragonstorm Breastplate - Sarth 1D
Wrist - Bracers of the Unholy Knight - Razuvious/Gluth
Gloves - Callous-Hearted gauntlets OR t7 gloves, Grand Widow Faerlina/Gluth/
Belt - Ablative Chitin Girdle / Waistguard of the Tutor - Maexxna/Gluth/Instructor
Legs - Legplates of Sovereignty - Malygos
Feet - Kyzoc's - Badge
Rings - Signet of the Impregnable Fortress Sand-worn Band/Gatekeeper - Badge
Trinkets - The JC-only and Alch-only trinket(s)
Weapon - Last Laugh - KT
Shield - Hero's Surrender and Wall of Terror - KT/Patchwerk/Gluth
Protection Warrior BIS:
Defense Cap>Expertise(26)>Hit(8%)>Dodge>Parry>Block>Stamina>Strength
Head - Valorous Dreadnaught Greathelm
Neck - Nexus War Champion Beads
Shoulder - Valorous Dreadnaught Pauldrons
Back - Cloak of the Shadowed Sun or Platinum Mesh Cloak for hp
Chest - Dragonstorm Breastplate for avoid or Chestguard of the Exhausted for HP
Wrist - Bracers of the Unholy Knight
Hands - Valorous Dreadnaught Handguards
Waist - Ablative Chitin Girdle
Legs - Valorous Dreadnaught Legguards
Feet - Kyzoc's Ground Stompers
Ring 1 - Sand-Worn Band
Ring 2 - Signet of the Impregnable Fortress
Trinket 1 - Essence of Gossamer
Trinket 2 - Figurine - Monarch Crab for hp or Darkmoon Card: Greatness for avoid
or Rune of Repulsion for broke
Main Hand - Last Laugh
Shield - Wall of Terror
Ranged - Armor Plated Combat Shotgun
Holy Paladin bis list:
chest - maly mail
hands - tier
neck - maly quest/saph neck
head - tier
cloak - os 2 drake
boots - noth plate or heigan mail
trinket - sapph/owl
trinket - greatness
weapons - kt
ring - kt
ring - anub/valor
belt - all belts are pretty equal
shoulders - tier
wrist - razuvious mail
legs - tier
Arcane Mage BIS:
Head - Valorous Frostfire Circlet
Neck - Wyrmrest Necklace of Power
Shoulder - Valorous Frostfire Shoulderpads
Back - Pennant Cloak
Chest - The Sanctum's Flowing Vestments
Wrist - Unsullied Cuffs
Hands - Valorous Frostfire Gloves
Waist - Leash of Heedless Magic
Legs - Valorous Frostfire Leggings
Feet - Arcanic Tramplers
Ring 1 - Signet of Manifested Pain
Ring 2 - Band of Channeled Magic
Trinket 1 - Dying Curse Trinket 2 - Illustration of the Dragon Soul
Main Hand - The Turning Tide
Off Hand - Matriarch's Spawn
Wand - Wand of the Archlich
Shadow Priest BIS:
Head: Hood of Rationality Malygos25
Neck: Wyrmrest Necklace of Power Malygos25, Quest item
Shoulders: Valorous Mantle of Faith T7
Back: Pennant Cloak Sartharion25+2
Chest: The Sanctums Flowing Vestments Sartharion25+1
Wrist: Unsullied Cuffs Sartharion25+2
Gloves: Valorous Handwraps of Faith T7
Waist: Leash of Heedless Magic Malygos25
Legs: Leggings of the Wanton Spellcaster Malygos25
Feet: Arcanic Tramplers Malygos25
Ring1: Band of Channeled Magic Vendor bought for 25Valor Emblems
Ring2: Signet of Manifested Pain Kel'Thuzad25
Main Hand: Torch of Holy Fire Kel'Thuzad25
Off Hand: Surplus Limb Patchwork25 and Gluth25Wand: Gemmed Wand of Nerubians
Anub'Rekhan25 and Gluth25
Trinket1: Dying Curse 8 Bosses in Naxx25
Trinket 2: Illustration of the Dragon Soul Sartharion25
Assassination Rogue BIS:
Hit>expertise>AP til 4k> Haste>Crit>ARP
Main Hand - Webbed Death Off Hand - Webbed Death
Ranged - Envoy of Mortality
Head - Valorous Bonescythe Helmet
Neck - Favor of the Dragon Queen
Shoulder - Valorous Bonescythe Pauldrons
Back - Drape of the Deadly Foe
Chest - Valorous Bonescythe Breastplate
Wrist - Sinner's Bindings
Hands - Frosted Adroit Handguards
Waist - Belt of the Tortured
Legs - Valorous Bonescythe Legplates
Feet - Footwraps of Vile Deceit alliance/ Dawnwalkers horde
Ring 1 - Surge Needle Ring
Ring 2 - Strong-Handed Ring
Trinket 1 - Fury of the Five Flights
Trinket 2 - Darkmoon Card: Greatness
Trinket 3- Mark of Norgannon really good on some fights as well, but you need to
regem or carry with you 2 parts of the same gear with ap instead of exp gems. (os +3d)
Enhance Shaman BIS:
Head: Blue Aspect Helm - Malygos25ww
Neck: Fool’s Trial - Naxx25 bosses
Shoulders: Tier 7
Back: Drape of the Deadly Foe - KT25
Chest: Tier 7
Wrist: Slime Stream Bands - Grobbulus25
Hands: Tier 7
Waist: Torn Web Wrapping - Maexxna25
Legs: Tier 7
Feet: Boots of the Renewed Flight - Malygos25
Rings: Ruthlessness, Badge Ring,
Trinkets: Fury of the Five Flights, Darkmoon Card Greatness, Bands Insignia, Loatheb’s
Weapons: Calamity’s Grasp, Angry Dread - KT/Noth
Relic: Badge
Frost DK BIS:
Helm: Obsidian Greathelm
Neck: Fool's Trial
Shoulders: Valorous Scourgeborne Shoulderplates
Back: Drape of the Deadly Foe
Chest: Valorous Scourgeborne Battleplate
Wrists: Bracers of Unrelenting Attack
Gloves: Frosted Adroit Handguards / Zealot’s Gauntlets
Belt: Girdle of Razuvious
Pants: Belabored Legplates
Feet: Sabatons of Sudden Reprisal
Ring1: Inscribed Ring of the Kirin Tor / Badge Ring
Ring2: Ruthlessness
Trinket1: Darkmoon Card: Greatness
Trinket2: Fury of the Five Flights
Relic: Badge
Weapon1&2: Angry Dread
Ret Paladin BIS:
Hit>expertise>strength>Crit>haste (agi is pretty darn good)
Helm: Tier
Shoulders: Tier
Chest: Tier
Legs: Tier
Hands: Frosted Adroit Handguards
Neck: Favor of the Dragon Queen
Cloak: Drape of the Deadly Foe
Wrist: Bracers of Unrelenting Attack
Belt: Girdle of Razuvious
Feet: Dawnwalkers
Ring 1: Surge Needle Ring
Ring 2: Ruthlessness
Trinket 1: DMC: Greatness
Trinket 2: Fury of the Five Flights / Mirror of Truth (for movement-heavy fights)
Weapon: Betrayer of Humanity
Relic: Deadly Gladiator's Libram of Fortitude or Libram of Radiance
Fury Warrior BIS:
Hit>Expertise>Strength>Arp(Unless you can get over 600-800)>Crit>Haste
Helm: Blue Aspect Helm MAIL, Malygos 25
Neck: Favor of the Dragon Queen Neck, Quest
Shoulders: Valorous Dreadnaught Shoulderplates Plate, Vendor/Drop
Cloak: Drape of the Deadly Foe Cape, Naxx 25
Chest: Chestguard of the Recluse LEATHER, Malygos 25 (Not too much of an
improvement on T7.5 Plate chest.)
Bracers: Sinner's Bindings LEATHER, Naxx 25 (Debatably inferior to Bracers of
Unrelenting Attack, Plate).
Hands: Frosted Adroit Handguards LEATHER, Malygos 25
Belt: Stalk-Skin Belt LEATHER, Naxx 25
Legs: Leggings of the Honored LEATHER, Sartharion 25 (Not too dissimilar to T7.5 Plate
Boots: Melancholy Sabatons PLATE, Malygos 25
Ring:Surge Needle Ring
Ring: Ring of Invincibility
Trinket: Darkmoon Card: Greatness (Trinket)
Trinket: Mirror of Truth (Trinket)
Ranged Weapon: Envoy of Mortality (Ranged)
Weapons: Betrayer of Humanity x2 (Weapons)
Arms Warrior BIS:
Hit>Expertise>Strength>Arp(Unless you can get over 600-800)>Crit>Haste
Helm: [Valorous Dreadnaught Helmet]
Necklace: [Favor of the Dragon Queen]
Shoulders: [Valorous Dreadnaught Shoulderplates]
Chest: [Chestguard of the Recluse]
Bracers: [Bracers of Unrelenting Attack]
Gloves: [Frosted Adroit Handguards]
Belt: [Belt of the Tortured]
Leggings: [Leggings of the Honored]
Boots: [Melancholy Sabatons]
Ring 1: [Surge Needle Ring]
Ring 2: [Ruthlessness]
Trinket 1: [Darkmoon Card: Greatness]
Trinket 2: [Mirror of Truth]
Ranged Weapon: [Envoy of Mortality]
Weapon: [Betrayer of Humanity]
Feral Druid DPS BIS:
Head- Valorous Dreamwalker Headguard (H Naxxramas - Kel'thuzad)
Neck- Favor of the Dragon Queen (Heroic Judgment at the Eye of Eternity quest
Shoulders- Valorous Dreamwalker Shoulderpads (H Naxxramas - Loatheb)
Back- Drape of the Deadly Foe (H Naxxramas - Kel'Thuzad)
Chest- Chestguard of the Recluse (H Eye of Eternity - Malygos)
Wrists- Sinner's Bindings (H Naxxramas - Maexxna)
Hands- Frosted Adroit Handguards (H Eye of Eternity - Malygos)
Waist- Belt of the Tortured (H Naxxramas - Patchwerk)
Legs- Leggings of the Honored (H Obsidian Sanctum - Sartharion +2 Drakes)
Feet- Dawnwalkers (H Naxxramas - Anub'Rekhan)
Finger- Ring of Invincibility (25 Emblems of Valor)
Finger- Surge Needle Ring (Eye of Eternity - Malygos)
Trinket- Fury of the Five Flights (H Obsidian Sanctum - Sartharion)
Trinket- Darkmoon Card: Greatness (Darkmoon Nobles Deck quest reward)
Weapon- Journey's End (H Naxxramas - Kel'Thuzad)
Idol- Idol of Worship (H Naxxramas - Grand Widow Faerlina)
Feral Druid Tank BIS:
Hit>Expertise>Stamina(NO PARRY)
Head- Hood of the Exodus (H Naxxramas - Gothik the Harvester)
Neck- Heritage (H Naxxramas - Shared Boss Drop)
Shoulders- Valorous Dreamwalker Shoulderpads (H Naxxramas - Loatheb)
Back- Platinum Mesh Cloak (25 Emblems of Valor)
Chest- Valorous Dreamwalker Rainments (H Naxxramas - The Four Horsemen)
Wrists- Thrusting Bands (H Naxxramas - Noth the Plaguebringer)
Hands- Valorous Dreamwalker Handgrips (H Obsidian Sanctum - Sartharion)
Waist- Sharp-Barbed Leather Belt (H Utgarde Keep - Ingvar the Plunderer)
Legs- Valorous Dreamwalker Legguards (H Naxxramas - Thaddius)
Feet- Footwraps of Vile Deceit (H Naxxramas - Loatheb)
Finger- Gatekeeper (H Naxxramas - Sapphiron)
Finger- Deflection Band (Naxxramas - Anub'Rekhan)
Trinket- Defender's Code (H Naxxramas - Shared Boss Drop)
Trinket- Valor Medal of the First War (40 Emblems of Heroism)
Weapon- Origin of Nightmares (H Naxxramas - Grobbulus)
Idol- Idol of Terror (20 Badges of Justice)
Fire Mage BIS:
Spell hit cap > spell power > crit > haste > spirit
Helm: [Valorous Frostfire Circlet]
Neck: [Wyrmrest Necklace of Power]
Shoulders: [Valorous Frostfire Shoulderpads]
Cloak: [Pennant Cloak]
Chest: [Valorous Frostfire Robe]
Bracers: [Unsullied Cuffs]
Gloves: [Valorous Frostfire Gloves]
Belt: [Sash of Ancient Power]
Legs: [Leggings of the Wanton Spellcaster]
Boots:[Spellslinger's Slippers]
Rings: [Signet of Manifested Pain], [Inscribed Signet of the Kirin Tor]
Trinkets: [Dying Curse], [Illustration of the Dragon Soul]
Weapons: [The Turning Tide], [Surplus Limb]
Ranged: [Gemmed Wand of the Nerubians]
Combat Rogue BIS:
Head: Valorous Bonescythe Helmet
Neck: Favor of the dragon queen / Fools Trial
Shoulder: Valorous Bonescythe Pauldrons
Cloak: Drape of the deadly foe
Chest: T7 4 set: Valorous Bonescythe Breastplate
Bracer:Thrusting Bands / Sinner’s Bindings
Hands: Frosted Adroit Handguards
Belt: Belt of the tortured
Legs: Valorous Bonescythe legplates
Boots: Dawnwalkers
Rings: Strong-handed ring and Surge Needle Ring
Trinket: Darkmoon Card: Greatness and Fury of the Five Flights / Mirror of Truth
Main Hand Weapon: Calamitiy's grasp
Off Hand Weapon: Webbed Death (CqC spec) / Hailstorm (Fist/Sword Spec)