Subido por Sarah Macias

Tarea generacion de ideas.

Realiza un cuestionario de 5 preguntas en ingles
con sus respectivas respuestas, sobre las 3
primeras técnicas de generación de ideas.
1. What is creative idea generation?
Idea generation is described as the process of creating, developing, and
communicating abstract, concrete, or visual ideas.
2. How are creative ideas generated?
What is known so far is that creative ideas do not arise spontaneously, but are
the result of a chain of associations and connections that have developed in
our minds for a considerable time.
What are the first 3 ideas generation techniques?
List of osborn questions
4. What is the analogy technique?
The creative technique of analogies basically consists of solving a problem
through a detour. That is, instead of attacking the problem head-on, as is done
in other methodologies, the problem is compared with something else to find a
possible solution.
5. What is brainstorming and how does it work?
Brainstorming is a solution of ideas, it is worked in a group way through
lateral thinking, SCAMPER and reverse brainstorming. ... Brainstorming is a
technique invented by Alex_Faickney_Osborn that consists of the generation
of creative ideas by a group of people.