PROFESSOR Maison Amador COURSE ENGLISH III THEME PERSONAL BIOGRAPHY STUDENT LISBETH PAMELA ANDINO NUMBER LIST 37 THE PEACE, THE PEACE 03/23/22 Personal Biography A) Personal Information My first names is Lisbeth Pamela My last name is Andino Escobar I am from Honduras I am 21 years old. My phone number is 99404306 I am a/an (job/profession) student I live in the Libertad, Comayagua B) Favorite Activities - (place/city) My favorite city is Comayagua - (singer) My favorite singer is Jimin - (sport) My favorite sport is volleyball - (food) My favorite food is pizza - (music) My favorite music is kpop - (Tv program) My favorite tv program is acaplay - (social media) My favorite social media is whatsapp - (movie) My favorite movie is titanic - (pet) My favorite pet is dog - (song) My favorite song is promise c) Hobbies / Free time - My hobbies are reading, camping, dancing, helping my friends.