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Time Management for Entrepreneurs: Boost Productivity

Freedom Accelerator 2.0
Managing your time for high performance.
If you are an entrepreneur or a small business owner, you need to be
conscious of your time and understand how to get the most out of it to
perform at the highest possible level.
Multitasking​: By definition that is doing more than one thing at once. But
what we are really doing is task-switching rapidly. And it's a part of our daily
lives in modern life.
When you are going from one task to another, researches slow that your IQ
goes down by 10%. Also, when we switch from one task to another our
brain can take ​up to 20min ​to get the full focus back on that particular task.
What to do?
BE AWARE! When we are task switching we are not fully present on what
we are doing since a considerable amount of cognitive resources are busy
in actually switching from one focus to the other.
If you are aware that you are going to multitask, set a timer, so your time
doesn't go by without even realising it (remember that you are not nearly as
present when you are multitasking).
Leave the time control to your timer, ​your timer is your friend!
Freedom Accelerator 2.0
Try setting it up for 15 min:​ what's gonna happen is that you'll be
consciously​ ​multitasking​ and you will be much more productive since you
are doing it ​consciously​.
Be mindful and you will improve your performance by just being conscious
you are multitasking.
How to Mindful Multitasking?
When you are planning out your week, write down the little things that you
have to do and do not require your full cognitive power so you can do them
together when you are multitasking, then:
1.-Designate a time for multitasking.
2.-Set a timer so you don’t spend more time than planned. Your timer is
your friend to master productivity.
3.-Shut off ​ALL​ notifications on your phone.
Freedom Accelerator 2.0
Improving your daily efficiency:
We all have so much time in our days and ultimately in our lives, depending
on how we use it we will get so much (or so less) stuff done. Ideally you
want to get things done and you want to do them in an enjoyable way.
When we shift our focus to one task to another we tend to get stressed and
often overwhelmed with the feeling that we have done very little
considering the time we have spent. And it is true, our performance drops
when we operate that way.
To improve your productivity, make the most out of your time and enjoy
while doing so remember this:
1.-Do “interval training” for your work​: Work for 55 min non stop and
rest for 7 (we call this 55/7). Or Work for 25 and rest for 5 (25/5). Stay laser
focused on your task for the time you are working and take the rest times
very seriously too. You need to ​REALLY SWITCH OFF​ ir it won’t work.
What happens is that your brain "knows" that you will have that reward
after your focus time to go check facebook or reply the messages or
whatever happens to be. So you are training your brain to laser focus in
exchange of this reward, that's why it is so important to respect the working
times and also the rest times.
2.-Focus on only ONE single task at a time: ​Chunk or cluster similar
activities for a period of time. If it's calls, do them all at the same time.
Emails, Facebook, whatever you need to do put all the activities that relate
or are similar to each other.
Freedom Accelerator 2.0
Email: designate a time for your email!! You can use gmail extension
boomerang for google mail so you can batch all emails to be sent out at the
same time so you don't get into email conversations.
3.-Set your goals and make a commitment: ​Timefulness is being present
to focus on the quality of your time and for this we need to understand what
are we committed to. Having weekly goals and being committed to achieve
your desired outcomes is crucial. You cannot be committed to ten different
things, commit to a max of three things and smash through them before
jumping on the next one.
4.-Zero distractions policy:​ During the time you set on your work, you
need zero distractions. Make sure your environment is inspiring and set up
in a way that doesn't distract you.
5.-Take rest times as serious as you do with work time: ​You have to
rest after your hour of work. It is very important that when you take that
break you UNPLUG. It allows you to recharge and come back to crush it
again, the rest part is as important as the work part.