Subido por Carlos Mario Valencia Betancur

Australian Pest Control: Cane Toads & Rabbits - ELLLO Lesson

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1) A television documentary in the United States had a
story about ______.
a) drug taking in Australia
b) sugar frogs in Australia
c) cane toads in Australia
1054 Pest Protection
Shirley talks about how custom officials also work to help
protect species from being smuggled to other countries.
Ray: I _______________ a television
documentary in the United States a few
years ago that at one point they brought up
the subject _______________ that live in
Australia that supposedly have some
substance that is for humans a
hallucinogenic, does that ring any bells with
2) Cane toads were brought to Australia in about
a) 1901
b) 1931
c) 1961
3) The rabbits are pests because ______.
Shirley: Well, I _______________ Word Puzzle Compete the
those ones specifically but I know text with the words below:
that in Australia for example we
have a huge Cane Toad problem.
were first brought
Cane toads _______________ .
don’t know about
They are about the size of a small
because it was
cantaloupe probably, ________
of these toads
_______ brought them in at the
on duty that day
turn of the 20th century and they
amount of money
got loose in northern Australia and
guess we all know
now there’s thousands and
and someone
thousands and thousands of
are very big toads
hectares covered with Cane toads
remember watching
and every year it costs the
government a huge amount of
money trying to control them and
they’ve become a pest.
a) they bother people.
b) they are too great in numbers.
c) they are loud.
4) The plague rabbit population in Australia was
controlled by _______.
a) killing the rabbits with guns
b) releasing a disease
c) promoting rabbit meat
5) Shirley thinks that the method of controlling the
rabbit problem was ____.
a) a good idea
b) not nice for the rabbits
c) not successful
And that’s one of the reasons why
we have such strict quarantine
Ray: That makes sense. Of
course, I _______________ about
the rabbits.
at one point
Shirley: Yes, rabbits ________
_______________ into Australia
from Britain, and probably just as
someone’s pet and one got out …
Ray: You weren’t ____________ .
Shirley: I wasn’t on duty that day
probably _______________ maybe
about a hundred years ago.
Ray: You did say “previous life” so.
Shirley: That’s true. Anyway, the rabbits got loose and there was
periods in Australian history where there were millions and
millions of rabbits and huge control programs and one of the
things that they did to control them, which I think eventually did
control them was they gave them a disease called “myxomatosis”
which doesn’t kill the rabbit but makes them go blind … so they
get infected with it. I think that it’s transmitted by a small flea
and they go blind and I think, rather horribly, they either starve to
death or they, you know, they just can’t survive. And that was
At one point they brought up the subject of
these toads that live in Australia.
To say that something occurs "at one
point" means there was a specific time or
event that marked when something
happened. Note the examples below:
1. At one point I was thinking of becoming a
psychologist but I didn't want to study statistics.
2. Last year, I ran a marathon and at one point I didn't
think I could go any further, but then someone gave
me a thump on the back and said "keep going", so I
ring any bells
Does that ring any bells with you?
"Ring any bells" means to be reminded of
something. Note the following examples:
1. I know you said we met in high
school, but the name doesn't ring
what controlled them in the end.
Ray: Uh huh, until they come up with an immunity to it.
Shirley: Yeah, they don’t seem to have done that. I mean they’re
still around a little bit, but not in the numbers, not in the plague
numbers that they used to be in the past.
Ray: So now it’s toads that are the big problem.
Shirley: Yeah well, there’s other things as well but … yeah, toads
are an ongoing problem.
Speaking Challenge
Answer these questions related lesson.
Are any animals smuggled in or out of your country?
Does the name Nick ring any bells with you?
How are many diseases transmitted?
turn of the century
Someone brought them in at the turn of
the century.
The "turn of the century" or the "turn of the
season" refers to the time when the
century or season changes from one to
the next. Here are a couple of examples.
1. Many cities around the world celebrated the turn of
the 21st century with fireworks and parties.
2. I love it when summer turns to autumn and the trees
change their leaves to red and gold.
that makes sense
That makes sense.
Does it make sense to make smuggling illegal?
any bells.
2. I lost my camera but when Jack mentioned Sarah's
birthday it rang a few bells, and I remembered that
was the last place I had it.
In the end, do think tigers will survive extinction?
"That makes sense" is a common
expression often used to agreement about
an idea or reason. Here are two
1. It makes sense that Jane likes golfing, because
both her parents were golfers.
2. It makes sense that we take just one car, there are
only three of us and it would be a waste of petrol to
drive separately.
transmitted by
It's transmitted by a small flea.
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To "transmit" something is to send it or
carry it from one place to another. Note
the following examples.
1. They transmitted the signal from
Hong Kong to Germany using a satellite dish in
2. The common cold is transmitted by a virus.
in the end
That was what controlled them in the end.
"In the end" means the final event or
action. It is the last thing to happen. See
the following examples.
1. We were hoping to holiday in Spain,
but in the end decided on the French Riviera.
2. "In the end, it depends on how much money you
want to spend" Michelle said when trying to decide
whether or not to buy a new iphone or ipad.
Vocabulary Quiz
at one point • ring any bells • make sense
in the end • transmitted by
1. The disease cannot be
human contact.
2. Does the name John
3. Well,
we almost left, but we
decided to stay.
4. They did not buy the house
because it was too expensive.
5. It does not
to spend more
than you earn.
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Some questions require multiple correct answers.
1) What did Katia do for her internship?
1112 International Law
Katia talks about getting an internship to work in international
a) She was and international lawyer.
b) She was involved with human right problems.
c) She helped with cases.
d) She traveled the American continent.
2) What kind of problems did she deal with?
Todd: So Katia you were saying that you
were working in Argentina as an internship.
What type ________________?
Katia: It was called legal internship. You
help lawyers to deal with cases or anything
that they need you to do regarding the legal
Katia Todd
Todd: OK. So ________________ legal field were you working
Katia: It's human rights, human rights in the inter-American
system so cases ________________ human rights abuses in
the American continent.
Todd: So what are some types of cases that often come up
regarding human rights?
Katia: There are unfortunately
many ________________ rights
abuses in Latin America. Some
are from the dictatorship, for
example disappearances. Many
people disappeared during the
seventies ________________
received justice so they are still
looking for some kind of
clarification. So ____________
case like that would be brought
before the Inter-American
Commission and Court.
Word Puzzle Compete the
text with the words below:
for example a
and they have not
of internship was it
of stuff that
what kind of
kinds of human
that are related to
which in many
a) People who disappeared during the seventies.
b) She talked to dictators.
c) She helped people achieve justice.
d) Many different types of abuses.
3) What are some other examples other than people
who have disappeared?
a) Military court problems.
b) Civilians escaping.
c) People not being allowed certain freedoms.
d) Corruption.
4) What process to people go through to report human
right abuses?
a) Contact local lawyers and stystem.
b) Go to an NGO right away.
c) Try to solve the problem in their own country.
d) Leave your country.
5) How do the people pay for their services?
a) The take a loan from the bank.
b) They have to work for the NGO.
c) The NGO is free.
d) Usually they don't have resources to pay.
Todd: Anything else? Any other types ______________ you
would look into?
Katia: Yes, there are many kinds.
For example looking at the military
justice system ______________
situations civilians are judged
before a military justice system
which it should not be. Also, extrajudicial killings. For example
freedom of speech also. So there
are many kinds of human rights
abuses in Latin America that you
get to see.
Todd: So if somebody has a
problem, if they have some type of
human rights abuse, how do they
get in contact with a lawyer like
you? How does it work?
Katia: Actually I'm not a lawyer but
yes first before you contact
somebody like this NGO, you need to try to find justice in your
own country before you go into a higher system like the InterAmerican Commission and Court. So first you go into your local
lawyer and local courts and local judges and try to see if you can
It was called legal internship.
We use the word legal to discuss things
about the subject of law. Notice the
1. My sister's a legal assistant.
2. The legal system is slow but it works; most of the
Many cases that are related to human
rights abuses in the American continent.
We use the word abuse to talk about
wrongdoing, usually against other people.
Notice the following:
get justice from there. When you tried that and you did not
receive what you're entitled to, then you go outside of your
national system and try to find another way to get justice which
would be contacting for example an NGO like this one and try to
bring this case into the Inter-American Commission.
Todd: So usually when people have a case like this or some type
of case and they go to an NGO or some legal entity for help,
obviously they don't have resources usually, correct, so it's all
done free?
Katia: Yes. Many of these people have already spent a lot of
money to try to get some kind of justice in their systems or
sometimes don't have enough resources, so entities like this
NGO will be free of charge and try to help people to get some
kind of justice.
Todd: Sounds good. Hopefully everybody gets the justice they
Katia: I hope so too.
Speaking Challenge
Answer these questions related lesson.
Would you like to work in the legal profession?
What work place abuses are a problem in your country?
Why are dictators a danger to society?
Some are from the dictatorship, for
example disappearances.
A dictatorship describes a country that is
led by an unelected ruler with complete
power, most often maintained by force.
Notice the following:
1. His dictatorship ended in country wide celebration.
2. It was a long and brutal dictatorship.
They have not received justice so they are
still looking for some kind of clarification.
Justice means fair treatment under the
law. Notice the following:
1. There was no justice under the
2. The people cried out for justice.
look into
1. Statistics for the year showed an
increase in human rights abuses.
2. The organization's job is to document human rights
abuses throughout the region.
Do you believe in the justice system?
Any other types of stuff that you would
look into?
When we look into something, that means
we seek information about it. Notice the
1. Don't worry, I'll look into it.
2. Can you look into that for me?
Would you like to work for an NGO?
Vocabulary Quiz
legal • abuses • dictatorship
justice • look into
1. I have worked as a
for several years.
2. The victim's family still feels that
hasn't been served.
3. The people suffered for two decades
under an oppressive
4. He promised to
my case.
5. Their group provides free services for
victims of human rights
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1) Felipe hasn't been to Galapagos because ______.
a) he doesn't want to go
b) it's a really long trip
c) it's expensive to go there
2) Who travels to the Galapagos?
1178 High Cost of Tourism
Felipe talks about how some people cannot afford to visit their
own national treasure.
Katia: Felipe, you ____________ the
3) Why is it so expensive to go to Galapagos?
Felipe: No.
a) Because the hotels are expensive
b) Because the flight is long
c) To limit people who go there
Katia: But ____________ Ecuador right?
Felipe: Yes, well you know the problem is
that going on travel into the Galapagos is
really ____________ .
Katia: What do you mean for us?
Is ____________ Ecuadoreans?
Felipe: Yeah, for nationals, for
people __________ Ecuador it's
quite expensive because you
know since the Galapagos attracts
so many tourists every day, hotels
and food and ____________ so
expensive, so high, so you know
we cannot travel there because
we cannot afford that but tourists,
international tourists, can afford.
a) International tourists
b) Ecuadorian students
c) Ecuadorian biologists
Word Puzzle Compete the
text with the words below:
travel expenses are
you lived in
goes to the
who live in
know one out
had the idea that
have been to
expensive for us
it expensive for
Katia: That's weird. But I
____________ Galapagos it's part of Ecuador so I think a lot of
Ecuadoreans would go there. So really who ____________
Felipe: Well actually there's you
____________ of ten Ecuadoreans
maybe might have traveled to the
Galapagos but it's just such a small
amount of people.
It's really sad that you know we
have these beautiful islands in
Ecuador and we can't travel there.
So you know there are many, many
tourists going there everywhere and
they can afford that but we cannot
afford and I think, I don't know,
maybe the government or the
ministry of tourism should I don't
know maybe lower the prices so
that we can travel there. It's really
Katia: But why do you think it's so
expensive to travel there?
Felipe: Well because you know as I just mentioned, thousands of
tourists go there everywhere and you know the island cannot
afford to hold so many tourists every day so let's suppose that if
prices are really low then more and more people will go there and
there might be environmental problems or just pollution and you
know those kind of problems. So people in the Galapagos and
4) Why do they want to limit tourists?
a) The islands are too small
b) Tourists can harm the environment
c) To make it a special trip
5) What should the government do?
a) Change policies for Ecuadorians
b) Remove environmental restrictions
c) Pay for Ecuadorians to travel
For nationals, for people who live in
Ecuador it's quite expensive
A 'national' of Ecuador is a person who is
from Ecuador. Notice the following:
1. These rules only apply to nationals,
not to foreign travelers.
2. All Peruvian nationals are expected to vote in every
We cannot afford that, but tourists can.
If you can 'afford' something, it means you
have enough money to pay for it. Notice
the following:
1. I never buy really expensive clothes,
because I can't afford them.
2. We would love to get a new car, but we can't afford
it right now.
the strategy has been to you know to raise prices so that less
people can go there and so that the environment is not
Katia: That is true. I guess that makes sense but being from
Ecuador and not being able to see your country, it doesn't make
so much sense. I wonder how that can be solved?
Felipe: Well I don't really know but maybe you know we have
other options. We can travel to the Amazon region which is
maybe the same, as beautiful as Galapagos but you can travel to
the highlands. Ecuador is quite a beautiful country. It's not only
about the Galapagos. It's also about the different regions, the
people, the food, the culture that it has so I don't think that, but
maybe I don't know the government should you know do
something because you know people in Ecuador they want to
travel to the Galapagos but it is really sad that we can't.
I don't know, maybe
The ministry of tourism should, I don't
know, maybe lower the prices.
You can use the phrase 'I don't know'
when you are thinking while you speak.
You can also use this phrase if you want
to say an idea, but you don't know if it is a
good idea or if people will agree. Notice the following:
1. You could get her, I don't know, maybe some
2. She's about, I don't know, maybe 35 years old
Katia: It is quite sad. Actually I believe Ecuadoreans should have
more right than the tourists to go to Galapagos.
People can go there and the environment
is not jeopardized.
Felipe: You're right but sadly we don't have so yeah something
should be done maybe.
When something is 'jeopardized,' it is put
at risk or in a hazardous position. Notice
the following:
Katia: Hopefully something will change.
Felipe: Yeah, I hope so also.
Speaking Challenge
Answer these questions related lesson.
How do you feel about tourists coming to your area?
Does your country need more or fewer tourists?
Can you afford to take a vacation now?
What part of your country is a national treasure?
Do you feel tourists should pay more than locals?
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1. He jeopardized his friendship with his best friend by
2. Some bad choices can really jeopardize your future.
make sense
I guess that makes sense.
Something that 'makes sense' has good
reasoning or is practical. Notice the
1. I'm trying to decide if it makes sense
for me to go back to school at this point in my life.
2. I think it makes more sense for us all to drive
Vocabulary Quiz
nationals • afford • don't know
jeopardized • sense
1. Many of the country's
know how to drive.
2. Do his ideas make
to you?
3. I don't know how she can
to go
on all of these luxury vacations.
4. I
, maybe we could have pizza
for dinner.
5. I'm surprised that you
company's reputation by making public
statements like that.
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1) Vella thinks ____ have the right to look good.
1220 Metrosexual
Daniel talks with Vella about the concept of some men being
Daniel: Well we're talking about men and
being macho and stuff like that but recently
there's the whole thing about being
metrosexual, right? What ___ you think
about that?
Vella: I have ___ problem with, you know,
metrosexual because I think, you know,
everyone has the right ___ look good and
___ take care ___ themselves even for men.
a) only men
b) only women
c) men and women
d) movie stars
2) Metrosexuals take care of their ___.
a) hair
b) nails
c) houses
d) cars
3) Vella likes guys who wear ____.
Daniel: Uh, uh.
Right Word!
Fill in the blanks with one of
Vella: For example, David
the words below.
Beckham, he's one example ___
metrosexual guys and I think ___
looks amazing with the way ___
dresses. Yeah, I have __ problem.
Daniel: Yeah, yeah but like one
thing it's about how you dress and,
because metrosexual people they
don't, I mean they ___ care a lot of other things not only clothes,
They take care ___ their hair, I don't know, their faces. I don't
know, ___ many things they ___ that not a lot of people ___
especially men. You know, they take care ___ their nails, their
hands and for some people that might be a bit weird. What do
you think ___ a woman? Do you like it, you don't? It's too much?
What is it?
a) lipstick
b) blush
c) eyeliner
d) mascara
4) Taking care of yourself shows you care about ____.
a) your girlfriend
b) your health
c) how you look
d) where you shop
5) Daniel thinks it's fair that ____ try to look good.
a) only men
b) only women
c) men and women
d) his girlfriends
Vella: I'm OK with that, just not too
much though. Like for example, I
mean guys ___ rock bands they
usually wear makeup, like eyeliner,
and I'm actually really into that.
Daniel: OK.
Vella: And I don't know ___ you
know this guy called Adam
Lambert, ___ was the winner ___
American Idol last season.
Daniel: Oh, yeah.
Vella: And he wears a lot ___ , you
know, eyeliner and yeah I think it's
pretty cool.
Daniel: But I don't know, ___ a girl
for example, because OK usually makeup and stuff like that are
more related ___ girls, right? ___ what if your boyfriend is a
metrosexual and ___ knows or ___ has more makeup than you
have, how does that make you feel?
Vella: Well I wouldn't, you know, choose a metrosexual guy to be
my boyfriend but, you know, I think it's OK for guys to wear
makeup just not too much.
Daniel: Uh, uh.
I have no problem with someone being
metrosexual, because everyone has the
right to look good.
A 'metrosexual' is an urban male who
pays a lot of attention to his physical
appearance and clothing. Notice the
1. My favorite people to go shopping with are
2. You can tell he's from the city because of his
metrosexual appearance.
too much
Do you think a man taking care of his nails
is too much?
Something is 'too much' when it is past
the point of being acceptable.
Vella: I mean only eyeliner I think is fine but if he starts wearing
blusher or lipstick, you know, there's something wrong with
Daniel: OK. So how about all the other things they do that they
take care a lot of their bodies? How about that?
Vella: I think it's totally fine, you know, taking care of yourself. I
think it shows that you really care about, you know, how you look.
Daniel: I had a discussion with a female friend before and she
totally agreed that boys should take care of themselves like a bit
more because I mean, yeah, the whole macho thing I think it's
appealling but at the same time I don't think, I don't think it's fair
that like boys expect girls to take care of themselves and to be
pretty, to look pretty, I don't know makeup, the hair, the nails, but
boys sometimes, I mean I don't think girls want to go out with a
monkey, you know.
It's like, you have to take care of themselves, of yourself, it's not
fair that girls have to put all the effort and boys, you know, just
don't do anything. So I agree with the thing that, I mean it's all
right, we have to take care of ourselves and we have to try to
look better but I'm not used to the whole makeup and stuff so
personally I don't do it and I don't think I will be comfortable doing
it. So I don't know.
Vella: Absolutely, I agree. What about in Chilean culture? How do
they take metrosexual? Is there a big issue or people just don't
Daniel: It's a big issue. We're not really used to have people, I
mean boys wearing makeup and stuff like that. So when you see
somebody doing it, it's kind of like a shock. It's not really clear if
he's a metrosexual or he's gay like because in Chile that's a big
issue still. So, but more and more people are accepting that.
I mean, OK, if you wear makeup all right. If you, I don't know, do
your nails, OK, but it's not really common. It's more for like
people who are, I don't know, singers, actors or stuff like that. Not
really common people do it still at least. How about in Indonesia?
How is the, how do people take that?
Vella: I mean like metrosexual you can define it in, you know, so
many ways. If guys wear makeup or guys dressing up, you know,
really fancy, well I hardly, you know, see any man in Indonesia
wearing makeup but a lot of them, you know, dress really fancy
and I think we don't have a problem with that and a lot of, you
know, my friends, young teenagers, they really dig that. They're
really into, you know, guys who dress up really fancy so it's not
an issue.
Daniel: It's not an issue. OK. Like it's getting more popular, right?
Vella: It is and a lot of my friends are really metrosexual.
1. The earrings look good with that
outfit, but the necklace is a bit too much.
2. Three dogs is a little too much to handle right now.
eyeliner, blusher, lipstick
I mean, eyeliner is fine, but if he starts
wearing blusher or lipstick, something is
definitely wrong with him.
These are different types of make-up used
on your eyes, cheeks and lips.
1. That lipstick is too bright for your skin color.
2. He always wears eyeliner when he performs.
a shock
We're not used to men wearing makeup
and stuff. It's kind of a shock.
Something that is 'a shock' surprises you
because you do not expect it.
1. Her marriage announcement was a
real shock for everyone.
2. Moving to a new country is always a shock in a lot
of ways.
In Chile, it's not always clear if he's a
metrosexual or he's gay.
A 'gay' man is romantically attracted to
other men. Notice the following:
1. There are many gay men in this
2. All of his friends kind of knew he was gay before he
declared it.
A lot of my friends really dig the
metrosexual look.
If you 'dig' something, you really like it.
Notice the following:
1. He doesn't really dig my music.
2. I really dig the new clothing store that just opened
by my house.
Daniel: OK, that's good. Thanks.
Vocabulary Quiz
Speaking Challenge
Answer these questions about the lesson and vocabulary.
What do you think of metrosexual men?
Is it OK for men to wear eyeliner?
What is something you dig wearing?
What do you think about black lipstick?
If you got a tattoo would people be shocked?
metrosexual • too much • lipstick
shock • gay • dig
1. Most older women wear
2. These days
marriage is more
3. That dress is a bit
for a party
like this.
4. I really
this band's sound.
5. Living in the city made him more
6. It came as a
to most of us.
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1) Peter's friend dives for _____.
a) the government
b) pleasure
c) sea coral
d) his company
1221 Treasure Hunt
Peter talks with Jana about hunting for treasure in the sea.
Jana: So, Peter, you me______ed treasure
diving. How did you find out about this?
Peter: Oh, well, I had this friend and he
actually used to work for the go_______nt
but he was diving just for pl______re at that
time but then he met, I think while on a
diving excursion, he met another guy who
was into treasure diving and he, they
formed a company and they've actually become, I guess,
pr________al treasure divers and it's, I think I mentioned about
the sunken treasure around the tip of Africa because of the
ancient sea route.
But I think my friends have now
moved off to other parts of the
world that are also known for
sunken treasure spots. I think one
of the areas are close to Florida in
the United States because there
used to be an a________t
shipping route between Europe
and the United States and, yeah,
they go diving for treasure around
that area.
Word Ears!
Complete the words with
the correct spelling.
I have not e_____n lunch.
I have not eaten lunch.
Jana: There must be a lot of my______es under the sea?
Peter: I think so too and I think it involves a lot of dispute
possibly because it's, it can become a po_____al issue I guess
in some ways if the treasure is found and who does it belong to
and the countries that or_____ly sent the money or the gold or
the treasure or the wh______er and the country that it's found in
now and also by the guys that find it. Is it finders keepers or is it a
matter of dividing up the discovery and of course I think there's a
lot of historical value involved with the find as well. So, yeah, I
think it's an interesting, fascinating kind of ad______re story.
2) Where do they go diving for treasure?
a) All around Europe
b) Old shipping routes
c) Near coral reef
d) Near Florida
3) Who may want rights to the treasure?
a) Peter
b) Peter's friend
c) Country that sent it
d) Pirates
4) Where does Peter's friend live?
a) On large boats
b) In a small house
c) On an island
d) Nice areas
5) Peter is ____ his friend.
a) scared of
b) scared for
c) envious of
d) proud of
treasure diving
You mentioned that you like treasure
'Treasure' is something that is valuable,
like jewels, gold, sculptures, etc. You go
'treasure diving' to look for treasure in
water. Notice the following:
1. We actually took a boat out treasure diving on our
2. Have you ever tried treasure diving?
He and his friend formed a company for
treasure diving.
Jana: It would be quite an ad_______us hobby to have.
Peter: I think so too. Yeah, I kind of envy his li______le. He
seems to go from one grand yacht in one very nice area of part
of the world and goes to the next treasure area and yeah that's
what he does for a living.
When you 'form' a company, you start or
create one. Notice the following:
1. She formed a support group for
parents whose children have developmental
Speaking Challenge
2. He and his friends formed their own band in high
Answer these questions about the lesson and vocabulary.
Would you like to own a yacht?
What water sports do you like?
Does your country have any international disputes?
Would you like to go on a sailing excursion?
My friends have moved to parts of the
world that are known for their sunken
treasure spots.
If you found treasure, would you keep it or sell it?
Something 'sunken' is at the bottom of a
lake, river or sea. Notice the following:
An 'excursion' is a short trip someplace,
usually involving some risk or physical
activity. Notice the following:
1. They usually go on a bike excursion every summer.
2. We are going on a hiking excursion in a few weeks.
While he was on a diving excursion, he
met another guy who was in to treasure
Vocabulary Quiz
treasure • form • excursion
sunken • dispute • yacht
1. I am trying to
a reading club. Would
you be interested in joining?
2. We go on a camping
3. You should agree on a price first to avoid a
with the taxi driver.
4. We now have the technology to explore
diving is a very popular tourist
activity here.
6. They had the most incredible party on a
last summer.
1. Sunken trees really make me nervous when I'm
2. It's fun to scuba dive there, because there is a huge
sunken statue.
Mysteries under the sea involve a lot of
A 'dispute' is a conflict or argument. Notice
the following:
1. Talking about politics with my family
is a guaranteed dispute.
2. We already had a big dispute about this. I don't
want to talk about it again.
He seems to go from one grand yacht in a
nice part of the world to the next treasure
'Yachts' are large and luxurious boats
used for traveling on the ocean. Notice the
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1. They usually spend the winter months traveling
around on their yacht.
2. We met a couple who offered to take us out fishing
on their yacht.
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1) In South Africa, the weather ____.
a) changes quickly
b) is always the same
c) is always rainy
d) is never bad
1222 Shipwrecks
Peter talks with Jana about why conditions favor shipwrecks in
some parts of the world.
a) Women
b) Children
c) Loot
d) Power
Jana: So, Peter, I've been asking you about
hunting for treasure. Can I ask you ___ few
more questions?
Peter: Sure.
Jana: So why ___ there ___ many sunken
ships in South Africa?
2) What did pirates want?
3) How do they find sunken ships?
Peter: Well I guess around ___
southern tip ___ Africa because
Complete the gaps.
___ the really bad weather. It
really changes really quickly ___
those parts ___ with ___ ancient
I have __ leave soon.
ships I guess they weren't really
prepared ___ that kind of weather, Write
it's unexpected, ___ I think that's
I have to leave soon.
probably one reason.And I think
one ___ the other reasons ___
probably piracy, people that were
after them, the loot I guess ___ you want ___ put ___ that way,
Jana: Right, and if it's ___ dangerous, how ___ people find these
sunken ships nowadays?
Peter: I think, obviously with
technological advances it's
easier ___ track where the,
possibly where these sunken
ships might ___ . I think they
can use satellite navigation
and things like that ___
obviously also finding out more
about history ___ , you know,
going through historical records
and finding out ___ old
shipping routes and possibly
where ships got lost ___ finding
it that way, I think, is now, is
more easier than it used to ___
Jana: So ___ sounds like ___
interesting combination ___
technology, science, history...
Peter: I would guess ___ .
Jana: Adventure.
Peter: Adventure, yeah.
Jana: So your friend does this as a hobby. Do you know if it's
very expensive? Is it a big investment to...?
Peter: As far as I remember what he told me and I think it's really
expensive and they formed a little company to start off with but
because it involves so much searching and basically doing
historical research, also doing a lot of preparation and
technological preparation and finding, first tracking, sorry first
a) Treasure maps
b) Good luck
c) Satellite navigation
d) They follow guides
4) Treasure diving is a combination of ____.
a) science
b) adventure
c) mathematics
d) fantasy
5) You need a lot of ____ to start a diving company.
a) time
b) money
c) energy
d) contacts
southern tip
I guess there are many ships around the
southern tip of Africa, because there is
really bad weather.
The 'southern tip' of a country is the point
that is the furthest to the south.
1. The southern tip of the country is known for hot
2. There is a huge storm moving across the northern
tip of the state tomorrow.
Another reason for sunken ships is piracy.
'Piracy' is what pirates do. It is robbery or
illegal violence on the sea. We also
'piracy' to refer to illegal copies of
1. Because of piracy you never know if you are getting
a genuine product.
finding places where possible finds may be and then actually
preparing equipment and some of it's really deep sea diving so it
involves, I think, a lot of initial capital investment to get it going.
Obviously there might be a lot of return when they actually find
something but I think in many cases they don't find as much as
they expected so there's a potential for losing a lot of money so
you'd have to have quite a bit of capital investment behind you if
you start out.
Jana: Right. So you need a lot of courage and a lot of money?
Peter: Yes. But I think he's an adventurer so he, I think he goes
where adventure leads him so it would be a nice job to do I think.
Speaking Challenge
Answer these questions about the lesson and vocabulary.
Do you use satellite navigation when driving?
Would you like to go diving in South Africa?
Are there buried treasures in your country?
after the loot
Pirates were after the loot on the ships.
If you are 'after something,' you are
pursuing something that you want. 'Loot' is
possessions that are taken in a forceful or
dishonest way. Notice the following:
1. The robbers escaped with a lot of loot.
2. Their team is really after first place in this
Obviously, with technological advances,
it's easier to track where the ships might
When you 'track' something, you follow it
or look for it using some strategic method.
Notice the following:
1. Would you like to be able to track the package you
are sending until it arrives?
2. Hunters have to track animals though the woods.
satellite navigation
How do you feel about digital piracy?
I think they can use satellite navigation
and things like that.
If you send a package, do you track it online?
'Satellite navigation' is a system used for
directing yourself to a specific place.
Notice the following:
2. Piracy is a big problem for the music and film
Vocabulary Quiz
southern • piracy • loot
navigation • routes • investment
1. This book is all about
and violence
at sea.
2. The
tip of the country is a protected
national park.
3. Satellite
doesn't work well here,
because the signal is not very strong.
4. Many artificial canals were built to decrease
the distance of shipping
5. The hardest part to starting your own business
is the initial capital
6. She got a lot of
at her graduation
1. It is much easier to find your way around cities that
you are not familiar with now that there is satellite
2. Bad weather can cause problems with the satellite
shipping routes
The go through old shipping routes to find
out where ships possibly got lost.
A 'shipping route' is the path that cargo
ships take to get from one place to
another. Notice the following:
1. The building of the Panama Canal decreased the
distance for many shipping routes.
2. This particular shipping route takes about 3 weeks.
initial capital investment
I think it involves a lot of initial capital
'Initial capital investment' is the money you
have to pay to start a company or
organization. Notice the following:
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1. Starting a printing and copying company would
require a lot of initial capital investment.
2. People like internet companies because the initial
capital investment is less than a real business.
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1) At university she _____ .
1299 Fashion Sense
Curtis talks with Spencer about her sense of style and the
clothes she likes to wear.
Curtis: Hi Spencer, I thought we might talk
about fashion a little bit. Could you describe
to me your style or your fashion sense?
Spencer: Well my fashion sense has
definitely chang___ over the last decade. I
was kind of recently out of uni and my uni
years it was always every night I want___ to
look superb.
a) dressed up
b) wore casual
c) only wore jeans
2) What phrases does she use to describe dressing
a) dress to the nines
b) wearing your Sunday best
c) worth a million bucks
I even dress___ up for class, it
was, you know, that time at a big
Write the correct extension
university, but it was also a very
for the blank spaces?
old kind of university where
everybody dress___ up all the
time, very southern, very, you
know, let's look good for every
kind of occasion. And since
graduat___ from there, I have, you
know, enter___ the real world and
I only dress up for work___ or if
I'm go___ out, which I love
Ø (no change
dress___ up for an occasion. But
day-to-day I also love just
throwing on a t-shirt and jean___,
what about you?
Curtis: I think for me the most important thing___ is comfort. So
my fashion sense hasn't really chang___ very much. I would still
wear short___ and a t-shirt and sandal___ almost every day if I
could. But because of my job I have to dress up for work___. But
it's not really comfortable and I feel like it's not really me.
Occasionally I do like to wear a suit but maybe once in a long
while, not every day.
Spencer: Yeah, it definitely after
several, you know, week___ of kind
of throw___ on the same day-today comfortable cloth___, and you
have one occasion that you go out
for and dress___ up for, it does kind
of feel like, you know, oh, I'm worth
a million bucks like, you know,
looking great, one time you're
wear___ dress___to the nines,
wear___ all your best cloth___.
Curtis: Right. At the same time if I
do dress up I want the most
comfortable clothes I can get to
dress up in, like I want shoes that
look nice. But to me, looking
comfortable looks nice. If I see
people who don't look comfortable
in what they're wearing I don't think
they look very good. So sometimes I see people with really tall
heels for example and people might say, "Oh, this looks so nice."
But I just, I feel like they must be painful, it must be really hard to
wear and to walk in.
Spencer: That's so true, I hate heels, I cannot wear heels. Half of
it's confidence though, like I don't like being particularly taller than
a lot of people, it just kind of makes me un-confident. But every
3) The boths think that heels are _____ .
a) painful
b) classy
c) dangerous
4) She says heels make people _____ .
a) walk faster
b) less aggressive
c) more confident
5) She says it is _____ to find shoes her size.
a) easy
b) hard
Fashion sense
Well my fashion sense has definitely
changed over the last decade.
Fashion sense is the way you dress.
Notice the following:
1. He has an interesting fashion sense:
a purple hat and yellow shoes.
2. She has great fashion sense. She always wears
nice clothes.
My uni years.
Uni is short for university. Notice the
1. She studied chemistry at uni.
2. Back in his uni days, he went out
every weekend.
now and then like you see a really tall person wearing a pair of
heels, and you know, shoulders high like super, super confident
and they look great. But also it is painful after several hours of
wearing heels if you're walking around a bit.
Curtis: Right. Sometimes I find that with men's dress shoes as
well, sometimes they're really narrow and my feet are a little bit
wide and so you get these really long and pointed dress shoes
that narrow towards the toes. And because of that I have a very
hard time finding dress shoes for myself. I have to do a lot of
shopping to find a good pair.
It's not me
I feel like it's not really me.
It's not really for me means I don't like it or
I don't want to do it. Notice the following:
1. You can go watch baseball, but it's
not really for me.
2. Chinese food? It's not really for me. I prefer French
Spencer: I got lucky, I have tiny feet, so every time I walk into a
shoe store my size happens to be the one that's on display.
Curtis: Oh, I see.
Throw on
Spencer: And it's really quite good, yeah. Oh, that looks cute, I
can just try it on then and there, so yeah, it is good.
I also love just throwing on a t-shirt and
Curtis: Yeah.
To throw on (clothes) means to get
dressed quickly or carelessly. Notice the
Speaking Challenge
Answer these questions related lesson.
When do you dress to the nines?
1. I just throw on sweat pants and a T-shirt when I go
to the store.
2. He threw on his coat and ran out the door.
a million bucks
What clothes do you throw on when relaxing at home?
I feel like a million bucks.
Do you like to dress up?
How many times do you change clothes every day?
What is more important, looks or comfort?
A million bucks is a million dollars. We use
this phrase to express that someone looks
or feels special and important. Notice the
1. You look like a million bucks tonight.
2. When I get dressed up, I feel like a million bucks.
dressed to the nines
She is dressed to the nines.
Dressed to the nines means dressed up in
very nice clothes. Notice the following:
1. Nice suit, you are really dressed to
the nines tonight.
2. She's dressed to the nines; it must be a special day.
Vocabulary Quiz
sense • uni • not me
a million bucks • to the nines
For the party I plan to dress
You look like
Bill Gates has great business
I had a lot of fun during my
5. I hate wearing suits. It is just
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1) Curtis spends money on clothes _____ .
a) all the time
b) more than he likes
c) not that often
1300 Shopping for Clothes
Curtis and Spencer talk about their fashion style.
Complete the paragraphs with the words in boxes
Spencer: So talking about clothes, Curtis,
do you spent a lot of money on clothes?
Curtis: I don't really spend a lot of money on
clothes. I think the clothes that I buy last for
a long time. And I have a lot of them but I
only add to them very slowly over the years.
Some of my t-shirts I've had since high
Spencer Curtis
And so even dress shirts for work, every
Set 1
once in a while something will get worn
but •don't • to
out but not very often. So I have a lot of
have • spend • I
clothes ________________________
money on them. I would like to maybe
this year or next year buy a nice three piece suit though, that
might be a little bit expensive, but I've always wanted one of
Spencer: Yeah. I'm the same, I don't like
Set 2
to spend a lot of money on clothes, but
looking • great • find
every now and then it is nice to splurge
some • still • things
on something that looks really good,
yeah. No, there's some great shops like
TJ Maxx and Target and yeah, they're, you know, half price and
not as expensive. But you can ________________________ .
2) They both tend to _____ .
a) splurge on
b) recycle
c) get rid of
3) She mentions _____ .
a) sneakers
b) boots
c) flip-flops
d) heels
4) She tends to _____ t-shirts.
a) splurge on
b) accumulate
c) wear out
5) He uses hangers to _____ .
a) dry his clothes
b) monitor his clothes
c) stretch clothes
6) Who wears hats more often?
Curtis: Right. Yeah. And I think by
adding to the collection that I already
have, I can wear different styles on
different days. And so I don't feel like I
need to spend a lot of money to replace
my whole collection because of that, like
you said, you can splurge and maybe
spend a little bit more on a really nice
item that you want because you're able
to keep recycling everything else that you
have already.
a) He does
b) She does
Spencer: That's true.
They get worn out.
Curtis: Do you think you have too many
clothes by chance, do you feel like you need to get rid of any of
your clothes?
To wear out is to become damaged over
time. Notice the following:
Spencer: Right now I have way too many shoes actually. I kind of
feel like I have a pair of sneakers that I use for sports and tennis,
I have a pair of like nice cute shoes that I wear for when I when
go out and dress up and then I have a pair of kind of everyday
flipflops that I walk around in all the time.
But there's three other only things I need
Set 3
but ________________________ have
in • closet • I
about like probably 12 pairs of shoes and
right • my • now
it's ridiculous like you know I don't need
exactly three pairs of black shoes, one
that's heels, one that's not, one that's sandals.
So I have way too many shoes for one. Shirts, I have maybe too
many t-shirts, they tend to accumulate, if you go to certain events
wear out
1. I wore out the soles of my shoes. I
need new ones.
2. My jacket is worn out. There are holes in it.
splurge on
It is nice to splurge on something that
looks really good.
To splurge on something is to spend a lot
of money to buy it. Notice the following:
1. Every year, I splurge on a nice
dinner for my birthday.
2. She splurged on an expensive pair of earrings.
a lot of times you'll get free t-shirts. I run in a lot of marathons and
one of the things they give you is a t-shirt. So they've kind of
accumulated and I have a lot, a lot of t-shirts. What about you?
Curtis: Yeah, I think I have some shirts
Set 4
that I need to get rid of, a few t-shirts
drawers • of • in
that are from events that don't really look
my • space • lot
so nice. I never wear them but I have
them, I always feel like, oh, just in case,
maybe if I haven't done laundry for a while I'll need a t-shirt some
day. But they take up a ________________________ . So I think
I need to get rid of some of those.
And as far as shirts for work, I have a
few shirts that I first bought just when I
started working after college, and they're
nice shirts ______________________
shirts before them so they never really
get worn.
Set 5
other • select • tend
but • to • I
Spencer: That's a great idea.
Set 6
it • a • give
to • shop • or
Spencer: I have a terrible habit of when I find something that fits
me well and I think looks good, I'll buy several of the same thing,
just in different colors, so I'm wearing the same thing all the time
just with different colors.
Yeah, I love hats, ________________
whenever I go outside in the summer,
when I play tennis, when I go to the
beach, all the time. And they get so
worn, I need more of them.
Set 7
tend • I • wear
a • to • hat
Curtis: Yeah, I have a few hats. I don't wear them very often, for
me a hat is like a last ditch effort to save a bad hair day, like I
woke up late, I have to go or I'll miss the bus, okay here's a hat.
Spencer: I do that all the time. Oh, I
don't _________________________
morning, just throw on a hat.
I need to get rid of a few t-shirts.
To get rid of somethings means to be free
of it or have it no longer. Notice the
1. I got rid of my old CDs because I
never listen to them anymore.
2. She got rid of all of the old food in her refridgerator.
get worn
They never really get worn.
To get worn is when clothes are put on.
Notice the following:
So what I've decided to do is turn all of the hangers around on
my ... where I have my hangers for my dress shirts. And after six
months anything that hasn't been turned forward, which means
I've worn it at least once, if I haven't worn it in six months I can
probably get rid of it.
Curtis: That way I can monitor myself
and see what I'm wearing or what I'm
not, and if I'm not wearing then I can
donate _____________________ it a
way or send it to a recycle shop or
Salvation Army or something like that.
get rid of
Set 8
this • have • shower
to • time • enough
Curtis. Yeah.
Spencer: Nobody will ever know, yeah, it's good.
1. That dress gets worn all the time.
2. These shoes don't get worn. Maybe
I'll throw them away.
last ditch effort
A hat is like a last ditch effort to save a
bad hair day.
A last ditch effort is one last try to do
something. Notice the following:
1. He threw the ball in a last ditch effort
to score.
2. I dropped my bag and ran in a last ditch effort to
catch the bus.
Vocabulary Quiz
wear out • splurge on • get rid of
get worn • last ditch
1. I like to
2. He made a
3. It is easy to
then often.
4. My gloves never
5. I always
wear out.
gifts for my friends.
effort to keep his
socks if you wear
in summer.
clothes when they
Speaking Challenge
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Answer these questions related lesson.
How often do you get rid of clothes?
Do you like to splurge on clothes?
Do you have any worn-out jeans?
How often do you go clothes shopping?
What is a shop you like to shop at?
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1) He likes the Philippines for _____ .
a) its beaches
b) its costs
c) its English
1324 Where to work in Asia
Dan, and American ex-pat, talks about nice places to work
from or run a company in Asia.
Complete the paragraphs with the words in boxes
2) Bangkok is good for _____ .
a) food
b) connectivity
c) nightlife
3) Nha Trang is _____ .
Todd: So, I'm here with Dan, and Dan lives
in Bali, Indonesia where he runs his
business operations. And we’re going to talk
about good cities to do business.
So Dan what are your favorite cities or cities
that do you think would be a good place to
start up an international business?
a) secluded
b) off the beaten path
c) lively
Dan: Well, it really depends what kind of
business you're doing, I suppose. If you
are an English speaker and you like to
hire other English speakers, the
Philippines ______________________
to hire English speakers.
Set 1
for • is • going
a • place • famous
A good city ______________________
Cebu City in the south of the Philippines,
or Davao in the south of the Philippines.
You can also look at Manila but it’s not
such a nice city, and the workers are a
little bit more expensive there.
Set 2
like • do • to
would • that • be
If you’re looking for lifestyle like a great
lifestyle, maybe you’re not hiring so
much or doing financial things but it’s just
on your laptop, say, Bangkok is a great
place. ______________________ the
entire world, you’ve got great night life,
and you can travel anywhere from
4) China is good if you _____ .
a) are business focused
b) are low on funds
c) need a factory
5) Shaman is nice because it is _____ .
a) like Taipei
b) very green
c) a big city
Set 3
Some • best • the
in • of • food
You like to hire other English speakers.
When you hire someone, you give them
a job. Notice the following:
Bali obviously is a great place, if you’re
not such a city person and you like a
more relax environment but it’s still
very developed. I mean, you can eat a
hundred different nationality of food,
walk down the street and you can get
food from all around the world,
whereas if you want something a little
bit more of an adventure and
secluded, sort of off the beaten track,
you could select Nha Trang in South
Central Vietnam.
1. Our company is now hiring.
2. He was hired and then fired.
The house is very secluded.
A secluded place does not have many
visitors. Notice the following:
1. We stayed on a secluded island.
2. My town is secluded in the
Todd: Now, you have connections in
China, could you recommend any
places in China?
off the beaten track
Dan: Well, unfortunately for me in China
is ______________________ there has
been super business focused. And I'm
always going to the place where there’s
the factory or the bank or the connection.
The town is off the beaten track.
Set 4
travel • of • a
that • lot • my
The beaten track is the route most
people take. Off the beaten track refers
to places few people visit. Notice the
And so I haven’t really gotten a great chance to explore places
that you might go for lifestyle. But off the top of my head,
there’s two places that stick out. One is Shanghai.
Off the top of my head
And really to me—you know, I’ve been to
a lot of big cities, but Shanghai is a
whole another level of big. It’s like the
movie Blade Runner mixed with the
movie The Matrix. I mean, it is so
futuristic and I just—it really blew me
______________________ . And it also
has hints of Europe.
I mean, Shanghai is famous for being
famous in the 1920s and '30s with expatriots coming there, and it’s very
international. And it really does have sort
of a charm ______________________
China lack because cities in China are
so new; a 10 million person city just sort
of pops up overnight.
Another place that sticks out for me is
Shaman, and that’s close to Taipei and
it’s ______________________ in China.
There’s a lot of more nature-oriented
green park stuff like that. So those would
be the two places, but especially
Shanghai, I feel like I could live there for
a few years.
Set 5
the • be • away
to • in • city
Off the top of my head, there’s two
We say 'off the top of my head' when we
say ideas without much thought. Notice
the following:
Set 6
of • that • places
lot • a • in
Do you know what companies are hiring?
Off the top of my head, I think Sony is hiring.
stick out
There’s two places that stick out.
Here stick out means comes to mind.
Notice the following:
Set 7
of • nicer • cities
big • one • the
Speaking Challenge
Answer these questions about the lesson and the vocabulary.
1. When I travel, I try to stay off the beaten track.
2. We found a great village off the beaten track.
Is your area off the beaten path?
1. For fashion, one place that sticks
out is Paris.
2. Another place that sticks out is New York.
pop up overnight
A big city just sort of pops up
The phrase 'pop up' means to appear,
and 'overnight' means very rapidly.
Notice the following:
1. In spring, flowers pop up overnight.
2. In a recession, homeless people seem to pop up
Would you like to live in a secluded area?
Vocabulary Quiz
hire • secluded • beaten track
off the top • sticks out • pop up
What city sticks out as a good place to live?
Off the top of your head, name five Asian capitals?
Why should a company hire you?
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My favorite beach is very
as a good company.
The cabin is off the
New cafes are starting to
everywhere .
5. I cannot think of one
of my
6. We hope to
30 new staff.
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1) A flash packer _____ .
a) moves very fast
b) is high tech
c) has steady income
1325 Slow Travel
Dan talks about slow travel and why he likes to live in one
place for at least a few months.
Todd: So Dan we’re talk___ about your
travel___and living oversea___, and you
have a concept you call slow travel. Can you
explain what slow travel is?
Dan: Yeah, I mean especial___maybe
because I'm a blogger, we're always
seek___to define things in unique way___.
And there’s a lot of term___out there.
But what I did was always a little
bit different, which is I would go
Write the correct extension
and get long term leas___ or
for the blank spaces?
medium term leas___at
apartment___. So I would go and
get a house or an apartment in a
place for anywhere from one to six
month___, and enjoy what it
feel___like to actual___live
And that to me is so excit___, you
know. Although the sight___and
everything are cool, and
hang___out with tourist___can be
fun, I much prefer___ to go down
Ø (no change
to the local café, open___ up my
laptop, talk to the people that are
work___there, and really get a
sense for what it’s like to live in a
So that to me has really been the
benefit of slow travel and I have a
theory about friendship. I think, you
know, really you can't go to place
for just one month. People won’t
invest their time in you.
So if at least you’re going to stay in
a) a year
b) less than a month
c) up to six months
3) He says it is hard to _____ .
There’s expat; people that have left their native country. There’s
backpacker, which is someone who tr___to keep their cost very
low and they’re continual___moving from place to place. There’s
flash packer, which is a term that mean___you still have income
from somewhere and you have more tech and toy___, and you
stay at maybe nic___hotel___.
And over the course of my career
what that’s look___like is you really
develop a deep connection___ with
the place___that you live in. You
might hire people there. You have
really good friend___there. One of
the downsides of be___a tourist is
that you never really can develop
friendship___. And so what I found
is that I go back to revisit a lot of
the place___that I once
liv___because I have lifelong
2) He likes to get a lease for _____ .
a) find work
b) make friends
c) save money
4) In Bali, he was able to _____ .
a) meet similar people
b) start a company
c) change his life
5) In Bali, he mentions learning how to _____ .
a) speak the language
b) cook local food
c) do business person
There’s expat; people that have left
their native country.
An expat is a person who lives and
works in another country. Notice the
1. There are many expats in Hong Kong.
2. Most expats love living abroad.
It is one of the downsides of being a
A downside is a negative quality about
something. Notice the following:
1. One downside to living in the city
is the traffic.
2. One downside to living overseas is
a place for three to four months, I think that's sort of the turning
point with a lot of people and they’ll say, “Hey, yeah, you know
what, let’s go try to be friends. Let’s go out and do something
Todd: So Dan, you’re talking about slow travel and you’re saying
that basically you go and just live in a place. And I think a lot of
people would be really hesitant to do that. I mean, that sounds
exciting but it’s like a really big step. How would you convince
somebody to do this type of lifestyle?
Dan: Well, the first thing is to get connected on the blogosphere
with a lot of other people who are doing it because I think that
once you see other people doing it, the mystery comes away and
you realize hey, this is something that I could do. This is
achievable for me.
So I call that like a precedent case analysis. If you can see some
other guys doing it and you can relate with them, not such a big
deal anymore.
The next thing is like I always try to go somewhere where I have
a project. I think it’s a great way to really get engaged because
it’s so easy just to go to a place, get a short term apartment, and
then go to Starbucks, and then that could just be your life.
Whereas, you know, when we came here to Bali, we decided that
we’re going to set up a house and we’re going to invite interns
over. And we’re going to meet entrepreneurs from all around the
world and that’s why we’re going to Bali because Bali is the place
that everybody wants to go. If you mention Bali to somebody,
they're like, “I would love to go to Bali someday.” And that’s great
for meeting people so that’s why we came here.
My last location in the Philippines, I went there with a project to
hire people because I knew it was a great place to hire people. A
place before that in Vietnam, I decided that I wanted to do
investments in Vietnam. It’s a great place to put capital.
Of course, that was before the financial crisis so that didn’t work
out for so long. But I find it the idea of having a project gets you
For me as a business person, I've never gone somewhere and
not hire somebody there. And that act in and of itself helps me to
get engaged. Now, if you’re not a business person, a lot of
people would come to a place like Bali and say, “I'm going to
learn how to surf or I'm going to learn how to cook local
Indonesian food or I'm going to learn the language.”
Those kinds of projects I think are really useful for the slow travel
concept. And they're a unique opportunity because if you’re a
tourist, you don’t have time to set up a business or to learn the
language and that’s the unique opportunity for the slow traveler.
Todd: I’m sold.
Speaking Challenge
Answer these questions about the lesson and the vocabulary.
Do you feel engaged with your work?
What is one downside to getting married?
The turning point is a time when people
have noticeable change in their life.
Notice the following:
1. The army was a turning point in my life.
2. College was a turning point in her life.
a big deal
It's not such a big deal anymore.
A big deal is something people put a lot
of importance in. Notice the following:
1. Buying a house is a big deal.
2. Winning the World Cup is a big
It’s a great place to put capital.
Capital is a form of wealth or resources.
Notice the following:
1. Stocks are one form of capital.
2. He puts a lot of emotional capital
in his family.
It helps me to get engaged.
Here, to get engaged means to become
interested and committed to something.
Notice the following:
1. I am engaged in the project.
2. I do not feel engaged at my new job.
Vocabulary Quiz
expats • downsides • turning point
a big deal • capital • engaged
1. There are few
to having kids.
2. Meeting my spouse was a
my life.
3. It is not
if you cannot come.
4. Many
hang out at that bar.
5. He does not feel
with his
6. I try to reinvest my
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Is fashion a big deal for you?
That's sort of the turning point with a
lot of people
What was a turning point in your life?
the turning point
Would you like to be an expat?
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1) All he needed was _____ .
a) a ticket and a plan
b) a credit card and map
c) money and a backpack
1326 Living on the Cheap
Dan talks about how he saves a lot of money by living in
Southeast Asia.
Todd: So I'm here with Dan, and he lives in
Bali, Indonesia. And he’s talking about slow
travel, which ___ the concept of living ___ a
foreign country for a long time ___
experience the culture and ___ lifestyle.
Dan, can you talk ___ little bit about the
cost, like if somebody wants ___ really do
this, how much money do they need ___
housing, transportation, food, things like that?
Dan: Well, when I quit my job four
years ago, I had a mantra in ___
head. And I always said, all I need
to ___ happy ___ life is ___
thousand bucks ___ a backpack.
And I thought, if I could really
simplify my life and take away all
___ overhead cost of car payment
___ a mortgage on ___ house or
student load debts, credit cards,
things like that, all I would need is
___ thousand dollars of income
___ month in order ___ own my
time and ___ spend my time going
___ anywhere I wanted.
2) In Bali you can live for _____ a month
a) less than 1000
b) between 1000 and 1500
c) about 2000
3) You can get _____ for 500 a month.
a) an unfurnished apartment
b) a furnished apartment
c) a nice villa
4) What is 120 USD a month?
Complete the gaps.
I have __ leave soon.
I have to leave soon.
I think realistically in places in
Southeast Asia, if you want ___
move around every two ___ three
months or go visit friends ___
another city, you're going to want
___ least $1,500 ___ $2,000 ___
month. And that’s going ___ give
you, I would say, ___ quite
luxurious lifestyle. Obviously, you
could come here ___ Bali and live
for $700 ___ month and you could
do ___ same in Nha Trang like
we’re talking earlier, maybe even
easier in Vietnam. But the real cost
come in is when you want ___
explore and move around
internationally. So if you’re living in
Nha Trang and you’d like to visit
___ friend in Bangkok every three
months or something like that,
you’re going ___ want more like 1,500 ___ 2,000 ___ month.
Todd: So could you like break down the cost? So what kind of
cost are we talking here? Like how much would you pay for
housing? How much would you pay, you know, for food every
month? How much would you pay for health insurance? Things
like that.
Dan: Sure, I mean, if we can make like a vast generalization
across Southeast Asia in general. I know it’s a huge place but in
most places for a furnished apartment, for a solo traveler, you’re
going to look at anywhere from $250 to $750 a month. So let’s
just ballpark it and say $500. You know, in a place like Manila,
you’re going to get a great apartment for $500. In a place like
a) internet and phone
b) food costs
c) health insurance
5) Going out is more expensive in _____ .
a) Bali
b) Bangkok
c) The Philippines
I had a mantra in my head.
A mantra is something you often repeat
to yourself for focus or motivation.
Notice the following:
1. He repeated the mantra is 'I can
do it!'
2. 'Ohm' is famous buddhist mantra.
I could simplify my life and take away
the overhead.
Overhead is basic costs needed to
operate, especially in business. Notice
the following:
1. Our overhead is way too high.
2. We cuts staff to lower overhead costs.
Bangkok, you’re going to get even better apartment for $500.
And again, you have to commit to a month at least to get these
kinds of rates. But if you’re willing to do that, stay for few months,
you’re going to get really good advantage there.
Let’s take Bangkok as an example. $500, you’re going to have a
great apartment. For another $500, you are going to eat like King
Midas. And then let’s say your internet is $30 a month and your
health insurance in $120 a month. We’re at about $1,200 a
month now. And I’d say, on top of that, it's all about the most
dangerous habit for your wallet on the planet, and it is travel. So
if you decide that you want to go home for Christmas and you
want to go home for Thanksgiving as well for Americans, you
know, that’s going to kill your piggy bank. But if you don’t travel
so much, you could easily stay in a place like Bangkok for $1,000
to $1,500 a month.
Todd: So, what about like a, you know, going out having beers
and thinks like that? Like are there certain habits that you have to
kind of curtail or keep down so that you save money?
Dan: Well, it really depends where you live. So, in the Philippines
you could go out and party every night and it won’t make a dent
in your wallet. Whereas in places like here in Bali, you had to be
really careful because beers can be $7 for one cocktail. So if you
go out to the club and you order 4 cocktails, and you meet a cute
girl and you buy her 2 cocktails, that could easily turn into a $50
evening, and that’s going to kill your traveler’s budget.
So generally in Southeast Asia going out for social drinks isn’t a
big impact on your wallet because booze here is relatively cheap.
But definitely that can have a big impact.
Todd: Alright, thanks for the advice.
Speaking Challenge
Answer these questions related to the lesson.
A ballpark figure is an estimate about
basic costs. Notice the following:
1. What is a ballpark figure for rent in
2. Can you give me a ballpark figure?
kill your piggy bank
That’s going to kill your piggy bank.
A piggy bank is a place children keep
savings. Here, it means to spend most
of your money. Notice the following:
1. College really killed my piggy
2. Living in the city killed my piggy bank.
You have to kind of curtail spending.
When you curtail something, you reduce
it. Notice the following:
1. I am trying to curtail my sugar
2. You should curtail how much you spend on gas.
make a dent .... in your wallet
It won't make a dent in your wallet.
Do you need to curtail spending on anything?
When something makes a dent in your
wallet or budget, it costs a lot of money.
Notice the following:
So let’s just ballpark it?
How can you reduce overhead?
ballpark ... figure
What makes the biggest dent in your wallet?
1. My tax bill really made a dent in
my wallet.
2. Buying a new suit made a dent in my wallet.
Where is a cheap place, you would like to live?
Vocabulary Quiz
Did you have a piggy bank as a child?
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mantra • overhead • ballpark
piggy bank • curtail • make a dent
1. We need to
how much we
2. Can I get a
3. That can really
in the budget.
4. This is going to kill my
5. We need to curtail
6. Just keep repeating the
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1) Daniel thinks crying is a ____ reaction.
1219 Men Cry
Daniel and Vella talks about the cultural norm for men not to
cry and if they should cry more often.
Vella: So Daniel, we're talking about
emotions and let's talk about emotions in
men. Do you think it's OK for men to cry?
Daniel: Well, I do think it's all right. There's
nothing wrong about it. If you want to cry, if
you're sad, if you are angry, if you are
di_________ed, I think it's normal.
a) normal
b) female
c) funny
d) masculine
2) If Indonesian boys cry, kids will ___them.
a) help
b) hit
c) laugh at
d) make fun of
3) In Chile, crying is a sign of ___.
The normal reaction would be to cry but un_________ly there is
a huge stigma at______ed to men crying. For some people it is
a big issue. For me, personally, it isn't.
Vella: I agree a hundred per cent
with you. For me personally, I think
it's totally OK for guys to cry. But I
think it's in my culture, Indonesian,
it's really un_____on to, you
know, for guys to show this
emotional expression when they
Word Ears!
Complete the words with
the correct spelling.
For example when, even when
you're little, if you cry in the
cl______om and when you are a
guy and if you cry, people are just
going to make fun of you and
they're going to start laughing and
calling you names.
I have not e_____n lunch
I have not eaten lunch yet.
Daniel: I know totally. It's the same
in Chile ac_____ly. Well, I was
raised in a really, really strong kind
of macho culture. I mean crying
was a sign of we______ss so boys
were not, I mean I can say, were
not allowed to cry, right, because of,
because of the whole macho thing
and you have to be a man, you
have to be brave so you're not
su______ed to cry. But now I think
it's, kids shouldn't be, well they
shouldn't be en_______ed to cry
but they should be told that it's all
right. I mean it's a n_______l
reaction and you have to show your
feelings so I think if you want to cry,
if you're sad and if you want to cry,
you should just do it but there's
nothing to be em_________ed about.
Vella: I think that's just how it is inside or they expect men to be
macho and masculine and I think s_______g tears kind of takes
away a lot of masculine, like masculinity out of men.
Daniel: I think it's more masculine just to assume that you are
sad and you are showing it. You're not afraid to show your
emotions. I think that's more va_____le, that's more, I mean I'm a
boy and because I cry that doesn't make me less of a man. I
mean, I'm a man and therefore, I don't know because I'm a man,
I can show my ex_______ns and I'm not afraid of it. I don't know,
that's what I think.
a) masculinity
b) understanding
c) sensitivity
d) weakness
4) Daniel thinks kids should be ____ to cry.
a) allowed
b) taught
c) encouraged
d) told
5) Crying shows that you are ____ your emotions.
a) afraid of
b) not afraid of
c) in touch with
d) bored with
Unfortunately, there is a large stigma
attached to men crying.
If there is 'stigma' attached to an activity,
doing it brings social disgrace or
humiliation. It is not accepted. Notice the
1. In my country, there is not longer the same stigma
attached to living with someone before you are
2. There is a social stigma to having a job like that.
call someone names
If you're a guy and you cry in the
classroom, people are going to start
calling you names.
When you 'call someone names,' you say
bad things about that person that are
usually not true. Notice the following:
Speaking Challenge
Answer these questions about the lesson and vocabulary.
Should we teach boys how to be macho?
Is there a stigma with being single?
Were you called names as a kid?
I think they expect men to be macho.
A man who is 'macho' fits the stereotype
of a very masculine man who doesn't
show emotions. Notice the following:
1. He is so macho that I never thought
he would be interested in learning how to sew.
2. All of their boys are very macho.
Should a female boss show masculinity or femininity?
I think showing tears kind of takes a lot of
masculinity out of men.
Does crying make a guy less of a man?
A man's 'masculinity' is his maleness, or
characteristics that are associated with
males. Notice the following:
1. He used to get called names a lot when he was a
child, but now he is very popular.
2. Tom, don't call your sister names.
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1. Does being a stay-at-home dad take away from
your sense of masculinity.
2. He lost the hard edge of masculinity when he
became a father.
less of a man
Because I cry that doesn't make me less
of a man.
A man could be considered 'less of a man'
if he doesn't act in a masculine way or
does something that is thought to be
feminine. Notice the following:
1. He was worried that people would think of him as
less of a man if he became a nurse.
2. I think of him as less of a man now that I know what
a coward he is.
Vocabulary Quiz
stigmas • names • macho
masculinity • less of
1. He believes that coloring his hair will
take away from his
about race and gender are
different in every country.
3. Breaking his leg made him feel like
a man, because he had to
ask his wife for help.
4. Don't expect that a
man will
treat women as equals.
5. When they get in fights, they usually call
each other