ENGLISH III Unit 1 – Holidays and Celebrations Evaluation 1 – An Old Celebration Class Professor Deadline Contents Evaluation type Objectives ENG1003-1 Alexander Neira October 12th – 11.59pm - Holidays and Celebrations - Past Tenses - Connectors - Pronunciation Written and Spoken - Asynchronous - Correctly apply past tenses to narrate a past event - Acquire signal words and connectors - Improve the fluency for narrations and the pronunciation of regular and irregular verbs DEFINITION AND INSTRUCTIONS Evaluation 1 –An Old Celebration is a 2-part asynchronous project. Here you will write a story using past tense to narrate one of the most memorable and largest celebrations from your childhood. Then, you will record yourself narrating this event in English. To do this, you will effectively deliver 2 components that make up the complete evaluation, which correspond to: 1. A short text of 250 to 300 words in length (40%). This text should describe and narrate all the events that happened at your most memorable celebration, using Simple Past, Past Expressions, Signal Words, Pronouns, and Connectors. Try to be as detailed as possible, describing feelings, clothes, food, activities, etc. always respecting grammar rules. Text format: Arial 12, Spacing 1.5, Justified. Include full name and Title. 2. A short video of 2.00 to 2.30 minutes in length (60%). This video should be a narration of the text made. You can record this video in any format you feel comfortable with, but it should consider visual aid and overall good organization. In this part of the work, the pronunciation is essential, so you need to work on your speaking skills paying special attention to past forms (regular and irregular) as well as to general fluency. Video Format: Upload video to YouTube. Attach link to written part. As this is a fully asynchronous activity, the evaluation of grammar in the written part and the assessment of pronunciation in the spoken part will be very strict. We will use the sessions after the recess to review more grammar and solve doubts. Please ask questions in class and practice as much as you can. You can also use the official communication means to notify issues or request for additional assistance if needed. Each part of the project will be assessed separately, using the rubrics that follow: ENGLISH III Unit 1 – Holidays and Celebrations Evaluation 1 – An Old Celebration Writing Rubric: English 3 – Evaluation 1 – An Old Celebration – Writing Rubric 4 3 Formal Aspects Text between 250-300 words. Word Count Total Score: 17 Points 2 Text delivered in time, following format indications. Text longer or shorter than 250300 words. 1 Text delivered in time, doesn’t follow format indications. Text shorter than 220 words Contents The story is detailed and engaging. The contents covered provide a very complete and colorful image of the event. The story includes several details, but it can have missing elements. The contents provide an informative but incomplete image of the event The story is very simple and straightforward, including very basic details. The text provides a very incomplete vision of the event. The story is incomplete and may include incoherent details. It is very difficult to draw any mental images from the text. Grammar and Vocabulary Student uses appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structures seen in class. There is additional vocabulary pertinent to the topic from the student's own research. Some inappropriate vocabulary and / or grammatical structures are used by the student. However, these do not impede communication. Vocabulary and grammatical structures seen in class are often used inappropriately / inaccurately. Part of the message is obscured by errors. Vocabulary and grammatical structures seen in class are used with difficulty and errors obscure the message, impeding communication. Text is organized in paragraphs, but not welldivided. Some sentences are not well connected or are too long. Spelling and capitalization errors make parts of the text difficult to read. Text is not clearly organized. It lacks coherence and cohesion. Some sentences cannot be understood well because they are either too long or not wellconnected. More than 10 spelling and/or capitalization errors are noticed. Organization and Style Text is organized in well-divided paragraphs. Use of connectors seen in class and of new ones by the student’s own research. No spelling and capitalization mistakes. Text is organized in well-divided paragraphs. Noticeable use of connectors seen in class. Some spelling and capitalization errors occur, but these do not impede understanding. ENGLISH III Unit 1 – Holidays and Celebrations Evaluation 1 – An Old Celebration Speaking Rubric: English 3 – Evaluation 1 – An Old Celebration – Speaking Rubric 4 3 Total Score: 18 Points 2 The video is longer or shorter than 2:00 to 2:30 minutes. 1 Video length The video lasts between 2:00 to 2:30 minutes. The video is shorter than 1:30 mins. Visual Aid The video has engaging and clear visual aid that supports the complete narration. The video has simple visual aid that supports most of the narration. The video doesn’t include any visual aid. General Pronunciation The student speaks with clear articulation, aiming to English pronunciation. 02 severe mistakes are present. The student presents sufficient articulation most of the time, but it can be interfered by L1. 2-4 severe mistakes are present, but they don’t hinder comprehension. The student shows a certain degree of articulation, but most of the time it is interfered by L1. More than 5 severe mistakes are present and can hinder comprehension. There are serious articulation issues and constant pronunciation mistakes that hinder comprehension most of the time. Pronunciation of Past Tenses The student can clearly pronounce the past tenses of both regular and irregular verbs, without mistakes. The student can pronounce well the past tenses of most regular and irregular verbs, making from 1-2 mistakes. The student has some difficulties with some verbs, making from 3 to 6 mistakes in their pronunciation. The student is not familiarized with the pronunciation of the verbs, making more than 7 mistakes that can hinder comprehension. Delivery The student can narrate the story in a clear and engaging manner using fluency, volume, good pacing and speed and a natural intonation. The student can narrate the story in a clear manner, with proper fluency, volume, and speed most of the time. There can be some backtracking. The student shows backtracking, choppy speech, low volume, or speed issues that do not hinder comprehension too much. The student has choppy speech, low volume or speed issues that hinder the comprehension most of the time.