Subido por Patrick De regil

3 HumanAnatomyMedTerms

Developed by: Cultural and Linguistic Services
Copyright © 2004 L.A. Care Health Plan
Permission granted to adapt by LA Care Health Plan
The Human Anatomy Illustrative Guide and Medical Terminology was developed out of a need that was
identified through our training programs on health care interpreting and instructing clinical staff
on how to work with an interpreter. We heard from bilingual/multilingual staff that they needed
tools that would help them communicate with limited English proficient (LEP) patients. From
our evaluative work, we also understood that some bilingual/multilingual staff also needed to
know human anatomy terms in English as well as the target language. In our mission to close the
language gap, we developed the bilingual anatomy chart that includes human anatomical charts,
medical terms, and frequently asked questions by doctors during their interactions with patients,
in Los Angeles County’s ten threshold languages (Armenian, Chinese, English, Farsi, Khmer,
Korean, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese).
Communication is a critical link to patient safety, quality of care, access to needed health care
services, and patient satisfaction. The rapid changes that occur in health care settings create
many challenges and opportunities to develop innovative ways of communicating with patients,
particularly with linguistically diverse patient population. This resource is in alignment with L.A.
Care’s over arching mission which is:
“To ensure the provision of culturally sensitive and linguistically competent quality health care services to the MedCal population in Los Angeles County through the Safety Net Providers and our health partners, to promote
health and disease prevention, to continuously improve the knowledge and effectiveness of our provider community,
and to assist in the provision of the same quality of services for the vulnerable populations.”
L.A. Care wishes to acknowledge all those that have contributed to the development of this
guide. First and foremost, we must thank The Cross Cultural Health Care Program for allowing
us to use the illustrations from the “Bridging the Gap” interpreter’s handbook. Sarkis
Semerdjyan, Fatima Rodriguez and Elizabeth Nguyen were key staff members of the Cultural
and Linguistic Services Department at L.A. Care, who put much energy and effort to ensure the
quality of this guide. We also would like to thank the Marketing Department, Young Chi in
particular, for her assistance with the layout of the guide.
Together in Health,
Beatriz M. Solís Director of Cultural and
Linguistic Services
Human Anatomy – The Circulatory System
Human Anatomy-The Digestive System
Human Anatomy - The Endocrine (Ductless Gland) System
Human Anatomy - The Optical System
Human Anatomy - The Male Reproductive/Urinary System
Human Anatomy - The Female Reproductive System
Human anatomy - The Respiratory System
Medical Terminology & Frequently Asked Questions by Providers During
Encounters with Patients
1. Abdominal pain
dolor abdominal
2. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida (SIDA)
3. Allergies
4. Appendicitis
5. Arthritis
6. Asthma
7. Bronchitis
8. Cervical cancer
cáncer cervical, cáncer del cervix
9. Chest pain
dolor en el pecho
10. Chicken pox
varicela (viruelas)
11. Chlamydia
12. Constipation
13. Contraceptive
anticonceptivo (contraceptivo)
14. Cyst
15. Diabetes
16. Diet
dieta, régimen alimenticio
17. Difficulty breathing
dificultad al respirar
18. Diphtheria
19. Discharge (e.g. a discharge from
flujo, desecho, secreción
20. Dizziness
21. Drugs (illegal drugs)
drogas ilicitas
22. Earache
dolor de oído
23. Ectopic pregnancy
embarazo ectópico, gestación fuera
24. Fever
25. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
Virus de inmunodeficiencia (VIH)
26. Hemorrhoids
27. Hepatitis
28. Hypertension
hypertension, alta presión
29. Ulcer
ulcera, llaga, lesión
30. Measles
31. Mumps
paperas, parotiditis
32. Pap smear
prueba de papanicolaou
33. Pneumonia
neumonía, pulmonía
34. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
enfermedades trasmitidas sexualmente
35. Shortness of breath
falta de respiración
36. Sore throat
dolor de garganta
37. Stomach ache
dolor de estómago
38. Tetanus shot
vacuna contra el tétano
39. Toothache
dolor de muela
40. Tuberculosis
41. Urinary infection
infección renal, infección urinaria
42. Urine analysis
análisis de orina
43. Vaccination
vacunación, inoculación de una vacuna
44. Varicose vein
várices, venas varicosas
45. Whooping cough
tos ferina
46. Yeast infection
hongo vaginal, infección vaginal
47. Are you in pain?
¿Siente dolor?
48. Are you taking any medications?
¿Está tomando algún medicamento?
49. Are your stools normal?
¿Su excremento es normal?
50. Do you feel dizzy?
¿ Se siente mariado?
51. Do you have a fever?
¿Tiene fiebre?
52. Do you have a runny nose?
¿Le gotea la nariz?
53. Do you have numbness or tingling?
¿Está entumecido o siente hormigueo?
54. Hold your breath
Mantenga la respiración
55. Is the pain a sharp pain or dull pain?
¿El dolor es agudo o sordo?
56. May I help you?
¿Le puedo ayudar?
57. How did you hurt yourself?
¿Cómo se lastimo?
58. Have you ever had this problem before?
¿Ha tenido este problema anteriormente?
59. Does anyone in your family have asthma?
¿Hay alguien en su familia que tiene asma?
60. Has anyone in your family been treated for
¿Ha recibido algún miembro de su familia tratamiento
por la diabetes?
61. Has your child been vaccinated?
¿Ha sido vacunado su niño(a)?
62. Have you ever had any operations?
¿Le han hecho alguna cirugía anteriormente?
63. Do you have any allergy to any food or
¿Tiene alguna alergia a ciertas comidas o
64. Do you have any trouble with your throat?
¿Tiene algún problema en su garganta?
65. Have you been going to the bathroom
¿Ha estado yendo al baño regularmente?
66. Has your baby been tugging at his ear a
¿Se ha estado jalando la oreja mucho su bebé?
67. Which tooth is bothering you?
¿Cuál diente le está molestando?
68. When was the last time you saw a dentist?
¿Cuándo fue la última vez que vio el dentista?
69. When was your last menstrual period?
¿Cuándo tuvo su última regla menstrual?
70. Is this your first pregnancy?
¿Este es su primer embarazo?
71. Have you ever had a miscarriage?
¿Ha tenido malpartos (abortos espontáneos) en el
¿Tuvo alguna complicación con sus otros embarazos?
72. Did you have any complications with your
other pregnancies?
73. Were any of your children born by Csection?
¿Ha tenido partos por cesaria?
74. How many months pregnant are you now?
¿Cuántos meses de embarazo tiene?
75. How much weigh have you gained?
¿Cuánto peso ha aumentado?
76. Have you received prenatal care?
¿Ha recibido cuidado prenatal?
77. When did you start having contractions?
¿Cuándo empezó a tener contracciones?
78. Will you be breastfeeding your baby?
¿Le dará pecho a su bebé?
79. What seems to be the problem with your
¿Cuál parece ser el problema con su niño(a)?
80. Was he unconscious after he fell?
¿Estuvo inconsciente después de haberse caído?
81. Did he appear to be in pain?
¿Le pareció que él tenía dolor?
82. Has he been vomiting?
¿Se ha estado vomitando?
83. How did you cut yourself?
¿Cómo se cortó?
84. Is there any swelling?
¿Hay alguna hinchazón?
85. Has the baby had any diarrhea?
¿Ha tenido diarrea el bebé?
86. Was there any blood in the stool?
¿Hubo sangre en el excremento?
87. Do you ever vomit when you have this
stomach pain?
¿Se vomita cuándo le da dolor de estómago?
88. Do you often have stomach cramps or
¿Sufre usted de calambres estomacales o fiebre a
Permission to use granted by LA Care Health Plan