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Emami Rural Marketing & Pricing Strategy

Rural marketing strategy:
Emami follows a competitive pricing strategy to tackle the offerings from all other
FMCG player and to be a successful in penetrating rural market.
Focuses on a hybrid strategies for pricing to attain its product in rural areas
Psychological pricing strategy: emami applied psychological pricing strategy which is
one of the fruitiful strategy in rural areas. They sold Boroplus for Rs.99, fair and
handsome for Rs.39, emami’s Healthy & tasty – rice bran oil for Rs.159 which seems less
than Rs.100, Rs.40, Rs.160
Its low volume packets and various product sachets like Rs.5 of borolus and Rs.10 sachet
of fair and handsome have been popular among rural populations because of their
Pricing strategy:
Emami has undertaken a new pricing strategy: They have reduced the price of 7 oils in one to
pass the benefits of the company among rural customers. Like:
→ 50 ml of brand will be priced at Rs.30 as against Rs.32 earlier, 100ml at Rs.55
compared to Rs.60 and 200 bottle will be costing Rs.105 against Rs.115
Zandu balm follows an affordable pricing strategy in rural areas like:
→ 1ml – Rs.2, 4.5ml – Rs.10, 8ml – Rs.32, 25ml – Rs.85
→ Zandu balm super power for Rs.38
→ Zandu balm junior for Rs.30
Emami also launched Navrata oil and talcum powder pouches under Navratna brand in Rs.2 and
Rs.1 respectively in rural areas.
Different from their competitors
❖ 8 ml 0f Zandu balm is only Rs.32 which is cheaper than that of 8ml of tiger balm Rs.47
❖ Nihar shanti amla’s 15ml sache priced at Rs.15; meanwhile emami’s navratna oil has come
up with Rs.1 and Rs.2 for 2.7ml and 5ml respectively which is more affordable than other
rural competitors
❖ Emami’s Boroplus 5ml for Rs.5 in rural areas providing an reasonable price whereas no other
antiseptic creams like salvon, Himalayas or healwell may not have this much specifications
for rural upliftment made Emami stand specific among competitors.
❖ zandu pure honey 50g - Rs.38; dabur honey 50g - Rs. 40 - compared to dabur honey, zandu
honey is quite affordable and rich in its quality.
➢ Most of the Emami products are cheaper and this clearly states that emami’s most of the
products are designed for rural peoples
➢ The introduction to SKUs and sachets helps them in volume growth mostly in rural and semiurban areas.
➢ ‘Emami’, because of its good pricing strategy, one that has made it possible for the company
to penetrate in rural markets.
➢ Since Emami attained more affordability in rural areas than their competitors, we can suggest
that they can keep on following the same pricing strategy and also still need to make their
other brands like kesh king affordable in rural states.