Subido por khristtox

Examen de ingles

Mary) Hello
William) Hello
Mary) What´s your name?
William) My name is William
Mary) Hello William Nice to meet you
William) _thank you.You_____________ too
Mary) What´s your last name?
William) it’ is smith
Mary) How do you spell Smith?
William) it is S-M-I-T-H
William) Can you spell Jane?
Mary) it is J-A-N-E
Mary) what is your phone number?
William) it is 9-5-4-1-5-6-8-7-1
Mary) How are you?
William) i am fine
William) __________ too
Mary) ___Is he in______ class?
William) no, he is sick
Mary) Are they at_work?
William) yes they are
Mary) hey do you have a pencil?
William) yes i do
Mary) how do you spell pencil?
William) it is P-E-N-C-I-L
Mary) What are these?
William) these are my books
Mary) Where are they?
William) i think _my books __are__ on the table
Mary) I cannot find them, you sure?
William) yes i am sure, maybe they are in the closet
Mary) inside the closet?)
William) Yes they are
Mary) Robert Downey Jr is my favourite actor
William) _ Really_ _ _?
Mary) yes he is
William) What is your favorite movie?
Mary) my favourite movie by him is iron man
William) is he outgoing?
Mary) yes _he is _ _ _
William) What’s his father’s name?
Mary) his_ _ _ father name is Robert Downey Sr.
William) is he married?
Mary) yes he is married
William) is he? Who is _ his wife_ ?
Mary) his wife is Susan Downey
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 questions using the information below:
I am from moscow russia, i am dimitri rascalov
1. Whats your name?
My name is Dimitri
2. Whats your last name?
My last name is reacalov
3. Where are you from?
I am from Moscow russia
4. How are yoyu?
Fine thank you and you
5. Where is Moscow?
Moscow is in Russia