COVID-19 Safety: How to Stay Safe and Protect Others

What to do to stay and keep others safe from COVID-19
Keep at least 1 meter distance between you and other people to reduce your risk of
infection when others cough, sneeze or speak. Keep an even greater distance between yourself
and other people indoors. The greater the distance, the better.
Make wearing a mask a normal part of your interaction with other people. . To be as
effective as possible, it is essential to use, store, clean and dispose of the masks correctly.
Basic indications on how to put on the mask:
Wash your hands before putting on the mask, and also before and after removing it and
each time you touch it.
Make sure it covers your nose, mouth, and chin.
When you remove the mask, store it in a clean plastic bag; if it is made of cloth, wash it
every day and if it is a medical mask, throw it in a garbage can.
Do not use masks with valves.
Specific indications on the type of mask to be used, and under what circumstances,
depending on the extent of the virus circulation where you live, where you are going and who
you are.
For more guidance on masks see our Q&A and our videos. There is also a Q&A page on
children and masks
In this interview - in English you will find more information about how the COVID-19
virus infects people, and about our body's reaction. For specific advice for decision-makers, see
the WHO technical guidance.