Castro S. O. et al. Dealing with Expansive Rocks in the Los Quilos and Chacabuquito Water Tunnels Andes Mountains of Central Chile ISRM 2003–Technology Roadmap for Rock Mechanics, South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 2003. Dealing with Expansive Rocks in the Los Quilos and Chacabuquito Water Tunnels Andes Mountains of Central Chile Castro S.O.(*), Van Sint Jan M. (**), González R.E. (***), Lois P.V. (****), Velasco L. E.(*****) Edic Ingenieros Ltda.(*), Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile(**), REG Ingenieros Ltda.(***), Hidroeléctrica Guardia Vieja S.A.(****), Ingeniería del Conocimiento Ltda.(*****) Abstract Several zones with expansive rocks were encountered during construction of two tunnels of the water conduction system for the Chacabuquito Hydropower Plant, located in the Aconcagua river valley of the Chilean Central Andes Mountains, at elevation 1.075 m a.s.l., and 65 km north-northeast of Santiago. The expansive behavior was associated to three different geological features. Firstly with the crossing of important north-south trending faults, with montmorillonitic and caolinitic fillings. Secondly to the presence of zones of rock mass showing a penetrative presence of clay minerals (montmorillonite, illite and caolinite) and penetrative thin veins of ceolites. And thirdly to the hydrothermal alteration of the rock and the consequent generation of clay minerals (predominantly montmorillonite, sericite and minor caolinite). The geological and mechanical characteristics of the expansive rock domains, as well as the field and laboratory reconnaissance and characterization program, are described in the paper together with the bases for design and the guidelines for construction and definitive tunnels support. Resúmè Pendant l’excavation des deux tunels du système d’adduction d’eau pour alimenter la centrale hidroélectrique Chacabuquito, plusieures zones de rochers expansifs ont été découvertes. Ces tunnels sont dans la vallée du fleuve Aconcagua de la Cordillère des Andes du Chili Central, à une altitude aproximée de 1.075m s.m.n. et à 65km vers le nordnord-ouest de Santiago. Cette conduite expansive est associée à trois différentes caractéristiques géologiques du massif rocheux. Un premier lieu, à l’intersection de plusieures zones de failles, d’orientation nord-sud et subverticales, avec remplissage de rochers désintégrés, montmorillonite, caolinite et sérite. En seconde lieu, a la présence de zones de rochers expansifs, avec des nombreux minces veines de céolite-calcite et aussi des minéraux argileux (montmorillonite, illite et caolinite). Et, dans troisième lieu, dût à la présence de zones d’altération hidrothermale du massif rocheux et la conséquente génération de minéraux de remplacement argileux (surtout sérite, montmorillonite et en plus petit degré, caolinite). Les caractéristiques géologiques et géomécaniques des rochers expansifs, ainsi que la reconnaissance du terrain et les résultats du programme d’essais de caractérisation géomécanique du laboratoire sont décrits dans ce travail, ainsi que les bases de dessin et recommandations constructives pour placement du support définitifs pour ces tunnels Zusammenfassung Während der ausgrabung der zwei tunnels der wasserleitungssystem, um die Chacabuquito Wasserstromzentrale zu besorgen, wurden verschieden ausgedehnte gesteinadern gefunden. Die beiden tunnels befinden sich im Aconcaguatal, wo der Aconcagua Fluss fliesst, auf 1 einer Höhe von 1.075 m über dem Wasserspiegel und ca. 65 Km Nord-Nordest von Santiago entfernt, in mittleren Anden Cordillere (chilenische Gebirgskette). Drei verschiedene geologische merkmale dieser massiven gesteine können dieses ausgedehnte verhalten erklären. Erstens, hier befinden sich verschiedene und auch ganz wichtige erdbrüche, mit untersenkrechte Nörd-Süd orientierung, diese erdbrüche sind mit zertrümmerte gesteine (montmorillonite, caolinite und sericite) gefüllt. Zweitens, diese ausgedehnten gesteine haben durchdringende fine gänge (ceolite and calcite) und tönige mineralien (monmorillonite, illite und caolinite). Und drittens, hier befinden sich auch hydrothermale zonen, die diese massive gesteine durch die entstehung von tönigen mineralien (vorherrschende sericite, caolinite und in zweiten stelle montmorillonite) vevändert haben. Diese geologische und geomechanische merkmale dieser gesteine, sowie die erkennung der landschaft, die ergebnisse der charakteristischen labor programmproben, der entwurf des projekts und die bauempfehlungen für die endgültigen tunnelstütze, werden in diesen bericht beschrieben. Introduction long water conduction system captures the discharge waters from the Los Quilos hydroelectric power plant at elevation 1.075m a.s.l., crosses the Aconcagua river through a siphon and leads to the power house at an elevation of 930m a.s.l. The project was designed for a maximum water flow of 24,3m3 /s and 137m of hydraulic head, allowing the generation of approximately 25MW. The Chacabuquito Hydropower Plant Project is located in the valley of the Aconcagua River, 65km north-northeast of Santiago, in the Andes Mountains of Central Chile. The Aconcagua Valley shows here an abrupt topography, with a narrow cross section and steep hillsides; the narrower part of this zone is locally known as Puntilla del Viento. Figure 1 illustrates some important features of the project. The 13,3km Figure 1: Location Map 2 § Edic Ingenieros Ltda., a Chilean consulting office, carried out the project for the owner, Hidroeléctrica Guardia Vieja S.A. The water conduction system included mainly an open channel and the excavation of two 4,20m-wide and 4,35m-high “horse shoe” cross section tunnels. Tunnel N°1, called Los Quilos, is approximately 788m long, and Tunnel N°2, called Chacabuquito, is 2.171m long. Zublin and Tecsa, a German-Chilean consortium undertook the excavation of these tunnels; it started in April 2001 and finished in January 2002. The tunnels were under operation in May 2002. and clayey, with thick montmorillonitic and caolinitic soft fracture fillings. This situation is valid for both tunnels. § Zones with thin veins of ceolites and also some calcite and clay minerals (montmorillonite, caolinite and illite). This condition was encountered only in the Chacabuquito tunnel eastern front. § Hydrothermal alteration of the host andesitic rock mass due to the contact with an intrusive monzogranodioritic stock, thus allowing the presence of clay minerals (predominantly montmorillonite, sericite and minor caolinite). This situation was only detected in the Los Quilos tunnel eastern front. Nevertheless, some major instability problems were also encountered under lateral creeks areas, where the overburden was small or minimum. These creeks coincide with the occurrence of fault zones and ground water leakages, so that the rock mass was more deteriorated and lattice girders and complementary support were required to cross them safely. Minimum or no expansive rocks were there encountered, so such not included in this paper. Geology The tunnels were excavated in rocks of the Los Pelambres Formation, formerly known as the Abanico Formation, of Cretaceous age. These rocks include stratified porphyric and aphanitic andesite, aphanitic basaltic andesite and basalt, volcanic breccia and local thin layers of fine grained sandstone and/or andesitic tuff and limolites. The majority of the main faults encountered during construction were steeply dipping structures, striking nearly N-S, and thus related with the regional north-south Pocuro mega fault that crosses this area approximately 2km downstream from the western portal of the Chacabuquito tunnel. A second system, of NWSE trending and sub vertical faults, and isolated sub horizontal faults coinciding with the stratification, were also found. Rock mass bedding is sub horizontal, gentle dipping to the east or to the west. Geologic mapping carried out during excavation revealed that the rocks of the Chacabuquito tunnel eastern front were predominantly of good to regular geotechnical quality, and a wide an important zone and three isolatedand thinner zones of poor to very poor quality, according to Grimstad E. and Barton N. (1993); no major problem were detected in the western front of this tunnel. The rock mass found in the eastern front of Los Quilos tunnel was in general of only regular geotechnical quality, deteriorated at the expansive rocks area, where a poor to very poor geotechnical quality was observed. As Chacabuquito tunnel, no major problems were encountered in the western front. The most serious problems were related to rocks exhibiting an expansive behavior, which was mainly associated to three different geological features: Crossing of important north south trending faults, where the rock is strongly fractured Expansive Rock Zones in both Tunnels Eastern Front of the Chacabuquito Tunnel A wide expansive rock zone extends from PK 0.287 to PK 0.550, where andesitic-basaltic lava flows were excavated. These rocks are strong to partially soft, generally dense but intense to strongly fractured. Consequently, their geotechnical quality is poor to locally regular; joint planes infilling materials include a predominant presence of iron oxides, clay minerals (sericite, illite, caolinite and minor montmorillonite) and mainly ceolites (predominantly laumontite, and secondarily chabazite and stilbite) and calcite. The situation was far more critical at three northsouth trending fault zones, located at PK 0,340 to 0.347, PK 0.440 to 0.447 and PK 0.535 to 0.550, where the rock mass is soft, decomposed, with hematite and argillized (predominantly montmorillonite), thus having a very poor geotechnical quality. Expansion pressure values varied from less than 0.3kg/cm2 to 1.40kg/cm2 (Table I). They were three other critical fault zones, encountered at PK 0.170 to 0.182, PK 0.660 to 0.670 and PK 1.230 to 1.243, where crushed rocks with hematite and a highly plastic red montmorillonite were predominant; some strongly 3 decomposed rock blocks fell down here during excavation, generating over-excavations of up to 3.5m and requiring a strong initial support to stabilize these zones. Nevertheless, no important deformation of the unsupported and wet tunnel floor was observed during excavation, except at the PK 1.230-1.243 fault where some deformation was observed. alteration and the presence of pyrite, sericite, montmorillonite and minor caolinite-illite, were there encountered. The rock mass consisted of strongly to intensely fractured and intensely oxidized yellowish-brownish soft rocks, mixed with grayish relatively stronger rocks, of regular to poor geotechnical quality, being very poor at the crossing of some fault zones. These rocks showed in general a good stability during excavation, except at the isolated and relatively thin fault zones crossings (less then 5m thickness), where highly plastic and expansive. Figures 2 and 3 show the geologic map and profiles along both tunnels. Eastern Front of Los Quilos Tunnel A wide critical zone of expansive rocks extends from PK 0,230 to PK 0,420. Layers of andesitic lava flows, showing a noticeable hydrothermal Figure 2: Geologic Map and Profile of Los Quilos Tunnel Figure 3: Geologic Map and Profile of Chacabuquito Tunnel 4 clay were detected. Hydrothermal alteration was estimated to be induced by the intrusion of the granodioritic rocks that were encountered at the final portion of this tunnel, approximately 200m from the western portal. This hydrothermal alteration is less noticeable near the contact zone, probably due to some structural control and/or to the fact of having granodioritic rocks close to the tunnel invert as proposed in the following Figure 2. Typically, such rocks tend to disintegrate under the presence of water or just natural humidity, especially those that were oxidized. This phenomenon was detected from PK 0.230 to PK 0.420, but it was critical from PK 0.335 to PK 0.400. The expansion pressure ranged from less than0.3 kg/cm2 to a maximum of 3.3kg/cm2 , in one case where a fault zone was also cooperating to deteriorate the rock mass; generally, it was less than 2kg/cm2 (Table I). During construction, the clayey rocks in the tunnel floor softened due to the combined effect of saturation and heavy traffic, resulting in a maximum 0.7m of floor sinking. The tunnel invert was repaired several times by adding muck made up of much sounder rock fragments. Additionally, where the alignment crossed some faults (PK 0.258, 0.375 and 0.388), relatively minor rock falls of no more than 1 to 2m3 fell down during construction in spite of a 5cm layer of shotcrete and systematic rock bolts that had been installed as initial support. carried out reliable uniaxial compression or point load tests. Table I: Summary of Laboratory Test Results PK Density IP wa Drock Expansion Test F. E. E. P. Sl D Chacabuquito Tunnel 0.630 0.447 0.540 13 10.9 2.02 2.67 - 1.33 <0.01 1.321.42 - 0.535 0.518 0.496 0.480 0.454 0.435 0.417 0.405 0.354 0.342 0.302 0.295 0.283 1.236 1.238 20 14 11 21 27 23 13 7.0 27.2 4.2 2.28 1.51 2.50 2.70 2.72 2.63 2.73 2.70 2.78 2.81 2.77 2.69 2.60 - 0.30 1.42 Null 0.84 1.40 0.36 0.31 0.10 Null 0.6 0.92 97 91 96 78 88 - 0.81 3.32 (1) 1.141.95 - Los Quilos Tunnel Test Results and Geomechanical Analysis 0.346 0.388 19 21 - 1..6 - 2.17 - - 0.375 23 - - 2.50 9.16.3 0.390 17 - - 2.57 0.03 0.030.08 66 - 0.428 12 2.58 2.0 0.13 90 0.250 2.66 0.280 13 2.67 0.21 95 0.310 14 2.66 0.07 87 (1) Clay of the fault zone core; it was considered not representative for the tunnel rock support definition. Laboratory Test Results Systematic rock samples were collected from the tunnels’ floor and walls using a geologist hammer and other hand tools. The laboratory tests included regular U.S.C.S. classification tests, free swelling, swelling pressure and slake durability tests. Whenever possible, swelling tests were carried out on small pieces of undisturbed rock fragments, but more often they were carried out on samples recompacted to the maximum dry density of the Modified Proctor test. Such recompacted samples were air dried before testing. The laboratory test results are summarized in the following Table I. Due to the fact that the rock mass was in general decomposed and strongly fractured at these zones, it was not possible to PK D Drock F.E. IP E.P. Sl wa = = = = = = = = tunnel kilometer apparent density rock density free expansion (%) plasticity index expansion pressure (kg/cm2) slake durability index water content The decomposed rock behaves more like a soil, so a grain size distribution analysis was carried out. It classified as clayey sand, SC, according to Casagrande (1948). On the other hand, in the case of Chacabuquito tunnel, the petrographic description and X-ray analysis allowed the detection of volcanic breccias, andesites and andesitic tuffs, which showed a predominant ceolites/calcite and 5 hematite presence, together with secondarily occurrence of sericite and caolinite, minor illite and interstitial montmorillonite, as fracture infilling materials. Table II: Expansion Curve Parameters A and B Expansivity Laumontite is clearly predominant among the ceolites, presenting a minor content of water molecules. Nevertheless, at the relevant fault zones, hematite and montmorillonite content is predominant as fractures infilling minerals. On the other hand, andesitic/dacitic lava flows and volcanic breccias showing a remarkable hydrothermal alteration were detected at the initial eastern front of the Los Quilos tunnel. These rocks showed a predominant presence of caolinite and also montmorillonite (X-ray analysis), replacing some of the plagioclase and fundamental mass of these rocks. Hematite presence is scarce. It is possible that the expansion or swelling of the clay minerals was the reason causing that the saturated tunnel floor sank under the continuous transit of heavy trucks and equipment. A B Maximum pressure (EP) kg/cm2 Very high High 5.20 9.97 3.3 2.14 8.36 1.8 Regular 0.60 5.24 1.3 Low -1.44 4.77 0.5 The above-mentioned formulas allowed the drawing of the reaction curve for the Los Quilos tunnel, which is now presented. Figure 4: Reaction Curve of Los Quilos Tunnel Geomechanical Analysis Specialized geomechanical assessment was a key issue to analyze the rock expansion potential of these tunnels under operating conditions. A flexible rock support was adopted in order to allow some reduction of the ground pressure with rock expansion. The reduction of the expansion pressure at the tunnel floor as a function of the support displacement was computed following the method of Kovari et al. (1988): u a (cm) = A - B ∗ log(p a ) [1] p a = 10(( A-u a ) / B ) [2] Four alternatives for the position of the expansive rock mass around the tunnel were analyzed: only under the floor, only over the crown, just in one wall and at the whole tunnel perimeter, all of them plus the effect of equivalent pressure of loose rock over the crown (P). Following the recommendations of Kovari et al (1988) the wall expansion pressure was estimated to be half of that at the tunnel floor. For design purposes, the ballast coefficient was estimated from the elastic rock displacement under a uniformly loaded rectangular area, given by equation [3]: or: Where: u a (cm) p a (kg/cm2 ) = rock mass displacement into the tunnel. = contact pressure between rock support “lining” and surrounding rock mass. δ = Where: d = q = Values for parameters A and B fitted from the laboratory test results are indicated in the Table II according to the rock mass expansivity. B I ? 6 = = = ( I ∗ q ∗ B 1 −ν 2 E ) [3] surface displacement (cm) uniform contact pressure (Kg/cm2 ) width of the loaded area (cm) shape factor. (I = 1.5) Poisson’s ratio. E rock = modulus of elasticity of the Table III: Measured Expansion Pressure mass (Kg/cm2 ) E values used for the analysis were the following: E= 40.000 kg/cm2 , for rock mass qualities R3 and R4. E= 4.000 kg/cm2 , for rock mass quality R5. Considering a width under pressure of B = 0,25 D, where D is the tunnel diameter, the ballast coefficient results: q K = δ Name Rock Quality A R4 = poor 0.3 - B R4 = poor 0.8 < 0.8 C R5 = very poor 1.4 1.0 – 2.0 Table IV: The definitive tunnel support at expansive rock zones was designed for the combined effect of the equivalent pressure of loose rock blocks over the tunnel crown, plus the swelling pressure of the expansive rock mass. The equivalent pressure of loose rock blocks was estimated using the RMR criterion of Bieniawski (1986). The following values were used: < 20, for rock mass of very poor geotechnical quality RMR = 35, for rock mass of poor geotechnical quality Rock density = 2.6 T/m3 Elastic modulus = 40,000 Kg/cm2 ?r = Vertical and Expansion Pressure for Design Rock Quality RMR R4=Poor 35 R4=Poor R5=Very Poor Vertical Pressure Expansion Pressure (kg/cm2 ) Chacabuquito Los Quilos s v = ?r * Hp EP=0.3 - 35 s v = ?r * Hp EP=0.8 EP<0.8 20 s v = ?r * Hp EP=1.4 EP=1.02.0 The support structure consisted of rock bolts and lattice girders fully encased in shotcrete lining with a structural invert. Rock mass interaction was modeled with the ballast coefficient. Systematic rock bolts were also incorporated to the invert in order to compensate the uplift pressure and so they were modeled as springs. Finally, a load factor of 1.4 (Norm ACI-318), for both, the expansion pressure and the vertical load. This last assumption means that the rock support design would accept some minor damages, such as local shotcrete cracks and deterioration of the rock mass behind, but in such a way that the tunnel will not collapse. Additionally, these damages would be easily reparable. Measured expansion pressure at both tunnels is exposed in Table III. Then, the equivalent pressure of loose rock blocks over the flexible rock support on the tunnel crown was calculated as: Where: Hp = Los Quilos Tunnel Finally, the vertical and lateral loads on the rock mass support of Los Quilos and Chacabuquito tunnels were defined as exposed in Table IV. Bases for Design P = γ r × Hp Chacabuquito Tunnel (4) Final Rock Support RMR Expansion Pressure Kg/cm2 [5] Definitive Rock Support of both Tunnels The detailed definitive or final rock support of both tunnels was defined as exposed in Figure 5 of the next page. In the case B of Tunnel Los Quilos, a 20 to 60cmthick layer of rock was removed in the areas where the invert had softened during construction. A geomembrane (BIDIM OP-20) was placed on the new floor and the rock removed was replaced with a fill of sound and clean muck, made up of 4” maximum size and 2.6 T/m3 minimum density height of loose rock blocks over the tunnel crown rock density 7 hard rock fragments, compacted to 65% relative density. Figure 5: Final Support at Expansive Rock Zones Conclusions § § § Two important expansive rock zones were encountered during the construction of Los Quilos and Chacabuquito water tunnels. A field and laboratory reconnaissance and characterization program allowed the definition of bases for design and the guidelines for tunnel construction and definitive rock support. Expansive behavior was mainly due to the crossing of important north south trending faults (both tunnels), to zones with thin veins of ceolites-calcite and clay minerals (Chacabuquito tunnel), and also to hydrothermal alteration of the host andesitic rock mass generated by the intrusion of monzogranodioritic rocks (Los Quilos tunnel). Main faults were steeply dipping structures, striking nearly N-S, and thus related with the § § regional north-south Pocuro main-fault that crosses this area approximately 2km downstream from the western portal of the Chacabuquito tunnel. A wide zone where expansive rocks were detected, extends from PK 0.287 to PK.0.550 of the eastern front of Chacabuquito tunnel, showing ceolites and clayey minerals as infilling materials of fractures planes. Some north-south trending fault zones with expansive cores were also encountered. Expansion pressure values varied from less than 0.3kg/cm2 to 1.40kg/cm2 . A wide zone of expansive rocks that extends from PK 0,230 to PK 0,420 was also detected in the eastern front of Los Quilos tunnel, showing a noticeable hydrothermal alteration. Expansion pressure generally ranged from less than 0.3kg/cm2 to a maximum of 2kg/cm2 . 8 § § A heavy flexible tunnel support was designed for the expansive rock zones above mentioned. It included systematic rock bolts and welded steel mesh reinforced shotcrete, generally combined with the installation of systematic lattice girders; it also included a reinforced concrete invert. Finally, it is interesting to mention that after one-year operation, no problem has been detected during the regular inspection of these tunnels. Acknowledgements The authors want to sincerely acknowledge the authorization and participation of the Chief Engineer of the Chacabuquito Hydropower Plant Project, both during study and construction phases, Mr. Pablo Lois V., co-author of this paper. We also want to acknowledge to the technical committee of this congress for allowing us to present this work, and to Mr. Francisco Montecinos, who drew all the figures. References Bieniawski, Z. T. (1989): Engineering Rock Mass Classifications .New York: Wiley. Casagrande A. (1948): “Classification and Identification of Soils” Trans. ASCE, Vol. 113, pp. 901. Grimstad, E. and Barton, N., (1993): Updating of the Q-System for NMT. Proceedings of International Symposium on Sprayed Concrete for Underground Support. Fagemes, (eds. Kompen, Opsahl and Berg), Oslo: Norwegian Concrete Assn. Hoek E., Kaiser P.K. and Bawden W.F. (1998): Support of Underground Excavations in Hard Rock. 3th edition: Rotterdam, A.A. Balkema. Kovari K., Amstad, CH. and Anagnostou, G. (1988): “Tunnelling in Swelling Rock”, Proceedings pf the 29th US Symposium, Key Questions in Rock Mechanics, pp. 17-32. 9