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Breccias in IOCG(U) Exploration: A Guide

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Use of breccias in IOCG(U) exploration
Article · January 2010
1 author:
Michel Jébrak
Université du Québec à Montréal
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DIVEX network, Université du Québec à Montréal; [email protected]
Breccia are key elements of the polymetallic iron oxide copper-gold (Co-Ag-Bi-U) (IOCG) deposits
worldwide. Their use is however difficult either in regional mineral exploration or in production mapping.
Recent studies on breccias in magmatic-hydrothermal systems show that genetic information may be
determine from quantitative geometric parameters (shape and spatial organization of fragments) and
composition. Breccia maturity could be determined from several parameters et could be use for targeting
mineralization. In IOGC(U) ore deposits, breccias occurs in all geological environments and at different
depths. Corroded breccia fragments and chaotic particle size distribution are more abundant than in other
types of ore deposits, underlying the role of solution process in this class of deposits.
Les brèches sont des éléments essentiels dans les gisements d’oxydes de fer polymétalliques à cuivre-or
(Co-Ag-Bi-U). Leur utilisation reste cependant difficile, aussi bien en exploration régionale que lors de la
cartographie au cours de la production. Les études récentes sur les brèches dans les systèmes magmatiqueshydrothermaux ont montré qu’il était possible d’obtenir de multiples informations génétiques à partir
d’analyses géométriques détaillées sur la forme et l’organisation spatiale des fragments en tenant compte de
la composition. La maturité d’une brèche peut se mesurer selon différents paramètres et peut servir de
vecteur vers la minéralisation. Dans les gisements IOGC(U), les brèches apparaissent dans tous les
environnements et à diverses profondeurs. Les fragments des brèches sont plus corrodés et la granulométrie
est plus chaotique que dans d’autres types de gisements, ce qui souligne l’importance des processus de
dissolution dans ces gisements.
Iron-oxide copper-gold uranium deposits are
recognised as a more and more important type of
ore deposit, with numerous variations in their
geological setting and the composition of economic
ore. These copper-gold deposits are characterized
by the abundance of iron oxides (magnetite,
hematite), with cobalt, uranium, rare-earths,
barium, fluorine constituting minors elements. The
emplacement of the ore is associated to various
styles of permeability, such as veins, breccias or
replacements, controlled by structural and plutonic
factors. Alteration are ubiquitous, mostly alkaline
(sodic, calcic, potassic) and chlorine-rich
(Corriveau et al., 2008).
IOGC constitute therefore a rather diverse class
of ore deposits, sharing more of a mineralogical and
geochemical assemblage than a common
lithological package or a specific geodynamic
context. Early description of this association may
be found in the eba paragenesis described in Central
Europe. However, it is only after the discovery of
the Olympic Dam deposit in South Australia that
the necessity of a distinction of specific class of ore
deposits appeared clearly. Several ore deposits were
furthermore discovered, such as Salobo (Brazil,
1977), Starra (Australia, 1980), La Candelaria
(Chile, 1987), Osborne (Australia, 1988), Ernest
Henry (Australia, 1991) and Alemao (Brazil, 1996).
Several apatite-rich deposits were also attached to
the group, and especially the Kiruna and Bayan
Obo deposits. These deposits represent presently
less than 5% of the copper and 1% of the gold
produced every year. However, several deposits
play a major economic role such as Olympic Dam,
first Uranium mine in the world, Bayan Obo, first
REE producer, or Kiruna, the largest mine in
Breccias are very abundant in this type of
deposit, and host most of the mineralization in
major deposits such as Olympic Dam and Ernest
Henry (Australia), and La Candelaria (Chile). They
have been considered as one of the key elements of
this family of deposits (Hitzman et al., 1992). The
formation of these breccias has been related to
numerous processes, from physical (explosion,
comminution) to chemical (dissolution). Several
hypotheses have been proposed in order to explain
their formation from explosive alkaline explosion to
fault rocks formation and dissolution by surficial
waters (Hitzman et al., 1992; Barton and Johnson,
1996; Williams, 1999, Mark et al., 2006).
However, these breccias display complex
relationships to the ore, due to multiple episodes of
fragmentation. This cause several difficulties for
the recognition and mapping of breccia in a large
orebody, where several geologists are involved and
where the variability of facies at all scales may
cause some shortcuts in the description of the
breccia during the production phase of the mine.
In this paper, we present a semi-quantitative
methodology for the description and the
interpretation of breccia in IOGC(U). The approach
has been developed for field geologists, either in
exploration or production, and does not require any
specific instrument.
Describing a breccia
Some previous works
A variety of approaches have previously been
taken on the classification of breccia. The numerous
attempts have ranged from purely descriptive to
genetic and have used a wide variety of criteria.
Sibson (1986) reviewed the structural
brecciation processes in fault zones and proposed a
classification for the definition of fault rocks using
textural features (e.g., roundness), internal clast
deformation, clast size distribution, and clast and
matrix composition.
Sillitoe (1985) used a practical classification
for breccias in plutonic and hydrothermal systems
within magmatic-arc environments using the
abundance and petrographic composition of the
matrix or cement, the shape of the elements, and the
overall organization of the brecciated units.
Laznicka (1988) made a thorough review of
breccia structures and associated rocks.
examined the wide range of settings for breccias in
different geological environments and proposed a
fully genetic classification and a descriptive
Taylor and Pollard (1993) and Taylor (2003 a,
b) developed a field approach focussing on
intrusive and extrusive breccias, beautifully
illustrated by photographs showing specific
characteristics such as discrete pressurized slurry
vein, ion skin textures (probably hypogene
exfoliation), decompressive shock textures, sheeted
fractures, shingle texture, and collapse.
Jébrak (1997) used a quantitative approach
similar to the one used in sedimentology. Although
it was developed for hydrothermal breccias, it could
be used for different styles of fragmentation
process. Four key parameters were recognized and
should be theoretically self-sufficient for a total
understanding of the shape of a breccia: particle
size distribution, shape of the fragment, dilation
ratio, and fragment fabric. Fragmentation may
occur in response to either physical constraint or to
chemical disequilibrium. The same approach was
used by Clark et al. (2006) for understanding the
formation of magmatic hydrothermal breccias in the
Curnamona Province (eastern South Australia).
Mineralogy, fractal analysis of clast shapes and
clast size distributions analysis were able to
distinguish two styles of breccia and indicate that
fluid pressure fluctuations played a significant role,
though to differing degrees, in the initiation of the
brecciation process.
Billi et Storti (2004) showed the fractal
distribution of the fragments in a fault zone,
whereas Storti et al. (2007) studied in great details
the shape of the fragments in faults within
limestone and detailed the mechanisms related to
the interactions between particles.
Loucks (1999) suggested a classification of the
cave breccias and sediment fills. Loucks et al.
(2004) showed the possibility to analyse the
paleocaverns in limestone, in terms of paleocavefacies classification, from disturbed strata facies to
fine and coarse class chaotic breccias. The same
approach was transferred to the Dent fault,
England, by Woodcock et al. (2007) where chaotic
breccias are related to incremental void formation
in a reverse-oblique fault. Eliassen and Talbot
(2005) recognized also two main styles of breccia
in sedimentary evaporitic reservoirs, horizontal,
stratabound, and thick, crosscutting breccia. Some
of the facies encountered show strong similarities
with breccia in IOGC(U).
The descriptive approach
We advocate a multi-faceted, descriptive
approach to studying brecciated rocks. The
fragmentation variables are of three types: (1)
composition of the fragments and of the matrix; (2)
shape of the fragments; (3) spatial organization of
the fragments. From the early rigorous description
of the breccia, different styles of brecciation can be
defined based on the dominant process and its
intensity, allowing characterizing the maturation of
the breccia.
FIGURE 1. Six geometric parameters are needed for an
efficient description of brecciated rocks; the distinction
between monomict and polymict breccias is also
(1) Composition of the fragments and of the matrix
Nature of fragment and of the matrix is the first
key element of a description. A breccia may be
monomict or polymict, and at different degrees of
heterogeneity. Monomict breccia could be in situ or
transported (Pl. 1, Fig. a1). Polymict breccia
usually indicates some amount of transportation of
the fragments, either up- or downward. However,
the distance of transportation is usually difficult to
assess, because it is strongly dependant of the
variability of the host rocks. Transportation of
several hundred meters, up and down, has been
documented in fault and breccia-pipe systems (Pl.
1, Fig. a2).
The matrix could be crushed, hydrothermal
(cement), or magmatic. In the case of the crushed
matrix, it could be difficult to recognize the
fragments from the matrix because of the fractality
(self-similarity) of the system.
(2) Shape of the fragments
The shape of the fragments may be defined
using three sub-parameters: aspect ratio (i.e. ratio
between length and wide), roundness, and
complexity. Aspect ratio (or elongation) varies
from equidimensional to a very elongate shape (Pl.
1, Fig. b1, b2).
Roundness (or sphericity) is related to the
general shape of the fragments whereas complexity
describes the detailed structure of the shape.
Although there is a mathematical continuity
between these two shape parameters, early
observations show that a gap in scale may occurs,
resulting in a bi-fractal distribution (Orford and
Whalley, 1983; Jébrak, 1997). It is therefore easier
for the aim of field recognition to do a distinction
between the overall shape (roundness) and the
detail of the boundary of the particles (complexity).
Roundness could be either of mechanical or of
chemical origin. In the former, it is related to
abrasion process such as milling. Pebble dykes are
exceptional example of this process (Pl. 1, Fig. b2).
In the latter, dissolution processes are recognized
by the formation of indentations, lobes and cupules
(pl. 1, Fig. c1). Experiments show that such
dissolution may take several tenths of years to
occur; exceptionally, in pseudotachylite, roundness
of clasts is indicator of flash frictional melting (Lin,
1999). Complexity is almost completely related to
solution processes affecting the surface of the
fragments. The only exception would be some
rocks that display originally a complex shape of
fragmentation because of the granular composition.
Complexity (or surface roughness) can be
computed by several methods, such as Fourrier
Transform (FFT) or by fractal analysis (Fig. 2). The
boundary fractal dimension is a relatively easy
parameter to measure and it evaluates the
complexity of the outline. The Euclidean Distance
Mapping method (Berubé and Jébrak, 1999) is a
robust method where ribbons of increasing
thickness are computed from the particle outline. A
high fractal dimension value indicates a high
complexity related to dissolution where kinetic
regime is dominant (Sahimi and Tsotsis, 1987).
Such kinetic regime is characterized by a
consumption rate that is limited only by the
chemical reaction rate. The concentration of the
reactants outside the solid is the same everywhere
and the external surface of the solid is totally
exposed to the reactants. This regime leads to a
progressive increase in the complexity of the
external surface. The diffusion-limited regime is
governed by the diffusion rate of the reactants and
only the most exposed parts of the solid, such as the
corners, are reached by these reactants. This regime
is therefore surface dependant and may lead to
rounding or smoothing of the external surface
(Jébrak, 1997).
FIGURE 2. Two types of evolution during chemical
corrosion of a particle. Diffusion Limited Regime
increases rounding and indicates usually a slow process.
Kinetic regime increases complexity and indicates a
strong chemical disequilibrium. Numbers indicate the
value of the Boundary Fractal Dimension, computed by
the method of Berubé and Jébrak (1999).
(3) Spatial organization of the fragments
The spatial organization of the fragments could
be described by three parameters: dilation ratio,
PSD, and fabric.
Dilation ratio corresponds to the percentage in
volume of the matrix, giving an approximation of
the porosity at the time of formation. A low
dilation-ratio corresponds to a « clast-supported »
model whereas a high dilation-ration is equivalent
to the « matrix-supported » model (pl.2, Fig. e1 and
e2). The dilation ratio is the more useful for
distinctions between crackle breccia, mosaic
breccia and chaotic breccia (Mort and Woodcock,
2008). The average degree of rotational misfit of
the clasts is strongly related to breccia class: crackle
breccia involves less then 10° average rotation,
mosaic breccia, 10-20°, and chaotic breccia more
than 20° rotation. Mort and Woodcook (2008)
provide comparison charts for semi-quantitative
classification of fault breccias.
PSD vary from normal to log-normal/fractal
distribution. It can be summarized by another
fractal dimension, Ds, that represents the slope of
the cumulative particle size distribution in a log-log
diagram, or more intuitively the ratio between small
particles on large fragments. High Ds will be
significant of the impact of heterometric
distribution such as in volcanic breccias whereas
low Ds indicate that the fragments have roughly the
same size. Plate 2 (Fig. d1 and d2) shows two end
members with fractal and almost isometric
distribution in IOGC(U) deposits.
Fabric varies from one to random orientations
of the fragments. It designs the overall orientation
of the fragments, with low value for an orientation
and high value for a random distribution (Pl. 2, Fig.
f1 and f2).
(4) Brecciation maturity
During its formation, breccias evolve and their
shapes reflect the intensity of the brecciation
processes, physic or chemical. Such maturity of
breccia is an important character to determine
because mineralization is usually associated to the
most evolved part of a breccia system. Even if a
general pattern may be proposed (Fig. 3), there is
no general consensus for the best parameter to
observe for targeting the ore. It obviously depends
of the nature of the processes involved in breccia
FIGURE 3. Maturity in a breccia system, and evolution of
fragmented rocks. The three stages of the fragmentation
process, with the different style of breccia associated
(from Jébrak, 1997): (a) represents the initiation of the
fragmentation, with mechanical continuity; (b) represents
the stage of mechanical discontinuity and hydraulic
continuity; (c) represents both mechanical and hydraulic
In the Athabasca sandstone U deposits, ball
zones are composed of altered sandstone fragments
wrapped in red, green, yellow and/or white massive
clay (illite) locally displaying flow texture. Their
maturity, characterized by the matrix percentage,
increased toward the unconformity and at fault
intersections (Lorrilleux et al., 2003). Ball zones are
hydrothermal breccias developed in sandstones
some tens of meters from unconformity-type
uranium ore bodies. They formed during peak
diagenesis at temperatures between 240 and 280 oC.
In a fault zone, the evolution of a breccia
system could be followed using the particle size
distribution. Billi and Storti (2004) studied in detail
carbonate cataclastic rocks from the Mattinata
Fault, Southern Apennines, Italy. They showed that
the PSD follows a fractal law with fractal
dimensions (D) cluster around the value of f2.5.
High D-values pertain to gouge in shear bands
reworking the bulk cataclastic rocks of the fault
core. Low D-values characterise immature
cataclastic breccias. Intermediate D-values are
typical of the bulk fault core. The development of
particle size distributions with D>2.6–2.7 in shear
band occurred by a preferential relative increase of
fine particles rather than a selective decrement of
coarse particles, and reflect intense comminution
enhanced by slip localisation progressed by rolling
of coarse particles whose consequent smoothing
produced a large number of fine particles.
Mort and Woodcock (2008) used a geometric
classification of fault breccia in the Dent Fault,
northwest England. They demonstrated that
maturity could be quantified by clast rounding
correlated with surface roughness. However, PSD
shows no correlation with the breccia classes.
The genesis of breccia in plutonic hydrothermal system may be related to numerous
processes (Fig. 4).
In fault systems, comminution and hydraulic
breccias are the more commons. Dissolution
processes, followed by collapse are ubiquitous and
occur not only in soluble host-rocks, but also in
silica-rich environments. In IOGC(U) deposits,
such process is frequently observed because of the
high capacity of dissolution of sodi-calcic
hydrothermal solution (Hecht and Cuney, 2000; Le
Carlier de Veslud et al., 2007).
Explosion and fluidization processes are more
specific and usually related to subvolcanic
environments (Oliver et al., 2004).
FIGURE 4. Main classes of process involved in breccia
formation. All the cases have been observed in IOGC(U)
From field to laboratory
Field mapping is an absolute requisite for any
breccia study, and, therefore, most of the steps for
breccia identification are to be applied in the field.
Mapping of breccias remains difficult because of
the variability of facies, the numerous styles of
brecciation, and the multiplicity of classification.
In the field, the following steps should be
Look for major evolution and gradient in the
six geometric parameters, composition of
fragments and matrix;
Search for the less evolved breccia in order
to define the end members; this usually
means to quit the main zone of
Organize your observations by giving
explicit names to the different styles of
compositional observations;
Search for pocket organization as numerous
hydrothermal system and IOGC display
several generations of breccias;
Search for chronology, determined by
breccia in breccia and crosscutting
Take some samples and high-definition
photographs of the main evolution observed.
Back in the lab, it could be necessary to
prepare polished slab for a better observations of
the samples, and especially the composition of the
cement, the nature of the dissolution processes, the
relation between ore deposition and breccia
More detail work could be performed using
semi-quantitative or quantitative approaches.
Geoscientists have been trying for long to develop
automatic recognition of breccias, including
Fourrier transform analysis, computation of fractal
dimensions, fabrics analysis, etc. (Berubé et Jébrak,
1999; Heilbronner et Keulen, 2006; Storti et al.,
2007). These approaches are however limited
because of the distinctions of the fragments, of the
matrix that remains complex using image analysis,
and because such software work mainly as black
In order to improve breccia recognition on the
field, a new approach based on a forensic science
has been developed using a Breccia Digital
Recognition (BDR) software (Pouradier and Jébrak,
2007). BDR is based on a Microsoft Access®
database with a Java© embedded extension. Several
fields are recorded, describing the geology, the
mineralogy, and the alteration of breccias. A digital
photograph is also recorded. A breccia simulator is
generated and the user performs itself the
evaluation of six geometrical parameters, three on
the fragments geometry themselves and three on
their organisation: complexity and roundness of the
shape of the fragments, aspect ratio of the
fragments, fragment/matrix ratio, fabric and particle
size distribution. For each parameter, a value is
given from 1 to 10, and can be correlated to
absolute measurements. The estimation of these
parameters is then compared to a database where
several hundred samples have been characterized.
Such comparison allows the user to know what
environment shows similar breccias.
Application to IOGC deposits
One of the main characteristics of IOGC
deposits is the abundance of breccias. Williams et
al. (this volume) classify the IOGC clan of deposits
in three groups:
(1) iron oxide ± apatite deposits of types that
occur in IOCG districts; Iron Oxide Apatite
deposits (IOA) : Pea ridge (US), Ligthning Creek
(Australia), Bafq (Iran), or apatite poor iron oxide
such as Ligthning Creek and barren ironstone from
Australian districts;
(2) IOCG and closely affiliated deposits (i.e.
low Fe oxide Cu-Au, low Cu-U-(Fe oxide), and low
Cu-Co-As±U(Fe oxide);
(3) Igneous affiliated Fe oxide ±apatite ±Cu
±Au ±rare metal deposits : Bayan Obo (China),
Phalabowa, Vergenoeg (RSA), Faleme (Senegal).
One of the main characteristics of IOGC is
their strong relations with high permeability
domains of the crust, illustrated by the abundance
of breccias. IOGC deposits may occur at different
levels of the crust (Fig. 5), in different
environments, and are associated with different
styles of breccias:
directly in association with pluton (Kiruna,
Aitik); breccias are characterized by
hydraulic breccia, exceptionally explosion
As iron-skarn facies (Faleme, Candelaria,
Pea Ridge), showing a polyphased
emplacement, including an early and inner
magnetite and K-Ca assemblage followed by
a latter and outer hematite and Na
assemblage; breccia facies are mainly
chemical pseudobreccia;
As mantos styles deposits (Tennant Creek,
Bayan Obo, Kwyjibo); breccias are
characterized by hydraulic and dissolutioncollapse facies;
As veins systems (Ernest Henry, Wallaroo,
Andes), where breccias can be structural or
As epithermal style deposits (Tapajos, Mt
Painter, Olympic Dam, Great Bear Lake –
Wenecke, or Pea Ridge (Missouri)), forming
breccia pipes, and veins. Pipes can be
hydrothermal. Breccias are usually of
multiple origins.
There are also some affinities between
IOGC(U) and Besshi-type Sedex deposits, with
examples such as Otjihase, Matchless, Red Sea,
Guyamas. They share the same geochemical
assemblage, with the abundance of iron oxides,
copper, gold, cobalt, in a locally extensive
FIGURE 5. Conceptual geological contexts of breccias in
IOGC(U) deposits. Deeper environment are usually
dominated by magnetite whereas surficial deposit are
more hematite-rich.
BDR method may be use to assess more
precisely the style of brecciation in IOGC(U)
deposits and compare the results to other styles of
deposit. We will present some preliminary results
of a systematic study of breccias in IOGC(U)
deposits. Three level of comparison were
performed: between different types of deposits,
between different deposits, and at the scale of a
Strong differences appear between different
types of deposits. For instance, the IOGC(U)
breccias displays of wide range of particle size
distribution whereas orogenic gold deposits are
much more characterized by distribution of
particles with a limited range. The same
observation could be done also for Cu-Mo porphyry
systems. This illustrates the variation of processes
occurring in IOGC(U) deposits. Other results
showed that roundness is similar to breccia in CuMo porphyry deposits, but higher than in shear
zone; Fabric is characterized by an almost absence
of orientation in IOGC(U) deposits, much more
frequent in others types of ore-deposits; (5)
Complexity could be very high (Fig. 6); the only
type of ore deposits that host breccia with such
high scores are magmatic breccia in PGE deposits
(Lac-des-Iles, Ontario).
(BFD-1); Circularity varies from angulose (0) to rounded
(10). Large symbols represent average value for each
FIGURE 6. Comparison of two geometric parameters of
breccias in IOGC(U) and other styles of deposit. Upper
histograms: comparison of the particle size distribution
for breccia between IOGC(U) (South Australia, mainly
Olympic Dam) and Au shear zone (SZ, Abitibi
greenstone belt); 0 means equal size distribution, 10 a
high fractal value. Lower histograms: comparison of the
complexity of the fragments of the breccia between
IOGC(U) (South Australia, mainly Olympic Dam) and
low temperature fluorite-barite vein type deposits (FIL,
French Massif Central, mainly Le Rossignol); 0 means
non corrosion, 10 highly corroded particles.
Within the IOGC(U) class, difference on
breccia styles is also significant between deposits.
For instance, a quantitative analysis of the shape of
the fragments, using roundness (value of sphericity)
and complexity (BFD) shows that the F zone, in the
North-Western part of the Olympic Dam deposit,
displays much more corrosion that other deposits
(Fig. 7). Such high values are clearly different from
what occurs in a breccia pipe, and suggest that a
large part of the breccias in this zone are related to
solution process within a tectonic zone.
At the scale of a deposit, large variation in
particle shape distribution can also be observed. For
instance, several deposits show an evolution from
magmatic to hydraulic and solution breccias.
Magmatic breccias are generally very early and are
associated with pluton emplacement and magnetite
deposition. Hydraulic breccias are associated with
early hydrothermalism and Fe mobility. Explosive
breccias occur in large systems. Solution breccias
displaying evidence of dissolution and collapse, are
associated with the development of the late
hydrothermal system that is carrying most of the
economic element (Cu-Au-REE-U). Tectonic
breccias are usually associated to late cooling.
Each stage corresponds to the progressive
opening of the system that allows fluid to escape
from the magma to the surface. Recognition of the
degree of evolution of breccias (mixing and
corrosion) can be used for an early assessment of
their economic potential. A cross section in the
Olympic Dam deposit for instance shows that
complexity of the fragment increases strongly from
the in situ hematite hydraulic-style brecciation (Pl.
1, Fig a1) to highly corroded fragments (Lei et al.,
1995). Such criteria can be used easily during field
Breccias are key elements in the exploration
for IOGC(U) deposits. Composition and geometric
parameters allow recognition of the different
generations and the evolution of each generations
of breccias. Observations may be semi-quantified
on the field using BDR or quantified in lab in order
to define more precisely the maturation of
brecciation, and define vectors to mineralization.
The abundance of breccias in IOGC is related
to the diversity of processes that cause
fragmentation. Solution breccias in silicate system
are probably one of the key elements that explains
their abundance at different levels of the crust.
FIGURE 7. Comparison of two geometric parameters of
breccias in three IOGC(U) deposits: Kwyjibo (Quebec),
Faleme (Senegal) and Olympic Dam (F zone, South
Australia). Fractal dimension represents the complexity
The study of fragmentation processes
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mainly by NSERC, FQRNT, DIVEX and numerous
mining exploration companies including Areva,
Soquem, Sirios, Osisko, Goviex, and Iamgold.
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Plate descriptions
View publication stats
Compositional variations: a1: monomict
breccia, Olympic Dam (South Australia);
size of the photograph: 1m - a2: polymict
breccia, Olympic Dam (South Australia),
core; graduation in millimetres.
Roundness variations: b1: low roundness,
Kwyjibo (Quebec); size of the photograph:
1m - b2: high roundness, pebble dyke, Mt
Gee (South Australia); size of the
photograph: 1m.
Complexity variations: c1: lobate fragment,
Olympic Dam (South Australia), core – c2:
fragments without corrosion, straight
contour, Roxmere (Australia); size of the
photograph: 0,5 m.
Dilation variations: d1: high dilation:
Prominent Hill (South Australia), core - d2:
low dilation: Mary Kathleen (Australia); size
of the photograph: 10 m.
Particle Size Distribution variations: e1:
fragments of similar size, Olympic Dam
(South Australia); size of the photograph:
2m - e2: fractal distribution of fragments,
Kourou Diako, KKKI, Faleme (Senegal),
Fabric variations: f1: orientated fragments,
Kwyjibo (Quebec) ; size of the photograph:
1m - f2: random orientation, Murdie Well
(South Australia), core.
All photographs from M. Jébrak, except c2, d2 (M.