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Wind Energy: An Overview of Benefits and Challenges

Present by: Antonia guerrero
Curse: 1102
What is it?
 harvest energy from the wind and converts it into
electrical power
 It is a renewable and inexhaustible energy.
 It is friendly with the environment.
Which are its
 It is a profitable energy.
 It can be installed even in remote and isolated areas.
 Reduce the use of fossil fuels
 Wind energy is a renewable energy source that is obtained
from the kinetic energy of the wind that moves the blades
of a wind turbine, which in turn starts a turbine that
converts it into electrical energy.
How does
it work?
 advantage:
Which are its
advantages and
 It is a renewable and clean energy.
 Wind energy is indigenous.
 It is adaptable to almost any space.
 It has a quick installation.
 It allows the self-feeding of homes.
 It is considered cheap energy
 Disadvantages
Which are its
 Lack of security in the existence of wind.
 Speed cannot exceed a limit.
 High voltage lines must be built.
 It implies an environmental impact.
 Wind farms occupy large areas
How is its
 To obtain electrical energy from wind, so-called wind
turbines are used, each of these wind turbines has a rotor
and three aerodynamically designed blades, which capture
the energy of the wind and transform it into rotational
mechanical energy. from the wind energy it is transmitted
through a shaft and several multiplier stages to a generator,
whose function is the production of electrical energy