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Cell Phone Comparison Activity

Learning activity 3 / Actividad de aprendizaje 3
Evidence: Cell phones for sale / Evidencia: Celulares a la venta
Read the description of the two cell phones that are for sale. Then write ten
comparisons. / Lea la descripción de dos teléfonos celulares. Luego escriba
diez comparaciones entre ellos.
Silver X 100
This new smartphone weighs 145
grams. It is 14 cm wide and 7.5
centimeters long. It has an Android
operating system. It is water and
dust resistant. The screen is 5.1
inches wide and the resolution is
! 1"00 pi!els. It has a multi#
touch screen. It has a light sensor$
pro!imity sensor$ and scratch#
resistant glass. It has a
megapi!el camera. The system
memory has %04& '( RA' and the
)uilt#in storage memory is *% +(.
,ou can tal- for %0 hours and the
)attery stays charged.
The Titanium 1 weighs 1*5 grams. It
is 10 cm wide and 1* centimeters
long. It has an Android operating
system. It is water resistant. The
screen is *.& inches wide and the
resolution is
! 1%00 pi!els. It has
a multi#touch screen. It has a light
sensor and scratch#resistant glass. It
has a 1* megapi!el camera. The
system memory has 104& '( RA'
and the )uilt#in storage memory is *%
+(. ,ou can tal- for 10 hours and the
)attery stays charged.
!uente de im"genes:
!ample / Ejemplo:
Titanium 1 is not as hea2y as
como el Sil er !1"".
il2er 3100. / Titanium Z1 no es tan pesado
As … as
1. Silver X100 is as water resistant as Titanium Z1
2. Titanium Z1 is not as wide as Silver X100
3. Silver X100 is not as long as Titanium Z1
4. Titanium Z1 is not as dust resistant as Silver X100
5. Silver X100 is not as old as Titanium Z1
Less … than not as … as
1. Silver X100 is less use!ul than Titanium Z1
2. Titanium Z1 is not as heav" than Silver X100
3. Silver X100 has less !un#tions than Titanium Z1
4. Titanium Z1 is less advan#ed than Silver X100
5. Silver X100 is not as easier than Titanium Z1
hen you finish your wor-$ send the file to your instructor through the platform
as follows
1. 6lic- the title of this e2idence.
%. 6lic- E#aminar mi e$uipo and loo- for the file in your computer. 'a-e sure
the file is attached.
*. ea2e a comment for the instructor 8optional9.
4. 6lic- En iar.
%na ez finalice la e idencia en &e al instructor el arc'i o a tra és de la
plataforma( as&:
1. )é clic en el t&tulo de esta e idencia.
*. )é clic en el enlace E#aminar mi e$uipo + bus$ue el arc'i o en su
computador. ,seg-rese de adjuntar el arc'i o.
. Escriba alg-n comentario si lo considera pertinente.
. )é clic en En iar.
#ote: This e2idence is an indi2idual acti2ity. Remem)er to chec- the learning
guide in order to -now if you ha2e done all the assigned acti2ities$ -now how to
de2elop them and deli2er them correctly.
Nota: Esta e idencia es de car0cter indi idual. ecuerde re isar la gu&a de
aprendizaje con el fin de erificar $ue 'a realizado todas las acti idades
propuestas( saber cómo desarrollarlas + entregarlas correctamente.
Criterios de evaluación
2ompara aparatos tecnológicos teniendo en cuenta la estructura gramatical(
ocabulario + conte#to re$uerido.