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Character play for stage acting

How was she like ?
Well she is amazing. She is so funny. She is very beautiful for sure but what made her so special is that
she is incredibly kind and super smart.
She was in a league of her own and so brave.
Process of finding out ?
IN the end of Jan, 2017 after my work I called her if she wanted to have dinner out and she insisted to
have at home. But somehow I convinced her to go a restaurant nearby and that’s when she told be that
she starting to have severe back pain and tiredness constant. Then eventually we noticed that she was
starting to loose weight. But initially we thought it was because of her work but this was so severe and
we went to see doctor and we did an mRI scan. And I clearly remember seeing the doctors face and I just
felt a shiver down my spine. There was a sense of morbid and I was xxx. And then the doctor told that
she had lung cancer. That just completely paralyzed me and I felt so much anger and fear at the same
During the process ?
Well we tried to have the best quality time as possible. She was always the positive one and she wanted
to make the best of the time we had together. So we travelled to nearby places, cooked and spent a lot
of time together. She was also working on her painting. She was really good at it. We talked a a lot . In
the end I held her hand as tightly as possible.
After her death –
It completely changed how I go about life. I felt so lost and I took a break for 1 month. Not sure how I
could articulate that.
Then my supervisor asked me to supervise some of his students and that helped me a lot. Because when
you take of someone then you have this sense of responsibility to not screw up their life. That kind of
forced me to sort myself out and not be miserable and I felt a sense of joyfulness and purpose in guiding
and helping the students. So that motivated to be a teacher.
My name is Fredrik boseman, a professor in Pschology at the Utrect university, Netherlands.
Born in weschester, new York in 1989. Have one elder sister and bought up with mom and dad. I went to
Lincoln High school and met my girlfriend Sofia Goddard. It was one of those love at first sight for me. I
later met her during sport class and asked for a date and she agreed. She was the first person that I
asked for a date. We got to know each other and we really connected and our relationship was going
Then I completed my studies in Cornell with bachelors in electrical engineering in 2004 and went on to
get my Masters in Computer science in TU hamburb in 2008. I took a year off and I got to travel the
world. Then I started my PhD in Human machine interaction at Utrecht university. Then I did my Post
Doc at Stanford. And now I am working as assistant professor at Utrect.