SECRETARIA DE EDUCACIÓN MUNICIPAL INSTITUTO TÉCNICO INDUSTRIAL EDUCACIÓN PREESCOLAR, BÁSICA Y MEDIA TÉCNICA JORNADA ÚNICA NIT: 891180107-3 [email protected] ENGLISH SELF-STUDY GUIDE N° 7 Educative Institution Instituto Técnico Industrial Teacher’s name Student’s name Grade End Date City Florencia Olga Lucia Mateus Castro, Nancy Encinales Ardila y Edgar Emilio Rentería Palomeque 6th Level ORIENTACIONES PARA LOS PADRES DE FAMILIA Bienvenidos padres de familia a esta nueva guía de trabajo, y de antemano les agradecemos el acompañamiento que usted hace a su hijo(a) en educación remota durante la pandemia. A continuación, encontrará las actividades que su hijo(a) debe desarrollar, las cuales fueron tomadas y adaptadas del libro Way to go (sexto) Modulo 3 Unidad 3, lección 1, 2, y 3, páginas desde la 111 hasta la 114 y la 120 que se encuentra en la plataforma “Colombia aprende” y que sugerimos descargue para apoyarse. Los audios se encuentran igualmente en la misma plataforma. Así mismo, le sugerimos algunos sitios web en los cuales encontrará otros recursos útiles para el aprendizaje del inglés. A través de esta guía, su hijo desarrollará las habilidades de escucha, escritura, lectura y habla del inglés y será capaz de expresar direcciones y de reconocer el nombre de las partes del barrio, pueblo o ciudad. Todas las actividades tienen un ejercicio desarrollado a manera de modelo que le sirve de guía. Vocabulary Task: En esta sección, los estudiantes deben leer las palabras del recuadro azul y escribirlas en el lugar correspondiente debajo de las imágenes. Writing Task: En esta segunda sección, los estudiantes deben leer el texto y escribir la respuesta correcta al frente de cada imagen. Reading Task: En esta sección, los estudiantes deben leer la información que se encuentra en la imagen y responder las preguntas que aparecen debajo de la misma. Listening Task: En esta cuarta sección, los estudiantes deben escuchar el audio 64 y unir las imágenes con las oraciones. Luego, deben escuchar el audio 65 y completar los espacios en blanco con las palabras que se encuentran en el recuadro azul. Final Task: En esta quinta sección, el estudiante debe completar la información requerida en el cuadro con ayuda de sus familiares. Luego, debe tomar una fotografía y subirla a la plataforma. 1 SECRETARIA DE EDUCACIÓN MUNICIPAL INSTITUTO TÉCNICO INDUSTRIAL EDUCACIÓN PREESCOLAR, BÁSICA Y MEDIA TÉCNICA JORNADA ÚNICA NIT: 891180107-3 [email protected] WELCOME TO THIS SELF-STUDY GUIDE This English self-study guide helps you to learn vocabulary about the parts of the town, neighborhood or city. All the activities are related to this topic and invite you to relate it to your life. The activities were taken and adapted from the books: Way to go (sixth) Module 3 Unit 2, lesson 3, pages from 111 to 114 and 120. It starts with a revision of vocabulary about the jobs and then you have to answer some activities in the writing, listening, reading and at the end in the final task you have to complete a chart with information from your relatives about their jobs. At the end of the guide, you can find two rubrics in order to evaluate yourself and a partner too. Topic Skill(s) Knowing different jobs in my family. Reading, listening writing, speaking Grammar Vocabulary Present simple; present continuous Jobs and family. Function(s) Exchange information about different jobs. GET READY Study time needed: 3 weeks Resources: Mobile phone. instructions Dictionary, worksheets, LEARNING OBJECTIVES Textbooks Links: - ilingue LEARNING STRATEGIES What can you do to achieve the objectives? What will you learn/practice/reinforce with these activities? ● ● ● To use vocabulary about jobs. ● To recognize information from an audio. ● ● ● To identify specific information in a text. ● ● To ask information and answer questions about people’s different jobs. ● ● ● Read the instructions for each task. Use your prior knowledge and try to infer the meaning. Use your dictionary only if absolutely necessary. Pay attention to the examples given in each activity to help you understand the activity. Use a free dictionary application to listen the pronunciation of new vocabulary. You shouldn’t translate word by word. Write on your notebook any new learning points discovered. Follow an activity log on your notebook. 2 SECRETARIA DE EDUCACIÓN MUNICIPAL INSTITUTO TÉCNICO INDUSTRIAL EDUCACIÓN PREESCOLAR, BÁSICA Y MEDIA TÉCNICA JORNADA ÚNICA NIT: 891180107-3 [email protected] ACTIVITIES 1. VOCABULARY TASK: 1.1 Look at the following pictures and write down what these people do. For this, take into account the words in the blue box. Adapted from: WTG_SB_6/Module 3/Unit 3/Lesson 3/p. 111. Paints 3 SECRETARIA DE EDUCACIÓN MUNICIPAL INSTITUTO TÉCNICO INDUSTRIAL EDUCACIÓN PREESCOLAR, BÁSICA Y MEDIA TÉCNICA JORNADA ÚNICA NIT: 891180107-3 [email protected] 2. WRITING TASK: 2.1 Read the text and write the profession of each of the members of Isabel's family. Juan He is a teacher Lucia Sebastián Francisco Isabel 4 SECRETARIA DE EDUCACIÓN MUNICIPAL INSTITUTO TÉCNICO INDUSTRIAL EDUCACIÓN PREESCOLAR, BÁSICA Y MEDIA TÉCNICA JORNADA ÚNICA NIT: 891180107-3 [email protected] 3. READING TASK: 3.1 Read the diary and say what Andrea is doing on each day. Then, answer the questions. Adapted from: WTG_SB_6/Module 3/Unit 3/Lesson 3/p. 113. a. What does Andrea’s mother do? She is a cook _________________________________________________________________ b. Where does she work? __________________________________________________________________ c. What does Andrea’s father do? __________________________________________________________________ d. Where does he work? __________________________________________________________________ e. What does Andrea’s sister do? __________________________________________________________________ f. Where does she work? __________________________________________________________________ g. What’s Andrea’s favourite activity? __________________________________________________________________ 5 SECRETARIA DE EDUCACIÓN MUNICIPAL INSTITUTO TÉCNICO INDUSTRIAL EDUCACIÓN PREESCOLAR, BÁSICA Y MEDIA TÉCNICA JORNADA ÚNICA NIT: 891180107-3 [email protected] 4. Language Task 4.1 Where do you find these nouns, in a town or in a house? Write the words of the green box in the corresponding place. In a town In a house bedroom 4.2 Match the words and make sentences. Adapted from: WTG_SB_6/Module 3/Unit 3/Lesson 3/p. 120. We use our bikes 1. _______________________________________ 6. ______________________________________ 2. _______________________________________ 7. ______________________________________ 3. _______________________________________ 8. ______________________________________ 4. _______________________________________ 9. ______________________________________ 5. _______________________________________ 10. ______________________________________ 2 SECRETARIA DE EDUCACIÓN MUNICIPAL INSTITUTO TÉCNICO INDUSTRIAL EDUCACIÓN PREESCOLAR, BÁSICA Y MEDIA TÉCNICA JORNADA ÚNICA NIT: 891180107-3 [email protected] 5. LISTENING TASK: 5.1 Listen to track 64 and match the photos with the sentences writing the letter in the corresponding boxes. c Adapted from: WTG_SB_6/Module 3/Unit 3/Lesson 3/p. 112. 5.2 Listen to track 65 and read about what Oscar does. Use the words in the blue box to complete the sentences. Adapted from: WTG_SB_6/Module 3/Unit 3/Lesson 3/p. 112. 2 SECRETARIA DE EDUCACIÓN MUNICIPAL INSTITUTO TÉCNICO INDUSTRIAL EDUCACIÓN PREESCOLAR, BÁSICA Y MEDIA TÉCNICA JORNADA ÚNICA NIT: 891180107-3 [email protected] FINAL TASK: Write. Ask your relatives about their jobs and complete the chart with the information they give you. Draw or paste a picture of his/her job. Remember to use the vocabulary used throughout this guide. Then, take a photo and upload it to the ITI platform. Who is he? _________________________ Who is she? _________________________ Other Who is he/she? _________________________ What does he do? _________________________ What does she do? _________________________ What does he/she do? _________________________ Where does he work? _________________________ Where does she work? _________________________ Where does he/she work? _________________________ Who is he? He is my father, Jorge.__ Who is she? She is my mother, Monica. Other Who is he/she? She is my cousin, Sara. What does he do? He is a farmer.__ What does she do? She is a saleswoman. Where does he work? He works in the village. ___ Where does she work? She works in a store. For example: What does he/she do? She is an accountant. Where does he/she work? She works in an office. 3 SECRETARIA DE EDUCACIÓN MUNICIPAL INSTITUTO TÉCNICO INDUSTRIAL EDUCACIÓN PREESCOLAR, BÁSICA Y MEDIA TÉCNICA JORNADA ÚNICA NIT: 891180107-3 [email protected] PEER ASSESSMENT: Ask one of your partners to share his/her paragraph and look at it, check his/her paragraph and evaluate by giving him or her 1, 3 or 5 stars according to these criteria: CRITERIA It’s very easy to understand. The information is related to the pictures. The things mentioned are seen clearly. 4. CHECK YOUR WORK (5 min) SCORE INDICATORS VERY WELL QUITE WELL WITH DIFFICULTY What can I do? Tick the column that best describes how you feel. I can use vocabulary related to jobs. I can talk about actions in progress. I can describe actions related to people’s jobs. THIS IS THE END Congratulations students, you did and learnt new vocabulary about jobs to improve your writing, speaking, reading comprehension and listening skills. Now focus your attention on the occupations of your relatives and close people to obtain interesting and meaningful information. USEFUL RESOURCES Dictionary: Way to go: 4 SECRETARIA DE EDUCACIÓN MUNICIPAL INSTITUTO TÉCNICO INDUSTRIAL EDUCACIÓN PREESCOLAR, BÁSICA Y MEDIA TÉCNICA JORNADA ÚNICA NIT: 891180107-3 [email protected] Una vez terminada la guía pregúntele a su hijo/a: 1° Qué palabras nuevas aprendió para hablar sobre las ocupaciones? _______________________________________________________________________________ 2° Cómo puede hablar de la ocupación de una persona en tiempo presente? ______________________________________________________________________________ . 3° Le pareció útil e interesante el tema desarrollado en la guía? Si _____ NO. _____ Por qué? __ ____________________________________________________________________________ . 4° Las instrucciones dadas en cada actividad fueron claras y precisas? SI ____ NO: _____. AUTHORS Position Name Email Institution Teacher Olga Lucia Mateus Castro [email protected] Técnico Industrial Teacher Edgar Emilio Renteria Palomeque [email protected] Técnico Industrial Teacher Cecilia Encinales Ardila [email protected] Técnico Industrial 5