lOMoARcPSD|10218942 Anglés - level 2 English Level 2 (Universitat Ramon Llull) StuDocu no está patrocinado ni avalado por ningún colegio o universidad. Descargado por Marta Jordà Canalis ([email protected]) lOMoARcPSD|10218942 ENGLISH EXAM López Rodero, Ariadna Level 2 URL- BLANQUERNA Descargado por Marta Jordà Canalis ([email protected]) lOMoARcPSD|10218942 Vocabulary (TV commercials): Attention- getting techniques used in advertising: The use of humour (funny = easy to remember) Play on words (juegos de palabras) Sound effects Comparisons Demonstration (before and after) Spokesperson (famosos expertos) Story-line Association of ideas Tagline (coletilla) - I'm lovin in it Testimonials (recommendations Patriotism (love your country) Jingle - Canción corta fácil de recordar Slogan Advertising claim - Que ens vol vendre l'anunci (no el producte) Advertising campaign - Campanya Computer graphics The ad is targeted at /the ad is aimed at - Va dirigit a This ad targets people Claim (promesa) / implies Useful language Advertisement (advert or ad) anuncio Commercial - Radio or Tv advertisement Target audience - Audiencia particular a quien va dirigido el anuncio Target consumer - Quien usa actualmente el producto Close-up and extreme close-up Voice- over Vocabulary work Aimed at - dirigir-se a Award - winning - anunci molt premiat Intented for - Dirigir- se a ( Es coloca quan hi trobem un "for") Catchy - pegadiza Claim - promesa Portrayal - representativa Depend on - dependre de Appeal to .- atraure a Close - up Target market Drawn into (something) - Ficar-se a dins (Imax) Thought- provoking - Provoca el pensament Language focus There are different kinds of products available on the market - are different type / is different kind They play with different rhythms - differents / differences Some men come into the bar. Several of these men order a beer. - this men / these man In the 60s, rock music was born - the 60s years / the years 60s The music in this ad is boring (classe, música...) - Bored (jo) / heavy The ad reminds me of a short film - Remembers me / records me I cannot remember the previous ad for the campaign - remind / think The music they use emphasises the speed of the action - Emphatic / emphases The brand of the coffee is Nespresso - trademark / mark This ad is targeted at a wide - target to/ targeted to Having a party - Making / doing Descargado por Marta Jordà Canalis ([email protected]) lOMoARcPSD|10218942 It makes me feel nervious - Does / provokes Vocabulary work I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Announce: The authorities have already announce the end of the parlimentary season - Anunciar Announcement: The president and his fiancée have made their wedding announcement - Anuncio Announcer: She would like to become a radio announcer - Anunciador Advertise: You should try to advertise your business if you want to increase sales Anunciar Advertisement: The BMW advertisement I saw yesterday in Newsweek - Anuncio Advertiser: The ad agency convinced the advertiser that their campaign was the best Anunciante Brand: Marca d'un producte - What brand of shampoo do you use? Trademark: Símbolo que representa una marca o lugar que representa una ciudad Bcn ->Sagrada Familia Mark: Marca en general - You have a mark on your face from your pen Label: Marca de roba Make: Marca d'equips electronics com sony, apple i cotxes. A. B. C. D. Audience: Conference and concert Public: Ordinary persons Viewer(s): Tv espectators Spectator(s):Sports ( Camp Nou / Power 8 stadium) Prepositions: The ad is targeted at women in their 20s and 30s. The ad is aimed at middle- class car owners This ad targets people who don't have much time to cook You can buy products in different... This isn't the only soft drink on the market This is an ad for Heineken This advert is targeted at It's aimed at The ad implies that if you wear this perfume... The claim of the ad is that... This ad claims that the product is tasty... Our ad is addressed to young men Remember to talk about ads On the one hand / on the other hand It makes you wonder X what the ad is for. Many ads use a play on words Pronouns and possessive adjectives Descargado por Marta Jordà Canalis ([email protected]) lOMoARcPSD|10218942 Making questions: General questions: Do you have a computer at home? Does he like reading newspaper every day? Does she speak English fluently now? Can he write also Arabic? Where did you play rugby at the weekends? Do you go out last night with your friends? Has the train already left for Madrid? Subject questions: Who is studying advertising? - Elizabeth is studying advertising. Whose has just finished her third year? - Helen has just finished... What is on the fourth floor? - Our classroom is on the fourth floor. Who will meet them next week? - Their tutor will meet them next week. Whose laptop is the small blue one? - My laptop is the small blue one. What started early yesterday evening? - The show started... Whose computer doesn't work? - My computer doesn't work. Further question practice: A. What was she carrying? - She was carrying a large suitcase E. What is his shirt like? - His shirt is bright blue with small white spots B. Who had a magazine in her hand? - Jane had a magazine in her hand. F. Where were the police hiding? - The police were hiding in the attic C. Where is Jacob going next year? - Jacob is going to a Canadian university next year G. What is Madeline working on? - Madeline is working on her thesis D. What did the teacher correct? - The teacher corrected our homework H. Why did he ask his sister for help? - He asked his sister for help because he didn't know what to do. Descargado por Marta Jordà Canalis ([email protected]) lOMoARcPSD|10218942 I. J. How long will Harry be in the library? - Harry will be in the library all afternoon. What time is Sam leaving? - Sam is leaving at eight. K. What took place in Damascus today? - A terrorist attack took place in Damascus today. L. How long has Sandra known John? - Sandra has known John for six months M. How many times has Charlotte visited Budapest? - Charlotte has visited Budapest three times. N. Who did the policeman arrest? - The policeman arrested the burglars. O. Who is Claire looking for? - Claire is looking for Nick. P. What does she prefer? - She prefers the I phone Passive voice: To BE + Past Participle (ed) Was / were - Past Had been - Past perfect Was / were + being - Past continuous Is/ Are - Present Have / Has been - Present perfect Is / Are being - Present continuous . Example: The photos are taken - They take photos The scene is being filmed - We are filming the scene Brad Pitt was chosen - Scorsese chose Brad Pitt for the role The bridge was being repaired - They were repairing the bridge The culprit has been caught - They have caught the culprit Descargado por Marta Jordà Canalis ([email protected])