Subido por Manuel Martin

Adjective Comparison: Comparative & Superlative Forms

Awesome - more awesome than - the most
Bad - worse than - the worst
Big - bigger than - the biggest
Cold - colder than - the coldest
Cool - cooler than - the coolest
Crazy - crazier than - the craziest
Dangerous - more dangerous than - the
most dangerous
Deeper - deeper than - the deepest
Disgusting - more disgusting than - the
most disgusting
Dumb - dumber than - the dumbest
Easy - easier than - the easiest
Exciting - more exciting than - the most
Far - farther/further than - the
Fast - faster than - the fastest
Fat - fatter than - the fattest
Funny - funnier than - the funniest
Good - better than - the best
Happy - happier than - the happiest
Hard - harder than - the hardest
Heavy - heavier than - the heaviest
High - higher than - the highest
Hot - hotter than - the hottest
Interesting - more interesting than - the
most interesting
Light - lighter than - the lightest
Little - littler than - the littlest
Long - longer than - the longest
Low - lower than - the lowest
Near - nearer than - the nearest
Noisy - noisier than - the noisiest
Old - older than - the oldest
Pretty - prettier than - the prettiest
Sad - sadder than - the saddest
Scary - scarier than - the scariest
Short - shorter than - the shortest
Slow - slower than - the slowest
Small - smaller than - the smallest
Smart - smarter than - the smartest
Soft - softer than - the softest
Tall - taller than - the tallest
Thin - thinner than - the thinnest
Thrilling - more thrilling than - the most
Weird - weirder than - the weirdest